diff --git a/histomicstk/features/compute_fsd_features.py b/histomicstk/features/compute_fsd_features.py
index bb1685961..8bae11c5e 100644
--- a/histomicstk/features/compute_fsd_features.py
+++ b/histomicstk/features/compute_fsd_features.py
@@ -38,7 +38,8 @@ def compute_fsd_features(im_label, K=128, Fs=6, Delta=8, rprops=None):
     import pandas as pd
     from skimage.measure import regionprops
-    from skimage.segmentation import find_boundaries
+    from histomicstk.segmentation.label import trace_object_boundaries
     # List of feature names
     feature_list = []
@@ -68,15 +69,35 @@ def compute_fsd_features(im_label, K=128, Fs=6, Delta=8, rprops=None):
     for i in range(numLabels):
         # get bounds of dilated nucleus
         min_row, max_row, min_col, max_col = _GetBounds(
-            rprops[i].bbox, Delta, sizex, sizey,
+            rprops[i].bbox,
+            Delta,
+            sizex,
+            sizey,
         # grab label mask
-        lmask = (im_label[min_row:max_row, min_col:max_col] == rprops[i].label).astype(bool)
+        lmask = (im_label[min_row:max_row, min_col:max_col] == rprops[i].label).astype(
+            bool,
+        )
+        # trace_object_boundaries requires that that edge rows and columns be
+        # false as it does no bounds checking
+        if not min_row or not min_col or max_row + 1 == sizex or max_col + 1 == sizey:
+            lmask = np.pad(lmask, (
+                (1 if not min_row else 0, 1 if max_row + 1 == sizex else 0),
+                (1 if not min_col else 0, 1 if max_col + 1 == sizey else 0)))
         # find boundaries
-        Bounds = np.argwhere(
-            find_boundaries(lmask, mode='inner').astype(np.uint8) == 1,
+        Bounds = trace_object_boundaries(
+            lmask,
+            conn=8,
+            trace_all=False,
+            x_start=None,
+            y_start=None,
+            max_length=None,
+            simplify_colinear_spurs=False,
+            eps_colinear_area=0.01,
+            region_props=None,
+        Bounds = np.stack([Bounds[0][0][:-1], Bounds[1][0][:-1]], axis=-1)
         # check length of boundaries
         if len(Bounds) < 2:
@@ -117,7 +138,7 @@ def _InterpolateArcLength(X, Y, K):
     # generate spaced points 0, 1/k, 1
     interval = np.linspace(0, 1, K + 1)
     # get segment lengths
-    slens = np.sqrt(np.diff(X)**2 + np.diff(Y)**2)
+    slens = np.sqrt(np.diff(X) ** 2 + np.diff(Y) ** 2)
     # normalize to unit length
     slens = np.true_divide(slens, slens.sum())
     # calculate cumulative length along boundary
@@ -165,14 +186,14 @@ def _FSDs(X, Y, K, Intervals):
     # check input 'Intervals'
-    if Intervals[0] != 1.:
-        Intervals = np.hstack((1., Intervals))
+    if Intervals[0] != 1.0:
+        Intervals = np.hstack((1.0, Intervals))
     if Intervals[-1] != (K / 2):
         Intervals = np.hstack((Intervals, float(K)))
     # get length of intervals
     L = len(Intervals)
     # initialize F
-    F = np.zeros((L - 1, )).astype(float)
+    F = np.zeros((L - 1,)).astype(float)
     # interpolate boundaries
     iX, iY = _InterpolateArcLength(X, Y, K)
     # check if iXY.iX is not empty
@@ -185,14 +206,16 @@ def _FSDs(X, Y, K, Intervals):
         # make curvature cumulative
         Curvature = Curvature - Curvature[0]
         # calculate FFT
-        fX = np.fft.fft(Curvature).T
+        z = 1 * np.cos(Curvature) + 1j * np.sin(Curvature)
+        fX = np.fft.fft(z).T
         # spectral energy
         fX = fX * fX.conj()
         fX = (fX / fX.sum()) if fX.sum() else fX
         # calculate 'F' values
         for i in range(L - 1):
             F[i] = np.round(
-                fX[Intervals[i] - 1:Intervals[i + 1]].sum(), L,
+                fX[Intervals[i] - 1: Intervals[i + 1]].sum(),
+                L,
     return F
diff --git a/tests/test_files/Easy1_nuclei_fsd_features.csv b/tests/test_files/Easy1_nuclei_fsd_features.csv
index 691d65998..669a9eded 100644
--- a/tests/test_files/Easy1_nuclei_fsd_features.csv
+++ b/tests/test_files/Easy1_nuclei_fsd_features.csv
@@ -1,65 +1,65 @@