- detecting special cases in calcClosedChamberFlux
- all concentrations numerically equal
- no finite concentrations
- checking function arguments in calcClosedChamberFluxForChunks
- moved tests to testthat
- depends on rlang instead of interp now
- fixed issue: explicitely closing file readDat
- added geometry functions
- fixed support of tibbles in plotResp
- argument useFixedTLag to specify fixed lag-Time instead of estimating it from the data
- specification of different volumes by chunk more robust
adapted to dplyr, changed return type of calcChamberFlux to nested data.frame
The hosting of the development moved from r-forge to github. Releases will still be put to r-forge, because of its good package-checking setup for several platforms, and the help for submission to CRAN, but versioning and development of the code will be done on github.
A package vignette, a README.Rmd and this NEWS.md file have been added.