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File metadata and controls

357 lines (288 loc) · 17.3 KB


Enhanced backgrounds (BKG)

The BKG or "Background" mod allows backgrounds to be modularly configured using json files without needing to recompile the source.

If a .json file with the same name is paired with a background file, it will be loaded automatically with the background if BKG Scroll type is set to 10 in the stage table.

Please see this page for more info on BKG in general, as well as other implementations for other Cave Story engines.

The BKG mod adds the following commands to TSC:

  • <BKGname_of_config$ - Loads the BKG config file from ./data/ with name_of_config. ($ is string delimiter)
  • <BKDwwww - Disable the background layer wwww. (out-of-range layers will be set to the last layer)
  • <BKEwwww - Enable background layer. (similar to BKD)
  • <BKPwwww:xxxx:yyyy - Set BKG parameter xxxx for layer wwww to value yyyy. (TODO: negatives and floating points)
  • <BKR - Restores background to default parameters for the map, similar to a TRA command.

BKP assignment table

This table is lifted from components/

//parameter is xxxx
//value is yyyy

match parameter
    0 => layer_ref.layer_enabled = value != 0,
    1 => layer_ref.bmp_x_offset = value,
    2 => layer_ref.bmp_y_offset = value,
    3 => layer_ref.bmp_width = value,
    4 => layer_ref.bmp_height = value,
    5 => layer_ref.draw_repeat_x = value,
    6 => layer_ref.draw_repeat_y = value,
    7 => layer_ref.draw_repeat_gap_x = value,
    8 => layer_ref.draw_repeat_gap_y = value,
    9 => layer_ref.draw_corner_offset_x = value as f32,
    10 => layer_ref.draw_corner_offset_y = value as f32,

    11 => layer_ref.animation_style.frame_count = value,
    12 => layer_ref.animation_style.frame_start = value,
    13 => layer_ref.animation_style.animation_speed = value,
    14 => layer_ref.animation_style.follow_speed_x = value as f32,
    15 => layer_ref.animation_style.follow_speed_y = value as f32,
    16 => layer_ref.animation_style.autoscroll_speed_x = value as f32,
    17 => layer_ref.animation_style.autoscroll_speed_y = value as f32,

    //scroll flags (set from bitfield)
    18 => {
        layer_ref.animation_style.scroll_flags.follow_pc_x = 0 < (value & 1 << 0);
        layer_ref.animation_style.scroll_flags.follow_pc_y = 0 < (value & 1 << 1);
        layer_ref.animation_style.scroll_flags.autoscroll_x = 0 < (value & 1 << 2);
        layer_ref.animation_style.scroll_flags.autoscroll_y = 0 < (value & 1 << 3);
        layer_ref.animation_style.scroll_flags.align_with_water_lvl = 0 < (value & 1 << 4);
        layer_ref.animation_style.scroll_flags.draw_above_foreground = 0 < (value & 1 << 5);
        layer_ref.animation_style.scroll_flags.random_offset_x = 0 < (value & 1 << 6);
        layer_ref.animation_style.scroll_flags.random_offset_y = 0 < (value & 1 << 7);
        layer_ref.animation_style.scroll_flags.lock_to_x_axis = 0 < (value & 1 << 8);
        layer_ref.animation_style.scroll_flags.lock_to_y_axis = 0 < (value & 1 << 9);
        layer_ref.animation_style.scroll_flags.randomize_all_parameters = 0 < (value & 1 << 10);
        layer_ref.animation_style.scroll_flags.add_screen_width = 0 < (value & 1 << 11);
        layer_ref.animation_style.scroll_flags.add_screen_height = 0 < (value & 1 << 12);
        layer_ref.animation_style.scroll_flags.relative_to_pillarbox= 0 < (value & 1 << 13);
        layer_ref.animation_style.scroll_flags.relative_to_letterbox = 0 < (value & 1 << 14);
    //invalid parameter: do nothing
    _ => {}

When setting scroll flags from a BKP command, they are set using a bitfield, similar to how items are equipped on the player with the vanilla command EQ+. Raise 2 to the power of the shift count for the parameter seen in the code above and add all parameter numbers together to set the flags.


