diff --git a/modular_doppler/wargaming/code/game_kit.dm b/modular_doppler/wargaming/code/game_kit.dm new file mode 100644 index 0000000000000..729ee80fe3985 --- /dev/null +++ b/modular_doppler/wargaming/code/game_kit.dm @@ -0,0 +1,29 @@ +/obj/item/storage/briefcase/secure/wargame_kit + name = "DIY Wargaming Kit" + desc = "Contains everything an aspiring naval officer (or just huge fucking nerd) would need for a proper modern naval wargame." + custom_premium_price = PAYCHECK_CREW * 2 + +/obj/item/storage/briefcase/secure/wargame_kit/PopulateContents() + var/static/items_inside = list( + /obj/item/wargame_projector/ships = 1, + /obj/item/wargame_projector/ships/red = 1, + /obj/item/wargame_projector/terrain = 1, + /obj/item/storage/dice = 1, + /obj/item/book/manual/wargame_rules = 1, + /obj/item/book/manual/wargame_rules/examples = 1, + ) + generate_items_inside(items_inside,src) + +/obj/item/book/manual/wargame_rules + name = "Wargame: Blue Lizard - Example Ruleset" + icon_state = "book" + starting_author = "John War - CEO of War" + starting_title = "Wargame: Blue Lizard - Example Ruleset" + starting_content = "Formatting is a fuck - 2564 kill em all - Just go to this link in your browser <b>https://hackmd.io/@Paxilmaniac/H1ZVsTIYR</b>" + +/obj/item/book/manual/wargame_rules/examples + name = "Wargame: Blue Lizard - Example Ships and Scenarios" + icon_state = "book1" + starting_author = "John War - CEO of War" + starting_title = "Wargame: Blue Lizard - Example Ships and Scenarios" + starting_content = "Formatting is a fuck - 2564 kill em all - Just go to this link in your browser <b>https://hackmd.io/@Paxilmaniac/rJwy1C8KR</b>" diff --git a/modular_doppler/wargaming/code/holograms.dm b/modular_doppler/wargaming/code/holograms.dm new file mode 100644 index 0000000000000..1d85021ef680c --- /dev/null +++ b/modular_doppler/wargaming/code/holograms.dm @@ -0,0 +1,122 @@ +/obj/structure/wargame_hologram + name = "broken holographic wargame marker" + desc = "You have a feeling like this is supposed to be telling you something, but the hologram must have broken." + icon = 'modular_doppler/wargaming/icons/projectors_and_holograms.dmi' + icon_state = null + anchored = TRUE + density = FALSE + max_integrity = 1 + obj_flags = UNIQUE_RENAME + /// What object created this projection? Can be null as a projector isn't required for this to exist + var/obj/item/wargame_projector/projector + +/obj/structure/wargame_hologram/Initialize(mapload, source_projector) + . = ..() + if(source_projector) + projector = source_projector + LAZYADD(projector.projections, src) + +/obj/structure/wargame_hologram/Destroy() + if(projector) + LAZYREMOVE(projector.projections, src) + projector = null + return ..() + +/obj/structure/wargame_hologram/update_overlays() + . = ..() + . += emissive_appearance(icon, icon_state, src) + +/// Projections for 'moving vessels' in order from smallest to largest representation + +/obj/structure/wargame_hologram/strike_craft + name = "strike craft marker" + desc = "A hologram of a single strike craft." + icon_state = "strikesingle" + +/obj/structure/wargame_hologram/strike_craft_util + name = "skiff marker" + desc = "A hologram of a single utility skiff." + icon_state = "strike_utility" + +/obj/structure/wargame_hologram/strike_craft/wing + name = "strike craft wing marker" + desc = "A hologram of a wing of strike craft." + icon_state = "strikewing" + +/obj/structure/wargame_hologram/ship_marker + name = "small vessel marker" + desc = "A hologram of a small frigate." + icon_state = "smallship" + +/obj/structure/wargame_hologram/ship_marker/medium + name = "medium vessel marker" + desc = "A hologram of a destroyer." + icon_state = "mediumship" + +/obj/structure/wargame_hologram/ship_marker/large + name = "large vessel marker" + desc = "A hologram of a large cruiser." + icon_state = "bigship" + +/obj/structure/wargame_hologram/ship_marker/large/alternate + name = "alternate large vessel marker" + desc = "A hologram of a massive ship." + icon_state = "bigship_alternate" + +/obj/structure/wargame_hologram/unidentified + name = "unidentified contact marker" + desc = "A hologram standing for an unidentified contact." + icon_state = "unidentified" + +/* +Projections for misc stuff, like stations, scout probes, or incoming missiles +*/ + +/obj/structure/wargame_hologram/missile_warning + name = "in-flight missile marker" + desc = "A hologram of a missile currently in flight." + icon_state = "missile" + +/obj/structure/wargame_hologram/probe + name = "probe marker" + desc = "A hologram of a scout probe." + icon_state = "probe" + +/obj/structure/wargame_hologram/stationary_structure + name = "station marker" + desc = "A hologram of a space station." + icon_state = "station" + +/obj/structure/wargame_hologram/stationary_structure/platform + name = "platform marker" + desc = "A hologram of a small space platform." + icon_state = "platform" + +/* +Projections for space 'terrain' like asteroids and dust clouds +*/ + +/obj/structure/wargame_hologram/dust + name = "dust field marker" + desc = "A hologram of a field of stellar dust of some sort." + icon_state = "dustcloud" + +/obj/structure/wargame_hologram/asteroid + name = "small asteroid marker" + desc = "A hologram of a small asteroid." + icon_state = "asteroidsmall" + +/obj/structure/wargame_hologram/asteroid/large + name = "large asteroid marker" + desc = "A hologram of a large asteroid." + icon_state = "asteroidlarge" + +/obj/structure/wargame_hologram/asteroid/cluster + name = "asteroid cluster marker" + desc = "A hologram of a cluster of asteroids." + icon_state = "asteroidcluster" + +/obj/structure/wargame_hologram/planet + name = "planetary body marker" + desc = "A hologram of a planet." + icon_state = "planet" diff --git a/modular_doppler/wargaming/code/projectors.dm b/modular_doppler/wargaming/code/projectors.dm new file mode 100644 index 0000000000000..3abfc01bbada9 --- /dev/null +++ b/modular_doppler/wargaming/code/projectors.dm @@ -0,0 +1,199 @@ +/obj/item/wargame_projector + name = "holographic projector" + desc = "A handy-dandy holographic projector developed by Nanotrasen Naval Command for playing wargames with, this one seems broken." + icon = 'modular_doppler/wargaming/icons/projectors_and_holograms.dmi' + icon_state = "projector" + base_icon_state = "projector" + inhand_icon_state = "electronic" + worn_icon_state = "electronic" + lefthand_file = 'icons/mob/inhands/items/devices_lefthand.dmi' + righthand_file = 'icons/mob/inhands/items/devices_righthand.dmi' + force = 0 + w_class = WEIGHT_CLASS_SMALL + throwforce = 0 + throw_speed = 3 + throw_range = 7 + item_flags = NOBLUDGEON + /// All of the signs this projector is maintaining + var/list/projections + /// The maximum number of projections this can support + var/max_signs = 1 + /// The color to give holograms when created + var/holosign_color = COLOR_WHITE + /// The type of hologram to spawn on click + var/holosign_type = /obj/structure/wargame_hologram + /// A list containing all of the possible holosigns this can choose from + var/list/holosign_options = list( + /obj/structure/wargame_hologram, + ) + /// Contains all of the colors that the holograms can be changed to spawn as + var/static/list/color_options = list( + "Red" = COLOR_RED_LIGHT, + "Orange" = COLOR_LIGHT_ORANGE, + "Yellow" = COLOR_VIVID_YELLOW, + "Green" = COLOR_VIBRANT_LIME, + "Blue" = COLOR_BLUE_LIGHT, + "Pink" = COLOR_FADED_PINK, + "White" = COLOR_WHITE, + "Gray" = COLOR_GRAY, + "Brown" = COLOR_BROWN, + "Ice" = COLOR_BLUE_GRAY, + ) + /// Will hold the choices for radial menu use, populated on init + var/list/radial_choices = list() + /// A names to path list for the projections filled out by populate_radial_choice_lists() on init + var/list/projection_names_to_path = list() + +/obj/item/wargame_projector/Initialize(mapload) + . = ..