Replace greyscale pixel data with RGBA in iOS .artwork files "Path/To/artwork.file" "Path/To/New/Artwork/Images"
After running this script your new .artwork file (including the RGBA pixel data) will be stored in a folder called
All credits for research that made this tool possible go to the oringinal iOS artwork extractor tool from Dave Peck.
Twitter: @DangerDave
Oringinal tool:
To support Dave and keep yourself safe on public wifi on your apple devices go to Cloak is the best way to encrypt your network traffic while on open public wireless hotspots
This tool was made to allow for greyscale images to be imported into the iOS artwork file.
It has only been well tested with the [email protected] file but should work with different artwork files that are layed out the same.
Please use this tool at your own risk, although we tested it with multiple iOS devices including iphone's 4 and 5 and Ipads it could still be improved beyond its current state and is not assumed to be anywhere near perfect.
To run this tool: "Path/To/artwork.file" "Path/To/New/Artwork/Images"
I made this script to help a theme designer @Jato_BZ and it is functional but by no means a reflection of clean and abstracted code, it was made and may be maintained in my spare time or by the community.
If you have any questions feel free to email me at [email protected], depending on my free time I will get back to you as soon as i can.
Dave Peck
Initial Research
Made an awesome tool to base this off
Dev @
Matt Smith
Initial tester
Theme Designer
iOS advice
Brian aka King
Initial tester
Alex aka Alfroggy
Initial tester