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File metadata and controls

218 lines (170 loc) · 10.9 KB


Desk-LM is a python environment for training machine learning models (and make predictions as well). It currently implements the following ML algorithms:

  • Linear SVM
  • Decision Tree
  • Random Forest
  • K-NN
  • ANN
  • TripleES Holt-Winters Triple Exponential Smoothing implementation for time series

We are extending the library to other algorithms, also unsupervised. Your voluntary contribution is welcome.

The user can specify a .csv dataset, an algorithm and a set of parameter values, so to train and select the best model and export it for use on edge devices, by exploiting the twin tool Micro-LM.

For ANNs, Desk-LM outputs the model in hdf5 file format, to be imported by STM32 CubeAI, together with .c and .h files for pre-processing and for testing the whole dataset performance on the microcontroller (STM32 Nucleo boards only).

For all the other algorithms, Desk-LM produces .c and/or .h that will be used as source files in a Micro-LM project for optimzed memory footprint on edge devices. They contain the parameters of the selected ML model.

Desk-LM relies on numpy, pandas, sk-learn and keras/Tensorflow.

We are working so that Desk-LM will output .json files so to allow dynamic usage by microcontrollers.

Getting started


The command line expects the path to .json files specifying:

  • dataset
  • estimator
  • preprocessing
  • validation
  • output
  • prediction
  • storage

Dataset configuration

-d <path_to_dataset_config_file>

The .json config file exposes the following properties:

  • path, path to the .csv dataset file
  • skip_rows, number of rows to be skipped before the column names
  • select_columns, array of names of the columns to be selected as features (all the others are discarded)
  • select_columns, if true, means that all columns are selected
  • skip_columns, array of names of the columns to be skipped (ignored, if select_feature_columns is set)
  • target_column, name of the target column
  • time_series_column, name of the column for the time series. It is used only for time series computation and is mutually exclusive with all the other column options
  • sep, .csv file separator string/char
  • decimal, .csv file decimal number separator
  • test_size, integer (number of samples for the test), or float (fraction of the total samples to be used as test)
  • categorical_multiclass, boolean specifying whether the multiclass labels are categorical or not (i.e., ordinal)

Estimator configuration

-e <path_to_estimator_config_file>

The .json config file exposes the following properties:

  • estimator, name of the estimator. If not differently stated, all estimators are implemented through sk-learn. Currently supported estimators are:
    • KNeighborsClassifier
    • KNeighborsRegressor
    • DecisionTreeClassifier
    • DecisionTreeRegressor
    • LinearSVC
    • LinearSVR
    • ANNClassifier, Keras/Tensorflow implementation
    • ANNRegressor, Keras/Tensorflow implementation
    • TripleES, the Holt-Winters Triple Exponential Smoothing for time series

Each estimator type has its own configuration parameters:

  • k-NN
    • n_neighbors (*), default: 5
  • DecisionTree
    • max_depth (*), default: None
    • min_samples_split (*), default: 2
    • min_samples_leaf (*), default: 1
    • max_leaf_nodes (*), default: None
    • C_exp (*), exponent of the C parameter, default 0
  • ANN
    • epochs (*), default: 10
    • batch_size (*), default: 32
    • dropout (*), float between 0 and 1, default: 0
    • activation, array of strings (e.g., "relu", "tanh") for the activation function of the hidden layers, default: "relu"
    • hidden_layers, array of array of integers representing the size of each hidden layer, default: []. Each inner array represents one ANN layer configuration (i.e., number of nodes for each layer) among those to be evaluated in the cross-validation
  • TripleES
    • season_length

(*) for the sake of model selection and cross validation, for this property it is possible to specify (all values are integers, if not differently specified, as ANN dropout):

  • < prop >, a single value
  • <prop_array>, an array of values
  • <lower_limit>, a lower_limit for a value range
  • <upper_limit>, a upper_limit for a value range
  • < step >, step for a value range

Please refer to sk-learn and keras documentation for the details on the configuration parameters.

Preprocessing configuration

-p <path_to_preprocessing_config_file>

The .json config file exposes the following properties:

  • scale, array of strings specifying scalers (currently supported scalers: "StandardScaler", "MinMaxScaler"), default: no scaler
  • pca_values, array of numbers (integer or float between 0 and 1) representing the principal components. It is possible to specify also the string "mle", default: no PCA

Not used for TripleES.

Please refer to sk-learn documentation for further details.

