Author: | OSGeo-Live |
Author: | Stephan Meissl, Stephan Krause |
Reviewer: | Angelos Tzotsos |
Version: | osgeo-live7.0 |
License: | Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported (CC BY-SA 3.0) |

EOxServer is a server for presenting big Earth Observation (EO) data archives and metadata via Open Standards. It builds upon an Open Source stack of software which includes Python, :doc:`MapServer <../overview/mapserver_overview>`, Django/GeoDjango, :doc:`GDAL <../overview/gdal_overview>`, PROJ.4 and a :doc:`SpatiaLite <../overview/spatialite_overview>` or :doc:`PostGIS <../overview/postgis_overview>` database.
This Quick Start describes how to:
- View, filter, subset, and download EO data via EOxServer's Web Client
- Register EO data archives via EOxServer's Admin Client
See the :doc:`EOxServer Overview <../overview/eoxserver_overview>`, the local EOxServer documentation, or the online EOxServer documentation for more information.
The icon labeled EOxServer filed under Web Services launches a browser showing the demonstration instance available at http://localhost/eoxserver/ which provides the same data as the one available online.
The Web Client link allows you to see a list of available Dataset Series and Stitched Mosaics. The demonstration has one Dataset Series configured named "MER FRS 1P RGB reduced" holding three ENVISAT MERIS scenes. Please refer to the online demonstration documentation for more information on the available data.
Selecting a list entry provides you with a map view showing the outlines of the available Datasets.
Using the standard OpenLayers controls you can enable also previews of the available data.
With the Date slider the Datasets shown can be limited to the time interval of interest.
The Download button provides you a list of downloadable Datasets. Downloadable means within the set Bounding Box or currently viewn map extent if not set and the set time interval. You can select which Datasets to download in which size, projection, format, and band subset.
Start Download initiates the actual download which might result in multiple files if multiple Datasets have been selected.
The Admin Client link brings you to the login page for the Admin Client. The password for the user admin is admin.
The Admin Client is Djangos standard admin and allows you to configure the available data. Please feel free to explore the client. More information can be found in the operators' guide.
It is for example possible to view and alter the EO Metadata Entries of the configured Dataset Series.
The Log Viewer link provides an easy way to view the latest log entries.
This is a simple demonstration, but you can do much more with EOxServer. The project website contains a lot of resources to help you get started. Here’s a few resources to check out next:
- Read the EOxServer Operators' Guide.
- Read the complete EOxServer Users' documentation starting from the EOxServer Basics.
- Ready to use EOxServer? Then join the community on the mailing lists to exchange ideas, discuss potential software improvements, and ask questions.