diff --git a/.github/dependabot.yml b/.github/dependabot.yml
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..700707ced
--- /dev/null
+++ b/.github/dependabot.yml
@@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
+# https://docs.github.com/github/administering-a-repository/configuration-options-for-dependency-updates
+version: 2
+ - package-ecosystem: "github-actions"
+ directory: "/" # Location of package manifests
+ schedule:
+ interval: "weekly"
diff --git a/.github/workflows/CI.yml b/.github/workflows/CI.yml
index 5a94f1f7a..ca916af89 100644
--- a/.github/workflows/CI.yml
+++ b/.github/workflows/CI.yml
@@ -44,6 +44,7 @@ jobs:
JULIA_NUM_THREADS: ${{ matrix.threads }}
- uses: julia-actions/julia-processcoverage@v1
- - uses: codecov/codecov-action@v3
+ - uses: codecov/codecov-action@v4
- file: lcov.info
+ files: lcov.info
+ token: ${{ secrets.CODECOV_TOKEN }}
diff --git a/.github/workflows/CIWflowServer.yml b/.github/workflows/CIWflowServer.yml
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..89e442d80
--- /dev/null
+++ b/.github/workflows/CIWflowServer.yml
@@ -0,0 +1,56 @@
+name: Wflow Server CI
+ pull_request:
+ push:
+ branches:
+ - master
+ tags: '*'
+ test:
+ name: WflowServer Julia ${{ matrix.version }} - ${{ matrix.os }} - ${{ matrix.arch }} - ${{ github.event_name }}
+ runs-on: ${{ matrix.os }}
+ strategy:
+ fail-fast: false
+ matrix:
+ version:
+ - '1.6'
+ - '1'
+ os:
+ - ubuntu-latest
+ - windows-latest
+ arch:
+ - x64
+ steps:
+ - uses: actions/checkout@v2
+ - uses: julia-actions/setup-julia@v1
+ with:
+ version: ${{ matrix.version }}
+ arch: ${{ matrix.arch }}
+ - uses: actions/cache@v1
+ env:
+ cache-name: cache-artifacts
+ with:
+ path: ~/.julia/artifacts
+ key: ${{ runner.os }}-test-${{ env.cache-name }}-${{ hashFiles('**/Project.toml') }}
+ restore-keys: |
+ ${{ runner.os }}-test-${{ env.cache-name }}-
+ ${{ runner.os }}-test-
+ ${{ runner.os }}-
+ - name: Install Julia dependencies
+ shell: julia --project=server {0}
+ run: |
+ using Pkg;
+ # dev install Wflow
+ pkg"dev ."
+ - name: Run the Wflow Server tests
+ continue-on-error: true
+ run: >
+ julia --color=yes --project=server -e 'using Pkg; Pkg.test("WflowServer", coverage=true)'
+ shell: bash
+ - uses: julia-actions/julia-processcoverage@v1
+ with:
+ directories: server/src
+ - uses: codecov/codecov-action@v4
+ with:
+ files: lcov.info
+ token: ${{ secrets.CODECOV_TOKEN }}
diff --git a/docs/src/user_guide/additional_options.md b/docs/src/user_guide/additional_options.md
index 7862a5f7c..1f2bdcf57 100644
--- a/docs/src/user_guide/additional_options.md
+++ b/docs/src/user_guide/additional_options.md
@@ -289,3 +289,9 @@ expectations, which then can get parsed with these Delft-FEWS log parsing settin
* [Debug] *
+## [Run Wflow as a ZMQ Server]
+It is possible to run Wflow as a ZMQ Server, for example for the coupling to the
+[OpenDA](https://openda.org/) software for data-assimilation. The code for the Wflow ZMQ
+Server is not part of the Wflow.jl package, and is located
diff --git a/server/Project.toml b/server/Project.toml
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..38bcca654
--- /dev/null
+++ b/server/Project.toml
@@ -0,0 +1,25 @@
+name = "WflowServer"
+uuid = "6f3aa2dc-f527-41f4-85fc-b3cbabe74cf6"
+authors = ["Deltares and contributors"]
+version = "0.1.0"
+JSON3 = "0f8b85d8-7281-11e9-16c2-39a750bddbf1"
+Logging = "56ddb016-857b-54e1-b83d-db4d58db5568"
+StructTypes = "856f2bd8-1eba-4b0a-8007-ebc267875bd4"
+Wflow = "d48b7d99-76e7-47ae-b1d5-ff0c1cf9a818"
+ZMQ = "c2297ded-f4af-51ae-bb23-16f91089e4e1"
+JSON3 = "1.14"
+StructTypes = "1.10"
+ZMQ = "1.2"
+julia = "1.6"
+Downloads = "f43a241f-c20a-4ad4-852c-f6b1247861c6"
+Statistics = "10745b16-79ce-11e8-11f9-7d13ad32a3b2"
+Test = "8dfed614-e22c-5e08-85e1-65c5234f0b40"
+test = ["Downloads", "Statistics", "Test"]
diff --git a/server/README.md b/server/README.md
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..8be13597a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/server/README.md
@@ -0,0 +1,51 @@
+# Wflow ZMQ Server
+Call [Wflow](https://github.com/Deltares/Wflow.jl) functions exposed through the Basic Model
+Interface (BMI) implementation of Wflow and three additonal Wflow functions related to model
+states and start time of the model in Unix time, using [ZeroMQ](https://zeromq.org/) with
+TCP data transport. The Wflow ZMQ Server allows users to interact with a Wflow model from
+many other programming languages with ZeroMQ bindings. An example is the use of
+[OpenDA](https://openda.org/) Java software for data-assimilation. The coupling of OpenDA
+and Wflow through a black box model approach is too slow because it requires a restart of
+Wflow (multiple times), while this is not required with a client-server approach.