Model selection configuration

-s <path_to_model_selection_config_file>

The .json config file exposes the following properties:

  • cv, cross validation schema, default: None, to use the default 5-fold cross validation
  • scoring, scoring method for cross validation
    • Regression problem, possible values:
      • "mean_absolute_error"
      • "mean_squared_error", default value for ANN
      • "mean_squared_log_error'
      • "root_mean_squared_error"
      • "r2", default value for k-NN, LinearSVR, DecisionTree
    • Classification problem, possible values:
      • "accuracy", which is the default value
      • "balanced_accuracy"
      • "f1", "f1_micro", "f1_macro", "f1_samples", "f1_weighted"
      • "precision", "precision_micro", "precision_macro", "precision_samples", "precision_weighted"
      • "recall", "recall_micro", "recall_macro", "recalln_samples", "recall_weighted"
  • verbose, verbosity level, default: 0

Please refer to sk-learn documentation for further details.

Output configuration

-o <path_to_output_config_file>

The .json file exposes the following properties:

  • export_path, path to a directory where to export the output folders, default: no export. Output folders are structured like this:
    • elm/source, for .c files
    • elm/include, for .h files
    • elm/model, for models, such as the ANN .h5 file
  • is_dataset_test, if files for a whole dataset test on the target devices are to be prepared, default: no dataset test (i.e., one shot estimation only)
  • dataset_test_size, sets a limit to the number of testing records to be exported for the dataset test. Can be either int (number of records) or float (0-1 - percentage of the desktop test set), default: 1
  • training_set_cap, for k-NN, sets a limit to the number of training samples to be exported for the k-NN estimation. Can be either int (number of samples) or float (0-1), default: no cap

Prediction configuration

--predict <path_to_predict_config_file>

The .json file exposes the following properties:

  • model_id, the uuid of the model to be loaded on the server to make the prediction
  • samples, an array of samples for which to build the prediction

Storage configuration


The program stores the estimator in the "./storage/" directory. It provides an uuid for future retrieval for predictions


  • For computing a model and generating files for deployment on Micro-LM (or an .h5 file for neural networks) python -d <dataset_config_file> -e <estimator_config_file> -p <preprocessing_config_file> -s <model_selection_config_file> -o <output_config_file>

  • For computing and storing a model python -d <dataset_config_file> -e <estimator_config_file> -p <preprocessing_config_file> -s <model_selection_config_file> --store

  • For predicting a set of samples with a trained model python --predict <predict_config_file>


Output files are also produced under the out diectory, with the following structure:

  • out/source, for .c files
  • out/include, for .h files
  • out/model, for models, such as the ANN .h5 file

The structure is duplicated in the elm export directory, if specified in the output configuration file.

Linear SVM / DT / K-NN / TripleES

For using source and header files produced by Desk-LM for these algorithms, please refer to the Micro-LM documentation.

Use a Desk-LM ANN in a CubeIDE project, using STM X-Cube-AI package (for STM32 Nucleo boards only):

  1. Load the .h5 model generated by DeskML into STM32CubeIDE and generate the code for your target board
  2. Add to your CubeIDE project the files generated by Desk-LM for pre-processing and/or dataset testing (source/preprocess_params.c and source/testing_set.c and include/PPParmas.h and include/testing_set.h).
  3. You need to add also ELM.h and Preprocess.c and Preprocess.h from Micro-LM.
  4. Use function preprocess(X), exposed by ELM.h, where X is the sample vector for preprocessing


Example .json files are provided in the input dirctory. We adopt the following convention:

  • ds_ is the prefix for dataset configuration files.
  • pp_ for preprocessing
  • est_ for estimator
  • ms_ for model selection
  • output_ for output
  • pr_ for predicting

Example .csv files are provided in the ./dataset/ directory.

Data type

float 32 data are used

Package versions

Please see the Desk-LM.3.6.10.yml file. Python 3.6, and Keras 2.2.4, which is needed for importing the ANN model in Cube-AI


This project is licensed under the MIT License - see the file for details


Please see


  • Alessio Capello for Random Forest implementation;
  • Gabriele Campodonico for TripleES implementation;
  • Laura Pisano for TripleES implementation;

Reference article for more infomation

F., Sakr, F., Bellotti, R., Berta, A., De Gloria, "Machine Learning on Mainstream Microcontrollers," Sensors 2020, 20, 2638.


Credit for the Holt-Winters Triple Exponential Smoothing implementation for time series: