diff --git a/README.md b/README.md index 9701a5ec..f9fb9486 100644 --- a/README.md +++ b/README.md @@ -17,4 +17,6 @@ Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/earthcomputer and move it to the mods folder (`.minecraft/mods`). ## Contributing -See the [contribution guidelines](docs/CONTRIBUTING.md) +To contribute translations, see the [translation contribution guidelines](docs/TRANSLATING.md). + +For other contributions, see the [contribution guidelines](docs/CONTRIBUTING.md). diff --git a/docs/TRANSLATING.md b/docs/TRANSLATING.md new file mode 100644 index 00000000..a91002cd --- /dev/null +++ b/docs/TRANSLATING.md @@ -0,0 +1,114 @@ +# Translating +Anybody can contribute translations to clientcommands via its +[Transifex page](https://app.transifex.com/earthcomputer/clientcommands). + +![transifex.png](translating/transifex.png) + +## Getting started + +1. Go to the [clientcommands Transifex page](https://app.transifex.com/earthcomputer/clientcommands). +2. Click "join this project" to create an open source account so that you can contribute to clientcommands. + Do **not** click "sign up" as this will create the wrong type of account. + + ![join_project.png](translating/join_project.png) + +3. You can either sign up via GitHub or via email. If signing up via email, just put in your regular email, don't worry + about it being a "business" email. + + ![sign_up.png](translating/sign_up.png) + +4. Finish setting up your account by selecting which languages you know and whatever else it asks you. +5. Now, when visiting the clientcommands Transifex page, you are ready to add or make changes to translations. + Click on the "editor" button on the sidebar and then select which language you would like to translate into with the + dropdown on the top panel. + + ![editor_button.png](translating/editor_button.png) + + ![select_language.png](translating/select_language.png) + +## How to translate +### General guidelines +Translation is an art, not a science, and sometimes there is not a word-for-word translation that feels natural in the +target language. Your goal is to translate the *meaning* of the phrase, not the *words*. Sometimes significant +rephrasing is required to preserve the same meaning of a sentence in the target language, and that's okay. + +### String substitutions +A string substitution is a placeholder that will be replaced by a number or another string when the user sees it. In the +English, substitutions will always look like `%s`, which looks like this in the Transifex editor: + +![percent_s.png](translating/percent_s.png) + +I don't know why there is a "1" in there, you can ignore that. For example, the `/cfinditem` success translation reads +`Found %s at %s, %s blocks away`, which might show up to the user as +`Found minecraft:stone at (45, 87, 24) [Glow], 25.47 blocks away`. If the substitutions in your translation appear in +the same order as in the English, you can use `%s`. If you want substitutions to appear in a different order than in the +English, then you need to use `%1$s`, `%2$s`, `%3$s` etc, where the numbers are referring to which substitution it is. +For example, the simplified Chinese translation for `/cfinditem` success is `在%2$s找到%1$s, 距离你%3$s格`, which might +show up to the user as `在(45, 87, 24) [发光]找到minecraft:stone, 距离你25.47格` (notice how the coordinates and the item +type are the other way round from in English). + +### Minecraft terminology + +Try to look for examples of Minecraft-specific terminology (such as "item", "entity", "creeper" etc) in the +[official Minecraft translations](https://crowdin.com/project/minecraft) (requires an account to view, or you can try +to find them in-game). If it exists then use that. For example, in German, "item" is consistently translated as +"Gegenstand" in Minecraft, so always use "Gegenstand" in German to be consistent with the rest of Minecraft. + +### Computer terminology + +If you're looking for technical terminology that's not specific to Minecraft but is related to computers, or +programming, you can look at +[Microsoft Terminology](https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/globalization/reference/microsoft-terminology) to see if there +is any precedent for translating this term in any of Microsoft's programs. + +### Figuring out context + +Often the way you translate a phrase depends on the context in which that phrase is used. Here are some ways you can +find out the context of a translation: + +#### String instructions +Some particularly difficult translations have instructions on how to translate them, which are found under the English: + +![string_instructions.png](translating/string_instructions.png) + +#### Translation key +Often the clue you need is found in the translation key, which is how the translation is referenced in the code. In the +example below, the translation key for `Alias "%s" not found` is `commands.calias.notFound`, which indicates that this +message may appear after running the `/calias` command. Once you know what the `/calias` command does, you know what +sense of the word "alias" you're translating which should make things easier (if you're still stuck, the Microsoft +Terminology Search linked above will help with this example). + +![translation_key.png](translating/translation_key.png) + +#### Read the code +If you're able to read Java code, you can find where the translation key is used in the clientcommands codebase to +figure out the context. Don't worry if you're not able to do this. + +#### Ask in Discord +If you're still stuck on what the context is, you can ask in the `clientcommands-dev` channel on +[Discord](https://discord.gg/Jg7Bun7). We'll explain the context needed to translate the string. We may also add a +string instruction to help others with this translation in the future. + +### Plurals +In languages with plurals, when there is an unknown number of a particular noun, always use the most general form of the +noun that will apply to most circumstances. Do not attempt to account for other forms of the noun such as the singular, +dual, etc. + +For example, it should be `%s blocks away` rather than `%s block(s) away`, and `%s Blöcke entfernt` in German rather +than `%s Block/Blöcke entfernt`, even though the user may end up seeing `1 blocks away`. + +I understand that this differs from the official Minecraft translations, at least for English. However, for languages +with more complicated plurals this can end up creating a mess which is harder to read than if the grammar can be +sometimes incorrect but still understandable. This is the compromise I have decided to go for until Mojang adds a better +way to handle plurals. + +## Requesting new languages +If your language isn't in the list of target languages for clientcommands, you can request for it to be added via +[Discord](https://discord.gg/Jg7Bun7) or via [GitHub issues](https://github.com/Earthcomputer/clientcommands/issues/). +A language is eligible to be added if it is supported by both Minecraft and Transifex. All eligible requests will be +accepted. + +## Becoming a reviewer +You can ask in Discord to become a reviewer, which allows you to verify translations as correct and appropriate. You +should be able to become a reviewer if you're a trusted member of the community or you have a history of providing good +translations. diff --git a/docs/translating/editor_button.png b/docs/translating/editor_button.png new file mode 100644 index 00000000..56d9bbce Binary files /dev/null and b/docs/translating/editor_button.png differ diff --git a/docs/translating/join_project.png b/docs/translating/join_project.png new file mode 100644 index 00000000..062d5f3d Binary files /dev/null and b/docs/translating/join_project.png differ diff --git a/docs/translating/percent_s.png b/docs/translating/percent_s.png new file mode 100644 index 00000000..d531b62a Binary files /dev/null and b/docs/translating/percent_s.png differ diff --git a/docs/translating/select_language.png b/docs/translating/select_language.png new file mode 100644 index 00000000..cc97576f Binary files /dev/null and b/docs/translating/select_language.png differ diff --git a/docs/translating/sign_up.png b/docs/translating/sign_up.png new file mode 100644 index 00000000..1e87444e Binary files /dev/null and b/docs/translating/sign_up.png differ diff --git a/docs/translating/string_instructions.png b/docs/translating/string_instructions.png new file mode 100644 index 00000000..6af7bdcf Binary files /dev/null and b/docs/translating/string_instructions.png differ diff --git a/docs/translating/transifex.png b/docs/translating/transifex.png new file mode 100644 index 00000000..dd04a9ec Binary files /dev/null and b/docs/translating/transifex.png differ diff --git a/docs/translating/translation_key.png b/docs/translating/translation_key.png new file mode 100644 index 00000000..c2709322 Binary files /dev/null and b/docs/translating/translation_key.png differ diff --git a/src/main/resources/assets/clientcommands/lang/de_de.json b/src/main/resources/assets/clientcommands/lang/de_de.json index 5947e332..83ecfbc8 100644 --- a/src/main/resources/assets/clientcommands/lang/de_de.json +++ b/src/main/resources/assets/clientcommands/lang/de_de.json @@ -8,6 +8,7 @@ "commands.calias.addAlias.success": "Alias \"%s\" erfolgreich hinzugefügt", "commands.calias.listAliases.noAliasesRegistered": "Keine Aliasse registriert", "commands.calias.listAliases.success": "%s registrierte Aliasse:", + "commands.calias.recursive": "Recursive alias \"%s\"", "commands.calias.removeAlias.success": "Alias \"%s\" erfolgreich entfernt", "commands.careastats.notLoaded": "Ein Chunk in diesem Bereich ist nicht geladen", @@ -73,6 +74,7 @@ "commands.cfindblock.starting": "Suche nach %s", "commands.cfindblock.success": "Nächster passender Block ist an %s, %s Blöcke entfernt", + "commands.cfinditem.match.entity": "%sx %s found in %s at %s", "commands.cfinditem.match": "%sx %s wurden an %s gefunden", "commands.cfinditem.starting": "Suche nach %s", "commands.cfinditem.starting.keepSearching": "Suche unendlich lange nach %s.", @@ -152,6 +154,8 @@ "commands.clisten.list": "Warte auf die folgenden Pakete:", "commands.clisten.clear": "Warte auf kein Paket mehr", + "commands.cminesweeper.tooManyMines": "Too many mines, must be between 0 and 9 less than than the amount of total tiles", + "commands.cplayerinfo.ioException": "Ein Fehler ist aufgetreten", "commands.cplayerinfo.getNameHistory.success": "%s hatte die folgenden Namen: %s", @@ -180,6 +184,14 @@ "commands.csignsearch.starting": "Suche Schilder", + "commands.csnap.airborne": "You cannot snap while airborne", + "commands.csnap.cannotFit": "The player cannot fit at that location", + "commands.csnap.clickToTeleportEnabled": "Enabled click to teleport", + "commands.csnap.clickToTeleportDisabled": "Disabled click to teleport", + "commands.csnap.success": "Snapped to %s %s %s", + "commands.csnap.tooFar": "You can only snap to locations at most 1 block away", + "commands.csnap.wall": "You cannot snap onto walls", + "commands.cstartup.add.success": "Befehl zu Start-Datei hinzugefügt", "commands.cstartup.couldNotCreateFile": "Konnte Start-Datei nicht erstellen", "commands.cstartup.couldNotEdit": "Konnte Start-Datei nicht bearbeiten", @@ -189,11 +201,15 @@ "commands.cstopsound.success.source.any": "Alle Geräusche von '%s' wurden für dich selbst gestoppt", "commands.cstopsound.success.source.sound": "Gräusch '%s' von der Quelle '%s' wurde für dich selbst gestoppt", + "commands.ctask.conflicting": "A conflicting task '%s' is already running. %s", "commands.ctask.list.noTasks": "Derzeit werden keine Aufgaben ausgeführt", "commands.ctask.list.success": "Derzeit werden %s Aufgaben ausgeführt", "commands.ctask.stop.noMatch": "Keine passenden Aufgaben", "commands.ctask.stop.success": "%s Aufgaben wurden beendet", + "commands.ctictactoe.playerNotFound": "Spieler nicht gefunden", + "commands.ctictactoe.noGameWithPlayer": "Currently not playing a game with that player", + "commands.ctime.reset.success": "Die Zeit ist jetzt mit dem Server synchronisiert", "commands.ctitle.cleared": "Titel gelöscht", @@ -245,6 +261,7 @@ "commands.client.invalidHoverAction": "Ungültige Hoverereignisaktion '%s'", "commands.client.invalidHoverEvent": "Ungültiges Hoverereignis '%s'", "commands.client.notClient": "Kein Klientenbefehl", + "commands.client.regexTooSlow": "Regex '%s' was too slow to match", "commands.client.requiresRestart": "Diese Änderung wird erst nach einem Neustart verfügbar", "commands.client.tooFewArguments": "Zu wenige Argumente", @@ -279,6 +296,10 @@ "itemCrack.notEnoughItems": "Kann RNG-SeedCracker nicht benutzen: Nicht genug Gegenstände in der Hand des Spielers", + "minesweeperGame.minesLeft": "Mines Left: %s", + "minesweeperGame.timePlayed": "Time Played: %ss", + "minesweeperGame.title": "Minesweeper", + "playerManip.state": "Spielerknackzustand: %s", "playerManip.state.uncracked": "Ungeknackt", "playerManip.state.cracked": "Geknackt", @@ -304,6 +325,7 @@ "playerManip.reset.anvil": "Amboss benutzt", "playerManip.reset.food": "Gegessen", "playerManip.reset.drink": "Getrunken", + "playerManip.reset.consume": "Consumed", "playerManip.reset.baneOfArthropods": "Gliederfüßer mit Nemesis der Gliederfüßer geschlagen", "playerManip.reset.advancement": "Fortschritt erzielt", "playerManip.reset.shield": "Mit Schild abgewehrt", @@ -325,6 +347,11 @@ "snakeGame.title": "Snake", "snakeGame.score": "Punkte: %s", + "ticTacToeGame.title": "Tic-tac-toe against %s", + "ticTacToeGame.playingWith": "You are playing with %s", + "ticTacToeGame.noughts": "noughts (O)", + "ticTacToeGame.crosses": "crosses (X)", + "c2cpacket.messageTooLong": "Nachricht zu lange (max. 255 Zeichen) %s Zeichen gefunden", "c2cpacket.publicKeyNotFound": "Öffentlicher Schlüssel nicht gefunden", "c2cpacket.encryptionFailed": "Beim Verschlüsseln deiner Nachricht ist etwas schief gegangen", @@ -333,5 +360,14 @@ "c2cpacket.sentC2CPacket": "Du hast ein C2C-Paket gesendet, aber du akzeptierst keine eingehenden C2C-Pakete!", "c2cpacket.messageC2CPacket.incoming": "%s -> du: %s", - "c2cpacket.messageC2CPacket.outgoing": "du -> %s: %s" + "c2cpacket.messageC2CPacket.outgoing": "du -> %s: %s", + + "c2cpacket.startTicTacToeGameC2CPacket.outgoing.invited": "You invited %s to a game of tic-tac-toe", + "c2cpacket.startTicTacToeGameC2CPacket.incoming": "%s invited you to a game of tic-tac-toe", + "c2cpacket.startTicTacToeGameC2CPacket.incoming.accept": "Accept", + "c2cpacket.startTicTacToeGameC2CPacket.incoming.accept.hover": "Click to accept", + "c2cpacket.startTicTacToeGameC2CPacket.incoming.accepted": "%s has accepted your invitation, click to make your move", + "c2cpacket.startTicTacToeGameC2CPacket.outgoing.accept": "Accepted the invitation, your opponent will go first", + "c2cpacket.putTicTacToeMarkC2CPacket.incoming.lost": "%s has made a move in tic-tac-toe and won", + "c2cpacket.putTicTacToeMarkC2CPacket.incoming": "%s has made a move in tic-tac-toe, click to make your move" } diff --git a/src/main/resources/assets/clientcommands/lang/id_id.json b/src/main/resources/assets/clientcommands/lang/id_id.json index a2e774b5..76f28e64 100644 --- a/src/main/resources/assets/clientcommands/lang/id_id.json +++ b/src/main/resources/assets/clientcommands/lang/id_id.json @@ -8,6 +8,7 @@ "commands.calias.addAlias.success": "Berhasil menambahkan alias \"%s\"", "commands.calias.listAliases.noAliasesRegistered": "Tidak ada alias yang didaftar", "commands.calias.listAliases.success": "Ada %s alias yang didaftar:", + "commands.calias.recursive": "Recursive alias \"%s\"", "commands.calias.removeAlias.success": "Berhasil menghapus alias \"%s\"", "commands.careastats.notLoaded": "Bingkah di area tersebut tidak termuat", @@ -73,6 +74,7 @@ "commands.cfindblock.starting": "Mencari %s", "commands.cfindblock.success": "Hasil paling dekat adalah di %s, %s block", + "commands.cfinditem.match.entity": "%sx %s found in %s at %s", "commands.cfinditem.match": "%sx %s ketemu di %s", "commands.cfinditem.starting": "Mencari benda %s", "commands.cfinditem.starting.keepSearching": "Mencari benda %s selamanya.", @@ -137,6 +139,23 @@ "commands.ckit.list": "Kit yang tersedia: %s", "commands.ckit.list.empty": "Tidak ada kit yang tersedia", + "commands.clisten.commandDisabled": "The command was disabled, check your logs", + "commands.clisten.unknownPacket": "Unknown packet %s", + "commands.clisten.sentPacket": "Sent the following packet: %s", + "commands.clisten.receivedPacket": "Received the following packet: %s", + "commands.clisten.sentC2CPacket": "Sent the following C2C packet: %s", + "commands.clisten.receivedC2CPacket": "Received the following C2C packet: %s", + "commands.clisten.packetError": "ERROR", + "commands.clisten.add.success": "Successfully started listening to that packet", + "commands.clisten.add.failed": "Already listening to that packet", + "commands.clisten.remove.success": "No longer listening to that packet", + "commands.clisten.remove.failed": "Not listening to that packet", + "commands.clisten.list.none": "Not listening to any packets", + "commands.clisten.list": "Listening to the following packets:", + "commands.clisten.clear": "No longer listening to any packets", + + "commands.cminesweeper.tooManyMines": "Too many mines, must be between 0 and 9 less than than the amount of total tiles", + "commands.cplayerinfo.ioException": "Terjadi sebuah kesalahan", "commands.cplayerinfo.getNameHistory.success": "%s memiliki nama nama berikut: %s", @@ -165,6 +184,14 @@ "commands.csignsearch.starting": "Pencari petanda", + "commands.csnap.airborne": "You cannot snap while airborne", + "commands.csnap.cannotFit": "The player cannot fit at that location", + "commands.csnap.clickToTeleportEnabled": "Enabled click to teleport", + "commands.csnap.clickToTeleportDisabled": "Disabled click to teleport", + "commands.csnap.success": "Snapped to %s %s %s", + "commands.csnap.tooFar": "You can only snap to locations at most 1 block away", + "commands.csnap.wall": "You cannot snap onto walls", + "commands.cstartup.add.success": "Perintah ditambahkan ke file startup", "commands.cstartup.couldNotCreateFile": "Tidak bisa membuat file startup", "commands.cstartup.couldNotEdit": "Tidak bisa mengubah file startup", @@ -174,11 +201,15 @@ "commands.cstopsound.success.source.any": "Memberhentikan semua suara '%s' dari diri sendiri", "commands.cstopsound.success.source.sound": "Memberhentikan suara '%s' di kategori '%s' dari diri sendiri", + "commands.ctask.conflicting": "A conflicting task '%s' is already running. %s", "commands.ctask.list.noTasks": "Tidak ada tugas yang berjalan", "commands.ctask.list.success": "%s sedang menjalankan tugas", "commands.ctask.stop.noMatch": "Tidak ada tugas yang cocok", "commands.ctask.stop.success": "Memberhentikan tugas %s", + "commands.ctictactoe.playerNotFound": "Pemain tidak ditemukan", + "commands.ctictactoe.noGameWithPlayer": "Currently not playing a game with that player", + "commands.ctime.reset.success": "Waktunya sekarang cocok dengan server", "commands.ctitle.cleared": "Judul dihapus", @@ -230,6 +261,7 @@ "commands.client.invalidHoverAction": "Aksi sorot tidak valid '%s'", "commands.client.invalidHoverEvent": "Peristiwa sorot tidak valid '%s'", "commands.client.notClient": "Bukan perintah sisi klien", + "commands.client.regexTooSlow": "Regex '%s' was too slow to match", "commands.client.requiresRestart": "Perubahan ini akan berlaku setelah Anda memulai ulang game Anda", "commands.client.tooFewArguments": "Argumen terlalu sedikit", @@ -264,6 +296,10 @@ "itemCrack.notEnoughItems": "Tidak bisa menggunakkan SeedCracker RNG: Tidak cukup benda di Tangan Pemain", + "minesweeperGame.minesLeft": "Mines Left: %s", + "minesweeperGame.timePlayed": "Time Played: %ss", + "minesweeperGame.title": "Minesweeper", + "playerManip.state": "Status Memecahkan Pemain: %s", "playerManip.state.uncracked": "Belum pecah", "playerManip.state.cracked": "Sudah pecah", @@ -289,6 +325,7 @@ "playerManip.reset.anvil": "Menggunakkan Paron", "playerManip.reset.food": "Makan", "playerManip.reset.drink": "Minum", + "playerManip.reset.consume": "Consumed", "playerManip.reset.baneOfArthropods": "Pemain menyakiti serangga menggunakkan pesona Kutukan Artropoda", "playerManip.reset.advancement": "Mendapatkan Advancement", "playerManip.reset.shield": "Blok menggunakkan Perisai", @@ -310,6 +347,11 @@ "snakeGame.title": "Game Ular", "snakeGame.score": "Skor: %s", + "ticTacToeGame.title": "Tic-tac-toe against %s", + "ticTacToeGame.playingWith": "You are playing with %s", + "ticTacToeGame.noughts": "noughts (O)", + "ticTacToeGame.crosses": "crosses (X)", + "c2cpacket.messageTooLong": "Pesan terlalu panjang (max. 255 karakter) saat ini %s karakter", "c2cpacket.publicKeyNotFound": "Kunci publik tidak ditemukan", "c2cpacket.encryptionFailed": "Terjadi kegagalan saat mengenkripsi pesan Anda ", @@ -318,5 +360,14 @@ "c2cpacket.sentC2CPacket": "Anda telah mengirimkan paket C2C, tetapi Anda tidak menerima paket C2C yang masuk!", "c2cpacket.messageC2CPacket.incoming": "%s -> Anda: %s", - "c2cpacket.messageC2CPacket.outgoing": "Anda -> %s: %s" + "c2cpacket.messageC2CPacket.outgoing": "Anda -> %s: %s", + + "c2cpacket.startTicTacToeGameC2CPacket.outgoing.invited": "You invited %s to a game of tic-tac-toe", + "c2cpacket.startTicTacToeGameC2CPacket.incoming": "%s invited you to a game of tic-tac-toe", + "c2cpacket.startTicTacToeGameC2CPacket.incoming.accept": "Accept", + "c2cpacket.startTicTacToeGameC2CPacket.incoming.accept.hover": "Click to accept", + "c2cpacket.startTicTacToeGameC2CPacket.incoming.accepted": "%s has accepted your invitation, click to make your move", + "c2cpacket.startTicTacToeGameC2CPacket.outgoing.accept": "Accepted the invitation, your opponent will go first", + "c2cpacket.putTicTacToeMarkC2CPacket.incoming.lost": "%s has made a move in tic-tac-toe and won", + "c2cpacket.putTicTacToeMarkC2CPacket.incoming": "%s has made a move in tic-tac-toe, click to make your move" } diff --git a/src/main/resources/assets/clientcommands/lang/ja_jp.json b/src/main/resources/assets/clientcommands/lang/ja_jp.json index a5e8e34f..21bbe5cd 100644 --- a/src/main/resources/assets/clientcommands/lang/ja_jp.json +++ b/src/main/resources/assets/clientcommands/lang/ja_jp.json @@ -8,6 +8,7 @@ "commands.calias.addAlias.success": "次のエイリアスの追加に成功しました: \"%s\"", "commands.calias.listAliases.noAliasesRegistered": "エイリアスが登録されていません", "commands.calias.listAliases.success": "%s 個のエイリアスが登録されています: ", + "commands.calias.recursive": "Recursive alias \"%s\"", "commands.calias.removeAlias.success": "次のエイリアスの削除に成功しました: \"%s\"", "commands.careastats.notLoaded": "このエリアのチャンクはまだロードされていません", @@ -73,6 +74,7 @@ "commands.cfindblock.starting": "%s を探しています", "commands.cfindblock.success": "最も近いマッチは %s, %s ブロック分離れています", + "commands.cfinditem.match.entity": "%sx %s found in %s at %s", "commands.cfinditem.match": "%sx %s が次の場所で見つかりました %s", "commands.cfinditem.starting": "%s を検索しています", "commands.cfinditem.starting.keepSearching": "次のブロックをエンドレスに検索しています %s", @@ -137,6 +139,23 @@ "commands.ckit.list": "利用可能なキット: %s", "commands.ckit.list.empty": "利用可能なキットがありません", + "commands.clisten.commandDisabled": "The command was disabled, check your logs", + "commands.clisten.unknownPacket": "Unknown packet %s", + "commands.clisten.sentPacket": "Sent the following packet: %s", + "commands.clisten.receivedPacket": "Received the following packet: %s", + "commands.clisten.sentC2CPacket": "Sent the following C2C packet: %s", + "commands.clisten.receivedC2CPacket": "Received the following C2C packet: %s", + "commands.clisten.packetError": "ERROR", + "commands.clisten.add.success": "Successfully started listening to that packet", + "commands.clisten.add.failed": "Already listening to that packet", + "commands.clisten.remove.success": "No longer listening to that packet", + "commands.clisten.remove.failed": "Not listening to that packet", + "commands.clisten.list.none": "Not listening to any packets", + "commands.clisten.list": "Listening to the following packets:", + "commands.clisten.clear": "No longer listening to any packets", + + "commands.cminesweeper.tooManyMines": "Too many mines, must be between 0 and 9 less than than the amount of total tiles", + "commands.cplayerinfo.ioException": "エラーが発生しました", "commands.cplayerinfo.getNameHistory.success": "%s は過去に次の名前を所持していました: %s", @@ -165,6 +184,14 @@ "commands.csignsearch.starting": "看板を検索しています", + "commands.csnap.airborne": "You cannot snap while airborne", + "commands.csnap.cannotFit": "The player cannot fit at that location", + "commands.csnap.clickToTeleportEnabled": "Enabled click to teleport", + "commands.csnap.clickToTeleportDisabled": "Disabled click to teleport", + "commands.csnap.success": "Snapped to %s %s %s", + "commands.csnap.tooFar": "You can only snap to locations at most 1 block away", + "commands.csnap.wall": "You cannot snap onto walls", + "commands.cstartup.add.success": "スタートアップファイルにコマンドを追加しました", "commands.cstartup.couldNotCreateFile": "スタートアップファイルの作成に失敗しました", "commands.cstartup.couldNotEdit": "スタートアップファイルの編集に失敗しました", @@ -174,11 +201,15 @@ "commands.cstopsound.success.source.any": "すべての音 '%s' の自身に対する再生を停止しました", "commands.cstopsound.success.source.sound": "音 '%s' の音源 '%s' からの再生を停止しました", + "commands.ctask.conflicting": "A conflicting task '%s' is already running. %s", "commands.ctask.list.noTasks": "現在実行しているタスクはありません", "commands.ctask.list.success": "%s 現在実行中のタスク", "commands.ctask.stop.noMatch": "マッチするタスクがありません", "commands.ctask.stop.success": "%s のタスクを停止しました", + "commands.ctictactoe.playerNotFound": "プレイヤーが見つかりませんでした", + "commands.ctictactoe.noGameWithPlayer": "Currently not playing a game with that player", + "commands.ctime.reset.success": "時刻がサーバーに同期されました", "commands.ctitle.cleared": "タイトルをクリアしました", @@ -224,11 +255,13 @@ "commands.client.crack": "クラック", "commands.client.enable": "有効化", "commands.client.expectedRegex": "無効な正規表現 %s", + "commands.client.glow": "[Glow]", "commands.client.invalidArgumentException": "無効な引数 '%s'", "commands.client.invalidClickAction": "無効なクリックイベントアクション '%s'", "commands.client.invalidHoverAction": "無効なホバーイベントアクション '%s'", "commands.client.invalidHoverEvent": "無効なホバーイベントt '%s'", "commands.client.notClient": "クライアントサイドのコマンドではありません", + "commands.client.regexTooSlow": "Regex '%s' was too slow to match", "commands.client.requiresRestart": "この変更はクライアントの再起動後に影響を及ぼし始めます", "commands.client.tooFewArguments": "引数が少なすぎます", @@ -263,6 +296,10 @@ "itemCrack.notEnoughItems": "RNGシードクラッカの使用に失敗しました: 十分なアイテムがありません", + "minesweeperGame.minesLeft": "Mines Left: %s", + "minesweeperGame.timePlayed": "Time Played: %ss", + "minesweeperGame.title": "Minesweeper", + "playerManip.state": "プレイヤークラックの状態: %s", "playerManip.state.uncracked": "未クラック", "playerManip.state.cracked": "クラック済み", @@ -288,6 +325,7 @@ "playerManip.reset.anvil": "金床が使われました", "playerManip.reset.food": "食べました", "playerManip.reset.drink": "飲みました", + "playerManip.reset.consume": "Consumed", "playerManip.reset.baneOfArthropods": "虫特攻での虫への攻撃", "playerManip.reset.advancement": "進捗の達成", "playerManip.reset.shield": "盾でのブロック", @@ -309,6 +347,11 @@ "snakeGame.title": "スネーク", "snakeGame.score": "スコア: %s", + "ticTacToeGame.title": "Tic-tac-toe against %s", + "ticTacToeGame.playingWith": "You are playing with %s", + "ticTacToeGame.noughts": "noughts (O)", + "ticTacToeGame.crosses": "crosses (X)", + "c2cpacket.messageTooLong": "メッセージが長ぎます、 (最大. 255 文字) %s 文字が入力されました", "c2cpacket.publicKeyNotFound": "パブリックキーが見つかりませんでした", "c2cpacket.encryptionFailed": "あなたのメッセージを暗号化するのに失敗しました", @@ -317,5 +360,14 @@ "c2cpacket.sentC2CPacket": "C2Cパケットを送信しましたが、あなたはC2Cパケットを受け取る設定を死ていません!", "c2cpacket.messageC2CPacket.incoming": "%s -> あなた: %s", - "c2cpacket.messageC2CPacket.outgoing": "あなた -> %s: %s" + "c2cpacket.messageC2CPacket.outgoing": "あなた -> %s: %s", + + "c2cpacket.startTicTacToeGameC2CPacket.outgoing.invited": "You invited %s to a game of tic-tac-toe", + "c2cpacket.startTicTacToeGameC2CPacket.incoming": "%s invited you to a game of tic-tac-toe", + "c2cpacket.startTicTacToeGameC2CPacket.incoming.accept": "Accept", + "c2cpacket.startTicTacToeGameC2CPacket.incoming.accept.hover": "Click to accept", + "c2cpacket.startTicTacToeGameC2CPacket.incoming.accepted": "%s has accepted your invitation, click to make your move", + "c2cpacket.startTicTacToeGameC2CPacket.outgoing.accept": "Accepted the invitation, your opponent will go first", + "c2cpacket.putTicTacToeMarkC2CPacket.incoming.lost": "%s has made a move in tic-tac-toe and won", + "c2cpacket.putTicTacToeMarkC2CPacket.incoming": "%s has made a move in tic-tac-toe, click to make your move" } diff --git a/src/main/resources/assets/clientcommands/lang/nl_nl.json b/src/main/resources/assets/clientcommands/lang/nl_nl.json index 965b13ff..99b15475 100644 --- a/src/main/resources/assets/clientcommands/lang/nl_nl.json +++ b/src/main/resources/assets/clientcommands/lang/nl_nl.json @@ -1,19 +1,65 @@ { + "commands.calias.notFound": "Alias \"%s\" niet gevonden", + "commands.calias.illegalFormatException": "The format string was either malformed or too few arguments were supplied", + "commands.calias.file.readError": "Failed to read alias file", + "commands.calias.file.writeError": "Failed to write to alias file", + "commands.calias.addAlias.aliasAlreadyExists": "Alias \"%s\" already exists", + "commands.calias.addAlias.commandAlreadyExists": "The command \"/%s\" already exists", + "commands.calias.addAlias.success": "Successfully added alias \"%s\"", + "commands.calias.listAliases.noAliasesRegistered": "No aliases registered", + "commands.calias.listAliases.success": "%s aliases registered:", + "commands.calias.recursive": "Recursive alias \"%s\"", + "commands.calias.removeAlias.success": "Successfully removed alias \"%s\"", + + "commands.careastats.notLoaded": "A chunk in this area is not loaded", + "commands.careastats.output.chunksScanned": "Scanned %s chunks in %sns ≈ %sms", + "commands.careastats.output.blocksMatched": "Matched %s out of %s total blocks", + "commands.careastats.output.entitiesFound": "Found %s entities in this area", + "commands.cbook.success": "Boek succesvol bewerkt", "commands.cbook.commandException": "Je houdt geen boek vast", "commands.ccalc.expected": "Verwachtte %s", "commands.ccalc.invalidArgumentCount": "Functie \"%s\" kan niet %s argumenten krijgen", + "commands.ccalc.parse": "Parsed expression: %s", + "commands.ccalc.parse.binaryOperator.addition": "(%s + %s)", + "commands.ccalc.parse.binaryOperator.division": "(%s / %s)", + "commands.ccalc.parse.binaryOperator.exponentiation": "(%s ^ %s)", + "commands.ccalc.parse.binaryOperator.modulo": "(%s %% %s)", + "commands.ccalc.parse.binaryOperator.multiplication": "(%s * %s)", + "commands.ccalc.parse.binaryOperator.subtraction": "(%s - %s)", + "commands.ccalc.parse.constant": "(constant '%s')", + "commands.ccalc.parse.function": "(function '%s' with arguments: %s)", + "commands.ccalc.parse.literal": "(literal: %s)", + "commands.ccalc.parse.negate": "(negated: %s)", + "commands.ccalc.tooDeeplyNested": "Expression is too deeply nested", "commands.ccalcstack.success": "%s %s zijn %s stacks en %s extra", "commands.ccalcstack.success.empty": "%s items zijn %s stacks en %s extra", "commands.ccalcstack.success.empty.exact": "%s zijn precies %s stacks", "commands.ccalcstack.success.exact": "%s %s zijn precies %s stacks", + "commands.ccrackrng.failed": "Failed to crack player seed", + "commands.ccrackrng.failed.help": "Help: RNG manipulation doesn't work on some modded servers, in particular Paper.", + "commands.ccrackrng.retries": "Cracking player seed, attempt %s/%s", "commands.ccrackrng.starting": "Spelersseed aan het kraken", "commands.ccrackrng.success": "Spelers RNG gekraakt: %s", + "commands.ccreativetab.addStack.success": "Successfully added %s to \"%s\"", + "commands.ccreativetab.addTab.alreadyExists": "Creative tab \"%s\" already exists", + "commands.ccreativetab.addTab.illegalCharacter": "Creative tab can only contain [a-z0-9/._-] characters", + "commands.ccreativetab.addTab.success": "Successfully added creative tab \"%s\"", + "commands.ccreativetab.changeIcon.success": "Successfully changed the icon of \"%s\" from %s to %s", + "commands.ccreativetab.notFound": "Creative tab \"%s\" not found", + "commands.ccreativetab.outOfBounds": "Index %s is out of bounds", + "commands.ccreativetab.removeStack.success": "Successfully removed stack from \"%s\" at index %s", + "commands.ccreativetab.removeTab.success": "Successfully removed creative tab \"%s\"", + "commands.ccreativetab.renameTab.success": "Successfully renamed creative tab \"%s\" to \"%s\"", + "commands.ccreativetab.saveFile.failed": "Could not save creative tabs file", + "commands.ccreativetab.setStack.success": "Successfully set the stack from \"%s\" at index %s to %s", + "commands.cenchant.failed": "Het is onmogelijk of het zou te lang duren om deze betoveringen te krijgen", + "commands.cenchant.help.uncrackedPlayerSeed": "Help: you have not fully cracked the player seed", "commands.cenchant.incompatible": "Onverenigbare betoveringen", "commands.cenchant.needEnchantingPrediction": "Dit commando vereist betoveringspredictie om gebruikt te worden.", "commands.cenchant.success": "Betoveringsmanipulatie aan het starten", @@ -25,8 +71,10 @@ "commands.cfind.success": "%s entiteiten matchten jouw query", "commands.cfindblock.notFound": "Een dergelijk blok is niet gevonden", + "commands.cfindblock.starting": "Aan het zoeken naar %s", "commands.cfindblock.success": "De dichtstbijzijnde match is op %s, %s blokken verwijderd", + "commands.cfinditem.match.entity": "%sx %s found in %s at %s", "commands.cfinditem.match": "%sx %s gevonden op %s", "commands.cfinditem.starting": "Aan het zoeken naar %s", "commands.cfinditem.starting.keepSearching": "Oneindig zoekend naar %s.", @@ -34,14 +82,34 @@ "commands.cfish.addGoal.success": "doel %s succesvol toegevoegd", "commands.cfish.correctLoot": "De correcte buit is verkregen met een correctie van %sms", + "commands.cfish.error.biome": "Loot cannot be obtained in this biome, %s needed", "commands.cfish.error.crackFailed": "Gefaald om de dobber RNG te kraken, is de server gemodificeerd?", + "commands.cfish.error.collision": "Fishing bobber collided with something", + "commands.cfish.error.fire": "Fishing bobber caught fire", + "commands.cfish.error.impossibleLoot": "That loot cannot be obtained with fishing", + "commands.cfish.error.onGround": "Fishing bobber hit the ground", + "commands.cfish.error.openWater": "Fishing bobber needs to be in open water for treasure loot", + "commands.cfish.error.openWater.flowingWater": "Help: the water around the bobber must be still water, flowing water does not work", + "commands.cfish.error.openWater.help": "Help: the red cubes show the blocks which are preventing the open water condition from being met", + "commands.cfish.error.openWater.lilyPad": "Help: try trapping the bobber under a lily pad", "commands.cfish.error.outOfWater": "Dobber uit het water, de manipulatie zal niet werken", + "commands.cfish.help.tooManyEnchants": "Help: multiple enchantments at once are unlikely and may take a long time to obtain", "commands.cfish.listGoals.noGoals": "Er zijn geen visdoelen", "commands.cfish.listGoals.success": "Er zijn %s visdoelen:", "commands.cfish.needFishingManipulation": "Vismanipulatie is niet geactiveerd.", "commands.cfish.removeGoal.success": "doel %s succesvol verwijderd", "commands.cfish.wrongLoot": "Kreeg niet de correcte buit met een correctie van %sms, zou %s ticks verder kunnen zijn", + "commands.cfov.success": "Set FOV to %s", + + "commands.cfunction.limitReached": "Command limit (%s) reached", + "commands.cfunction.success": "Ran %s commands from function %s", + + "commands.cgamemode.playerNotFound": "Player not found", + "commands.cgamemode.playerGameMode": "Player %s is in game mode %s", + "commands.cgamemode.noneWithGameMode": "No players are in game mode %s", + "commands.cgamemode.listWithGameMode": "The following players are in game mode %s:", + "commands.cgamma.success": "Gamma ingesteld op %s", "commands.cghostblock.fill.success": "%s geestblokken gevuld", @@ -55,30 +123,147 @@ "commands.cglow.entity.success": "%s entiteiten aan het gloeien", "commands.cglow.area.success": "%s oppervlakte(s) aan het gloeien", + "commands.chat.success": "Successfully opened c🎩", + + "commands.chotbar.notCreative": "Player must be in creative mode to restore item hotbars", + "commands.chotbar.restoredHotbar": "Restored item hotbar %s", + + "commands.ckit.notFound": "Kit \"%s\" not found", + "commands.ckit.saveFile.failed": "Could not save kits file", + "commands.ckit.load.success": "Successfully gave kit \"%s\" to self", + "commands.ckit.load.notCreative": "Speler moet in spelmodus creatief zijn om blokken aan zichzelf te geven", + "commands.ckit.create.success": "Successfully created kit \"%s\"", + "commands.ckit.create.alreadyExists": "Kit \"%s\" already exists", + "commands.ckit.delete.success": "Successfully deleted kit \"%s\"", + "commands.ckit.edit.success": "Successfully edited kit \"%s\"", + "commands.ckit.list": "Available kits: %s", + "commands.ckit.list.empty": "No available kits", + + "commands.clisten.commandDisabled": "The command was disabled, check your logs", + "commands.clisten.unknownPacket": "Unknown packet %s", + "commands.clisten.sentPacket": "Sent the following packet: %s", + "commands.clisten.receivedPacket": "Received the following packet: %s", + "commands.clisten.sentC2CPacket": "Sent the following C2C packet: %s", + "commands.clisten.receivedC2CPacket": "Received the following C2C packet: %s", + "commands.clisten.packetError": "ERROR", + "commands.clisten.add.success": "Successfully started listening to that packet", + "commands.clisten.add.failed": "Already listening to that packet", + "commands.clisten.remove.success": "No longer listening to that packet", + "commands.clisten.remove.failed": "Not listening to that packet", + "commands.clisten.list.none": "Not listening to any packets", + "commands.clisten.list": "Listening to the following packets:", + "commands.clisten.clear": "No longer listening to any packets", + + "commands.cminesweeper.tooManyMines": "Too many mines, must be between 0 and 9 less than than the amount of total tiles", + + "commands.cplayerinfo.ioException": "An error occurred", + "commands.cplayerinfo.getNameHistory.success": "%s has had the following names: %s", + + "commands.cparticle.unsuitableParticleOption": "Won't display particle as the particle video setting is unsuitable", + "commands.cparticle.success": "Displaying particle %s", + + "commands.cpermissionlevel.success": "Your permission level is %s", + "commands.cplaysound.success": "Geluid %s afgespeeld", + "commands.cplugins.found": "Found the following plugins:", + + "commands.cping.success": "Your average ping is %sms", + "commands.cping.success.other": "The average ping of %s is %sms", + "commands.cping.singleplayer": "You are in a singleplayer world (╯°□°)╯︵ ┻━┻", + "commands.cping.playerNotFound": "Player not found", + + "commands.cpos.coords": "%s in %s is %s in %s", + "commands.cpos.level.overworld": "the Overworld", + "commands.cpos.level.the_end": "the End", + "commands.cpos.level.the_nether": "the Nether", + "commands.crelog.failed": "Niet gelukt om opnieuw in te loggen", "commands.crender.entities.success": "Entiteitsweergaveregels zijn geupdatet", + "commands.csignsearch.starting": "Searching signs", + + "commands.csnap.airborne": "You cannot snap while airborne", + "commands.csnap.cannotFit": "The player cannot fit at that location", + "commands.csnap.clickToTeleportEnabled": "Enabled click to teleport", + "commands.csnap.clickToTeleportDisabled": "Disabled click to teleport", + "commands.csnap.success": "Snapped to %s %s %s", + "commands.csnap.tooFar": "You can only snap to locations at most 1 block away", + "commands.csnap.wall": "You cannot snap onto walls", + + "commands.cstartup.add.success": "Added command to startup file", + "commands.cstartup.couldNotCreateFile": "Couldn't create startup file", + "commands.cstartup.couldNotEdit": "Couldn't edit startup file", + "commands.cstopsound.success.sourceless.any": "Alle geluiden gestopt", "commands.cstopsound.success.sourceless.sound": "Geluid '%s' gestopt", "commands.cstopsound.success.source.any": "Alle '%s' geluiden gestopt", "commands.cstopsound.success.source.sound": "Geluid '%s' gestopt van bron '%s'", + "commands.ctask.conflicting": "A conflicting task '%s' is already running. %s", "commands.ctask.list.noTasks": "Geen taken die momenteel worden uitgevoerd", "commands.ctask.list.success": "%s taken die momenteel worden uitgevoerd", "commands.ctask.stop.noMatch": "Geen overeenkomende taken", "commands.ctask.stop.success": "%s taken gestopt", + "commands.ctictactoe.playerNotFound": "Player not found", + "commands.ctictactoe.noGameWithPlayer": "Currently not playing a game with that player", + + "commands.ctime.reset.success": "The time now matches the server", + + "commands.ctitle.cleared": "Cleared titles", + "commands.ctitle.reset": "Reset title options", + "commands.ctitle.show.title": "Showing new title", + "commands.ctitle.show.subtitle": "Showing new subtitle", + "commands.ctitle.show.actionbar": "Showing new actionbar title", + "commands.ctitle.times": "Changed title display times", + + "commands.ctooltip.header.held": "The tooltip of the held item is:", + "commands.ctooltip.header.stack": "The tooltip of that item would be:", + + "commands.ctp.notSpectator": "Player must be in spectator mode to teleport", + "commands.ctp.success": "Teleported player to %s", + + "commands.ctranslate.unknownError": "An error occurred", + "commands.ctranslate.unknownLanguageCode": "Unknown language code \"%s\"", + "commands.ctranslate.expectedFromTo": "Expected \"from\"/\"to\"", + "commands.ctranslate.hoverText": "Click to copy, shift-click to insert in chat field", + + "commands.cuuid.success": "The UUID of %s is %s", + "commands.cuuid.success.nameless": "The UUID of that entity is %s", + + "commands.cvar.notFound": "Variable \"%s\" not found", + "commands.cvar.saveFile.failed": "Could not save variables file", + "commands.cvar.add.success": "Successfully created variable \"%s\"", + "commands.cvar.add.alreadyExists": "Variable \"%s\" already exists", + "commands.cvar.remove.success": "Successfully removed variable \"%s\"", + "commands.cvar.edit.success": "Successfully edited variable \"%s\"", + "commands.cvar.parse.success": "\"%s\" evaluates to \"%s\"", + "commands.cvar.list.empty": "No available variables", + "commands.cvar.list": "Available variables: %s", + + "commands.cwe.playerNotFound": "Player not found", + + "commands.cweather.reset": "Stopped overriding weather", + "commands.cwiki.failed": "Kon wiki-inhoud niet ophalen", + "commands.cwiki.noContent": "There is no introductory paragraph in that article", "commands.client.blockpos": "(%s, %s, %s)", "commands.client.cancel": "Annuleren", "commands.client.crack": "Kraken", "commands.client.enable": "Activeren", "commands.client.expectedRegex": "Ongeldige regex %s", + "commands.client.glow": "[Glow]", + "commands.client.invalidArgumentException": "Invalid argument '%s'", + "commands.client.invalidClickAction": "Invalid click event action '%s'", + "commands.client.invalidHoverAction": "Invalid hover event action '%s'", + "commands.client.invalidHoverEvent": "Invalid hover event '%s'", "commands.client.notClient": "Geen client-side commando", + "commands.client.regexTooSlow": "Regex '%s' was too slow to match", + "commands.client.requiresRestart": "This change will take effect after you restart your client", + "commands.client.tooFewArguments": "Too few arguments", "chorusManip.landing.success": "Landen op: %s, %s, %s", "chorusManip.landing.failed": "Landingsmanipulatie niet mogelijk", @@ -94,6 +279,7 @@ "enchCrack.enchantments": "Betoveringen:", "enchCrack.clues": "Aanwijzingen:", "enchCrack.slot": "Slot %s:", + "enchCrack.bookshelfCount": "Bookshelf Count: %s", "enchCrack.xpSeed.one": "XP Seed: %s", "enchCrack.xpSeed.many": "Mogelijke XP seeds: %s", @@ -108,6 +294,12 @@ "enchCrack.insn.itemThrows.noDummy": "Geen dummy betovering", "enchCrack.insn.enchantments": "Betoveringen op item:", + "itemCrack.notEnoughItems": "RNG SeedCracker kan niet worden gebruikt: niet genoeg items in spelershand", + + "minesweeperGame.minesLeft": "Mines Left: %s", + "minesweeperGame.timePlayed": "Time Played: %ss", + "minesweeperGame.title": "Minesweeper", + "playerManip.state": "Spelers krakingsstatus: %s", "playerManip.state.uncracked": "Ongekraakt", "playerManip.state.cracked": "Gekraakt", @@ -124,13 +316,16 @@ "playerManip.reset.sprint": "Gesprint", "playerManip.reset.enterWater": "Water Ingegaan", "playerManip.reset.swim": "Gezwommen", + "playerManip.reset.amethystChime": "Walked on Amethyst Crystals", "playerManip.reset.potion": "Statuseffect Actief", "playerManip.reset.mending": "Item Hersteld", + "playerManip.reset.xp": "XP Orb Collected", "playerManip.reset.respiration": "Ademhalingskap Gebruikt", "playerManip.reset.dropItem": "Item Geworpen", "playerManip.reset.anvil": "Aambeeld Gebruikt", "playerManip.reset.food": "Gegeten", "playerManip.reset.drink": "Gedronken", + "playerManip.reset.consume": "Consumed", "playerManip.reset.baneOfArthropods": "Geleedpotige Geraakt met Verderf der Geleedpotigen", "playerManip.reset.advancement": "Prestatie Behaald", "playerManip.reset.shield": "Geblokkeerd met Schild", @@ -149,5 +344,30 @@ "playerManip.notEnoughItems": "Niet genoeg items(%s van %s) om seed te manipuleren", "playerManip.uncracked": "Spelersseed moet gekraakt zijn.", - "itemCrack.notEnoughItems": "RNG SeedCracker kan niet worden gebruikt: niet genoeg items in spelershand" + "snakeGame.title": "Snake", + "snakeGame.score": "Score: %s", + + "ticTacToeGame.title": "Tic-tac-toe against %s", + "ticTacToeGame.playingWith": "You are playing with %s", + "ticTacToeGame.noughts": "noughts (O)", + "ticTacToeGame.crosses": "crosses (X)", + + "c2cpacket.messageTooLong": "Message too long (max. 255 characters) got %s characters", + "c2cpacket.publicKeyNotFound": "Public key not found", + "c2cpacket.encryptionFailed": "Something failed while encrypting your message", + "c2cpacket.malformedPacket": "You have received a malformed C2C packet:", + "c2cpacket.receivedC2CPacket": "You have received a C2C packet, but you aren't accepting incoming C2C packets! Hover to view the raw packet.", + "c2cpacket.sentC2CPacket": "You have sent a C2C packet, but you aren't accepting incoming C2C packets!", + + "c2cpacket.messageC2CPacket.incoming": "%s -> you: %s", + "c2cpacket.messageC2CPacket.outgoing": "you -> %s: %s", + + "c2cpacket.startTicTacToeGameC2CPacket.outgoing.invited": "You invited %s to a game of tic-tac-toe", + "c2cpacket.startTicTacToeGameC2CPacket.incoming": "%s invited you to a game of tic-tac-toe", + "c2cpacket.startTicTacToeGameC2CPacket.incoming.accept": "Accept", + "c2cpacket.startTicTacToeGameC2CPacket.incoming.accept.hover": "Click to accept", + "c2cpacket.startTicTacToeGameC2CPacket.incoming.accepted": "%s has accepted your invitation, click to make your move", + "c2cpacket.startTicTacToeGameC2CPacket.outgoing.accept": "Accepted the invitation, your opponent will go first", + "c2cpacket.putTicTacToeMarkC2CPacket.incoming.lost": "%s has made a move in tic-tac-toe and won", + "c2cpacket.putTicTacToeMarkC2CPacket.incoming": "%s has made a move in tic-tac-toe, click to make your move" } diff --git a/src/main/resources/assets/clientcommands/lang/pl_pl.json b/src/main/resources/assets/clientcommands/lang/pl_pl.json index 4463d964..d2792fe5 100644 --- a/src/main/resources/assets/clientcommands/lang/pl_pl.json +++ b/src/main/resources/assets/clientcommands/lang/pl_pl.json @@ -8,6 +8,7 @@ "commands.calias.addAlias.success": "Pomyślnie dodano alias \"%s\"", "commands.calias.listAliases.noAliasesRegistered": "Nie zarejestrowano aliasów", "commands.calias.listAliases.success": "%s aliasów zarejestrowano:", + "commands.calias.recursive": "Recursive alias \"%s\"", "commands.calias.removeAlias.success": "Pomyślnie usunięto alias \"%s\"", "commands.careastats.notLoaded": "Chunk w tym obszarze nie jest załadowany", @@ -38,6 +39,9 @@ "commands.ccalcstack.success.empty.exact": "%s przedmiotów to dokładnie %s staki", "commands.ccalcstack.success.exact": "%s %s to dokładnie %s staki", + "commands.ccrackrng.failed": "Failed to crack player seed", + "commands.ccrackrng.failed.help": "Help: RNG manipulation doesn't work on some modded servers, in particular Paper.", + "commands.ccrackrng.retries": "Cracking player seed, attempt %s/%s", "commands.ccrackrng.starting": "Łamanie ziarna gracza", "commands.ccrackrng.success": "RNG gracza złamane: %s", @@ -55,6 +59,7 @@ "commands.ccreativetab.setStack.success": "Ustawiono stos w \"%s\" o indeksie %s na %s", "commands.cenchant.failed": "To niemożliwe albo zajmie to zbyt długo aby otrzymać te zaklęcia", + "commands.cenchant.help.uncrackedPlayerSeed": "Help: you have not fully cracked the player seed", "commands.cenchant.incompatible": "Niekompatybilne zaklęcia", "commands.cenchant.needEnchantingPrediction": "Te polecenie wymaga włączonego \"Enchanting prediction\"", "commands.cenchant.success": "Rozpoczynam manipulowanie zaklęciami", @@ -66,8 +71,10 @@ "commands.cfind.success": "%s obiektów pasuje twoim wymaganiom", "commands.cfindblock.notFound": "Nie znaleziono takiego bloku", + "commands.cfindblock.starting": "Szukam %s", "commands.cfindblock.success": "Najbliższe trafienie jest na %s, %s bloków dalej", + "commands.cfinditem.match.entity": "%sx %s found in %s at %s", "commands.cfinditem.match": "%sx %s znaleziono na %s", "commands.cfinditem.starting": "Szukam %s", "commands.cfinditem.starting.keepSearching": "Będę szukać %s", @@ -82,6 +89,8 @@ "commands.cfish.error.impossibleLoot": "Ten przedmiot nie wypada z wędkowania", "commands.cfish.error.onGround": "Spławik uderzył o ziemię", "commands.cfish.error.openWater": "Spławik musi znajdować się na otwartych wodach żeby móc łowić skarby", + "commands.cfish.error.openWater.flowingWater": "Help: the water around the bobber must be still water, flowing water does not work", + "commands.cfish.error.openWater.help": "Help: the red cubes show the blocks which are preventing the open water condition from being met", "commands.cfish.error.openWater.lilyPad": "Pomoc: spróbuj zanurzyć spławik pod lilią wodną", "commands.cfish.error.outOfWater": "Spławik jest poza wodą, manipulacja się nie uda", "commands.cfish.help.tooManyEnchants": "Pomoc: Im wiecej zakleć na wędce, tym trudniej jest zdobyć porządane przedmioty", @@ -93,6 +102,14 @@ "commands.cfov.success": "Ustawiono pole widzenia na %s", + "commands.cfunction.limitReached": "Command limit (%s) reached", + "commands.cfunction.success": "Ran %s commands from function %s", + + "commands.cgamemode.playerNotFound": "Player not found", + "commands.cgamemode.playerGameMode": "Player %s is in game mode %s", + "commands.cgamemode.noneWithGameMode": "No players are in game mode %s", + "commands.cgamemode.listWithGameMode": "The following players are in game mode %s:", + "commands.cgamma.success": "Ustawiono gamma na %s", "commands.cghostblock.fill.success": "Zapełniono %s \"ghost blocks\"", @@ -106,6 +123,8 @@ "commands.cglow.entity.success": "Podświetlono %s obiekty", "commands.cglow.area.success": "Podświetlono %s terenów", + "commands.chat.success": "Successfully opened c🎩", + "commands.chotbar.notCreative": "Gracz musi byc w trybie kreatywnym aby przywrócić pasek dostępu", "commands.chotbar.restoredHotbar": "Przywrócono pasek dostępu %s", @@ -120,6 +139,23 @@ "commands.ckit.list": "Dostępne