+The Wflow ZMQ Server can be started through an interactive Julia version, using different
+functions. First, start the `WflowServer` environment on startup, in the current directory:
+julia --project=.
+then start the Wflow ZMQ Server, listening on port 5556 with the `start` function as
+julia> using WflowServer
+julia> WflowServer.start(5556)
+or start the Wflow ZMQ Server, listening on port 5556 with the `main` function:
+julia> using WflowServer
+julia> WflowServer.main(["port=5556"])
+or start the Wflow ZMQ Server with the `main` function using the default port number 5555:
+julia> using WflowServer
+julia> WflowServer.main()
+Finally, it is also possible to start the Wflow ZMQ server directly from the command line
+with the Julia script `run_server.jl` in the current directory, as follows:
+julia --project=. run_server.jl --port 5556
+## JSON
+JSON is used for data serialization. The Wflow ZMQ Server maps a JSON message to a Julia
+structure directly. Below examples of two messages that provide a function name `fn` and
+other arguments required by the exposed Wflow functions (mostly through BMI):
+# initialize a Wflow model through the configuration file `sbm_config.toml`
+"""{"fn": "initialize", "config_file": "sbm_config.toml"}"""
+# update model until time 86400.0
+"""{"fn": "update_until", "time": 86400.0}"""
+The [tests](/server/test/) provide further examples of the interface to the Wflow (BMI) and
+server functions.
diff --git a/server/run_server.jl b/server/run_server.jl
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..421c1f4c5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/server/run_server.jl
@@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
+using WflowServer
diff --git a/server/src/WflowServer.jl b/server/src/WflowServer.jl
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..c96c7731e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/server/src/WflowServer.jl
@@ -0,0 +1,9 @@
+module WflowServer
+import ZMQ
+import JSON3
+import StructTypes
+import Wflow
diff --git a/server/src/bmi_service.jl b/server/src/bmi_service.jl
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..3a344179a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/server/src/bmi_service.jl
@@ -0,0 +1,357 @@
+# Structs that contain function name `fn` and possible other function arguments. These
+# structs are used in `wflow_bmi` functions (below these structs), that run Wflow.BMI (and
+# Wflow) functions.
+struct Initialize
+ config_file::String
+ fn::String
+struct GetComponentName
+ fn::String
+struct GetInputItemCount
+ fn::String
+struct GetOutputItemCount
+ fn::String
+struct GetStartTime
+ fn::String
+struct GetStartUnixTime
+ fn::String
+struct GetEndTime
+ fn::String
+struct GetTimeStep
+ fn::String
+struct GetTimeUnits
+ fn::String
+struct GetCurrentTime
+ fn::String
+struct Update
+ fn::String
+struct UpdateUntil
+ fn::String
+ time::Float64
+struct GetInputVarNames
+ fn::String
+struct GetOutputVarNames
+ fn::String
+struct GetVarItemSize
+ fn::String
+ name::String
+struct GetVarType
+ fn::String
+ name::String
+struct GetVarUnits
+ fn::String
+ name::String
+struct GetVarNbytes
+ fn::String
+ name::String
+struct GetVarLocation
+ fn::String
+ name::String
+struct GetValue
+ fn::String
+ name::String
+ dest::Vector{Wflow.Float}
+struct GetValuePtr
+ fn::String
+ name::String
+struct GetValueAtIndices
+ fn::String
+ inds::Vector{Int}
+ dest::Vector{Wflow.Float}
+ name::String
+struct SetValue
+ fn::String
+ name::String
+ src::Vector{Wflow.Float}
+struct SetValueAtIndices
+ fn::String
+ inds::Vector{Int}
+ name::String
+ src::Vector{Wflow.Float}
+struct GetGridType
+ fn::String
+ grid::Int
+struct GetGridRank
+ fn::String
+ grid::Int
+struct GetGridSize
+ fn::String
+ grid::Int
+struct GetGridX
+ fn::String
+ grid::Int
+ x::Vector{Wflow.Float}
+struct GetGridY
+ fn::String
+ grid::Int
+ y::Vector{Wflow.Float}
+struct GetGridNodeCount
+ fn::String
+ grid::Int
+struct GetGridEdgeCount
+ fn::String
+ grid::Int
+struct GetGridEdgeNodes
+ fn::String
+ grid::Int
+ edge_nodes::Vector{Int}
+struct GetVarGrid
+ fn::String
+ name::String
+struct Finalize
