diff --git a/cime_config/testdefs/ExpectedTestFails.xml b/cime_config/testdefs/ExpectedTestFails.xml
index 9735c02f4c..f5a9e3dce4 100644
--- a/cime_config/testdefs/ExpectedTestFails.xml
+++ b/cime_config/testdefs/ExpectedTestFails.xml
@@ -308,20 +308,6 @@
- #2325
- #2325
diff --git a/src/biogeophys/BalanceCheckMod.F90 b/src/biogeophys/BalanceCheckMod.F90
index b3efe6e525..65d2a1f81a 100644
--- a/src/biogeophys/BalanceCheckMod.F90
+++ b/src/biogeophys/BalanceCheckMod.F90
@@ -956,6 +956,7 @@ subroutine BalanceCheck( bounds, &
indexp = maxloc( abs(errsol(bounds%begp:bounds%endp)), 1 , mask = (errsol(bounds%begp:bounds%endp) /= spval) ) + bounds%begp -1
indexg = patch%gridcell(indexp)
+ indexc = patch%column(indexp)
write(iulog,*)'WARNING:: BalanceCheck, solar radiation balance error (W/m2)'
write(iulog,*)'nstep = ',nstep
write(iulog,*)'errsol = ',errsol(indexp)
@@ -969,7 +970,18 @@ subroutine BalanceCheck( bounds, &
write(iulog,*)'forc_solai(1) = ',forc_solai(indexg,1)
write(iulog,*)'forc_solai(2) = ',forc_solai(indexg,2)
write(iulog,*)'forc_tot = ',forc_solad(indexg,1)+forc_solad(indexg,2) &
- +forc_solai(indexg,1)+forc_solai(indexg,2)
+ +forc_solai(indexg,1)+forc_solai(indexg,2)
+ write(iulog,*)'coszen_col:',surfalb_inst%coszen_col(indexc)
+ write(iulog,*)'fabd:',fabd(indexp,:)
+ write(iulog,*)'fabi:',fabi(indexp,:)
+ write(iulog,*)'albd:',albd(indexp,:)
+ write(iulog,*)'albi:',albi(indexp,:)
+ write(iulog,*)'ftdd:',ftdd(indexp,:)
+ write(iulog,*)'ftid:',ftid(indexp,:)
+ write(iulog,*)'ftii:',ftii(indexp,:)
write(iulog,*)'CTSM is stopping'
call endrun(subgrid_index=indexp, subgrid_level=subgrid_level_patch, msg=errmsg(sourcefile, __LINE__))
end if
diff --git a/src/biogeophys/SurfaceAlbedoMod.F90 b/src/biogeophys/SurfaceAlbedoMod.F90
index 6628f0fa4d..e8216aafdf 100644
--- a/src/biogeophys/SurfaceAlbedoMod.F90
+++ b/src/biogeophys/SurfaceAlbedoMod.F90
@@ -35,6 +35,8 @@ module SurfaceAlbedoMod
public :: SurfaceAlbedo_readnl
public :: SurfaceAlbedoInitTimeConst
public :: SurfaceAlbedo ! Surface albedo and two-stream fluxes
+ public :: UpdateZenithAngles
private :: SoilAlbedo ! Determine ground surface albedo
@@ -224,7 +226,57 @@ subroutine SurfaceAlbedoInitTimeConst(bounds)
end subroutine SurfaceAlbedoInitTimeConst
+ ! -----------------------------------------------------------------------
+ subroutine UpdateZenithAngles(bounds, surfalb_inst, nextsw_cday, declinp1)
+ ! Incorporate surface slopes to generate column level zenith angles
+ use clm_varctl , only : downscale_hillslope_meteorology
+ use shr_orb_mod
+ type(bounds_type) , intent(in) :: bounds ! bounds
+ type(surfalb_type) , intent(inout) :: surfalb_inst
+ real(r8) , intent(in) :: nextsw_cday ! calendar day at Greenwich (1.00, ..., days/year)
+ real(r8) , intent(in) :: declinp1 ! declination angle (radians) for next time step
+ integer :: c,g ! indices
+ associate( &
+ azsun_grc => surfalb_inst%azsun_grc , & ! Output: [real(r8) (:) ] cosine of solar zenith angle
+ coszen_grc => surfalb_inst%coszen_grc , & ! Output: [real(r8) (:) ] cosine of solar zenith angle
+ coszen_col => surfalb_inst%coszen_col) ! Output: [real(r8) (:) ] cosine of solar zenith angle
+ ! Cosine solar zenith angle for next time step
+ ! First calculate grid-scale zenith based on time and location, no topographic effects
+ do g = bounds%begg,bounds%endg
+ coszen_grc(g) = shr_orb_cosz (nextsw_cday, grc%lat(g), grc%lon(g), declinp1)
+ azsun_grc(g) = shr_orb_azimuth(nextsw_cday, grc%lat(g), grc%lon(g), declinp1, acos(coszen_grc(g)))
+ end do
+ ! calculate local incidence angle based on column slope and aspect
+ do c = bounds%begc,bounds%endc
+ g = col%gridcell(c)
+ if (col%is_hillslope_column(c) .and. downscale_hillslope_meteorology) then
+ ! hill_slope is [m/m], convert to radians with atan function
+ coszen_col(c) = shr_orb_cosinc(acos(coszen_grc(g)),azsun_grc(g),atan(col%hill_slope(c)),col%hill_aspect(c))
+ if(coszen_grc(g) > 0._r8 .and. coszen_col(c) < 0._r8) coszen_col(c) = 0._r8
+ else
+ coszen_col(c) = coszen_grc(g)
+ endif
+ end do
+ end associate
+ return
+ end subroutine UpdateZenithAngles
subroutine SurfaceAlbedo(bounds,nc, &
num_nourbanc, filter_nourbanc, &
num_nourbanp, filter_nourbanp, &
@@ -256,13 +308,13 @@ subroutine SurfaceAlbedo(bounds,nc, &
! only computed over active points.
! !USES:
- use shr_orb_mod
+ !use shr_orb_mod
use clm_time_manager , only : get_nstep
use abortutils , only : endrun
use clm_varctl , only : use_subgrid_fluxes, use_snicar_frc, use_fates
use CLMFatesInterfaceMod, only : hlm_fates_interface_type
use landunit_varcon , only : istsoil
- use clm_varctl , only : downscale_hillslope_meteorology
type(bounds_type) , intent(in) :: bounds ! bounds
@@ -427,32 +479,15 @@ subroutine SurfaceAlbedo(bounds,nc, &
fabi_sha_z => surfalb_inst%fabi_sha_z_patch & ! Output: [real(r8) (:,:) ] absorbed shaded leaf diffuse PAR (per unit lai+sai) for each canopy layer
- ! Cosine solar zenith angle for next time step
- do g = bounds%begg,bounds%endg
- coszen_grc(g) = shr_orb_cosz (nextsw_cday, grc%lat(g), grc%lon(g), declinp1)
- end do
- do c = bounds%begc,bounds%endc
- g = col%gridcell(c)
- if (col%is_hillslope_column(c) .and. downscale_hillslope_meteorology) then
- ! calculate local incidence angle based on column slope and aspect
- zenith_angle = acos(coszen_grc(g))
- azsun_grc(g) = shr_orb_azimuth(nextsw_cday, grc%lat(g), grc%lon(g), declinp1, zenith_angle)
- ! hill_slope is [m/m], convert to radians
- coszen_col(c) = shr_orb_cosinc(zenith_angle,azsun_grc(g),atan(col%hill_slope(c)),col%hill_aspect(c))
- if(coszen_grc(g) > 0._r8 .and. coszen_col(c) < 0._r8) coszen_col(c) = 0._r8
- else
- coszen_col(c) = coszen_grc(g)
- endif
- end do
+ ! Apply column level zenith angles to the patch level
do fp = 1,num_nourbanp
p = filter_nourbanp(fp)
c = patch%column(p)
- coszen_patch(p) = coszen_col(c)
+ if(patch%is_fates(p))then
+ coszen_patch(p) = spval
+ else
+ coszen_patch(p) = coszen_col(c)
+ end if
end do
! Initialize output because solar radiation only done if coszen > 0
@@ -1045,10 +1080,7 @@ subroutine SurfaceAlbedo(bounds,nc, &
if (use_fates) then
- call clm_fates%wrap_canopy_radiation(bounds, nc, &
- num_vegsol, filter_vegsol, &
- coszen_patch(bounds%begp:bounds%endp), &
- fcansno(bounds%begp:bounds%endp), surfalb_inst)
+ call clm_fates%wrap_canopy_radiation(bounds, nc, fcansno(bounds%begp:bounds%endp), surfalb_inst)
diff --git a/src/main/clm_driver.F90 b/src/main/clm_driver.F90
index f93143d9e3..38ff291f6c 100644
--- a/src/main/clm_driver.F90
+++ b/src/main/clm_driver.F90
@@ -52,6 +52,7 @@ module clm_driver
use AerosolMod , only : AerosolMasses
