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jQuery.ddMap changelog

Version 2.1 (2024-02-27)

  • + Parameters → params.markers[i].icon: The new optional parameter. Allows you to customaize marker icons.

Version 2.0 (2023-05-22)

  • * The library has been renamed from ddYMap to ddMap: jQuery.fn.ddYMapjQuery.fn.ddMap.
  • + You may not to think about including Yandex Map script, the library will do it automatically.
  • + The map size will be automatically updated each time the resize event will be triggered on the main container.
  • + All children of the main element will be deleted during initialisation.
  • + If Yandex Map API is not loaded, the script will await it.
  • * Parameters:
    • + params.apiKey: The new parameter. Yandex Maps API key. For now it is working without key, but Yandex mark it as required, so it is recommended to set it.
    • * The following have been renamed:
      • * params.placemarksparams.markers.
      • * params.placemarkOptionsparams.markerOptions.
    • - params.zoom, params.latLng: The outdated names are no longer supported, use params.defaultZoom and params.placemarks instead.
  • + Events → ddBeforeInit: The new event.
  • + README, README_ru.
  • * Attention! Backward compatibility is broken.

Version 1.4 (2015-07-23)

  • + Parameters → controls: The new optional parameter. It is an array of controls to be added onto the map.
  • + Parameters → mapOptions: The new optional parameter. It represents yandex map options to be passed to the constructor.

Version 1.3.1 (2014-07-24)

  • * Hidden map with the several placemarks will be positioned on the first show.
  • * Empty height of the map element will be set to 400px.

Version 1.3 (2014-07-10)

  • * Be advised! The 2.1 version of Yandex Maps API is used!
  • + The new geolocation and full screen controls have been added onto map.
  • * Parameters → placemarks:
    • * The parameter has been renamed from latLng (the old name is still can be used, but it's recommended to use the new one).
    • + Now can be either an array of placemarks or a pair of coordinates. Each placemark can have its position as well as a tip that appears when clicked. The parameter can be, as before, a coordinate pair for the map center.
  • + The map object (an instance of ymaps.Map) is now stored inside of the 'ddYmap' property of the map container (the one that jQuery.fn.ddYMap is applied to) via the method of JQuery.
  • + Events → ddAfterInit: The new event. It's attached to the map container and will be triggered after the map has been initialized.

Version 1.2 (2014-06-05)

  • + Parameters → mapCenterOffset: The new optional parameter. It allows center offset of the map to be set in pixels with respect to the center of the map container.
  • * Parameters → defaultZoom: The parameter has been renamed from zoom (the old name is still can be used, but it's recommended to use the new one).

Version 1.1 (2014-03-16)

  • + The jQuery.fn.ddYMap method has been added. The internal method jQuery.ddYMap.init is not recommended to use.
  • + The params.defaultType parameter which allows to set default map type has been added.
  • - The redundant parameter params.elementId has been removed.
  • * The internal variable elementId has been ranamed as element.

Version 1.0 (2013-07-12)

  • + The first release.