+ fn::String
+struct LoadState
+ fn::String
+struct SaveState
+ fn::String
+function wflow_bmi(m::Initialize, model::Union{Wflow.Model,Nothing})
+ model = getfield(Wflow.BMI, Symbol(m.fn))(Wflow.Model, m.config_file)
+ return model
+function wflow_bmi(m::GetComponentName, model::Wflow.Model)
+ component_name = getfield(Wflow.BMI, Symbol(m.fn))(model)
+ return Dict("component_name" => component_name)
+function wflow_bmi(m::GetInputItemCount, model::Wflow.Model)
+ input_item_count = getfield(Wflow.BMI, Symbol(m.fn))(model)
+ return Dict("input_item_count" => input_item_count)
+function wflow_bmi(m::GetOutputItemCount, model::Wflow.Model)
+ output_item_count = getfield(Wflow.BMI, Symbol(m.fn))(model)
+ return Dict("output_item_count" => output_item_count)
+function wflow_bmi(m::GetStartTime, model::Wflow.Model)
+ start_time = getfield(Wflow.BMI, Symbol(m.fn))(model)
+ return Dict("start_time" => start_time)
+function wflow_bmi(m::GetStartUnixTime, model::Wflow.Model)
+ start_unix_time = getfield(Wflow, Symbol(m.fn))(model)
+ return Dict("start_unix_time" => start_unix_time)
+function wflow_bmi(m::GetEndTime, model::Wflow.Model)
+ end_time = getfield(Wflow.BMI, Symbol(m.fn))(model)
+ return Dict("end_time" => end_time)
+function wflow_bmi(m::GetTimeStep, model::Wflow.Model)
+ time_step = getfield(Wflow.BMI, Symbol(m.fn))(model)
+ return Dict("time_step" => time_step)
+function wflow_bmi(m::GetTimeUnits, model::Wflow.Model)
+ time_units = getfield(Wflow.BMI, Symbol(m.fn))(model)
+ return Dict("time_units" => time_units)
+function wflow_bmi(m::GetCurrentTime, model::Wflow.Model)
+ current_time = getfield(Wflow.BMI, Symbol(m.fn))(model)
+ return Dict("current_time" => current_time)
+function wflow_bmi(m::UpdateUntil, model::Wflow.Model)
+ model = getfield(Wflow.BMI, Symbol(m.fn))(model, m.time)
+ return model
+function wflow_bmi(m::Update, model::Wflow.Model)
+ model = getfield(Wflow.BMI, Symbol(m.fn))(model)
+ return model
+function wflow_bmi(m::GetInputVarNames, model::Wflow.Model)
+ input_var_names = getfield(Wflow.BMI, Symbol(m.fn))(model)
+ return Dict("input_var_names" => input_var_names)
+function wflow_bmi(m::GetOutputVarNames, model::Wflow.Model)
+ output_var_names = getfield(Wflow.BMI, Symbol(m.fn))(model)
+ return Dict("output_var_names" => output_var_names)
+function wflow_bmi(m::GetVarItemSize, model::Wflow.Model)
+ var_itemsize = getfield(Wflow.BMI, Symbol(m.fn))(model, m.name)
+ return Dict("var_itemsize" => var_itemsize)
+function wflow_bmi(m::GetVarType, model::Wflow.Model)
+ var_type = getfield(Wflow.BMI, Symbol(m.fn))(model, m.name)
+ return Dict("var_type" => var_type)
+function wflow_bmi(m::GetVarUnits, model::Wflow.Model)
+ var_units = getfield(Wflow.BMI, Symbol(m.fn))(model, m.name)
+ return Dict("var_units" => var_units)
+function wflow_bmi(m::GetVarNbytes, model::Wflow.Model)
+ var_nbytes = getfield(Wflow.BMI, Symbol(m.fn))(model, m.name)
+ return Dict("var_nbytes" => var_nbytes)
+function wflow_bmi(m::GetVarLocation, model::Wflow.Model)
+ var_location = getfield(Wflow.BMI, Symbol(m.fn))(model, m.name)
+ return Dict("var_location" => var_location)
+function wflow_bmi(m::GetValue, model::Wflow.Model)
+ getfield(Wflow.BMI, Symbol(m.fn))(model, m.name, m.dest)
+ return Dict("value" => m.dest)
+function wflow_bmi(m::GetValuePtr, model::Wflow.Model)
+ value_ptr = getfield(Wflow.BMI, Symbol(m.fn))(model, m.name)
+ return Dict("value_ptr" => value_ptr)
+function wflow_bmi(m::GetValueAtIndices, model::Wflow.Model)
+ getfield(Wflow.BMI, Symbol(m.fn))(model, m.name, m.dest, m.inds)
+ return Dict("value_at_indices" => m.dest)
+function wflow_bmi(m::SetValue, model::Wflow.Model)
+ getfield(Wflow.BMI, Symbol(m.fn))(model, m.name, m.src)
+ return nothing
+function wflow_bmi(m::SetValueAtIndices, model::Wflow.Model)
+ getfield(Wflow.BMI, Symbol(m.fn))(model, m.name, m.inds, m.src)
+ return nothing
+function wflow_bmi(m::GetGridType, model::Wflow.Model)
+ grid_type = getfield(Wflow.BMI, Symbol(m.fn))(model, m.grid)
+ return Dict("grid_type" => grid_type)
+function wflow_bmi(m::GetGridRank, model::Wflow.Model)
+ grid_rank = getfield(Wflow.BMI, Symbol(m.fn))(model, m.grid)