() + AddElement(/datum/element/openspace_item_click_handler) + update_appearance() + populate_radial_choice_lists() + +/obj/item/wargame_projector/handle_openspace_click(turf/target, mob/user, click_parameters) + ranged_interact_with_atom(target, user, params2list(click_parameters)) + +/obj/item/wargame_projector/update_appearance() + . = ..() + cut_overlays() + + var/image/color_select_overlay = image(icon = icon, icon_state = "[base_icon_state]_screen") + color_select_overlay.color = holosign_color + add_overlay(color_select_overlay) + +/obj/item/wargame_projector/examine(mob/user) + . = ..() + if(projections) + . += span_notice("It is currently maintaining <b>[projections.len]/[max_signs]</b> projections.") + . += span_notice("Use the projector <b>in hand</b> to change what type of hologram it creates.") + . += span_notice("<b>Alt clicking</b> the projector will let you change the color of the next hologram it makes.") + . += span_warning("<b>Control clicking</b> the projector will allow you to clear all active holograms.") + +/obj/item/wargame_projector/proc/populate_radial_choice_lists() + if(!length(radial_choices) || !length(projection_names_to_path)) + for(var/obj/structure/wargame_hologram/hologram as anything in holosign_options) + projection_names_to_path[initial(hologram.name)] = hologram + radial_choices[initial(hologram.name)] = image(icon = initial(hologram.icon), icon_state = initial(hologram.icon_state)) + +/// Changes the selected hologram to one of the options from the hologram list +/obj/item/wargame_projector/proc/select_hologram(mob/user) + var/picked_choice = show_radial_menu( + user, + src, + radial_choices, + require_near = TRUE, + tooltips = TRUE, + ) + + if(isnull(picked_choice)) + return + + holosign_type = projection_names_to_path[picked_choice] + +/obj/item/wargame_projector/attack_self(mob/user) + select_hologram(user) + +/obj/item/wargame_projector/click_alt(mob/user) + var/selected_color = tgui_input_list(user, "Select a color", "Color Selection", color_options) + if(isnull(selected_color)) + balloon_alert(user, "no color change") + return + var/color_to_set_to = color_options[selected_color] + holosign_color = color_to_set_to + balloon_alert(user, "color changed") + update_appearance() + return CLICK_ACTION_SUCCESS + +/obj/item/wargame_projector/item_ctrl_click(mob/user) + if(tgui_alert(usr,"Clear all currently active holograms?", "Hologram Removal", list("Yes", "No")) == "Yes") + for(var/hologram as anything in projections) + qdel(hologram) + return CLICK_ACTION_SUCCESS + +/// Can we place a hologram at the target location? +/obj/item/wargame_projector/proc/check_can_place_hologram(atom/target, mob/user, team) + if(!check_allowed_items(target, not_inside = TRUE)) + return FALSE + var/turf/target_turf = get_turf(target) + if(target_turf.is_blocked_turf(TRUE)) + return FALSE + if(LAZYLEN(projections) >= max_signs) + balloon_alert(user, "max capacity!") + return FALSE + return TRUE + +/// Spawn a hologram with pixel offset based on where the user clicked +/obj/item/wargame_projector/proc/create_hologram(atom/target, mob/user, list/modifiers) + var/obj/target_holosign = new holosign_type(get_turf(target), src) + + var/click_x + var/click_y + + if(LAZYACCESS(modifiers, ICON_X) && LAZYACCESS(modifiers, ICON_Y)) + click_x = clamp(text2num(LAZYACCESS(modifiers, ICON_X)) - 16, -(world.icon_size/2), world.icon_size/2) + click_y = clamp(text2num(LAZYACCESS(modifiers, ICON_Y)) - 16, -(world.icon_size/2), world.icon_size/2) + + target_holosign.pixel_x = click_x + target_holosign.pixel_y = click_y + + target_holosign.color = holosign_color + + playsound(loc, 'sound/machines/click.ogg', 20, TRUE) + +/obj/item/wargame_projector/interact_with_atom(atom/interacting_with, mob/living/user, list/modifiers) + if(istype(interacting_with, /obj/structure/wargame_hologram)) + qdel(interacting_with) + return ITEM_INTERACT_SUCCESS + if(!check_can_place_hologram(interacting_with, user, 1)) + return NONE + create_hologram(interacting_with, user, modifiers) + return ITEM_INTERACT_SUCCESS + +/obj/item/wargame_projector/Destroy() + QDEL_LAZYLIST(projections) + . = ..() + +/// Actual projector types, split between the 'categories' of things they can project + +/obj/item/wargame_projector/ships + name = "holographic unit projector" + desc = "A handy-dandy holographic projector developed by Nanotrasen Naval Command for playing wargames with, this one creates markers for 'units'." + max_signs = 30 + holosign_color = COLOR_BLUE_LIGHT + holosign_type = /obj/structure/wargame_hologram/ship_marker + holosign_options = list( + /obj/structure/wargame_hologram/unidentified, + /obj/structure/wargame_hologram/missile_warning, + /obj/structure/wargame_hologram/strike_craft, + /obj/structure/wargame_hologram/strike_craft_util, + /obj/structure/wargame_hologram/strike_craft/wing, + /obj/structure/wargame_hologram/ship_marker, + /obj/structure/wargame_hologram/ship_marker/medium, + /obj/structure/wargame_hologram/ship_marker/large, + /obj/structure/wargame_hologram/ship_marker/large/alternate, + /obj/structure/wargame_hologram/probe, + /obj/structure/wargame_hologram/stationary_structure, + /obj/structure/wargame_hologram/stationary_structure/platform, + ) + +/obj/item/wargame_projector/ships/red + holosign_color = COLOR_RED_LIGHT + +/obj/item/wargame_projector/terrain + name = "holographic terrain projector" + desc = "A handy-dandy holographic projector developed by Nanotrasen Naval Command for playing wargames with, this one creates markers for space 'terrain'." + max_signs = 30 + holosign_color = COLOR_GRAY + holosign_type = /obj/structure/wargame_hologram/asteroid + // Some things, like stations, probes, and unidentified contacts, can be in the terrain one just because I can see situations where that's desired + holosign_options = list( + /obj/structure/wargame_hologram/unidentified, + /obj/structure/wargame_hologram/dust, + /obj/structure/wargame_hologram/asteroid, + /obj/structure/wargame_hologram/asteroid/large, + /obj/structure/wargame_hologram/asteroid/cluster, + /obj/structure/wargame_hologram/planet, + /obj/structure/wargame_hologram/probe, + /obj/structure/wargame_hologram/stationary_structure, + /obj/structure/wargame_hologram/stationary_structure/platform, + ) diff --git a/modular_doppler/wargaming/icons/projectors_and_holograms.dmi b/modular_doppler/wargaming/icons/projectors_and_holograms.dmi new file mode 100644 index 0000000000000..569b6d7274c9b Binary files /dev/null and b/modular_doppler/wargaming/icons/projectors_and_holograms.dmi differ diff --git a/tgstation.dme b/tgstation.dme index a64698fcfbb1d..f6b2be73c885b 100644 --- a/tgstation.dme +++ b/tgstation.dme @@ -6358,4 +6358,7 @@ #include "modular_doppler\emotes\code\added_emotes\human_things.dm" #include "modular_doppler\emotes\code\added_emotes\robot_sounds.dm" #include "modular_doppler\face_mouse_preferences\code\face_mouse_pref.dm" +#include "modular_doppler\wargaming\code\game_kit.dm" +#include "modular_doppler\wargaming\code\holograms.dm" +#include "modular_doppler\wargaming\code\projectors.dm" // END_INCLUDE