zestawy: %s", "commands.ckit.list.empty": "Brak dostępnych zestawów", + "commands.clisten.commandDisabled": "The command was disabled, check your logs", + "commands.clisten.unknownPacket": "Unknown packet %s", + "commands.clisten.sentPacket": "Sent the following packet: %s", + "commands.clisten.receivedPacket": "Received the following packet: %s", + "commands.clisten.sentC2CPacket": "Sent the following C2C packet: %s", + "commands.clisten.receivedC2CPacket": "Received the following C2C packet: %s", + "commands.clisten.packetError": "ERROR", + "commands.clisten.add.success": "Successfully started listening to that packet", + "commands.clisten.add.failed": "Already listening to that packet", + "commands.clisten.remove.success": "No longer listening to that packet", + "commands.clisten.remove.failed": "Not listening to that packet", + "commands.clisten.list.none": "Not listening to any packets", + "commands.clisten.list": "Listening to the following packets:", + "commands.clisten.clear": "No longer listening to any packets", + + "commands.cminesweeper.tooManyMines": "Too many mines, must be between 0 and 9 less than than the amount of total tiles", + "commands.cplayerinfo.ioException": "Wystąpił błąd", "commands.cplayerinfo.getNameHistory.success": "%s był znany również jako: %s", @@ -130,24 +166,89 @@ "commands.cplaysound.success": "Odtworzono dźwięk %s", + "commands.cplugins.found": "Found the following plugins:", + + "commands.cping.success": "Your average ping is %sms", + "commands.cping.success.other": "The average ping of %s is %sms", + "commands.cping.singleplayer": "You are in a singleplayer world (╯°□°)╯︵ ┻━┻", + "commands.cping.playerNotFound": "Player not found", + + "commands.cpos.coords": "%s in %s is %s in %s", + "commands.cpos.level.overworld": "the Overworld", + "commands.cpos.level.the_end": "the End", + "commands.cpos.level.the_nether": "the Nether", + "commands.crelog.failed": "Nie udało się połączyć ponownie", "commands.crender.entities.success": "Reguła renderowania obiektu została zaktualizowana", + "commands.csignsearch.starting": "Searching signs", + + "commands.csnap.airborne": "You cannot snap while airborne", + "commands.csnap.cannotFit": "The player cannot fit at that location", + "commands.csnap.clickToTeleportEnabled": "Enabled click to teleport", + "commands.csnap.clickToTeleportDisabled": "Disabled click to teleport", + "commands.csnap.success": "Snapped to %s %s %s", + "commands.csnap.tooFar": "You can only snap to locations at most 1 block away", + "commands.csnap.wall": "You cannot snap onto walls", + + "commands.cstartup.add.success": "Added command to startup file", + "commands.cstartup.couldNotCreateFile": "Couldn't create startup file", + "commands.cstartup.couldNotEdit": "Couldn't edit startup file", + "commands.cstopsound.success.sourceless.any": "Zatrzymano wszystkie dźwięki", "commands.cstopsound.success.sourceless.sound": "Zatrzymano dźwięk '%s'", "commands.cstopsound.success.source.any": "Zatrzymano wszystkie '%s' dźwięki", "commands.cstopsound.success.source.sound": "Zatrzymano dźwięk '%s' na źródle '%s'", + "commands.ctask.conflicting": "A conflicting task '%s' is already running. %s", "commands.ctask.list.noTasks": "Nie ma w tej chwili działających zadań.", "commands.ctask.list.success": "Działające zadania: %s", "commands.ctask.stop.noMatch": "Żadnych pasujących zadań", "commands.ctask.stop.success": "Zatrzymano %s zadań", + "commands.ctictactoe.playerNotFound": "Player not found", + "commands.ctictactoe.noGameWithPlayer": "Currently not playing a game with that player", + + "commands.ctime.reset.success": "The time now matches the server", + + "commands.ctitle.cleared": "Cleared titles", + "commands.ctitle.reset": "Reset title options", + "commands.ctitle.show.title": "Showing new title", + "commands.ctitle.show.subtitle": "Showing new subtitle", + "commands.ctitle.show.actionbar": "Showing new actionbar title", + "commands.ctitle.times": "Changed title display times", + + "commands.ctooltip.header.held": "The tooltip of the held item is:", + "commands.ctooltip.header.stack": "The tooltip of that item would be:", + "commands.ctp.notSpectator": "Gracz musi być w trybie obserwatora by się przeteleportować", "commands.ctp.success": "Przeteleportowano gracza do %s", + "commands.ctranslate.unknownError": "Wystąpił błąd", + "commands.ctranslate.unknownLanguageCode": "Unknown language code \"%s\"", + "commands.ctranslate.expectedFromTo": "Expected \"from\"/\"to\"", + "commands.ctranslate.hoverText": "Click to copy, shift-click to insert in chat field", + + "commands.cuuid.success": "The UUID of %s is %s", + "commands.cuuid.success.nameless": "The UUID of that entity is %s", + + "commands.cvar.notFound": "Variable \"%s\" not found", + "commands.cvar.saveFile.failed": "Could not save variables file", + "commands.cvar.add.success": "Successfully created variable \"%s\"", + "commands.cvar.add.alreadyExists": "Variable \"%s\" already exists", + "commands.cvar.remove.success": "Successfully removed variable \"%s\"", + "commands.cvar.edit.success": "Successfully edited variable \"%s\"", + "commands.cvar.parse.success": "\"%s\" evaluates to \"%s\"", + "commands.cvar.list.empty": "No available variables", + "commands.cvar.list": "Available variables: %s", + + "commands.cwe.playerNotFound": "Player not found", + + "commands.cweather.reset": "Stopped overriding weather", + "commands.cwiki.failed": "Nie można było otrzymać zawartości z wiki", + "commands.cwiki.noContent": "There is no introductory paragraph in that article", "commands.client.blockpos": "(%s, %s, %s)", "commands.client.cancel": "Anuluj", @@ -155,9 +256,14 @@ "commands.client.enable": "Włącz", "commands.client.expectedRegex": "Nieprawidłowe wyrażenie regularne %s", "commands.client.glow": "[Podświetl]", + "commands.client.invalidArgumentException": "Nieprawidłowy argument '%s'", + "commands.client.invalidClickAction": "Invalid click event action '%s'", + "commands.client.invalidHoverAction": "Invalid hover event action '%s'", + "commands.client.invalidHoverEvent": "Invalid hover event '%s'", "commands.client.notClient": "To nie jest polecenie klienta.", + "commands.client.regexTooSlow": "Regex '%s' was too slow to match", + "commands.client.requiresRestart": "This change will take effect after you restart your client", "commands.client.tooFewArguments": "Zbyt mało argumentów", - "commands.client.invalidArgumentException": "Nieprawidłowy argument '%s'", "chorusManip.landing.success": "Ląduję na: %s, %s, %s", "chorusManip.landing.failed": "Manipulacja pozycjonowania jest niemożliwa", @@ -173,6 +279,7 @@ "enchCrack.enchantments": "Zaklęcia:", "enchCrack.clues": "Podpowiedzi:", "enchCrack.slot": "Slot %s:", + "enchCrack.bookshelfCount": "Bookshelf Count: %s", "enchCrack.xpSeed.one": "Ziarno XP: %s", "enchCrack.xpSeed.many": "Liczba możliwych ziarn XP: %s", @@ -187,6 +294,12 @@ "enchCrack.insn.itemThrows.noDummy": "Nie rzucaj zaklęcia na zbędny przedmiot", "enchCrack.insn.enchantments": "Zaklęcia na przedmiocie:", + "itemCrack.notEnoughItems": "Nie można użyć RNG SeedCracker: niewystarczająca ilość przedmiotów w ekwipunku", + + "minesweeperGame.minesLeft": "Mines Left: %s", + "minesweeperGame.timePlayed": "Time Played: %ss", + "minesweeperGame.title": "Minesweeper", + "playerManip.state": "Stan ziarna gracza: %s", "playerManip.state.uncracked": "Nie złamano", "playerManip.state.cracked": "Złamano", @@ -203,13 +316,16 @@ "playerManip.reset.sprint": "Włączono sprint", "playerManip.reset.enterWater": "Wskoczono do wody", "playerManip.reset.swim": "Próbowano pływać", + "playerManip.reset.amethystChime": "Walked on Amethyst Crystals", "playerManip.reset.potion": "Efekt mikstury aktywny", "playerManip.reset.mending": "Naprawiono przedmiot", + "playerManip.reset.xp": "XP Orb Collected", "playerManip.reset.respiration": "Użyto hełmu z zaklęciem oddychania", "playerManip.reset.dropItem": "Wyrzucono przedmiot", "playerManip.reset.anvil": "Użyto kowadła", "playerManip.reset.food": "Zjedzono coś", "playerManip.reset.drink": "Wypito coś", + "playerManip.reset.consume": "Consumed", "playerManip.reset.baneOfArthropods": "Uderzono stawonoga, pogromcą stawonogów", "playerManip.reset.advancement": "Zdobyto osiągnięcie", "playerManip.reset.shield": "Zablokowano tarczą", @@ -228,5 +344,30 @@ "playerManip.notEnoughItems": "Nie wystarczająca ilość przedmiotów (%s of %s) by manipulować ziarnem", "playerManip.uncracked": "Ziarno gracza musi być złamane", - "itemCrack.notEnoughItems": "Nie można użyć RNG SeedCracker: niewystarczająca ilość przedmiotów w ekwipunku" + "snakeGame.title": "Snake", + "snakeGame.score": "Score: %s", + + "ticTacToeGame.title": "Tic-tac-toe against %s", + "ticTacToeGame.playingWith": "You are playing with %s", + "ticTacToeGame.noughts": "noughts (O)", + "ticTacToeGame.crosses": "crosses (X)", + + "c2cpacket.messageTooLong": "Message too long (max. 255 characters) got %s characters", + "c2cpacket.publicKeyNotFound": "Public key not found", + "c2cpacket.encryptionFailed": "Something failed while encrypting your message", + "c2cpacket.malformedPacket": "You have received a malformed C2C packet:", + "c2cpacket.receivedC2CPacket": "You have received a C2C packet, but you aren't accepting incoming C2C packets! Hover to view the raw packet.", + "c2cpacket.sentC2CPacket": "You have sent a C2C packet, but you aren't accepting incoming C2C packets!", + + "c2cpacket.messageC2CPacket.incoming": "%s -> you: %s", + "c2cpacket.messageC2CPacket.outgoing": "you -> %s: %s", + + "c2cpacket.startTicTacToeGameC2CPacket.outgoing.invited": "You invited %s to a game of tic-tac-toe", + "c2cpacket.startTicTacToeGameC2CPacket.incoming": "%s invited you to a game of tic-tac-toe", + "c2cpacket.startTicTacToeGameC2CPacket.incoming.accept": "Accept", + "c2cpacket.startTicTacToeGameC2CPacket.incoming.accept.hover": "Click to accept", + "c2cpacket.startTicTacToeGameC2CPacket.incoming.accepted": "%s has accepted your invitation, click to make your move", + "c2cpacket.startTicTacToeGameC2CPacket.outgoing.accept": "Accepted the invitation, your opponent will go first", + "c2cpacket.putTicTacToeMarkC2CPacket.incoming.lost": "%s has made a move in tic-tac-toe and won", + "c2cpacket.putTicTacToeMarkC2CPacket.incoming": "%s has made a move in tic-tac-toe, click to make your move" } diff --git a/src/main/resources/assets/clientcommands/lang/ru_ru.json b/src/main/resources/assets/clientcommands/lang/ru_ru.json index 69a4c5b1..a64e9cea 100644 --- a/src/main/resources/assets/clientcommands/lang/ru_ru.json +++ b/src/main/resources/assets/clientcommands/lang/ru_ru.json @@ -8,6 +8,7 @@ "commands.calias.addAlias.success": "Псевдоним успешно добавлен \"%s\"", "commands.calias.listAliases.noAliasesRegistered": "Псевдонимы не зарегистрированы", "commands.calias.listAliases.success": "%s псевдонимы зарегистрированы:", + "commands.calias.recursive": "Recursive alias \"%s\"", "commands.calias.removeAlias.success": "Псевдоним успешно удален \"%s\"", "commands.careastats.notLoaded": "Чанк в этой области не загружен", @@ -58,6 +59,7 @@ "commands.ccreativetab.setStack.success": "Успешно установил стак из \"%s\" с индексом %s в %s", "commands.cenchant.failed": "Невозможно или это займет слишком много времени, чтобы получить эти чары", + "commands.cenchant.help.uncrackedPlayerSeed": "Help: you have not fully cracked the player seed", "commands.cenchant.incompatible": "Несовместимые чары", "commands.cenchant.needEnchantingPrediction": "Эта команда требует, чтобы предсказание зачарования было включено.", "commands.cenchant.success": "Начало манипуляций с чарами", @@ -69,8 +71,10 @@ "commands.cfind.success": "%s сущностей соответствуют вашему запросу", "commands.cfindblock.notFound": "Такой блок не найден", + "commands.cfindblock.starting": "Поиск %s", "commands.cfindblock.success": "Ближайший в %s, %s блоков от вас", + "commands.cfinditem.match.entity": "%sx %s found in %s at %s", "commands.cfinditem.match": "%sx %s найдено в %s", "commands.cfinditem.starting": "Поиск %s", "commands.cfinditem.starting.keepSearching": "Бесконечный поиск %s", @@ -85,6 +89,8 @@ "commands.cfish.error.impossibleLoot": "Эту вещь нельзя получить с помощью рыбалки.", "commands.cfish.error.onGround": "Поплавок попал на землю", "commands.cfish.error.openWater": "Рыболовный поплавок должен быть в открытой воде для добычи этих вещей.", + "commands.cfish.error.openWater.flowingWater": "Help: the water around the bobber must be still water, flowing water does not work", + "commands.cfish.error.openWater.help": "Help: the red cubes show the blocks which are preventing the open water condition from being met", "commands.cfish.error.openWater.lilyPad": "Справка: попробуйте закинуть поплавок под кувшинку", "commands.cfish.error.outOfWater": "Поплавок не в воде, манипуляции не сработают", "commands.cfish.help.tooManyEnchants": "Справка: несколько зачарований одновременно