+ return Dict("grid_rank" => grid_rank)
+function wflow_bmi(m::GetGridSize, model::Wflow.Model)
+ grid_size = getfield(Wflow.BMI, Symbol(m.fn))(model, m.grid)
+ return Dict("grid_size" => grid_size)
+function wflow_bmi(m::GetGridX, model::Wflow.Model)
+ getfield(Wflow.BMI, Symbol(m.fn))(model, m.grid, m.x)
+ return Dict("grid_x" => m.x)
+function wflow_bmi(m::GetGridY, model::Wflow.Model)
+ getfield(Wflow.BMI, Symbol(m.fn))(model, m.grid, m.y)
+ return Dict("grid_y" => m.y)
+function wflow_bmi(m::GetGridNodeCount, model::Wflow.Model)
+ grid_node_count = getfield(Wflow.BMI, Symbol(m.fn))(model, m.grid)
+ return Dict("grid_node_count" => grid_node_count)
+function wflow_bmi(m::GetGridEdgeCount, model::Wflow.Model)
+ grid_edge_count = getfield(Wflow.BMI, Symbol(m.fn))(model, m.grid)
+ return Dict("grid_edge_count" => grid_edge_count)
+function wflow_bmi(m::GetGridEdgeNodes, model::Wflow.Model)
+ getfield(Wflow.BMI, Symbol(m.fn))(model, m.grid, m.edge_nodes)
+ return Dict("grid_edge_nodes" => m.edge_nodes)
+function wflow_bmi(m::GetVarGrid, model::Wflow.Model)
+ var_grid = getfield(Wflow.BMI, Symbol(m.fn))(model, m.name)
+ return Dict("var_grid" => var_grid)
+function wflow_bmi(m::Finalize, model::Wflow.Model)
+ getfield(Wflow.BMI, Symbol(m.fn))(model)
+ return Dict("status" => "OK")
+function wflow_bmi(m::LoadState, model::Wflow.Model)
+ model = getfield(Wflow, Symbol(m.fn))(model)
+ return model
+function wflow_bmi(m::SaveState, model::Wflow.Model)
+ getfield(Wflow, Symbol(m.fn))(model)
+ return Dict("status" => "OK")
diff --git a/server/src/server.jl b/server/src/server.jl
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..4e183af90
--- /dev/null
+++ b/server/src/server.jl
@@ -0,0 +1,185 @@
+# map JSON function name to Struct (bmi_service.jl)
+const map_structs = Dict(
+ "initialize" => Initialize,
+ "get_component_name" => GetComponentName,
+ "get_input_item_count" => GetInputItemCount,
+ "get_output_item_count" => GetOutputItemCount,
+ "get_start_time" => GetStartTime,
+ "get_start_unix_time" => GetStartUnixTime,
+ "get_end_time" => GetEndTime,
+ "get_time_step" => GetTimeStep,
+ "get_time_units" => GetTimeUnits,
+ "get_current_time" => GetCurrentTime,
+ "update_until" => UpdateUntil,
+ "update" => Update,
+ "get_input_var_names" => GetInputVarNames,
+ "get_output_var_names" => GetOutputVarNames,
+ "get_var_itemsize" => GetVarItemSize,
+ "get_var_type" => GetVarType,
+ "get_var_units" => GetVarUnits,
+ "get_var_location" => GetVarLocation,
+ "get_var_nbytes" => GetVarNbytes,
+ "get_value" => GetValue,
+ "get_value_ptr" => GetValuePtr,
+ "get_value_at_indices" => GetValueAtIndices,
+ "set_value" => SetValue,
+ "set_value_at_indices" => SetValueAtIndices,
+ "get_grid_type" => GetGridType,
+ "get_var_grid" => GetVarGrid,
+ "get_grid_rank" => GetGridRank,
+ "get_grid_size" => GetGridSize,
+ "get_grid_x" => GetGridX,
+ "get_grid_y" => GetGridY,
+ "get_grid_node_count" => GetGridNodeCount,
+ "get_grid_edge_count" => GetGridEdgeCount,
+ "get_grid_edge_nodes" => GetGridEdgeNodes,
+ "finalize" => Finalize,
+ "load_state" => LoadState,
+ "save_state" => SaveState,
+mutable struct ModelHandler
+ model::Union{Wflow.Model,Nothing}
+"Shutdown ZMQ server"
+function shutdown(s::ZMQ.Socket, ctx::ZMQ.Context)
+ @info "Shutting down Wflow ZMQ server on request..."
+ ZMQ.close(s)
+ ZMQ.close(ctx)
+"Error response ZMQ server"
+function response(err::AbstractString, s::ZMQ.Socket)
+ @info "Send error response"
+ resp = Dict{String,String}("status" => "ERROR", "error" => err)
+ ZMQ.send(s, JSON3.write(resp))
+"Status response ZMQ server"
+function response(s::ZMQ.Socket)
+ @info "Send status response"
+ resp = Dict{String,String}("status" => "OK")
+ ZMQ.send(s, JSON3.write(resp))
+"Validate JSON request against mapped Struct"
+function valid_request(json)
+ for f in fieldnames(map_structs[json.fn])
+ if f ∉ keys(json)
+ return f
+ break
+ end
+ end
+ wflow_bmi(s::Socket, handler::ModelHandler, f)
+Run a Wflow function through `wflow.bmi(f, handler.model)` and update Wflow Model `handler`
+if required, depending on return type of `wflow.bmi(f, handler.model)`.
