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Ryan Hodges edited this page May 13, 2022 · 7 revisions


The following is a list of prerequisites that should be met before attempting to install this tool for yourself:


  • Operating System: either
    • An Ubuntu Linux Server
      • version: 20.04 LTS or better (22.04 LTS recommended as of this writing)
    • Windows Server
      • May need more hardware than recommended below
      • May not offer same external GIS access as a Linux installation
  • RAM: 4GB recommended, 1GB minimum
  • Disk space: Depends on the size/amount of the media files to be stored.
    • The application take less than 2GB total.
  • CPU: 2 cores recommended, 1 core minimum
  • Permissions: user with permissions to install:
    • PostgreSQL
    • PostGIS
    • Python3

Web Browser

  • Microsoft Edge
  • Google Chrome
  • Mozilla FireFox
  • Safari



This tool requires at least 1 user to be in charge of getting users registered and set up with passwords and configuring the database's appearance and available content.


To be userful, the database needs to be populated with records. This is a lot of work! You will need staff to collect and enter data relating to your traditional knowledge, including gathering and uploading digital media such as interview recordings, PDFs, and images.


If running on your own internal network:

  • A Firewall opening the following ports to desired networks:
    • :80 (for http)
    • :22 (for ssh - you may use another if you'd prefer)
    • :5432 (for PostgreSQL - you cannot open data in with GIS tools like ArcGIS or QGIS without this)
    • :443 (OPTIONAL - SSL port. If you want https, you will have to sort that out yourself - it is not covered in these documents)
    • :8000 (OPTIONAL - an easy port for running a test server for debugging, not recommended after installaiton is complete)


  • Backups are NOT provided out of the box. You will need to have your own strategy for ensuring the resilience of your data.


  • Downloading future tool updates:
    • Can be done for free by a systems administrator (following this document)