use SnowSnicarMod , only : SnowAge_grain
use SurfaceAlbedoMod , only : SurfaceAlbedo
+ use SurfaceAlbedoMod , only : UpdateZenithAngles
use UrbanAlbedoMod , only : UrbanAlbedo
use SurfaceRadiationMod , only : SurfaceRadiation, CanopySunShadeFracs
@@ -1224,7 +1225,15 @@ subroutine clm_drv(doalb, nextsw_cday, declinp1, declin, rstwr, nlend, rdate, ro
! Determine albedos for next time step
! ============================================================================
- if (doalb) then
+ if (doalb .or. use_fates) then
+ ! During branch runs and non continue_run restarts, the doalb flag
+ ! does not trigger correctly for fates runs (and non-fates?), and thus
+ ! the zenith angles are not calculated and ready when radiation scattering
+ ! needs to occur.
+ call UpdateZenithAngles(bounds_clump,surfalb_inst, nextsw_cday, declinp1)
+ end if
+ if (doalb ) then
! Albedos for non-urban columns
call t_startf('surfalb')
diff --git a/src/utils/clmfates_interfaceMod.F90 b/src/utils/clmfates_interfaceMod.F90
index 269189d1b7..4663366ffe 100644
--- a/src/utils/clmfates_interfaceMod.F90
+++ b/src/utils/clmfates_interfaceMod.F90
@@ -2752,28 +2752,31 @@ end subroutine wrap_WoodProducts
! ======================================================================================
- subroutine wrap_canopy_radiation(this, bounds_clump, nc, &
- num_vegsol, filter_vegsol, coszen, fcansno, surfalb_inst)
+ subroutine wrap_canopy_radiation(this, bounds_clump, nc, fcansno, surfalb_inst)
+ ! Pass boundary conditions (zenith angle, ground albedo and snow-cover)
+ ! to FATES, and have fates call normalized radiation scattering.
+ ! These methods are normalized because it is the zenith of the next
+ ! timestep, and because of atmospheric model coupling, we need to provide
+ ! an albedo. This normalized solution will be scaled by the actual
+ ! downwelling radiation during the wrap sunshade fraction call
! Arguments
class(hlm_fates_interface_type), intent(inout) :: this
type(bounds_type), intent(in) :: bounds_clump
- ! filter for vegetated pfts with coszen>0
integer , intent(in) :: nc ! clump index
- integer , intent(in) :: num_vegsol
- integer , intent(in) :: filter_vegsol(num_vegsol)
- ! cosine solar zenith angle for next time step
- real(r8) , intent(in) :: coszen( bounds_clump%begp: )
real(r8) , intent(in) :: fcansno( bounds_clump%begp: )
type(surfalb_type) , intent(inout) :: surfalb_inst
! locals
- integer :: s,c,p,ifp,icp
+ integer :: s,c,p,ifp,g
call t_startf('fates_wrapcanopyradiation')
+ coszen_col => surfalb_inst%coszen_col , & !in
albgrd_col => surfalb_inst%albgrd_col , & !in
albgri_col => surfalb_inst%albgri_col , & !in
albd => surfalb_inst%albd_patch , & !out
@@ -2787,46 +2790,50 @@ subroutine wrap_canopy_radiation(this, bounds_clump, nc, &
do s = 1, this%fates(nc)%nsites
c = this%f2hmap(nc)%fcolumn(s)
+ g = col%gridcell(c)
- do ifp = 1,this%fates(nc)%sites(s)%youngest_patch%patchno
- p = ifp+col%patchi(c)
+ this%fates(nc)%bc_in(s)%coszen = coszen_col(c)
- if( any(filter_vegsol==p) )then
+ ! FATES only does short-wave radiation scattering when
+ ! the zenith angle is positive. In the future, FATES
+ ! may perform calculations on diffuse radiation during
+ ! dawn and dusk when the sun is below the horizon, but not yet
- this%fates(nc)%bc_in(s)%filter_vegzen_pa(ifp) = .true.
