Some small sample datasets that may be useful for various examples.
: Elevation data in an area around southern Scandanavia. The original data is from but some hacky post-processing was used to make this image. The result doesn't have a cleanly defined geographic coordinate system, sosscand.nrrd
includes only minimal orientation information so as to not be misleading.ddro.nrrd
: Portrait of Diderot himself, as created and processed
. All resolutions of the image are square, with the domain [-1,1]x[-1,1].sqflow-{1608,3928}.nrrd
: From a Navier Stokes simulation of incompressible flow past a square cylinder, by Simone Camarri and Maria-Vittoria Salvetti (University of Pisa), Marcelo Buffoni (Politecnico of Torino), and Angelo Iollo (University of Bordeaux I). A uniform resampling was computed by Tino Weinkauf, and used in von Funck et al. for smoke visualizations. For time-step 1608,sqflow-1608.nrrd
is the 3D flow data, andsqflow2D-1608.nrrd
is a central slice (of 2-vectors) in which the 3D flow is maximally contained within the slice.sqflow-3928.nrrd
are the same things for time step
documents exactly how these were created.
More datasets will be added as more example programs are finished.