This REPO is no longer maintained or supported as BLE is no longer supported but the win32 device APIs. WinRt is the only mechanism to use BLE on the windows platfrom.
A set of classes for enumerating and interacting with Bluetooth low energy devices on the windows platform.
- Windows 10
- Devices must be paired and enumerated by the windows ble driver
// The characteristic must have IsReadable set to true or an exception will be thrown
BleGattCharacteristicValue value = characteristic->getValue();
// The characteristic must have IsSignedWritable, IsWritable, IsWritableWithoutResponse set to true or an exception will be thrown
UCHAR values[] = { 'H', 'I', '\r', '\n' };
characteristic->setValue(values, 4);
// The callback for the characteristic notification
void HandleCallback(BleGattNotificationData& data)
cout << "Received callback data: " << data.getDataSize() << endl;
// Enumerate characteristic descriptors
// Get the list of descriptors
list<BleGattDescriptor *> descriptors = characteristic->getBleDescriptors();
if (descriptors.size() > 0)
// Get the characteristic descriptor
BleGattDescriptor *descriptor = descriptors.front();
// The callback function
const std::function<void(BleGattNotificationData&)> callback = HandleCallback;
// Enable notifications for the characteristic IsNotifiable or IsIndicatable must be true for the characteristic or an exception will be thrown
// Enable the subscription notification for the characteristic
// Disable the notification
// Clear the subscription notification
Windows Bluetooth tracing requires the download of a WPRP file from the Microsoft Git hub repo eere. The document in the Microsoft Git hub repo describes the steps to enable the tracing.
When this tracing is complete the stop command will write the trace contents to an ETL file that is provided as a parameter to the command.
The generated ETL file is a binary file in order to parse it to a readable form, a tool called BTETLParse.exe is required to convert the ETL. The tool supports a number of different formats of output, namely:
- Can be opened with Teledyne LeCroy Wireless Protocol Suite
- This is a plain text file
- This can be opened with wireshark
Instructions for the BTETLParse.exe tool can be found Here
The BTETLParse.exe tool can be downloaded from Here