ls# RAK811 breakout board
Code from here then adapted to platformio
The earlier versions of the board only had 16K ram so stm32l15xx6.ld is default as linker script. If you want to use the full 32K ram you can change this line before copy "ldscript": "/home/olof/rak/STM32L151XBA_FLASH.ld"
If you use, platformio ide, press
1) Home button
2) Platforms/ST STM32 reveal button
cp rak811.json ~/.platformio/platforms/ststm32/boards/rak811.json
If you do not have this directory, .platformio/platforms/ststm32 try,
pio platform install ststm32
pio run
In stm32flash_src there is code to flash the device. Build with make
./stm32flash -w .pioenvs/rak811/firmware.bin /dev/ttyUSB0
To reset and start after download, try
./stm32flash -w .pioenvs/rak811/firmware.bin -v -g 0x0 /dev/ttyUSB0
Now it starts and outputs debug information on UART,
Move Detected INT1 src:0x48
[Debug]: tempr: 35 Bat: 3988mv
[Debug]: ACC X:FF00 Y:0000 Z:FF00
GpsGetLatestGpsPositionDouble ret = 0
I have made a simple qemu board emulation and its possible to start and run in qemu, Read more here running in qemu
Interface serial_posix: 57600 8E1
Version : 0x31
Option 1 : 0x00
Option 2 : 0x00
Device ID : 0x0429 (STM32L1xxx6(8/B)A)
- RAM : 32KiB (4096b reserved by bootloader)
- Flash : 128KiB (size first sector: 16x256)
- Option RAM : 32b
- System RAM : 4KiB
You can checkout the original files and use this makefile to build, I did this and ran the generated elf files in qemu. Read more amout this experiment here, Read more here running in parallell
The startup code should have been this,
But instead .platformio/packages/framework-cmsis/variants/stm32l1/stm32l151xba/startup_stm32l151xba.S is used,
Only difference is /bl __libc_init_array/ /* PlatformIO note: Will work without -nostartfiles */ Probably not important