Go-PwdServ is a lightweight password verification service for Go.
This service supports the use of built-in validators, to validate the new password's complexity according to a selected ruleset.
go get github.com/DigiRazor/pwdserv
Confirm Password: Basic check to ensure that the new password and confirmed password matches.
Minimum Length: Basic check for minimum length of the password.
User ID/ User-name: Basic check to disallow the user id or user name to be in the password.
Upper-case characters: Basic check to confirm whether the password contains an upper-case character.
Lower-case characters: Basic check to confirm whether the password contains a lower-case character.
Numeric characters: Basic check to confirm whether the password contains a numeric character.
Special characters: Basic check to confirm whether the password contains any of the supplied special character(s).
White space: Basic check to disallow white space(s) in the password.
Historical passwords: Basic check to compare the provided password against previous passwords used by the user.
Black-list: Basic check to disallow the supplied list of words as possible passwords.
This is a quick introduction (Go-PwdServ, world; world, Go-PwdServ):
Basic example
package main
import (
var blackList = []string{
var cfgData = []byte(`{
"CheckConfirm": true,
"CheckMinLength": true,
"MinLength": 8,
"CheckUserID": true,
"CheckUppercase": true,
"CheckLowercase": true,
"CheckNumeric": true,
"CheckSpecialChar": true,
"SpecialChar": "!@#$%*+/",
"CheckWhiteSpace": true,
"CheckHistory": true,
"MinHistory": 3,
"CheckBlackList": true
func main() {
serv := pwdserv.New()
err := serv.SetConfig(cfgData, blackList)
if err != nil {
fmt.Printf("Setup Error: %s\n", err)
pwd := pwdserv.Password{
UserID: "ABHW089",
OldPassword: "B1ge@rs*",
NewPassword: "yVHn6?R@",
ConfirmPassword: "yVHn6?R@",
PasswordHistory: []string{"$sG96r#X", "3g9m&9W7"},
NewPasswordHash: "yVHn6?R@",
err = serv.Validate(&pwd)
if err != nil {
fmt.Printf("Validate Error: %s\n", err)
} else {
Custom Validations (With Logger)
package main
import (
var blackList = []string{
var cfgData = []byte(`{
"CheckConfirm": true,
"CheckMinLength": true,
"MinLength": 8,
"CheckUserID": true,
"CheckUppercase": true,
"CheckLowercase": true,
"CheckNumeric": true,
"CheckSpecialChar": true,
"SpecialChar": "!@#$%*+/",
"CheckWhiteSpace": true,
"CheckHistory": true,
"MinHistory": 3,
"CheckBlackList": true
// Logger func
func Logger(inner pwdserv.Validation, name string) pwdserv.Validation {
return func(password *pwdserv.Password, config *pwdserv.PasswordRules) (bool, error) {
start := time.Now()
r, e := inner(password, config)
return r, e
// CustomValidation1 function
func CustomValidation1(password *pwdserv.Password, config *pwdserv.PasswordRules) (bool, error) {
// do custom validations
fmt.Println("Custom Validation Check 1")
return true, nil
// CustomValidation2 function
func CustomValidation2(password *pwdserv.Password, config *pwdserv.PasswordRules) (bool, error) {
// do custom validations
fmt.Println("Custom Validation Check 2")
return true, nil
func main() {
serv := pwdserv.New()
err := serv.SetConfig(cfgData, blackList)
if err != nil {
fmt.Printf("Setup Error: %s\n", err)
pwd := pwdserv.Password{
UserID: "ABHW089",
OldPassword: "B1ge@rs*",
NewPassword: "yVHn6?R@",
ConfirmPassword: "yVHn6?R@",
PasswordHistory: []string{"$sG96r#X", "3g9m&9W7"},
NewPasswordHash: "yVHn6?R@",
serv.Add("Custom1", Logger(CustomValidation1, "Custom1"))
serv.Add("Custom2", Logger(CustomValidation2, "Custom2"))
err = serv.Validate(&pwd)
if err != nil {
fmt.Printf("Validate Error: %s\n", err)
} else {
Initial Version:
- Basic validations as per basic feature list
- Base unit tests
- Allowing for custom validation