- this%fates(nc)%bc_in(s)%coszen_pa(ifp) = coszen(p)
- this%fates(nc)%bc_in(s)%fcansno_pa(ifp) = fcansno(p)
- this%fates(nc)%bc_in(s)%albgr_dir_rb(:) = albgrd_col(c,:)
- this%fates(nc)%bc_in(s)%albgr_dif_rb(:) = albgri_col(c,:)
+ do ifp = 1,this%fates(nc)%sites(s)%youngest_patch%patchno
+ p = ifp+col%patchi(c)
+ this%fates(nc)%bc_in(s)%fcansno_pa(ifp) = fcansno(p)
+ end do
- else
+ if(coszen_col(c) > 0._r8) then
- this%fates(nc)%bc_in(s)%filter_vegzen_pa(ifp) = .false.
+ this%fates(nc)%bc_in(s)%albgr_dir_rb(:) = albgrd_col(c,:)
+ this%fates(nc)%bc_in(s)%albgr_dif_rb(:) = albgri_col(c,:)
+ else
- end if
+ ! This will ensure a crash in FATES if it tries
+ this%fates(nc)%bc_in(s)%albgr_dir_rb(:) = spval
+ this%fates(nc)%bc_in(s)%albgr_dif_rb(:) = spval
+ end if
- end do
end do
- call FatesNormalizedCanopyRadiation(this%fates(nc)%nsites, &
- this%fates(nc)%sites, &
- this%fates(nc)%bc_in, &
- this%fates(nc)%bc_out)
+ call FatesNormalizedCanopyRadiation( &
+ this%fates(nc)%sites, &
+ this%fates(nc)%bc_in, &
+ this%fates(nc)%bc_out)
! Pass FATES BC's back to HLM
! -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- do icp = 1,num_vegsol
- p = filter_vegsol(icp)
- c = patch%column(p)
- s = this%f2hmap(nc)%hsites(c)
- ! do if structure here and only pass natveg columns
- ifp = p-col%patchi(c)
+ do s = 1, this%fates(nc)%nsites
+ c = this%f2hmap(nc)%fcolumn(s)
+ do ifp = 1, this%fates(nc)%sites(s)%youngest_patch%patchno
+ p = ifp+col%patchi(c)
- if(.not.this%fates(nc)%bc_in(s)%filter_vegzen_pa(ifp) )then
- write(iulog,*) 's,p,ifp',s,p,ifp
- write(iulog,*) 'Not all patches on the natveg column were passed to canrad',patch%sp_pftorder_index(p)
-! call endrun(msg=errMsg(sourcefile, __LINE__))
- else
albd(p,:) = this%fates(nc)%bc_out(s)%albd_parb(ifp,:)
albi(p,:) = this%fates(nc)%bc_out(s)%albi_parb(ifp,:)
fabd(p,:) = this%fates(nc)%bc_out(s)%fabd_parb(ifp,:)
@@ -2834,9 +2841,10 @@ subroutine wrap_canopy_radiation(this, bounds_clump, nc, &
ftdd(p,:) = this%fates(nc)%bc_out(s)%ftdd_parb(ifp,:)
ftid(p,:) = this%fates(nc)%bc_out(s)%ftid_parb(ifp,:)
ftii(p,:) = this%fates(nc)%bc_out(s)%ftii_parb(ifp,:)
- end if
+ end do
end do
end associate
call t_stopf('fates_wrapcanopyradiation')