маловероятны, и их получение может занять много времени", @@ -96,6 +102,14 @@ "commands.cfov.success": "Установлен поле зрения %s", + "commands.cfunction.limitReached": "Command limit (%s) reached", + "commands.cfunction.success": "Ran %s commands from function %s", + + "commands.cgamemode.playerNotFound": "Player not found", + "commands.cgamemode.playerGameMode": "Player %s is in game mode %s", + "commands.cgamemode.noneWithGameMode": "No players are in game mode %s", + "commands.cgamemode.listWithGameMode": "The following players are in game mode %s:", + "commands.cgamma.success": "Установленна яркость %s", "commands.cghostblock.fill.success": "%s блоки-призраки заполнены", @@ -109,6 +123,8 @@ "commands.cglow.entity.success": "Светящиеся объекты: %s", "commands.cglow.area.success": "Светящаяся область %s(s)", + "commands.chat.success": "Successfully opened c🎩", + "commands.chotbar.notCreative": "Игрок должен быть в творческом режиме, чтобы восстановить панели быстрого доступа к предметам.", "commands.chotbar.restoredHotbar": "Панели быстрого доступа восстановленно предметов %s", @@ -123,6 +139,23 @@ "commands.ckit.list": "Доступные наборы: %s", "commands.ckit.list.empty": "Нет доступных наборов", + "commands.clisten.commandDisabled": "The command was disabled, check your logs", + "commands.clisten.unknownPacket": "Unknown packet %s", + "commands.clisten.sentPacket": "Sent the following packet: %s", + "commands.clisten.receivedPacket": "Received the following packet: %s", + "commands.clisten.sentC2CPacket": "Sent the following C2C packet: %s", + "commands.clisten.receivedC2CPacket": "Received the following C2C packet: %s", + "commands.clisten.packetError": "ERROR", + "commands.clisten.add.success": "Successfully started listening to that packet", + "commands.clisten.add.failed": "Already listening to that packet", + "commands.clisten.remove.success": "No longer listening to that packet", + "commands.clisten.remove.failed": "Not listening to that packet", + "commands.clisten.list.none": "Not listening to any packets", + "commands.clisten.list": "Listening to the following packets:", + "commands.clisten.clear": "No longer listening to any packets", + + "commands.cminesweeper.tooManyMines": "Too many mines, must be between 0 and 9 less than than the amount of total tiles", + "commands.cplayerinfo.ioException": "Произошла ошибка", "commands.cplayerinfo.getNameHistory.success": "%s имел следующие ники: %s", @@ -133,23 +166,52 @@ "commands.cplaysound.success": "Проиграл звук %s самому себе", - "commands.cping.singleplayer": "Вы находитесь в одиночном мире (╯°□°)╯︵ ┻━┻", + "commands.cplugins.found": "Found the following plugins:", + "commands.cping.success": "Ваш средний пинг %sms", + "commands.cping.success.other": "The average ping of %s is %sms", + "commands.cping.singleplayer": "Вы находитесь в одиночном мире (╯°□°)╯︵ ┻━┻", + "commands.cping.playerNotFound": "Player not found", + + "commands.cpos.coords": "%s in %s is %s in %s", + "commands.cpos.level.overworld": "the Overworld", + "commands.cpos.level.the_end": "the End", + "commands.cpos.level.the_nether": "the Nether", "commands.crelog.failed": "Не удалось повторно войти", "commands.crender.entities.success": "Обновлены правила рендеринга сущностей.", + "commands.csignsearch.starting": "Searching signs", + + "commands.csnap.airborne": "You cannot snap while airborne", + "commands.csnap.cannotFit": "The player cannot fit at that location", + "commands.csnap.clickToTeleportEnabled": "Enabled click to teleport", + "commands.csnap.clickToTeleportDisabled": "Disabled click to teleport", + "commands.csnap.success": "Snapped to %s %s %s", + "commands.csnap.tooFar": "You can only snap to locations at most 1 block away", + "commands.csnap.wall": "You cannot snap onto walls", + + "commands.cstartup.add.success": "Added command to startup file", + "commands.cstartup.couldNotCreateFile": "Couldn't create startup file", + "commands.cstartup.couldNotEdit": "Couldn't edit startup file", + "commands.cstopsound.success.sourceless.any": "Остановил все звуки", "commands.cstopsound.success.sourceless.sound": "Остановлен звук '%s' ", "commands.cstopsound.success.source.any": "Остановил все звуки '%s' ", "commands.cstopsound.success.source.sound": "Остановлен звук '%s' в источнике '%s' ", + "commands.ctask.conflicting": "A conflicting task '%s' is already running. %s", "commands.ctask.list.noTasks": "В настоящее время нет выполняемых задач", "commands.ctask.list.success": "%s в настоящее время выполняет задачи", "commands.ctask.stop.noMatch": "Нет подходящих задач", "commands.ctask.stop.success": "Остановлено %s задач", + "commands.ctictactoe.playerNotFound": "Player not found", + "commands.ctictactoe.noGameWithPlayer": "Currently not playing a game with that player", + + "commands.ctime.reset.success": "The time now matches the server", + "commands.ctitle.cleared": "Очищенные заголовки", "commands.ctitle.reset": "Сбросить параметры заголовка", "commands.ctitle.show.title": "Показан новый заголовок", @@ -163,9 +225,30 @@ "commands.ctp.notSpectator": "Игрок должен быть в режиме наблюдателя, чтобы телепортироваться", "commands.ctp.success": "Телепортировал игрока в %s", + "commands.ctranslate.unknownError": "Произошла ошибка", + "commands.ctranslate.unknownLanguageCode": "Unknown language code \"%s\"", + "commands.ctranslate.expectedFromTo": "Expected \"from\"/\"to\"", + "commands.ctranslate.hoverText": "Click to copy, shift-click to insert in chat field", + "commands.cuuid.success": "UUID %s равен %s", + "commands.cuuid.success.nameless": "The UUID of that entity is %s", + + "commands.cvar.notFound": "Variable \"%s\" not found", + "commands.cvar.saveFile.failed": "Could not save variables file", + "commands.cvar.add.success": "Successfully created variable \"%s\"", + "commands.cvar.add.alreadyExists": "Variable \"%s\" already exists", + "commands.cvar.remove.success": "Successfully removed variable \"%s\"", + "commands.cvar.edit.success": "Successfully edited variable \"%s\"", + "commands.cvar.parse.success": "\"%s\" evaluates to \"%s\"", + "commands.cvar.list.empty": "No available variables", + "commands.cvar.list": "Available variables: %s", + + "commands.cwe.playerNotFound": "Player not found", + + "commands.cweather.reset": "Stopped overriding weather", "commands.cwiki.failed": "Не удалось получить содержимое вики.", + "commands.cwiki.noContent": "There is no introductory paragraph in that article", "commands.client.blockpos": "(%s, %s, %s)", "commands.client.cancel": "Отменить", @@ -173,9 +256,14 @@ "commands.client.enable": "Включить", "commands.client.expectedRegex": "Недопустимое регулярное выражение %s", "commands.client.glow": "[Подсветить]", + "commands.client.invalidArgumentException": "Недействительным аргумент '%s'", + "commands.client.invalidClickAction": "Invalid click event action '%s'", + "commands.client.invalidHoverAction": "Invalid hover event action '%s'", + "commands.client.invalidHoverEvent": "Invalid hover event '%s'", "commands.client.notClient": "Не клиентская команда", + "commands.client.regexTooSlow": "Regex '%s' was too slow to match", + "commands.client.requiresRestart": "This change will take effect after you restart your client", "commands.client.tooFewArguments": "Слишком мало аргументов", - "commands.client.invalidArgumentException": "Недействительным аргумент '%s'", "chorusManip.landing.success": "Посадка на: %s, %s, %s", "chorusManip.landing.failed": "Манипуляции с местом посадки невозможны", @@ -191,6 +279,7 @@ "enchCrack.enchantments": "Чары:", "enchCrack.clues": "Улики:", "enchCrack.slot": "Слот %s:", + "enchCrack.bookshelfCount": "Bookshelf Count: %s", "enchCrack.xpSeed.one": "Сид Опыта: %s", "enchCrack.xpSeed.many": "Возможный Сид Опыта: %s", @@ -207,6 +296,10 @@ "itemCrack.notEnoughItems": "Невозможно использовать ВзломщикСида Рандомного Генератора Чисел: Недостаточно предметов в инвенторе игрока", + "minesweeperGame.minesLeft": "Mines Left: %s", + "minesweeperGame.timePlayed": "Time Played: %ss", + "minesweeperGame.title": "Minesweeper", + "playerManip.state": "Состояние взлома игрока: %s", "playerManip.state.uncracked": "Не взломанный", "playerManip.state.cracked": "Взломанный", @@ -232,6 +325,7 @@ "playerManip.reset.anvil": "Использована наковальня", "playerManip.reset.food": "Вы поели", "playerManip.reset.drink": "Вы попили", + "playerManip.reset.consume": "Consumed", "playerManip.reset.baneOfArthropods": "Удар членистоногого с зачарованием Бич членистоногих", "playerManip.reset.advancement": "Полученно достижение", "playerManip.reset.shield": "Заблокирован щитом", @@ -251,5 +345,29 @@ "playerManip.uncracked": "Сид-Игрока нуждается в взломе", "snakeGame.title": "Змейка", - "snakeGame.score": "Счёт: %s" + "snakeGame.score": "Счёт: %s", + + "ticTacToeGame.title": "Tic-tac-toe against %s", + "ticTacToeGame.playingWith": "You are playing with %s", + "ticTacToeGame.noughts": "noughts (O)", + "ticTacToeGame.crosses": "crosses (X)", + + "c2cpacket.messageTooLong": "Message too long (max. 255 characters) got %s characters", + "c2cpacket.publicKeyNotFound": "Public key not found", + "c2cpacket.encryptionFailed": "Something failed while encrypting your message", + "c2cpacket.malformedPacket": "You have received a malformed C2C packet:", + "c2cpacket.receivedC2CPacket": "You have received a C2C packet, but you aren't accepting incoming C2C packets! Hover to view the raw packet.", + "c2cpacket.sentC2CPacket": "You have sent a C2C packet, but you aren't accepting incoming C2C packets!", + + "c2cpacket.messageC2CPacket.incoming": "%s -> you: %s", + "c2cpacket.messageC2CPacket.outgoing": "you -> %s: %s", + + "c2cpacket.startTicTacToeGameC2CPacket.outgoing.invited": "You invited %s to a game of tic-tac-toe", + "c2cpacket.startTicTacToeGameC2CPacket.incoming": "%s invited you to a game of tic-tac-toe", + "c2cpacket.startTicTacToeGameC2CPacket.incoming.accept": "Accept", + "c2cpacket.startTicTacToeGameC2CPacket.incoming.accept.hover": "Click to accept", + "c2cpacket.startTicTacToeGameC2CPacket.incoming.accepted": "%s has accepted your invitation, click to make your move", + "c2cpacket.startTicTacToeGameC2CPacket.outgoing.accept": "Accepted the invitation, your opponent will go first", + "c2cpacket.putTicTacToeMarkC2CPacket.incoming.lost": "%s has made a move in tic-tac-toe and won", + "c2cpacket.putTicTacToeMarkC2CPacket.incoming": "%s has made a move in tic-tac-toe, click to make your move" } diff --git a/src/main/resources/assets/clientcommands/lang/sl_si.json b/src/main/resources/assets/clientcommands/lang/sl_si.json index b0ec9e5a..1b7de1cb 100644 --- a/src/main/resources/assets/clientcommands/lang/sl_si.json +++ b/src/main/resources/assets/clientcommands/lang/sl_si.json @@ -1,103 +1,373 @@ { - "commands.cbook.success": "Knjiga je bila uspešno urejena", - - "commands.ccalc.expected": "Pričakovano %s", - "commands.ccalc.invalidArgumentCount": "Funkcija \"%s\" ne more vzeti %s argumentov", - - "commands.ccrackrng.starting": "Ugotavljanje semena igralca", - "commands.ccrackrng.success": "RNG seme igralca uspešno ugotovljeno: %s", - - "commands.cenchant.failed": "Nemogoče je ali bi trajalo pre dolgo, da bi dobile te čare", - "commands.cenchant.incompatible": "Nezdružljivi čari", - "commands.cenchant.needEnchantingPrediction": "Ta ukaz zahteva, da je omogočeno predvidevanje čaranja.", - "commands.cenchant.success": "Začatek manipulacije čaranja", - "commands.cenchant.uncracked": "Seme mora biti ugotovljeno.", - - "commands.cfind.found": "Najdeno %s ob %s, %s blokov proč", - "commands.cfind.noMatch": "Nič se ne ujema z vašo poizvedbo", - "commands.cfind.success": "%s entitet se ujema z vašo poizvedbo", - - "commands.cfindblock.notFound": "Takega bloka ni mogoče najti", - "commands.cfindblock.success": "Najbližje ujemanje je ob %s, %s blokov vstran", - - "commands.cfinditem.match": "%sx %s najdeno ob %s", - "commands.cfinditem.starting": "Iskati %s", - "commands.cfinditem.starting.keepSearching": "Neskončno iskanje za %s.", - "commands.cfinditem.total": "Skupno najdeno %sx %s", - - "commands.crender.entities.success": "Pravila za upodabljanje entitet so bila posodobljena", - - "commands.ctask.list.noTasks": "Nič trenutno izvajajočih nalog", - "commands.ctask.list.success": "%s trenutno izvajajočih nalog", - "commands.ctask.stop.noMatch": "Ni ujemajočih se nalog", - - "commands.cwiki.failed": "Vsebine wikija ni bilo mogoče pridobiti", - - "commands.client.blockpos": "(%s, %s, %s)", - "commands.client.cancel": "Prekliči", - "commands.client.crack": "Ugotovi", - "commands.client.enable": "Omogoči", - "commands.client.expectedRegex": "Nepravilen regex %s", - - "enchCrack.state": "Stanje ugotavljanja semena čaranja: %s", - "enchCrack.state.uncracked": "Neugotovljeno", - "enchCrack.state.cracking": "Se ugotavlja", - "enchCrack.state.cracked": "Ugotovljeno", - - "enchCrack.enchantments": "Uroki:", - "enchCrack.clues": "Namigi:", - "enchCrack.slot": "Mesto %s:", - - "enchCrack.xpSeed.one": "XP Seme: %s", - "enchCrack.xpSeed.many": "Možna XP semena: %s", - "enchCrack.playerRNGSeed.many": "Možna RNG semena igralci: %s", - "enchCrack.addInfo": "Dodaj informacije", - - "enchCrack.insn.dummy": "Opravite poskusno čaranje", - "enchCrack.insn.ready": "Vaše seme čaranje je pripravljeno", - "enchCrack.insn.bookshelves": "Knjižne police potrebovane: %s", - "enchCrack.insn.slot": "V mestu: %s", - "enchCrack.insn.itemThrows": "Potrebovanih metanj: %s (V priblžno %s sekundah)", - "enchCrack.insn.itemThrows.noDummy": "Brez poskusnega čaranja", - "enchCrack.insn.enchantments": "Čari na predmetu:", - - "playerManip.state": "Stanje ugotavljanja semena igralca: %s", - "playerManip.state.uncracked": "Neugotovljeno", - "playerManip.state.cracked": "Ugotovljeno", - "playerManip.state.ench_cracking_1": "Ugotavljanje Semena Čaranja 1", - "playerManip.state.half_cracked": "Napol Ugotovljeno", - "playerManip.state.ench_cracking_2": "Ugotavljanje Semena Čaranja 2", - "playerManip.state.cracking": "Se ugotavlja", - "playerManip.state.eating": "Jesti", - "playerManip.state.manipulating_enchantments": "Manipuliranje Čaranja", - "playerManip.state.waiting_dummy_enchant": "Čakanje na Poskusno Čaranje", - - "playerManip.reset": "Restarting player RNG manipulation. Reason: %s", - "playerManip.reset.playerHurt": "Igralec Ranjen", - "playerManip.reset.sprint": "Tek", - "playerManip.reset.enterWater": "Vstop v Vodo", - "playerManip.reset.swim": "Plavanje", - "playerManip.reset.potion": "Učinek Napoja Aktiven", - "playerManip.reset.mending": "Predmet Popravljen", - "playerManip.reset.respiration": "Dihalna Čelada Uporabljena", - "playerManip.reset.dropItem": "Izrvžen Predmet", - "playerManip.reset.anvil": "Nakovalo Uporabljeno", - "playerManip.reset.food": "Jesti", - "playerManip.reset.drink": "Piti", - "playerManip.reset.baneOfArthropods": "Zadet Členonožec z Uničevalcem Členonožcev", - "playerManip.reset.advancement": "Dosežen Napredek", - "playerManip.reset.shield": "Blokirano z Ščitom", - "playerManip.reset.give": "Give Ukaz Uporabljen", - "playerManip.reset.unbreaking": "Uporabljen Predmet z Neuničevanjem", - "playerManip.reset.itemBreak": "Predmet Razbit", - "playerManip.reset.frostWalker": "Ledeni Sprehajalec uporabljen", - "playerManip.reset.entityCramming": "Cramm-anje bitja", - "playerManip.reset.enchanting": "Predmet Začaran", - "playerManip.reset.recreated": "Igralec Obnovljen", - - "playerManip.serverBrandWarning": "Opozorilo: Strežnik na katerem igrate je modiran. Funkcije RNG morda ne bodo delovale!", - "playerManip.toolBreakWarning": "Opozorilo: orodju ostaja %s trajnosti", - - "itemCrack.notEnoughItems": "Ni mogoče uporabiti RNG UgotavljalcaSemena: Ni dovolj predmetov v roki igralca" - - } + "commands.calias.notFound": "Bližnjica \"%s\" ni najdena", + "commands.calias.illegalFormatException": "The format string was either malformed or too few arguments were supplied", + "commands.calias.file.readError": "Failed to read alias file", + "commands.calias.file.writeError": "Failed to write to alias file", + "commands.calias.addAlias.aliasAlreadyExists": "Alias \"%s\" already exists", + "commands.calias.addAlias.commandAlreadyExists": "The command \"/%s\" already exists", + "commands.calias.addAlias.success": "Successfully added alias \"%s\"", + "commands.calias.listAliases.noAliasesRegistered": "No aliases registered", + "commands.calias.listAliases.success": "%s aliases registered:", + "commands.calias.recursive": "Recursive alias \"%s\"", + "commands.calias.removeAlias.success": "Successfully removed alias \"%s\"", + + "commands.careastats.notLoaded": "A chunk in this area is not loaded", + "commands.careastats.output.chunksScanned": "Scanned %s chunks in %sns ≈ %sms", + "commands.careastats.output.blocksMatched": "Matched %s out of %s total blocks", + "commands.careastats.output.entitiesFound": "Found %s entities in this area", + + "commands.cbook.success": "Knjiga je bila uspešno urejena", + "commands.cbook.commandException": "You are not holding a book", + + "commands.ccalc.expected": "Pričakovano %s", + "commands.ccalc.invalidArgumentCount": "Funkcija \"%s\" ne more vzeti %s argumentov", + "commands.ccalc.parse": "Parsed expression: %s", + "commands.ccalc.parse.binaryOperator.addition": "(%s + %s)", + "commands.ccalc.parse.binaryOperator.division": "(%s / %s)", + "commands.ccalc.parse.binaryOperator.exponentiation": "(%s ^ %s)", + "commands.ccalc.parse.binaryOperator.modulo": "(%s %% %s)", + "commands.ccalc.parse.binaryOperator.multiplication": "(%s * %s)", + "commands.ccalc.parse.binaryOperator.subtraction": "(%s - %s)", + "commands.ccalc.parse.constant": "(constant '%s')", + "commands.ccalc.parse.function": "(function '%s' with arguments: %s)", + "commands.ccalc.parse.literal": "(literal: %s)", + "commands.ccalc.parse.negate": "(negated: %s)", + "commands.ccalc.tooDeeplyNested": "Expression is too deeply nested", + + "commands.ccalcstack.success": "%s %s is %s stacks and %s extra", + "commands.ccalcstack.success.empty": "%s items is %s stacks and %s extra", + "commands.ccalcstack.success.empty.exact": "%s items is exactly %s stacks", + "commands.ccalcstack.success.exact": "%s %s is exactly %s stacks", + + "commands.ccrackrng.failed": "Failed to crack player seed", + "commands.ccrackrng.failed.help": "Help: RNG manipulation doesn't work on some modded servers, in particular Paper.", + "commands.ccrackrng.retries": "Cracking player seed, attempt %s/%s", + "commands.ccrackrng.starting": "Ugotavljanje semena igralca", + "commands.ccrackrng.success": "RNG seme igralca uspešno ugotovljeno: %s", + + "commands.ccreativetab.addStack.success": "Successfully added %s to \"%s\"", + "commands.ccreativetab.addTab.alreadyExists": "Creative tab \"%s\" already exists", + "commands.ccreativetab.addTab.illegalCharacter": "Creative tab can only contain [a-z0-9/._-] characters", + "commands.ccreativetab.addTab.success": "Successfully added creative tab \"%s\"", + "commands.ccreativetab.changeIcon.success": "Successfully changed the icon of \"%s\" from %s to %s", + "commands.ccreativetab.notFound": "Creative tab \"%s\" not found", + "commands.ccreativetab.outOfBounds": "Index %s is out of bounds", + "commands.ccreativetab.removeStack.success": "Successfully removed stack from \"%s\" at index %s", + "commands.ccreativetab.removeTab.success": "Successfully removed creative tab \"%s\"", + "commands.ccreativetab.renameTab.success": "Successfully renamed creative tab \"%s\" to \"%s\"", + "commands.ccreativetab.saveFile.failed": "Could not save creative tabs file", + "commands.ccreativetab.setStack.success": "Successfully set the stack from \"%s\" at index %s to %s", + + "commands.cenchant.failed": "Nemogoče je ali bi trajalo pre dolgo, da bi dobile te čare", + "commands.cenchant.help.uncrackedPlayerSeed": "Help: you have not fully cracked the player seed", + "commands.cenchant.incompatible": "Nezdružljivi čari", + "commands.cenchant.needEnchantingPrediction": "Ta ukaz zahteva, da je omogočeno predvidevanje čaranja.", + "commands.cenchant.success": "Začatek manipulacije čaranja", + "commands.cenchant.uncracked": "Seme mora biti ugotovljeno.", + + "commands.cfind.found": "Najdeno %s ob %s, %s blokov proč", + "commands.cfind.keepSearching.success": "Finding entities", + "commands.cfind.noMatch": "Nič se ne ujema z vašo poizvedbo", + "commands.cfind.success": "%s entitet se ujema z vašo poizvedbo", + + "commands.cfindblock.notFound": "Takega bloka ni mogoče najti", + "commands.cfindblock.starting": "Iskati %s", + "commands.cfindblock.success": "Najbližje ujemanje je ob %s, %s blokov vstran", + + "commands.cfinditem.match.entity": "%sx %s found in %s at %s", + "commands.cfinditem.match": "%sx %s najdeno ob %s", + "commands.cfinditem.starting": "Iskati %s", + "commands.cfinditem.starting.keepSearching": "Neskončno iskanje za %s.", + "commands.cfinditem.total": "Skupno najdeno %sx %s", + + "commands.cfish.addGoal.success": "Successfully added goal %s", + "commands.cfish.correctLoot": "Got the correct loot with correction of %sms", + "commands.cfish.error.biome": "Loot cannot be obtained in this biome, %s needed", + "commands.cfish.error.crackFailed": "Failed to crack the fishing bobber RNG, is the server modded?", + "commands.cfish.error.collision": "Fishing bobber collided with something", + "commands.cfish.error.fire": "Fishing bobber caught fire", + "commands.cfish.error.impossibleLoot": "That loot cannot be obtained with fishing", + "commands.cfish.error.onGround": "Fishing bobber hit the ground", + "commands.cfish.error.openWater": "Fishing bobber needs to be in open water for treasure loot", + "commands.cfish.error.openWater.flowingWater": "Help: the water around the bobber must be still water, flowing water does not work", + "commands.cfish.error.openWater.help": "Help: the red cubes show the blocks which are preventing the open water condition from being met", + "commands.cfish.error.openWater.lilyPad": "Help: try trapping the bobber under a lily pad", + "commands.cfish.error.outOfWater": "Fishing bobber out of water, manipulation won't work", + "commands.cfish.help.tooManyEnchants": "Help: multiple enchantments at once are unlikely and may take a long time to obtain", + "commands.cfish.listGoals.noGoals": "There are no fishing goals", + "commands.cfish.listGoals.success": "There are %s fishing goals:", + "commands.cfish.needFishingManipulation": "Fishing manipulation is not enabled", + "commands.cfish.removeGoal.success": "Successfully removed goal %s", + "commands.cfish.wrongLoot": "Didn't get the correct loot with correction of %sms, could have been %s ticks ahead", + + "commands.cfov.success": "Set FOV to %s", + + "commands.cfunction.limitReached": "Command limit (%s) reached", + "commands.cfunction.success": "Ran %s commands from function %s", + + "commands.cgamemode.playerNotFound": "Player not found", + "commands.cgamemode.playerGameMode": "Player %s is in game mode %s", + "commands.cgamemode.noneWithGameMode": "No players are in game mode %s", + "commands.cgamemode.listWithGameMode": "The following players are in game mode %s:", + + "commands.cgamma.success": "Set gamma to %s", + + "commands.cghostblock.fill.success": "%s ghost blocks filled", + "commands.cghostblock.set.success": "Ghost block placed", + + "commands.cgive.success": "Gave %s %s to self", + "commands.cgive.notCreative": "Player must be in creative mode to give items to self", + + "commands.cglow.entity.keepSearching.success": "Glowing entities", + "commands.cglow.entity.failed": "No entities to glow", + "commands.cglow.entity.success": "Glowing %s entities", + "commands.cglow.area.success": "Glowing %s area", + + "commands.chat.success": "Successfully opened c🎩", + + "commands.chotbar.notCreative": "Player must be in creative mode to restore item hotbars", + "commands.chotbar.restoredHotbar": "Restored item hotbar %s", + + "commands.ckit.notFound": "Kit \"%s\" not found", + "commands.ckit.saveFile.failed": "Could not save kits file", + "commands.ckit.load.success": "Successfully gave kit \"%s\" to self", + "commands.ckit.load.notCreative": "Player must be in creative mode to give items to self", + "commands.ckit.create.success": "Successfully created kit \"%s\"", + "commands.ckit.create.alreadyExists": "Kit \"%s\" already exists", + "commands.ckit.delete.success": "Successfully deleted kit \"%s\"", + "commands.ckit.edit.success": "Successfully edited kit \"%s\"", + "commands.ckit.list": "Available kits: %s", + "commands.ckit.list.empty": "No available kits", + + "commands.clisten.commandDisabled": "The command was disabled, check your logs", + "commands.clisten.unknownPacket": "Unknown packet %s", + "commands.clisten.sentPacket": "Sent the following packet: %s", + "commands.clisten.receivedPacket": "Received the following packet: %s", + "commands.clisten.sentC2CPacket": "Sent the following C2C packet: %s", + "commands.clisten.receivedC2CPacket": "Received the following C2C packet: %s", + "commands.clisten.packetError": "ERROR", + "commands.clisten.add.success": "Successfully started listening to that packet", + "commands.clisten.add.failed": "Already listening to that packet", + "commands.clisten.remove.success": "No longer listening to that packet", + "commands.clisten.remove.failed": "Not listening to that packet", + "commands.clisten.list.none": "Not listening to any packets", + "commands.clisten.list": "Listening to the following packets:", + "commands.clisten.clear": "No longer listening to any packets", + + "commands.cminesweeper.tooManyMines": "Too many mines, must be between 0 and 9 less than than the amount of total tiles", + + "commands.cplayerinfo.ioException": "An error occurred", + "commands.cplayerinfo.getNameHistory.success": "%s has had the following names: %s", + + "commands.cparticle.unsuitableParticleOption": "Won't display particle as the particle