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<xml xmlns="https://developers.google.com/blockly/xml"><variables><variable id="PhZu%cqka1O_rMVlF3)s">list</variable></variables><block type="pxt-on-start" id=".rx9rJ8B`z-o=@H5rq#`" x="0" y="0"><statement name="HANDLER"><block type="typescript_statement" id="f5%#Ol=~Z@s+Xy.pab{;" editable="false"><mutation xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml" line0="interface Hashmap<K, V> {" line1="" line2=" //**add new key value pair to dictionary */" line3=" //% help=dictionary/set" line4=" //% shim=Hashmap_::set weight=50" line5=" //% blockId="dictionary_set" block=%list| add key %key| add value %value| to end" blockNamespace="dictionary"" line6=" //% group="Modify"" line7=" set(key: K, value: V): void;" line8="" line9=" //**get the value from the key in the dictionary*/" line10=" //% help=dictionary/get" line11="" line12=" get(key: K): V;" line13="" line14=" delete(key: K): void;" line15="" line16=" size(): number;" line17="" line18=" clear(): void;" line19="" line20=" containsKey(key: K): boolean;" line21="" line22=" containsValue(value: V): boolean;" line23="" line24="}" numlines="25"></mutation></block></statement></block><block type="dictionary_set" id="$mI0$)Ng]-;V*;E|b$*1" disabled="true" x="230" y="190"></block></xml>