+function wflow_bmi(s::ZMQ.Socket, handler::ModelHandler, f)
+ try
+ ret = wflow_bmi(f, handler.model)
+ if typeof(ret) <: Wflow.Model # update of Wflow model
+ handler.model = ret
+ response(s)
+ elseif isnothing(ret) # for SetValue and SetValueAtIndices
+ response(s)
+ else
+ @info "Send response including output from Wflow function `$(f.fn)`"
+ ZMQ.send(s, JSON3.write(ret))
+ end
+ catch e
+ @error "Wflow function `$(f.fn)` failed" exception = (e, catch_backtrace())
+ err = string(
+ "Wflow function `$(f.fn)` failed\n exception =\n ",
+ sprint(showerror, e, catch_backtrace()),
+ )
+ response(err, s)
+ end
+main() = main(ARGS)
+ main(ARGS::Vector{String})
+ main()
+This is the main entry point of the Wflow ZMQ Server. Performs argument parsing and starts
+the Wflow ZMQ Server, with `WflowServer.start(port::Int)`.
+function main(ARGS::Vector{String})
+ n = length(ARGS)
+ if n == 0
+ port = 5555
+ elseif startswith(ARGS[1], "--port")
+ if occursin("=", ARGS[1])
+ port = parse(Int, split(ARGS[1], "=")[2])
+ else
+ port = parse(Int, ARGS[2])
+ end
+ else
+ throw(
+ ArgumentError(
+ "One argument is allowed to specify the port number: `--port=` or `--port `,
+ where `` refers to the port number.",
+ ),
+ )
+ end
+ start(port)
+ start(port::Int)
+Start the Wflow ZMQ Server using port number `port`.
+function start(port::Int)
+ @info "Start Wflow ZMQ Server..."
+ # initialize Wflow model handler
+ handler = ModelHandler(nothing)
+ # set up a ZMQ context, with optional port number (default = 5555) argument
+ context = ZMQ.Context()
+ socket = ZMQ.Socket(context, ZMQ.REP)
+ ZMQ.bind(socket, "tcp://*:$port")
+ try
+ while true
+ # Wait for next request from client
+ req = ZMQ.recv(socket)
+ json = JSON3.read(req)
+ @info "Received request to run function `$(json.fn)`..."
+ if haskey(map_structs, json.fn)
+ v = valid_request(json)
+ if isnothing(v)
+ f = StructTypes.constructfrom(map_structs[json.fn], json)
+ wflow_bmi(socket, handler, f)
+ else
+ err = (
+ """At least one required argument name (`$v`) not available for function: `$(json.fn)`"""
+ )
+ @error err
+ response(err, socket)
+ end
+ elseif json.fn === "shutdown"
+ response(socket)
+ break
+ else
+ err = "Received invalid Wflow function: `$(json.fn)`"
+ @error err
+ response(err, socket)
+ end
+ end
+ catch e
+ err = "Wflow ZMQ Server: exception in process"
+ @error err
+ response(err, socket)
+ finally
+ shutdown(socket, context)
+ end
diff --git a/server/test/client.jl b/server/test/client.jl
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..41fc1182d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/server/test/client.jl
@@ -0,0 +1,170 @@
+# start Wflow ZMQ server (@async)
+@async begin
+ WflowServer.main()
+# Connecting to the Wflow ZMQ Server
+context = ZMQ.Context()
+socket = ZMQ.Socket(context, ZMQ.REQ)
+ZMQ.connect(socket, "tcp://localhost:5555")
+function request(message)
+ ZMQ.send(socket, JSON3.write(message))
+ ret_value = JSON3.read(ZMQ.recv(socket), Dict)
+ return ret_value
+@testset "initialization and time functions" begin
+ msg =
+ (fn = "initialize", config_file = joinpath(@__DIR__, "sbm_config.toml"))
+ @test request(msg) == Dict("status" => "OK")
+ @test request((fn = "get_end_time",)) == Dict("end_time" => 2678400)
+ @test request((fn = "get_start_time",)) == Dict("start_time" => 0)
+ @test request((fn = "get_start_unix_time",)) == Dict("start_unix_time" => 946684800)
+ @test request((fn = "get_time_step",)) == Dict("time_step" => 86400)
+ @test request((fn = "get_time_units",)) == Dict("time_units" => "s")
+@testset "update functions" begin
+ @test request((fn = "update_until", time = 86400.0)) == Dict("status" => "OK")
