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DiamondDagger590 edited this page Apr 25, 2020 · 6 revisions
Command Usage Command Result
/mcrpg Brings up the main mcrpg menu
reload, /mcrpg reload Reloads mcrpg files
/mcdisplay {skill} Displays skill information using the players display preference
/mcredeem {skill} Opens a GUI to redeem exp or levels for that skill
/mcadmin give abilitypoints {player} {amount} Gives player the specified amount of ability points
/mcadmin give exp {player} {amount} {skill} Gives the player the specified amount of exp into the specified skill
/mcadmin give level {player} {amount} {skill} Gives the player the specified amount of levels into the specified skill
/mcadmin give exp {player} {amount} Gives the player the specified amount of redeemable exp
/mcadmin give level {player} {amount} Gives the player the specified amount of redeemable levels
/mcadmin give ability {player} {ability} Gives the player the specified ability if their loadout can hold it
/mcadmin replace {player} {ability} {ability} Replaces the first ability with the second in the player's loadout
/mcadmin remove {player} {ability} Removes the ability from the player's loadout
/mcadmin view {skill} {player} Views information about a players skill
/mcadmin view loadout {player} Views the players loadout
/mcadmin cooldown set {player} {ability} {duration} Sets the ability specified on cooldown
/mcadmin cooldown add {player} {ability} {duration} Adds duration to the specified ability's cooldown
/mcadmin cooldown remove {player} {ability} Removes specified ability from cooldown status
/mcadmin reset skill {player} {skill} Resets the specified skill
/mcadmin reset ability {player} {ability} Resets the specified ability
/mcadmin reset player {player} Resets the specified player
/mcadmin party fdisband {player} Force disbands the party the player is in
/mcadmin party fkick {player} Force kicks the player from their party
/mcadmin party name {player} {name} Sets the name of the player's party
/mcadmin party give exp {amount} {player} Gives the player's party exp (can be negative)
/mcadmin party give level {amount} {player} Gives the player's party levels (can be negative)
/mcparty Opens the party GUI
/mcparty create {name} Creates a party with the specified name
/mcparty invite {player} Invites the player to your party
/mcparty invites View next party invite
/mcparty invites accept Accept party invite
/mcparty invites deny Deny party invite
/mcparty chat Toggles party chat
/mcparty chat {msg} Sends the message via party chat
/mcparty tpahere {player} Requests the player in your party to tp to you
/mcparty tpa {party} Requests to teleport to the player in your party
/mcparty tpaccept Accepts the tp invite
/mcparty storage Opens the party bank GUI
/mcparty roles Opens the party roles GUI
/mcparty disband Disbands the party
/mcparty demote {player} Demotes the player from mod to member
/mcparty promote {player} Promotes player to mod
/mcparty setowner {player} Sets the owner of the party
/mcparty kick {player} Kicks the player from your party
/mcparty rename {name} Renames the party
/mcexp {skill} Displays information about exp values for the skill
/mcspy Toggles spying on party chats
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