Flag: align with water is value 2^4=16
Flag: follow_pc_x is value 2^0=1
Flag: autoscroll_y = 2^3=8

Total: 25

Setting all these flags to TRUE and all others to FALSE will use the value 0025.

This is the command to set these flags on layer 0:

(Note: if the bitfield sum is larger than 9999, out-of-bounds TSC values will need to be used. The value of non-number TSC is based on its distance from 0 on the ASCII table. For example, 999: is parsed as 10000)

Config File Layout

To save the effort of running multiple TSC commands for each background config, all configuration data is stored in a json file in the ./data/bkg directory. These files can have any name, and the bitmap they load is determined by the fields within the file.

  • version - config version number, this should not be edited by the user, since it tells the engine how to deal with the config file. Files that are out of date will automatically be updated and re-saved by the engine when it tries to load them.
  • bmp_filename - what image file to load from the ./data directory (Note: the image file does not have to exclusively be a bitmap: d-rs can handle .png and .pbm as well. Either of these filetypes will work just the same, despite the bmp naming convention used here)
  • lighting_mode - what type of ambient lighting d-rs uses. Types are:
    • None (0),
    • BackgroundOnly (1),
    • Ambient (2),

  • layers - a list of each layer to be drawn on the background, the first entry in the list will be drawn at the back, and the other entries will work their way up from there.
  • name - This field is optional and is not actually processed by the parser, but it helps make layers easier to identify. The .json will load just fine if it is not included.
  • layer_enabled - if false, this layer will not be processed or drawn.
  • bmp_x_offset / bmp_y_offset - the top left corner on the background image where the rect to draw for this layer is
  • bmp_width / bmp_height - how wide and tall the rect to draw should be
  • draw_repeat_x / draw_repeat_y - how many times to repeat the bitmap, starting from the top left corner and extending right and down. To repeat a definite count in the other direction, apply a negative value to the draw_corner_offset fields. If these are set to 0, they will repeat infinitely in both directions (left/right or up/down).
  • draw_repeat_gap_x / draw_repeat_gap_y how much space to have between bitmap "tiles", in pixels.
  • draw_corner_offset_x / draw_corner_offset_y - offset from the top left corner where the tiles should begin drawing.

  • animation_style sub-group that controls how the background moves and changes
  • frame_count - how many frames of animation the layer should have, 0 and 1 both do the same thing
  • frame_start - what animation number to start on, [0 thru frame_count-1]
  • animation_speed - how many ingame ticks it takes to advance the frame by 1
  • follow_speed_x / follow_speed_y - how fast the background follows the camera's motion. For it to move with the foreground, set these values to 1.0. For the classic "slow follow" effect, set them to 0.5. They can also be negative. These will only be active if the flags follow_pc_x / follow_pc_y are set to true.
  • autoscroll_speed_x / autoscroll_speed_y - same as follow_speed parameters, but apply to the autoscrolling. Units are speed * 1 pixel per second.
  • screen_width_add_percent / screen_height_add_percent - percent multiplier (0.0-1.0) of the screen's width/height that will be added to the layer if add_screen_width / add_screen_height is marked as true. A value of 1 will align things with the right/bottom of the screen, a value of 0 is the same as if the setting were disabled. A value of 0.5 will align the layer to the screen center.