+ @test request((fn = "get_current_time",)) == Dict("current_time" => 86400)
+ @test request((fn = "update",)) == Dict("status" => "OK")
+@testset "model information functions" begin
+ @test request((fn = "get_component_name",)) == Dict("component_name" => "sbm")
+ @test request((fn = "get_input_item_count",)) == Dict("input_item_count" => 181)
+ @test request((fn = "get_output_item_count",)) == Dict("output_item_count" => 181)
+ @test request((fn = "get_input_var_names",))["input_var_names"][[1, 5, 151, 175]] == [
+ "vertical.nlayers",
+ "vertical.θᵣ",
+ "lateral.river.q",
+ "lateral.river.reservoir.outflow",
+ ]
+ @test request((fn = "get_output_var_names",))["output_var_names"][[1, 5, 151, 175]] == [
+ "vertical.nlayers",
+ "vertical.θᵣ",
+ "lateral.river.q",
+ "lateral.river.reservoir.outflow",
+ ]
+zi_size = 0
+vwc_1_size = 0
+@testset "variable information and get and set functions" begin
+ @test request((fn = "get_var_itemsize", name = "lateral.subsurface.ssf")) ==
+ Dict("var_itemsize" => sizeof(Wflow.Float))
+ @test request((fn = "get_var_type", name = "vertical.n"))["status"] == "ERROR"
+ @test request((fn = "get_var_units", name = "vertical.θₛ")) == Dict("var_units" => "-")
+ @test request((fn = "get_var_location", name = "lateral.river.q")) ==
+ Dict("var_location" => "node")
+ zi_nbytes = request((fn = "get_var_nbytes", name = "vertical.zi"))["var_nbytes"]
+ @test zi_nbytes == 400504
+ zi_itemsize = request((fn = "get_var_itemsize", name = "vertical.zi"))["var_itemsize"]
+ zi_size = Int(zi_nbytes / zi_itemsize)
+ vwc_1_nbytes = request((fn = "get_var_nbytes", name = "vertical.vwc[1]"))["var_nbytes"]
+ @test vwc_1_nbytes == 400504
+ vwc_1_itemsize =
+ request((fn = "get_var_itemsize", name = "vertical.vwc[1]"))["var_itemsize"]
+ vwc_1_size = Int(vwc_1_nbytes / vwc_1_itemsize)
+ @test request((fn = "get_var_grid", name = "lateral.river.h")) == Dict("var_grid" => 3)
+ msg = (fn = "get_value", name = "vertical.zi", dest = fill(0.0, zi_size))
+ @test mean(request(msg)["value"]) ≈ 278.1510965581235
+ msg = (fn = "get_value_ptr", name = "vertical.θₛ")
+ @test mean(request(msg)["value_ptr"]) ≈ 0.4409211971535584
+ msg = (
+ fn = "get_value_at_indices",
+ name = "lateral.river.q",
+ dest = [0.0, 0.0, 0.0],
+ inds = [1, 5, 10],
+ )
+ @test request(msg)["value_at_indices"] ≈
+ [2.1901434445889123, 2.6778265820894545, 3.470059871798756]
+ msg = (fn = "set_value", name = "vertical.zi", src = fill(300.0, zi_size))
+ @test request(msg) == Dict("status" => "OK")
+ msg = (fn = "get_value", name = "vertical.zi", dest = fill(0.0, zi_size))
+ @test mean(request(msg)["value"]) == 300.0
+ msg = (
+ fn = "set_value_at_indices",
+ name = "vertical.zi",
+ src = [250.0, 350.0],
+ inds = [1, 2],
+ )
+ @test request(msg) == Dict("status" => "OK")
+ msg = (
+ fn = "get_value_at_indices",
+ name = "vertical.zi",
+ dest = [0.0, 0.0, 0.0],
+ inds = [1, 2, 3],
+ )
+ @test request(msg)["value_at_indices"] == [250.0, 350.0, 300.0]
+ msg = (fn = "get_value", name = "vertical.vwc[1]", dest = fill(0.0, vwc_1_size))
+ @test mean(request(msg)["value"]) ≈ 0.1845159140308566f0
+ msg = (
+ fn = "get_value_at_indices",
+ name = "vertical.vwc[1]",
+ dest = [0.0, 0.0, 0.0],
+ inds = [1, 2, 3],
+ )
+ @test request(msg)["value_at_indices"] ≈
+ [0.12089607119560242f0, 0.11967185322648062f0, 0.14503555864288548f0]
+ msg = (fn = "set_value", name = "vertical.vwc[1]", src = fill(0.3, vwc_1_size))
+ @test request(msg) == Dict("status" => "OK")
+ msg = (fn = "get_value", name = "vertical.vwc[1]", dest = fill(0.0, vwc_1_size))
+ @test mean(request(msg)["value"]) ≈ 0.3f0
+ msg = (
+ fn = "get_value_at_indices",
+ name = "vertical.vwc[1]",
+ dest = [0.0, 0.0, 0.0],
+ inds = [1, 2, 3],
+ )
