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Windows Subsystem for Linux (WSL) 2

This is a resource for the WSL Playlist.

Windows Steps

  1. [Optional] Check version

    1. Update Windows.
    2. Press Win+R.
    3. Check Windows version by typing winver and pressing Enter. You should see at least Version 1909 (OS Build 18363.1049). If you don't see this just wing it by trying to enable WSL anyway (as described below).
  2. Enable WSL

    1. Press Win+R.
    2. Type in OptionalFeatures and press Enter.
    3. Enable:
      1. Windows Subsystem for Linux for WSL1
      2. Virtual Machine Platform for WSL2 (you need both a and b)
      3. On Windows Pro Edition Hyper-V (Only required for WSL2)
    4. Press OK.
    5. Restart your machine.
  3. [Optional] Install a decent terminal (recommended: Windows Terminal)

    1. Open the start menu by pressing the Win key.
    2. Type in store to search for the Microsoft Store application and open it.
    3. In the top right corner search for Windows Terminal.
    4. Click Get.
  4. Open Windows Terminal

    1. Press Win+R.
    2. Type in wt and press Enter (the wt.exe is in this directory: %USERPROFILE%\AppData\Local\Microsoft\WindowsApps which is on the %PATH%).
  5. [Optional but recommended] Change the default WSL version from 1 to 2

    1. Open Windows Terminal as described above.
    2. Type in wsl --set-default-version 2.
  6. Install a distribution

    1. Open the start menu by pressing the Win key.
    2. Type in store to search for the Microsoft Store application and open it.
    3. In the top right corner search for WSL.
    4. Click on (for example) Ubuntu 20.04 LTS.
    5. Click Get (if already installed the button will show Launch). Note: the button is buggy and might say Launch even if the distribution in question is not installed.
  7. Changing install location of a WSL distribution (can be used for backups). The default location is: %USERPROFILE%\AppData\Local\Packages

    1. Open Windows Terminal as described above.
    2. List your distributions by typing wsl -l -v.
    3. Export your distribution to wherever you like and wait for it to finish the export:
    4. You now have a file called DISTRIBUTION_FROM_STEP_2_backup that can be used as a backup
    5. Remove/unregister the distribution (you have a backup):
      wsl --unregister DISTRIBUTION_FROM_STEP_2
    6. Import your backup into a new location/distribution:
      wsl --import NEW_NAME path\to\new\location\NEW_NAME DISTRIBUTION_FROM_STEP_2_backup
      NEW_NAME can be the same as before but should not be if you want to install the same distribution multiple times. WSL differentiates distributions by name. This is also why the Get button in the Windows Store turns into a Launch button - it simply compares names.
  8. Change version of a WSL distribution. Changing the version basically means converting from a regular file system to a virtual drive in case of going from WSL1 to WSL2 or the other way around in case of WSL2 to WSL1. This can either be done during the import step (see above) by adding the --version 1 or --version 2 flags respectively or simply by setting the version to the desired one by typing wsl --set-version DISTRIBUTION_NAME 1 or wsl --set-version DISTRIBUTION_NAME 2 but behind the scenes an export and a consequent import will happen for you, which is why it takes roughly the same amount of time.

  9. Change name of a WSL distribution. Unfortunately there is no shortcut that will do this for you. You need to jump thorugh the export -> unregister -> import hoops as described above, which can be easily scripted.

  10. [WSL2 only] Free unused space by compressing the virtual hard drive. Similar to most databases, virtual hard drives don't free up the unused space after allocation. Note the size of the hard drive -> Copy over a large file -> Remove the file. Note the size of the hard drive. It didn't free the space of the removed large file.

    1. Press the Win key.
    2. Type in powershell.
    3. Right click on Windows PowerShell and click on "Run as administrator".
    4. Shutdown all wsl instances by typing wsl --shutdown.
    5. Optimize the virtual hard drive:
      Optimize-VHD -Path path\to\ext4.vhdx -Mode full

Linux Steps

These steps assume Ubuntu 20.04 LTS which runs on WSL2 but should work under other distributions as well.

  1. Open Windows Terminal as described above.

  2. List your distributions by typing wsl -l -v.

  3. Connect to your distribution by typing wsl -d Ubuntu-20.04 (replace Ubuntu-20.04 with DISTRIBUTION_FROM_STEP_2 if necessary) (the -d is only necessary if multiple distributions are installed; otherwise simply typing wsl should suffice).

