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77 lines (66 loc) · 1.98 KB

File metadata and controls

77 lines (66 loc) · 1.98 KB

The Coding Community 🎉

The coding community is my personal full stack web project where i will be building a social platform where coders can chat and post and comment, sell or buy courses and interact with each other with amazing experience and learning

How to start the project

  1. Open terminal
  2. Install nodemon if not installed using npm (Ignore if already installed)
 npm install nodemon
  1. Open two terminals one for the backend and other for the frontend

Backend Terminal

 cd Server

Install all the dependencies

npm install

Start the server using nodemon

nodemon app.js

Frontend Terminal

Go to the directory

cd .\Client\coding-comm\

Install all the dependencies

npm install

Start the react server

npm start
  1. Now go to http://localhost:3000/ to view the project

Tech Stack 💻

  1. MongoDB
  2. NodeJS
  3. ExpressJS
  4. ReactJS
  5. SocketIO
  6. PassportJS



  1. Socket IO basic connection with the frontend done
  2. Stripe payment integration for selling and buying courses done
  3. Cloudinary integration for storing course videos and post images done
  4. Authentication using JWT system done.
  5. Other REST API's have been created like posting, courses, questions and answers, payment etc. (Check in the server directory)


  1. Installed antD library for UI
  2. Authentication screens are designed
  3. Displayable plain HTML, SCSS views done



  1. Setup socket IO api's to enable chatting system
  2. Setup level and achievements api's
  3. Security left


  1. Design the other pages using antD and scss

Deployed Links

  1. Backend deployed at:
  2. Frontend yet to be deployed

Contact Me 💬

Mail me at: [email protected] for more details