diff --git a/src/main/java/ml/duncte123/skybot/commands/uncategorized/BotinfoCommand.java b/src/main/java/ml/duncte123/skybot/commands/uncategorized/BotinfoCommand.java index 02a04d59e..2f823cdb4 100644 --- a/src/main/java/ml/duncte123/skybot/commands/uncategorized/BotinfoCommand.java +++ b/src/main/java/ml/duncte123/skybot/commands/uncategorized/BotinfoCommand.java @@ -20,6 +20,7 @@ import com.sedmelluq.discord.lavaplayer.tools.PlayerLibrary; import com.sun.management.OperatingSystemMXBean; +import me.duncte123.weebJava.models.WeebApi; import ml.duncte123.skybot.Settings; import ml.duncte123.skybot.objects.command.Command; import ml.duncte123.skybot.utils.AirUtils; @@ -68,13 +69,6 @@ public void executeCommand(String invoke, String[] args, GuildMessageReceivedEve "duncte123 (duncte123#1245), ramidzkh (ramidzkh#4814) and Sanduhr32 (\u231b.exe ¯\\\\_(ツ)\\_/¯#5785).\n" + "If you want to add me to your server you can do that by [clicking here](https://bots.discord.pw/bots/210363111729790977).\n" + "\nIf you need any support you can join the support guild [here](https://discord.gg/NKM9Xtk)", true) -// .addField("General info", "**Creator:** duncte123#1245\n" + -// "**Contributors:** ramidzkh (ramidzkh#4814) and Sanduhr32 (\u231b.exe ¯\\\\_(ツ)\\_/¯#5785)\n" + -// "**Invite:** [You can invite me by clicking here](https://bots.discord.pw/bots/210363111729790977)\n" + -// "**Support guild:** [discord.gg/NKM9Xtk](https://discord.gg/NKM9Xtk)\n" + -// "**Github:** [https://github.com/duncte123/SkyBot](https://github.com/duncte123/SkyBot)\n" + -// "**Guilds:** " + event.getJDA().asBot().getShardManager().getGuildCache().size() + "\n" + -// "**Bot version:** " + Settings.version, true) .addField("Other info", "**Guilds:** " + event.getJDA().asBot().getShardManager().getGuildCache().size() + "\n" + "**Bot version:** " + Settings.VERSION + "\n" + "**Operating System:** " + OS + "\n" + @@ -82,8 +76,11 @@ public void executeCommand(String invoke, String[] args, GuildMessageReceivedEve "**Ram:** " + ram0 + "MB/" + ram1 + "MB\n" + "**CPU Usage:** " + cpu0 + " / " + cpu2 + " (" + cpu1 + " Cores)", false) .addField("Lang & lib info", "**Coded in:** Java and Kotlin\n\n" + - "**JDA version:** " + JDAInfo.VERSION + "\n**LavaPlayer version:** " + PlayerLibrary.VERSION, false) - .addField("Donate", "If you want to help me out and support the bot please consider to [donate](https://paypal.me/duncte123) any amount.", false) + "**JDA version:** " + JDAInfo.VERSION + "" + + "\n**LavaPlayer version:** " + PlayerLibrary.VERSION + "\n" + + "**Weeb.java version:** " + WeebApi.VERSION, false) + .addField("Donate", "If you want to help me out and support the bot please consider to " + + "[donate](https://paypal.me/duncte123) any amount.", false) .build(); MessageUtils.sendEmbed(event, eb); }