  • scroll_flags - determines what properties to apply to the scrolling, the parameters of which are outlined above.
  • follow_pc_x / follow_pc_y - the background will move as a multiple of the user's camera.
  • autoscroll_x / autoscroll_y - the background will move as a multiple of time
  • align_with_water_lvl - will follow the global water level, like what's used in the Core fight
  • draw_above_foreground - draws the background above the frontmost tile layer
  • random_offset_x / random_offset_y - only applies to the opposite autoscroll mode with a finite number of draw_repeat. Each time the last rect in the chain goes offscreen, it will loop back on the other side. If this field is set to true it will have a randomized x/y value. This is good for things like clouds, where you'd set it to autoscroll along the x axis, but enable the random_offset_y flag to have each "cloud" come back onscreen with a randomized height. The amount that this value will deviate each time is between -animation_speed and animation_speed.
  • lock_to_x_axis / lock_to_y_axis - locks the map's background to either the X or Y axis by compounding x1 frame movement onto the current offset. This same effect can be achieved with other settings, but this can be combined with other settings to create different effects.
  • add_screen_width / add_screen_height - adds the width or height of the window to the background layer, this is useful for aligning the layer with the right or bottom edge of the screen instead of the top or left. What is added changes based on the the values of relative_to_pillarbox / relative_to_letterbox and screen_width_add_percent / screen_height_add_percent.
  • relative_to_pillarbox / relative_to_letterbox - Changes what is regarded as an "edge" to the background layer. For small maps or wide screens, there may be black "strips" along the sides or bottom of the viewing window. If these settings are enabled, the background will align itself with the edge of this black strip instead of the actual edge of the window. Typically, these should be true if there is detail on a background layer that is only repeated a few times, or is at risk of being covered by the black "strips". If you're unsure on how to use these, it's safer to set them to true.

Here's an example of a file:

  "version": 3,
  "bmp_filename": "bkBlue",
  "lighting_mode": 0,
  "layers": [
      "name": "Far back",
      "layer_enabled": true,
      "bmp_x_offset": 0,
      "bmp_y_offset": 0,
      "bmp_width": 64,
      "bmp_height": 64,
      "draw_repeat_x": 0,
      "draw_repeat_y": 0,
      "draw_repeat_gap_x": 0,
      "draw_repeat_gap_y": 0,
      "draw_corner_offset_x": 0.0,
      "draw_corner_offset_y": 0.0,
      "animation_style": {
        "frame_count": 0,
        "frame_start": 0,
        "animation_speed": 0,
        "follow_speed_x": 1.0,
        "follow_speed_y": 1.0,
        "autoscroll_speed_x": 1.0,
        "autoscroll_speed_y": 1.0,
        "screen_width_add_percent": 1.0,
        "screen_height_add_percent": 1.0,
        "scroll_flags": {
          "follow_pc_x": false,
          "follow_pc_y": false,
          "autoscroll_x": false,
          "autoscroll_y": false,
          "align_with_water_lvl": false,
          "draw_above_foreground": false,
          "random_offset_x": false,
          "random_offset_y": false,
          "lock_to_x_axis": false,
          "lock_to_y_axis": false,
          "randomize_all_parameters": false,
          "add_screen_width": false,
          "add_screen_height": false,
          "relative_to_pillarbox": false,
          "relative_to_letterbox": false
      "name": "Backwards Slide",
      "layer_enabled": true,
      "bmp_x_offset": 0,
      "bmp_y_offset": 0,
      "bmp_width": 64,
      "bmp_height": 64,
      "draw_repeat_x": 0,
      "draw_repeat_y": 0,
      "draw_repeat_gap_x": 16,
      "draw_repeat_gap_y": 16,
      "draw_corner_offset_x": 600.0,
      "draw_corner_offset_y": 600.0,
      "animation_style": {
        "frame_count": 0,
        "frame_start": 0,
        "animation_speed": 60,
        "follow_speed_x": 1.0,
        "follow_speed_y": 1.0,
        "autoscroll_speed_x": -0.5,
        "autoscroll_speed_y": 0.5,
        "screen_width_add_percent": 1.0,
        "screen_height_add_percent": 1.0,
        "scroll_flags": {
          "follow_pc_x": false,
          "follow_pc_y": true,
          "autoscroll_x": true,
          "autoscroll_y": true,
          "align_with_water_lvl": false,
          "draw_above_foreground": false,
          "random_offset_x": false,
          "random_offset_y": false,
          "lock_to_x_axis": false,
          "lock_to_y_axis": false,
          "randomize_all_parameters": false,
          "add_screen_width": false,
          "add_screen_height": false,
          "relative_to_pillarbox": false,
          "relative_to_letterbox": false

(to try this out ingame, name it something like background_name.json and place it in the /data/bkg directory, then load it in with <BKGbackground_name$)


Layers mode adds the ability to draw four distinct maps' worth of tiles directly on top of each other, simplifying tileest bitmaps and allowing for some interesting layouts. It also extends the builtin tileset limit so the tilesets themselves can be much larger.