  4. From here basic linux knowledge is assumed and most steps are optional so feel free to pick and choose what you need.

  5. Update your distribution (this never hurts) by typing in something similar to:

    sudo apt update
    sudo apt -y full-upgrade
    sudo apt -y autoremove
  6. Make sure that the /etc/wsl.conf file looks like this:

  7. You might be interested in using the following as your starting directory (the example shown is for Windows Terminal):

    "startingDirectory": "\\\\wsl$\\playground\\home\\your_user_name"
  8. The hostname cannot be changed but you can configure your shell (the example shown is for bash) to simply display whatever you prefer. Open .bashrc and replace the \h (around line 60) with whatever you prefer.


    if [ "$color_prompt" = yes ]; then
        PS1='${debian_chroot:+($debian_chroot)}\[\033[01;32m\]\u@\h\[\033[00m\]:\[\033[01;34m\]\w\[\033[00m\]\$ '
        PS1='${debian_chroot:+($debian_chroot)}\u@\h:\w\$ '


    if [ "$color_prompt" = yes ]; then
        PS1='${debian_chroot:+($debian_chroot)}\[\033[01;32m\]\u@your_machine_name\[\033[00m\]:\[\033[01;34m\]\w\[\033[00m\]\$ '
        PS1='${debian_chroot:+($debian_chroot)}\u@your_machine_name:\w\$ '
  9. Create a shortcut that will open your terminal (the example shown is for Windows Terminal) and automatically connect to your distribution:

    1. Right click on an empty space -> New -> Shortcut.

    2. Type in wt and press Enter.

    3. Type in your_distribution_name or whatever you prefer and press Enter.

    4. Right click on your shortcut -> Properties.

    5. Change the Target by adding -p your_distribution_name:




      C:\Users\agilesteel\AppData\Local\Microsoft\WindowsApps\wt.exe -p your_distribution_name
    6. Press OK.

  10. Cache your ssh key with keychain:

    1. sudo apt install -y keychain
    2. put the following into your ~/.zshrc (do NOT put it in your .profile):
      if [[ $(command -v keychain) ]]; then
        eval `keychain --eval --quiet id_rsa`
  11. Install and configure an X Server (for GUI apps and clipboard sharing).

    1. There are multiple to choose from. I tried Xming and had no issues with it. Get it here and install it by clicking Next a bunch of times. The default settings work just fine so there is no need to fiddle with them.
    2. During the last step of the installation wizard you will be offered to launch the server. Feel free to do so. The following program is executed behind the scenes for you:
      C:\Program Files (x86)\Xming\XLaunch.exe
      This program allows you to configure and more importantly to save the configuration at the last step of the configuration wizard. The configuration is an executable.
    3. The default configuration is fine except for one flag - No Access Control. Make sure to set it to true.
    4. Save the configuration in your startup directory so that it will be run on Windows startup and you can thus forget about it:
      1. Press Win+R.
      2. Type in shell:startup and press Enter (this is the startup directory).
  12. Configure the X Client (your WSL distribution). Your distribution(s) (the client(s)) need(s) to send GUI information to the server. The server (Windows) ip is dynamic but at least it is kept for you in the /etc/resolv.conf file. Put the following into your ~/.profile:

    export DISPLAY=$(awk '/nameserver / {print $2; exit}' /etc/resolv.conf 2>/dev/null):0
  13. Configure neovim clipboard sharing:

    1. Install xclip: sudo apt install -y xclip
    2. Make sure that the set clipboard=unnamedplus neovim setting is enabled in ~/.config/nvim/init.vim or similar.
    3. This together with the X Server will allow you to share the clipboard with Windows even in NORMAL mode.
  14. [Not required when run from VS Code] Run Java server applications. WSL automatically forwards all ports to Windows. However it does not yet support IPv6. That said Java applications use IPv6 by default. Use the following system property to force it to use IPv4 instead:

    export     _JAVA_OPTIONS=""
    # or
    export JAVA_TOOL_OPTIONS=""

Visual Studio Code Steps

  1. The %PATH% (Windows) and $PATH (Linux) are mixed together so running explorer.exe will find the Windows explorer program and open it. The same goes for code which would run Visual Studio Code in Windows assuming you have it installed.
  2. VS Code will notice that it is being called from WSL and will offer you to install the Remote - WSL extension. Do it. This will install the server part in Linux and the client part in Windows.
  3. Some of your Windows VS Code extensions need to be installed on the server which can easily be done from the VS Code extensions page.