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Configuring the server

chad-iris edited this page Jul 26, 2022 · 6 revisions

The ringserver program can be configured using either command line arguments or a configuration file. The most common options are available as command line arguments, all options can be set in a configuration file. It is recommended to use a configuration file for production operation of a server. The advantages of using a configuration file are: more options available, use of dynamic options (options which can change during run time) and room for notes regarding the options.

All configuration file options are documented in the reference configuration file and in the manual that are both provided with the source code.

On-the-fly configuration changes

Most options, if specified via the configuration file, can be changed on the fly. The server will monitor the configuration file for changes and apply them as needed, this reduces the amount of down-time and eases the maintenance of a ringserver instance. These options are referred to as dynamic parameters.

Please refer to the reference ringserver configuration file with detailed descriptions of options, any options described as Dynamic will be recognized and changed without restarting the server.

Also see the ringserver manual.

Common configuration file options

RingDirectory - This is a directory where ringserver will store the internal ring buffer contents. Required, directory must be created.

ListenPort - Listen for connections on this port, with sub-options to support DataLink, SeedLink, HTTP, IPv4, 'IPv6`. By default all protocols are supported on the specified port. This option may be used multiple times to listen on multiple ports.

ServerID - Server identification sent to clients, set appropriately.

MseedScan - Configure scanning of the a directory and sub-directories for miniSEED data. It is strongly recommended to use the StateFile option to specify a file to store the scanning progress on server shutdown, allowing the server to be restarted without re-scanning data. Turn on the InitCurrentState option to avoid scanning current data when no StateFile is present.

TransferLogDirectory - Specify directory where transfer logs are to be written. By default they are written daily and both transmission and reception logs are written. This is optional, but if used the directory must be created.

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