video setting is unsuitable", + "commands.cparticle.success": "Displaying particle %s", + + "commands.cpermissionlevel.success": "Your permission level is %s", + + "commands.cplaysound.success": "Played sound %s to self", + + "commands.cplugins.found": "Found the following plugins:", + + "commands.cping.success": "Your average ping is %sms", + "commands.cping.success.other": "The average ping of %s is %sms", + "commands.cping.singleplayer": "You are in a singleplayer world (╯°□°)╯︵ ┻━┻", + "commands.cping.playerNotFound": "Player not found", + + "commands.cpos.coords": "%s in %s is %s in %s", + "commands.cpos.level.overworld": "the Overworld", + "commands.cpos.level.the_end": "the End", + "commands.cpos.level.the_nether": "the Nether", + + "commands.crelog.failed": "Failed to relog", + + "commands.crender.entities.success": "Pravila za upodabljanje entitet so bila posodobljena", + + "commands.csignsearch.starting": "Searching signs", + + "commands.csnap.airborne": "You cannot snap while airborne", + "commands.csnap.cannotFit": "The player cannot fit at that location", + "commands.csnap.clickToTeleportEnabled": "Enabled click to teleport", + "commands.csnap.clickToTeleportDisabled": "Disabled click to teleport", + "commands.csnap.success": "Snapped to %s %s %s", + "commands.csnap.tooFar": "You can only snap to locations at most 1 block away", + "commands.csnap.wall": "You cannot snap onto walls", + + "commands.cstartup.add.success": "Added command to startup file", + "commands.cstartup.couldNotCreateFile": "Couldn't create startup file", + "commands.cstartup.couldNotEdit": "Couldn't edit startup file", + + "commands.cstopsound.success.sourceless.any": "Stopped all sounds for self", + "commands.cstopsound.success.sourceless.sound": "Stopped sound '%s' for self", + "commands.cstopsound.success.source.any": "Stopped all '%s' sounds for self", + "commands.cstopsound.success.source.sound": "Stopped sound '%s' on source '%s' for self", + + "commands.ctask.conflicting": "A conflicting task '%s' is already running. %s", + "commands.ctask.list.noTasks": "Nič trenutno izvajajočih nalog", + "commands.ctask.list.success": "%s trenutno izvajajočih nalog", + "commands.ctask.stop.noMatch": "Ni ujemajočih se nalog", + "commands.ctask.stop.success": "Stopped %s tasks", + + "commands.ctictactoe.playerNotFound": "Player not found", + "commands.ctictactoe.noGameWithPlayer": "Currently not playing a game with that player", + + "commands.ctime.reset.success": "The time now matches the server", + + "commands.ctitle.cleared": "Cleared titles", + "commands.ctitle.reset": "Reset title options", + "commands.ctitle.show.title": "Showing new title", + "commands.ctitle.show.subtitle": "Showing new subtitle", + "commands.ctitle.show.actionbar": "Showing new actionbar title", + "commands.ctitle.times": "Changed title display times", + + "commands.ctooltip.header.held": "The tooltip of the held item is:", + "commands.ctooltip.header.stack": "The tooltip of that item would be:", + + "commands.ctp.notSpectator": "Player must be in spectator mode to teleport", + "commands.ctp.success": "Teleported player to %s", + + "commands.ctranslate.unknownError": "An error occurred", + "commands.ctranslate.unknownLanguageCode": "Unknown language code \"%s\"", + "commands.ctranslate.expectedFromTo": "Expected \"from\"/\"to\"", + "commands.ctranslate.hoverText": "Click to copy, shift-click to insert in chat field", + + "commands.cuuid.success": "The UUID of %s is %s", + "commands.cuuid.success.nameless": "The UUID of that entity is %s", + + "commands.cvar.notFound": "Variable \"%s\" not found", + "commands.cvar.saveFile.failed": "Could not save variables file", + "commands.cvar.add.success": "Successfully created variable \"%s\"", + "commands.cvar.add.alreadyExists": "Variable \"%s\" already exists", + "commands.cvar.remove.success": "Successfully removed variable \"%s\"", + "commands.cvar.edit.success": "Successfully edited variable \"%s\"", + "commands.cvar.parse.success": "\"%s\" evaluates to \"%s\"", + "commands.cvar.list.empty": "No available variables", + "commands.cvar.list": "Available variables: %s", + + "commands.cwe.playerNotFound": "Player not found", + + "commands.cweather.reset": "Stopped overriding weather", + + "commands.cwiki.failed": "Vsebine wikija ni bilo mogoče pridobiti", + "commands.cwiki.noContent": "There is no introductory paragraph in that article", + + "commands.client.blockpos": "(%s, %s, %s)", + "commands.client.cancel": "Prekliči", + "commands.client.crack": "Ugotovi", + "commands.client.enable": "Omogoči", + "commands.client.expectedRegex": "Nepravilen regex %s", + "commands.client.glow": "[Glow]", + "commands.client.invalidArgumentException": "Invalid argument '%s'", + "commands.client.invalidClickAction": "Invalid click event action '%s'", + "commands.client.invalidHoverAction": "Invalid hover event action '%s'", + "commands.client.invalidHoverEvent": "Invalid hover event '%s'", + "commands.client.notClient": "Not a client-side command", + "commands.client.regexTooSlow": "Regex '%s' was too slow to match", + "commands.client.requiresRestart": "This change will take effect after you restart your client", + "commands.client.tooFewArguments": "Too few arguments", + + "chorusManip.landing.success": "Landing on: %s, %s, %s", + "chorusManip.landing.failed": "Landing manipulation not possible", + "chorusManip.goalTooFar": "Goal is too far away!", + "chorusManip.needChorusManipulation": "Chorus Fruit manipulation is not enabled", + "chorusManip.setGoal": "Set %s goal area from %s to %s", + + "enchCrack.state": "Stanje ugotavljanja semena čaranja: %s", + "enchCrack.state.uncracked": "Neugotovljeno", + "enchCrack.state.cracking": "Se ugotavlja", + "enchCrack.state.cracked": "Ugotovljeno", + + "enchCrack.enchantments": "Uroki:", + "enchCrack.clues": "Namigi:", + "enchCrack.slot": "Mesto %s:", + "enchCrack.bookshelfCount": "Bookshelf Count: %s", + + "enchCrack.xpSeed.one": "XP Seme: %s", + "enchCrack.xpSeed.many": "Možna XP semena: %s", + "enchCrack.playerRNGSeed.many": "Možna RNG semena igralci: %s", + "enchCrack.addInfo": "Dodaj informacije", + + "enchCrack.insn.dummy": "Opravite poskusno čaranje", + "enchCrack.insn.ready": "Vaše seme čaranje je pripravljeno", + "enchCrack.insn.bookshelves": "Knjižne police potrebovane: %s", + "enchCrack.insn.slot": "V mestu: %s", + "enchCrack.insn.itemThrows": "Potrebovanih metanj: %s (V priblžno %s sekundah)", + "enchCrack.insn.itemThrows.noDummy": "Brez poskusnega čaranja", + "enchCrack.insn.enchantments": "Čari na predmetu:", + + "itemCrack.notEnoughItems": "Ni mogoče uporabiti RNG UgotavljalcaSemena: Ni dovolj predmetov v roki igralca", + + "minesweeperGame.minesLeft": "Mines Left: %s", + "minesweeperGame.timePlayed": "Time Played: %ss", + "minesweeperGame.title": "Minesweeper", + + "playerManip.state": "Stanje ugotavljanja semena igralca: %s", + "playerManip.state.uncracked": "Neugotovljeno", + "playerManip.state.cracked": "Ugotovljeno", + "playerManip.state.ench_cracking_1": "Ugotavljanje Semena Čaranja 1", + "playerManip.state.half_cracked": "Napol Ugotovljeno", + "playerManip.state.ench_cracking_2": "Ugotavljanje Semena Čaranja 2", + "playerManip.state.cracking": "Se ugotavlja", + "playerManip.state.eating": "Jesti", + "playerManip.state.manipulating_enchantments": "Manipuliranje Čaranja", + "playerManip.state.waiting_dummy_enchant": "Čakanje na Poskusno Čaranje", + + "playerManip.reset": "Restarting player RNG manipulation. Reason: %s", + "playerManip.reset.playerHurt": "Igralec Ranjen", + "playerManip.reset.sprint": "Tek", + "playerManip.reset.enterWater": "Vstop v Vodo", + "playerManip.reset.swim": "Plavanje", + "playerManip.reset.amethystChime": "Walked on Amethyst Crystals", + "playerManip.reset.potion": "Učinek Napoja Aktiven", + "playerManip.reset.mending": "Predmet Popravljen", + "playerManip.reset.xp": "XP Orb Collected", + "playerManip.reset.respiration": "Dihalna Čelada Uporabljena", + "playerManip.reset.dropItem": "Izrvžen Predmet", + "playerManip.reset.anvil": "Nakovalo Uporabljeno", + "playerManip.reset.food": "Jesti", + "playerManip.reset.drink": "Piti", + "playerManip.reset.consume": "Consumed", + "playerManip.reset.baneOfArthropods": "Zadet Členonožec z Uničevalcem Členonožcev", + "playerManip.reset.advancement": "Dosežen Napredek", + "playerManip.reset.shield": "Blokirano z Ščitom", + "playerManip.reset.give": "Give Ukaz Uporabljen", + "playerManip.reset.unbreaking": "Uporabljen Predmet z Neuničevanjem", + "playerManip.reset.itemBreak": "Predmet Razbit", + "playerManip.reset.frostWalker": "Ledeni Sprehajalec uporabljen", + "playerManip.reset.soulSpeed": "Soul Speed Used", + "playerManip.reset.entityCramming": "Cramm-anje bitja", + "playerManip.reset.enchanting": "Predmet Začaran", + "playerManip.reset.recreated": "Igralec Obnovljen", + + "playerManip.serverBrandWarning": "Opozorilo: Strežnik na katerem igrate je modiran. Funkcije RNG morda ne bodo delovale!", + "playerManip.toolBreakWarning": "Opozorilo: orodju ostaja %s trajnosti", + "playerManip.throwError": "Condition not possible or would require more than %s item throws", + "playerManip.notEnoughItems": "Not enough items(%s of %s) to manipulate seed", + "playerManip.uncracked": "Player-Seed needs to be cracked", + + "snakeGame.title": "Snake", + "snakeGame.score": "Score: %s", + + "ticTacToeGame.title": "Tic-tac-toe against %s", + "ticTacToeGame.playingWith": "You are playing with %s", + "ticTacToeGame.noughts": "noughts (O)", + "ticTacToeGame.crosses": "crosses (X)", + + "c2cpacket.messageTooLong": "Message too long (max. 255 characters) got %s characters", + "c2cpacket.publicKeyNotFound": "Public key not found", + "c2cpacket.encryptionFailed": "Something failed while encrypting your message", + "c2cpacket.malformedPacket": "You have received a malformed C2C packet:", + "c2cpacket.receivedC2CPacket": "You have received a C2C packet, but you aren't accepting incoming C2C packets! Hover to view the raw packet.", + "c2cpacket.sentC2CPacket": "You have sent a C2C packet, but you aren't accepting incoming C2C packets!", + + "c2cpacket.messageC2CPacket.incoming": "%s -> you: %s", + "c2cpacket.messageC2CPacket.outgoing": "you -> %s: %s", + + "c2cpacket.startTicTacToeGameC2CPacket.outgoing.invited": "You invited %s to a game of tic-tac-toe", + "c2cpacket.startTicTacToeGameC2CPacket.incoming": "%s invited you to a game of tic-tac-toe", + "c2cpacket.startTicTacToeGameC2CPacket.incoming.accept": "Accept", + "c2cpacket.startTicTacToeGameC2CPacket.incoming.accept.hover": "Click to accept", + "c2cpacket.startTicTacToeGameC2CPacket.incoming.accepted": "%s has accepted your invitation, click to make your move", + "c2cpacket.startTicTacToeGameC2CPacket.outgoing.accept": "Accepted the invitation, your opponent will go first", + "c2cpacket.putTicTacToeMarkC2CPacket.incoming.lost": "%s has made a move in tic-tac-toe and won", + "c2cpacket.putTicTacToeMarkC2CPacket.incoming": "%s has made a move in tic-tac-toe, click to make your move" +} diff --git a/src/main/resources/assets/clientcommands/lang/zh_cn.json b/src/main/resources/assets/clientcommands/lang/zh_cn.json index 7e38ea84..c91e1504 100644 --- a/src/main/resources/assets/clientcommands/lang/zh_cn.json +++ b/src/main/resources/assets/clientcommands/lang/zh_cn.json @@ -184,6 +184,14 @@ "commands.csignsearch.starting": "正在搜索告示牌", + "commands.csnap.airborne": "You cannot snap while airborne", + "commands.csnap.cannotFit": "The player cannot fit at that location", + "commands.csnap.clickToTeleportEnabled": "Enabled click to teleport", + "commands.csnap.clickToTeleportDisabled": "Disabled click to teleport", + "commands.csnap.success": "Snapped to %s %s %s", + "commands.csnap.tooFar": "You can only snap to locations at most 1 block away", + "commands.csnap.wall": "You cannot snap onto walls", + "commands.cstartup.add.success": "在启动文件中添加了命令", "commands.cstartup.couldNotCreateFile": "无法创建启动文件", "commands.cstartup.couldNotEdit": "无法编辑启动文件", @@ -317,6 +325,7 @@ "playerManip.reset.anvil": "使用了铁砧", "playerManip.reset.food": "进食", "playerManip.reset.drink": "饮用", + "playerManip.reset.consume": "Consumed", "playerManip.reset.baneOfArthropods": "使用节肢杀手攻击了节肢生物", "playerManip.reset.advancement": "获得了进度", "playerManip.reset.shield": "使用盾牌阻挡了攻击", diff --git a/transifex.yml b/transifex.yml new file mode 100644 index 00000000..f3417147 --- /dev/null +++ b/transifex.yml @@ -0,0 +1,20 @@ +filters: + - filter_type: 'file' + file_format: 'KEYVALUEJSON' + source_language: 'en_US' + source_file: 'src/main/resources/assets/clientcommands/lang/en_us.json' + translation_files_expression: 'src/main/resources/assets/clientcommands/lang/.json' +settings: + pr_branch_name: 'translations_' + language_mapping: + de_DE: 'de_de' + en_US: 'en_us' + id_ID: 'id_id' + ja_JP: 'ja_jp' + nl_NL: 'nl_nl' + pl_PL: 'pl_pl' + ru_RU: 'ru_ru' + sl_SI: 'sl_si' + zh_CN: 'zh_cn' + zh_TW: 'zh_tw' +