+ @test request(msg)["value_at_indices"] == [0.3, 0.3, 0.3]
+ msg = (
+ fn = "set_value_at_indices",
+ name = "vertical.vwc[1]",
+ src = [0.1, 0.25],
+ inds = [1, 2],
+ )
+ @test request(msg) == Dict("status" => "OK")
+ msg = (
+ fn = "get_value_at_indices",
+ name = "vertical.vwc[1]",
+ dest = [0.0, 0.0],
+ inds = [1, 2],
+ )
+ @test request(msg)["value_at_indices"] == [0.1, 0.25]
+@testset "model grid functions" begin
+ @test request((fn = "get_grid_type", grid = 0)) == Dict("grid_type" => "points")
+ @test request((fn = "get_grid_rank", grid = 0)) == Dict("grid_rank" => 2)
+ grid_size = request((fn = "get_grid_size", grid = 4))["grid_size"]
+ @test grid_size == 50063
+ msg = (fn = "get_grid_x", grid = 4, x = fill(0.0, grid_size))
+ @test request(msg)["grid_x"][1:3] ≈
+ [6.826666666666673, 6.810000000000006, 6.81833333333334]
+ msg = (fn = "get_grid_y", grid = 4, y = fill(0.0, grid_size))
+ @test request(msg)["grid_y"][1:3] ≈ [47.8175, 47.825833333333335, 47.825833333333335]
+ @test request((fn = "get_grid_node_count", grid = 0)) == Dict("grid_node_count" => 2)
+ @test request((fn = "get_grid_edge_count", grid = 3))["grid_edge_count"] == 5808
+ msg = (fn = "get_grid_edge_nodes", grid = 3, edge_nodes = fill(0, 2 * 5808))
+ @test request(msg)["grid_edge_nodes"][1:6] == [1, 5, 2, 1, 3, 2]
+@testset "model states and finalize functions" begin
+ @test request((fn = "load_state",)) == Dict("status" => "OK")
+ @test request((fn = "save_state",)) == Dict("status" => "OK")
+ @test request((fn = "finalize",)) == Dict("status" => "OK")
+@testset "Error handling and shutdown" begin
+ @test request((fn = "not_existing_function",)) == Dict(
+ "status" => "ERROR",
+ "error" => "Received invalid Wflow function: `not_existing_function`",
+ )
+ @test request((fn = "initialize",)) == Dict(
+ "status" => "ERROR",
+ "error" => "At least one required argument name (`config_file`) not available for function: `initialize`",
+ )
+ @test request((fn = "shutdown",)) == Dict("status" => "OK")
diff --git a/server/test/runtests.jl b/server/test/runtests.jl
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..8d016a2b6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/server/test/runtests.jl
@@ -0,0 +1,35 @@
+import ZMQ
+import JSON3
+import StructTypes
+import Wflow
+import WflowServer
+import Statistics: mean
+import Logging: with_logger, NullLogger
+import Test: @testset, @test
+import Downloads
+# ensure test data is present
+testdir = @__DIR__
+datadir = joinpath(testdir, "data")
+inputdir = joinpath(datadir, "input")
+isdir(inputdir) || mkpath(inputdir)
+"Download a test data file if it does not already exist"
+function testdata(version, source_filename, target_filename)
+ target_path = joinpath(inputdir, target_filename)
+ base_url = "https://github.com/visr/wflow-artifacts/releases/download"
+ url = string(base_url, '/', string('v', version), '/', source_filename)
+ isfile(target_path) || Downloads.download(url, target_path)
+ return target_path
+staticmaps_moselle_path =
+ testdata(v"0.2.9", "staticmaps-moselle.nc", "staticmaps-moselle.nc")
+forcing_moselle_path = testdata(v"0.2.6", "forcing-moselle.nc", "forcing-moselle.nc")
+instates_moselle_path = testdata(v"0.2.6", "instates-moselle.nc", "instates-moselle.nc")
+with_logger(NullLogger()) do
+ @testset "Test client server Wflow ZMQ Server" begin
+ include("client.jl")
+ end
diff --git a/server/test/sbm_config.toml b/server/test/sbm_config.toml
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..3ab5c92d0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/server/test/sbm_config.toml
@@ -0,0 +1,232 @@
+# This is a TOML configuration file for Wflow.
+# Relative file paths are interpreted as being relative to this TOML file.
