1.6.0 (2020-02-28)
- config: back to cz-conventional-changelog (2fbfbff)
1.5.0 (2020-02-28)
- config: ✨ new type "other" (a4cf840)
1.4.0 (2020-02-28)
- ✨ no default scopes (7592dce)
1.3.0 (2020-02-28)
- ✨ added git-cz with emojis (c2ae2ec)
1.2.5 (2020-02-28)
- package.json: added conventional-commit-types-emoji (36ba58a)
1.2.4 (2020-02-28)
- changelog: ok.. finally i decided to use the angular style for changelogs (5a7b7f9)
1.2.3 (2020-02-28)
- changelog: changed changelog style (a346177)
- changelog: the changelog.md looks different now. and it only includes features for now.
1.2.2 (2020-02-28)
- changed changelog style (f90825e)
1.2.1 (2020-02-28)
1.2.0 (2020-02-28)
- package.json: added ntl (c3d8686)