Please see this page for a more in-depth explanation on how the layer mod works.

In addition to support for layers, the following commands have been added to interface with them:

  • <CMLwwww:xxxx:yyyy:zzzz - Sets the tile at (xxxx,yyyy) to type zzzz, on layer wwww [0/back, 1/mid, 2/fore, 3/far fore]
  • <SMLwwww:xxxx:yyyy - Subtracts 1 from tile type at (xxxx,yyyy) on layer wwww [0/back, 1/mid, 2/fore, 3/far fore]

Animated tiles

The animated tiles option allows tiles to change their color on a predefined tick interval, just like the animation_speed parameter of <BKG. The tile animations are configured with a .json file placed in the ./data/Stage directory. This .json must have the same name as the tileset it will be loaded with. For example, a .json with name Cave.json will be loaded with the tileset PrtCave.bmp + Cave.pxa. If the .json is not correctly formatted or not present, it will simply be ignored and the tileset will be loaded as normal.

Here are the fields for the animated tile config file:

  • version - config version number, this should not be edited by the user, since it tells the engine how to deal with the config file. Files that are out of date will automatically be updated and re-saved by the engine when it tries to load them.
  • tiles - a list of each tile to have an animation.
  • tile_id - which tile from the bitmap should recieve this animation. The tile is indexed from 0 at the top left corner from left to right. For .pxa files, it is indexed by 16 pixels. For .pxpack (kero-blaster) files, it is indexed by 8. This behaves similar to how the stock <CMP command works. Note: if multiple entries share the same tile_id, it will only use the configuration from the last one in the list.
  • animation_speed - how many ingame ticks it takes to advance the frame by 1
  • frame_start - what animation number to start on, values larger than the number of frames will be wrapped
  • frame - list of tile RECTs to render in sequence, selected in the same manner as the tile_id. (Note: this affects what the tile looks like only. It does not affect collision, which is still that of tile_id.)

Here's an example of a file:

  "version": 1,
  "tiles": [
      "tile_id": 60,
      "animation_speed": 8,
      "frame_start": 0,
      "frame": [
      "tile_id": 65,
      "animation_speed": 8,
      "frame_start": 5,
      "frame": [

(to try this out ingame, name it something like Cave.json and place it in the /data/Stage directory, then load any map that uses the Cave tileset and this will be loaded along side it)

Additional TSC

  • <MS4 - Displays text on the bottom of the screen without background. (like MS2, but where MSG happens)
  • <CMFwwww:name_of_file$ - Cue Music File, loads and starts music from ./data (subdirectories can be included) where wwww = [0-organya, 1-multi-ogg, 2-single-ogg, 3-tracker], the string argument should not start with a leading /. Example: <CMF0003:a_u.s3m$. Because I want to preserve save file compatibility, setting songs this way are not saved in the profile.dat.
  • <FNJxxxx:yyyy - Jumps to event yyyy if flag xxxx is NOT set.

Rotation Framework

The internal code now has ready-support for sprite rotation. (which should work with all backends, but is untested on the horizon backend because I don't own a nintendo switch)

The SpriteBatch struct now has the following method:

fn add_rect_flip_scaled_tinted_rotated(
    &mut self,
    x: f32,
    y: f32,
    flip_x: bool,
    flip_y: bool,
    angle: f64,
    anchor_x: f32,
    anchor_y: f32,
    color: (u8, u8, u8, u8),
    scale_x: f32,
    scale_y: f32,
    rect: &common::Rect<u16>,

The NPC struct now has these fields:

  • angle: f32 - angle in radians that the NPC should rotate. (Note: this does NOT rotate the NPC itself, just its sprite, so hitbox and collision remain stationary)
  • anchor_x: f32 - the center of rotation on the NPC's sprite from the top left corner.
  • anchor_y: f32 - ditto for y axis

Rotation unit circle:
