NOTE: Short frame can only be used with short frame, do NOT mix and match
NOTE: Short frame not compatible with taller tools
- 6 x M3 Heatset
- 4 x M3x16 SHCS
- 4 x M5x8 BHCS
M3x8 for 1515
- 4 x M5 T-Nut
M3 for 1515
Only 2 if using Links
NOTE: Only if using one mounting bar (top or bottom)
- 2 x M5 Nut
M3 for 1515
NOTE: Recommended if top mounting
- 2 x M3 Heatset
- 2 x M3x16 SHCS
- 2 x M5x8 BHCS
NOTE: Stubby base can only be used with stubby base, do NOT mix and match
- 4 x M3 Heatset
2 x M3x20 SHCS
2 x M3x50 SHCS
40mm for stubby
- 1 x M3 Heatset
Optional for PTFE wiper
- 2 x 3x6 Magnet
Optional for under tray
- 2 x M3x10 SHCS
NOTE: Only pick one type of Wiper
- 4 x M3 Heatset
- 4 x M3x30 SHCS
20mm for DB/Yavoth
- RTV High Temp Silicon
- 2 x M3 Heatset
- 2 x M3x8 BHCS
- 1 x 7.2x34mm Spring Steel (Old tape measure)
22mm for stubby
- 1 x M3 Heatset
- 1 x M3x16 BHCS
- 1 x M4 Spring cut to 2mm height
Stiffer is better
NOTE: Optional addon for all wiper types
- 1 x M3x6 BHCS
- 1 x 15mm 4mm OD PTFE tube
NOTE: Docking bolts and tool cowl bolts should be magnetic steel, not Stainless if using magnets
NOTE: Bolts used might vary depends on base use (Stubby will be much shorter) and Cowls used
- 2 x 5x2 Magnets
Optional but recommended
- 2 x M3x16 BHCS
- 2 x 5x2 Magnets
Optional but recommended
- 2 x 6x3 Magents
For Yavoth
- 2 x M3x16 BHCS
- 2 x 5x2 or 6x3 Magnets
Optional but recommended
Use steel bolts on the top fan bolts aswell
- 2 x M3x12 SHCS
from inside of frame
- 2 x 5x2 or 6x3 Magnets
Optional but recommended
Use steel bolts on the top fan bolts aswell
- 2 x M3x12 SHCS
from inside of frame
- 2 x 5x2 Magnets
Optional but recommended
- 2 x M3x16 BHCS