+# Wflow documentation https://deltares.github.io/Wflow.jl/dev/
+# TOML documentation: https://github.com/toml-lang/toml
+calendar = "proleptic_gregorian"
+endtime = 2000-02-01T00:00:00
+starttime = 2000-01-01T00:00:00
+time_units = "days since 1900-01-01 00:00:00"
+timestepsecs = 86400
+dir_input = "data/input"
+dir_output = "data/output"
+loglevel = "info"
+path_input = "instates-moselle.nc"
+path_output = "outstates-moselle.nc"
+# if listed, the variable must be present in the NetCDF or error
+# if not listed, the variable can get a default value if it has one
+canopystorage = "canopystorage"
+satwaterdepth = "satwaterdepth"
+snow = "snow"
+snowwater = "snowwater"
+tsoil = "tsoil"
+ustorelayerdepth = "ustorelayerdepth"
+h = "h_river"
+h_av = "h_av_river"
+q = "q_river"
+volume = "volume_reservoir"
+ssf = "ssf"
+h = "h_land"
+h_av = "h_av_land"
+q = "q_land"
+path_forcing = "forcing-moselle.nc"
+path_static = "staticmaps-moselle.nc"
+# these are not directly part of the model
+gauges = "wflow_gauges_grdc"
+ldd = "wflow_ldd"
+river_location = "wflow_river"
+subcatchment = "wflow_subcatch"
+# specify the internal IDs of the parameters which vary over time
+# the external name mapping needs to be below together with the other mappings
+forcing = [
+ "vertical.precipitation",
+ "vertical.temperature",
+ "vertical.potential_evaporation",
+cyclic = ["vertical.leaf_area_index"]
+c = "c"
+cf_soil = "cf_soil"
+cfmax = "Cfmax"
+e_r = "EoverR"
+f = "f"
+infiltcappath = "InfiltCapPath"
+infiltcapsoil = "InfiltCapSoil"
+kext = "Kext"
+leaf_area_index = "LAI"
+maxleakage = "MaxLeakage"
+pathfrac = "PathFrac"
+potential_evaporation = "pet"
+precipitation = "precip"
+rootdistpar = "rootdistpar"
+rootingdepth = "RootingDepth"
+soilthickness = "SoilThickness"
+specific_leaf = "Sl"
+storage_wood = "Swood"
+temperature = "temp"
+tt = "TT"
+tti = "TTI"
+ttm = "TTM"
+water_holding_capacity = "WHC"
+waterfrac = "WaterFrac"
+theta_r = "thetaR"
+theta_s = "thetaS"
+netcdf.variable.name = "KsatVer"
+scale = 1.0
+offset = 0.0
+length = "wflow_riverlength"
+n = "N_River"
+slope = "RiverSlope"
+width = "wflow_riverwidth"
+bankfull_elevation = "RiverZ"
+bankfull_depth = "RiverDepth"
+area = "ResSimpleArea"
+areas = "wflow_reservoirareas"
+demand = "ResDemand"
+locs = "wflow_reservoirlocs"
+maxrelease = "ResMaxRelease"
+maxvolume = "ResMaxVolume"
+targetfullfrac = "ResTargetFullFrac"
+targetminfrac = "ResTargetMinFrac"
+ksathorfrac = "KsatHorFrac"
+n = "N"
+slope = "Slope"
+kin_wave_iteration = true
+masswasting = true
+reinit = true
+reservoirs = true
+snow = true
+thicknesslayers = [100, 300, 800]
+type = "sbm"
+min_streamorder_river = 6
+min_streamorder_land = 5
+path = "output_moselle.nc"
+canopystorage = "canopystorage"
+satwaterdepth = "satwaterdepth"
+snow = "snow"
+snowwater = "snowwater"
+tsoil = "tsoil"
+ustorelayerdepth = "ustorelayerdepth"
+h = "h_river"
+q = "q_river"
+volume = "volume_reservoir"
+ssf = "ssf"
+h = "h_land"
+q = "q_land"
+path = "output_scalar_moselle.nc"
+name = "Q"
+map = "gauges"
+parameter = "lateral.river.q"
+coordinate.x = 6.255
+coordinate.y = 50.012
+name = "temp_coord"
+location = "temp_bycoord"
+parameter = "vertical.temperature"
+location = "temp_byindex"
+name = "temp_index"
+index.x = 100
+index.y = 264
+parameter = "vertical.temperature"
+path = "output_moselle.csv"
+header = "Q"
+parameter = "lateral.river.q"
+reducer = "maximum"
+header = "volume"
+index = 1
+parameter = "lateral.river.reservoir.volume"
+coordinate.x = 6.255
+coordinate.y = 50.012
+header = "temp_bycoord"
+parameter = "vertical.temperature"
+coordinate.x = 6.255
+coordinate.y = 50.012
+header = "vwc_layer2_bycoord"
+parameter = "vertical.vwc"
+layer = 2
+header = "temp_byindex"
+index.x = 100
+index.y = 264
+parameter = "vertical.temperature"
+header = "Q"
+map = "gauges"
+parameter = "lateral.river.q"
+header = "recharge"
+map = "subcatchment"
+parameter = "vertical.recharge"
+reducer = "mean"
+components = [
+ "vertical",
+ "lateral.subsurface",
+ "lateral.land",
+ "lateral.river",
+ "lateral.river.reservoir",
diff --git a/src/flow.jl b/src/flow.jl
index c0c0a1515..c9c8d25e8 100644
--- a/src/flow.jl
+++ b/src/flow.jl
@@ -283,7 +283,6 @@ function update(sf::SurfaceFlowRiver, network, inflow_wb, doy)
for (n, v) in zip(indices_subdomain[m], topo_subdomain[m])
# sf.qin by outflow from upstream reservoir or lake location is added
sf.qin[v] += sum_at(sf.q, upstream_nodes[n])
# Inflow supply/abstraction is added to qlat (divide by flow length)
# If inflow < 0, abstraction is limited
if sf.inflow[v] < 0.0
@@ -349,7 +348,6 @@ function update(sf::SurfaceFlowRiver, network, inflow_wb, doy)
# update h
crossarea = sf.α[v] * pow(sf.q[v], sf.β)
sf.h[v] = crossarea / sf.width[v]
sf.q_av[v] += sf.q[v]
sf.h_av[v] += sf.h[v]
diff --git a/src/sediment_model.jl b/src/sediment_model.jl
index aea2ceb83..6e1f1397d 100644
--- a/src/sediment_model.jl
+++ b/src/sediment_model.jl
@@ -149,8 +149,8 @@ function initialize_sediment_model(config::Config)
model = set_states(model)
@info "Initialized model"
return model