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NuGet Version

Source generator for services registrations inspired by Scrutor. Code generation allows to have AOT-compatible code, without an additional hit on startup performance due to runtime assembly scanning.


Add the NuGet Package to your project:

dotnet add package ServiceScan.SourceGenerator


ServiceScan generates a partial method implementation based on GenerateServiceRegistrations attribute. This attribute can be added to a partial method with IServiceCollection parameter. For example, based on the following partial method:

public static partial class ServicesExtensions
    [GenerateServiceRegistrations(AssignableTo = typeof(IMyService), Lifetime = ServiceLifetime.Scoped)]
    public static partial IServiceCollection AddServices(this IServiceCollection services);

ServiceScan will generate the following implementation:

public static partial class ServicesExtensions
    public static partial IServiceCollection AddServices(this IServiceCollection services)
        return services
            .AddScoped<IMyService, ServiceImplementation1>()
            .AddScoped<IMyService, ServiceImplementation2>();

The only thing left is to invoke this method on your IServiceCollection instance



Register all FluentValidation validators

Unlike using FluentValidation.DependencyInjectionExtensions package, ServiceScan is AOT-compatible, and doesn't affect startup performance:

[GenerateServiceRegistrations(AssignableTo = typeof(IValidator<>), Lifetime = ServiceLifetime.Singleton)]
public static partial IServiceCollection AddValidators(this IServiceCollection services);

Add MediatR handlers

public static IServiceCollection AddMediatR(this IServiceCollection services)
    return services
        .AddTransient<IMediator, Mediator>()

[GenerateServiceRegistrations(AssignableTo = typeof(IRequestHandler<>), Lifetime = ServiceLifetime.Transient)]
[GenerateServiceRegistrations(AssignableTo = typeof(IRequestHandler<,>), Lifetime = ServiceLifetime.Transient)]
private static partial IServiceCollection AddMediatRHandlers(this IServiceCollection services);

It adds MediatR requests handlers, although you might need to add other types like PipelineBehaviors or NotificationHandlers.

Add all repository types from your project based on name filter as their implemented interfaces:

    TypeNameFilter = "*Repository",
    AsImplementedInterfaces = true,
    Lifetime = ServiceLifetime.Scoped)]
private static partial IServiceCollection AddRepositories(this IServiceCollection services);

Add AspNetCore Minimal API endpoints

You can add custom type handler, if you need to do something non-trivial with that type. For example, you can automatically discover and map Minimal API endpoints:

public interface IEndpoint
    abstract static void MapEndpoint(IEndpointRouteBuilder endpoints);

public class HelloWorldEndpoint : IEndpoint
    public static void MapEndpoint(IEndpointRouteBuilder endpoints)
        endpoints.MapGet("/", () => "Hello World!");

public static partial class ServiceCollectionExtensions
    [GenerateServiceRegistrations(AssignableTo = typeof(IEndpoint), CustomHandler = nameof(MapEndpoint))]
    public static partial IEndpointRouteBuilder MapEndpoints(this IEndpointRouteBuilder endpoints);

    private static void MapEndpoint<T>(IEndpointRouteBuilder endpoints) where T : IEndpoint


GenerateServiceRegistrations attribute has the following properties:

Property Description
FromAssemblyOf Set the assembly containing the given type as the source of types to register. If not specified, the assembly containing the method with this attribute will be used.
AssignableTo Set the type that the registered types must be assignable to. Types will be registered with this type as the service type, unless AsImplementedInterfaces or AsSelf is set.
Lifetime Set the lifetime of the registered services. ServiceLifetime.Transient is used if not specified.
AsImplementedInterfaces If true, the registered types will be registered as implemented interfaces instead of their actual type.
AsSelf If true, types will be registered with their actual type. It can be combined with AsImplementedInterfaces. In that case implemented interfaces will be "forwarded" to an actual implementation type
TypeNameFilter Set this value to filter the types to register by their full name. You can use '*' wildcards. You can also use ',' to separate multiple filters.
KeySelector Set this value to a static method name returning string. Returned value will be used as a key for the registration. Method should either be generic, or have a single parameter of type Type.
CustomHandler Set this property to a static generic method name in the current class. Set this property to a static generic method name in the current class. This property is incompatible with Lifetime, AsImplementedInterfaces, AsSelf, KeySelector properties.