diff --git a/src/locales/strings/de.json b/src/locales/strings/de.json index c6cf9498a01..1769aec2cfb 100644 --- a/src/locales/strings/de.json +++ b/src/locales/strings/de.json @@ -146,7 +146,7 @@ "fragment_transaction_transfer": "Überweisen", "fragment_wallet_unconfirmed": "Ausstehend", "fragment_transaction_list_tx_dropped": "Fallen gelassen", - "fragment_transaction_list_tx_synchronizing": "Synchronisieren...", + "fragment_transaction_list_tx_synchronizing": "Syncing...", "fragment_transaction_list_confirmation_progress": "%s von %s Bestätigungen", "fragment_transaction_list_unconfirmed_rbf": "Awaiting confirmation, may be cancelled", "fragment_transaction_list_transaction": "Transaktionen", @@ -334,6 +334,7 @@ "settings_developer_mode": "Entwickler-Modus", "settings_verbose_logging": "Ausführliche Protokollierung", "settings_dark_theme": "Dunkles Design", + "button_disable_animations": "Disable Animations", "settings_button_contacts_access_permission": "Contacts Access", "settings_button_lock_settings": "Tippen um Benutzerkontoeinstellungen zu sperren", "settings_button_password_recovery": "Passwortwiederherstellung einrichten", @@ -531,15 +532,15 @@ "title_edge_login": "Edge Anmeldung", "title_exchange": "Tauschbörse", "title_fio_sent_request_details": "Details der gesendeten Anfrage", - "title_fio_address_settings": "Adresseinstellungen", + "title_fio_address_settings": "Reload and Transfer", "title_fio_domain_settings": "Domänen-Einstellungen", - "title_fio_add_bundled_txs": "Kaufe mehr gebündelte Transaktionen", + "title_fio_add_bundled_txs": "Reload Bundled Transactions", "title_fio_renew_domain": "FIO Domain erneuern", "title_fio_renew": "Erneuern", "title_fio_make_public_domain": "Domain öffentlich machen", "title_fio_make_private_domain": "Domain privat machen", "title_fio_transfer_domain": "FIO-Domain übertragen", - "title_fio_transfer_address": "FIO-Adresse übertragen", + "title_fio_transfer_address": "Transfer Handle", "title_fio_address": "FIO Crypto Handles", "title_fio_names": "FIO Names", "title_fio_domains": "FIO Domains", @@ -681,11 +682,11 @@ "legacy_address_modal_title": "Legacy-Adresse erkannt", "legacy_address_modal_warning": "Sie haben ein Legacy-Format gescannt, das möglicherweise nicht für die beabsichtigte Währung gilt, da es nicht von anderen Währungsadressen unterscheidbar ist.\n\nAn diese Adresse zu senden, kann zu einem VERLUST des Assets führen!\n\nMöchten Sie fortfahren?", "legacy_address_modal_continue": "Weiter", - "password_reminder_remember_your_password": "Erinnern Sie sich an ihr Passwort?", + "password_reminder_remember_your_password": "Remember Your Password?", "password_reminder_you_will_need_your_password": "Sie werden ihr Passwort benötigen, sollte ich Gerät verloren gehen, gestohlen werden, oder wenn sie die App deinstallieren.", "password_reminder_enter_password_below": "Geben Sie es unten ein, um sicherzugehen:", "password_reminder_check_password": "Überprüfe dein Passwort", - "password_reminder_forgot_password": "Ich habe mein Passwort vergessen, Passwort ändern", + "password_reminder_forgot_password": "I Forgot. Change Password", "password_reminder_great_job": "Gute Arbeit, Sie erinnern sich an Ihr Passwort.", "password_reminder_invalid": "Ungültiges Passwort", "password_recovery_reminder_modal_title": "Einrichtung der Passwort-Wiederherstellung", @@ -703,6 +704,7 @@ "exchange_crypto_modal_message": "Deine %s -Wallet ist leer. Möchtest du eine andere Kryptowährung in %s tauschen?", "private_key_modal_sweep_from_private_address": "Guthaben vom privaten Schlüssel verwerfen", "private_key_modal_sweep_from_private_key_message": "Dieser Prozess benötigt eine On-Chain-Transaktion von der ursprünglichen Wallet bis zu %1$s. Mining-Gebühren werden erhoben und hängen vom Netzwerkstatus ab.", + "private_key_modal_sweep_insufficient_funds": "The private key has insufficient funds to cover the onchain fees required by the sweep.", "private_key_modal_import": "Importieren", "private_key_modal_cancel": "Abbrechen", "restore_wallets_modal_title": "Wallet's wiederherstellen", @@ -807,8 +809,8 @@ "fio_address_features": "• Funktioniert für alle Tokens und Münzen\n• Abgesichert von Ihrer Wallet\n• Komplett dezentralisiert", "fio_address_first_screen_end": "Ähnlich wie die Namen der Webseite, kann Ihr FIO Crypto Handle benutzt werden, um Ihnen Token/Münzen zu schicken, ohne jemals Ihren öffentlichen Schlüssel sehen oder senden zu müssen.", "fio_domain_reg_text": "Beachten Sie, dass Sie FIO verwenden müssen, um ein Crypto-Handle auf einer benutzerdefinierten Domain zu registrieren.", - "fio_domain_reg_descr": "FIO Crypto Handle besteht aus einem Benutzernamen und einer Domain. Wenn Sie Ihre eigene Domain kaufen, können Sie nur FIO Crypto Handle darauf registrieren. FIO Crypto Handle Registrierungen müssen mit FIO Token bezahlt werden, die von derselben Wallet stammen, die die Domain besitzt.", - "fio_address_reg_free": "Kostenloses FIO Krypto-Handle registrieren", + "fio_domain_reg_descr": "A FIO Crypto Handle consists of a username and a domain. If you purchase a custom domain, only you will able to register a Crypto Handle on it. Crypto Handle registrations will have to be paid for with FIO tokens from the same wallet which owns the domain.", + "fio_address_reg_free": "Register Free Handle", "fio_domain_label": "FIO Domain", "fio_domain_free": "Kostenlos", "fio_address_payment_required_text": "Diese Zahlung ist durch das FIO-Protokoll erforderlich und keine Anforderung von %1$s. Jede FIO Crypto Handle beinhaltet eine Reihe von kostenlosen Aktionen wie z.B. Zahlungsanforderungen, bei denen die Minengebühr entfällt. Wählen Sie eine Wallet zum Bezahlen aus:", @@ -837,12 +839,14 @@ "fio_address_details_screen_registered": "Registriert", "fio_address_details_screen_expires": "Gültig bis", "fio_address_details_screen_bundled_txs": "Verbleibende gebündelte Transaktionen", - "fio_address_details_screen_manage_account_settings": "Crypto-Handle-Einstellungen", - "fio_address_details_bundled_txs_out_soon": "Sie haben fast alle gebündelten Transaktionen Ihrer FIO-Adresse ausgegeben. Möchten Sie mehr gebündelte Transaktionen kaufen?", - "fio_address_details_no_bundled_txs": "Ihre FIO-Adresse hat keine gebündelten Transaktionen. Möchten Sie weitere gebündelte Transaktionen kaufen?", + "fio_address_details_screen_manage_account_settings": "Reload and Transfer", + "title_no_bundled_txs": "No Bundled Transactions", + "title_low_on_bundled_txs": "Low on Bundled Transactions", + "fio_address_details_bundled_txs_out_soon": "You have spent almost all the bundled transactions of your FIO Crypto Handle. Tap to purchase more bundled transactions", + "fio_address_details_no_bundled_txs": "Your FIO Crypto Handle has no bundled transactions. Tap to purchase more bundled transactions", "fio_address_details_connect_to_wallets": "Wallets zum Verbinden mit Ihrem FIO Crypto Handle auswählen", - "fio_address_list_screen_button_register": "Neues FIO Crypto Handle registrieren", - "fio_address_list_domain_register": "Benutzerdefinierte FIO-Domain registrieren", + "fio_address_list_screen_button_register": "Register New Handle", + "fio_address_list_domain_register": "Register Custom Domain", "fio_address_list_register_domain": "Neue Domain registrieren", "fio_get_fee_err_msg": "Es gab ein Problem beim Bezahlen der FIO-Gebühr. Bitte versuchen Sie es später erneut.", "fio_get_reg_info_err_msg": "Es gab ein Problem beim Erhalten von Registrierungsinformationen.", @@ -1140,6 +1144,7 @@ "stake_estimated_return": "Estimated Return: %s", "stake_s_staked": "%s Staked", "stake_s_earned": "%s Earned", + "stake_s_unstaked": "%s Unstaked", "stake_lock_message": "locked until %s", "stake_select_options": "Select staking options:", "stake_stake_more_funds": "Stake More Funds", @@ -1156,6 +1161,7 @@ "stake_change_unstake_success": "Funds successfully unstaked", "stake_change_claim_success": "Claim transactions sent successfully", "stake_disabled_slider": "Enter Amount", + "stake_warning_multiple_transactions": "Staking requires multiple transactions to confirm and may take 20 seconds or more to complete", "stake_warning_stake": "Staking funds will block you from claiming rewards for 16 hours and withdrawing your staked funds for 36 hours.\n\nEvery interaction (stake, unstake, claim rewards) will reset both timers.", "stake_warning_claim": "Claiming rewards will block you from withdrawing your staked funds for 36 hours.\n\nTo claim rewards AND unstake any staked funds, choose “Claim Rewards and Unstake” instead.", "stake_warning_unstake": "Unstaking a partial amount will block you from unstaking more funds for 36 hours.", @@ -1262,6 +1268,7 @@ "backup_dismiss_button": "Continue Without a Backup", "backup_title": "Back Up Your Account", "backup_warning_message": "Without a backup, you risk losing your funds!", + "backup_web3_handle_warning_message": "Without a backup, you risk losing your web3 handle!", "tap_to_learn_more": "Tap to learn more.", "backup_for_transfer_message": "To buy, sell, and receive funds, please back up your account. Edge encrypted backups use a familiar username and password method that will safeguard your assets and help prevent loss of funds.\n\nNever share your username and password, and store your credentials securely!", "notif_tokens_detected_title": "Tokens Detected", diff --git a/src/locales/strings/es.json b/src/locales/strings/es.json index 40a8f8d82b1..db03b6ec348 100644 --- a/src/locales/strings/es.json +++ b/src/locales/strings/es.json @@ -146,7 +146,7 @@ "fragment_transaction_transfer": "Transferir", "fragment_wallet_unconfirmed": "Pendiente", "fragment_transaction_list_tx_dropped": "Descartado", - "fragment_transaction_list_tx_synchronizing": "Sincronizando", + "fragment_transaction_list_tx_synchronizing": "Syncing...", "fragment_transaction_list_confirmation_progress": "%s de %s confirmaciones", "fragment_transaction_list_unconfirmed_rbf": "Esperando confirmación, puede ser cancelado", "fragment_transaction_list_transaction": "Transacciones", @@ -334,6 +334,7 @@ "settings_developer_mode": "Modo desarrollador", "settings_verbose_logging": "Registro Detallado", "settings_dark_theme": "Tema Oscuro", + "button_disable_animations": "Disable Animations", "settings_button_contacts_access_permission": "Contacts Access", "settings_button_lock_settings": "Pulsar para bloquear la configuración de la cuenta", "settings_button_password_recovery": "Configurar recuperación de contraseña", @@ -531,15 +532,15 @@ "title_edge_login": "Edge Login", "title_exchange": "Intercambio", "title_fio_sent_request_details": "Detalles de la solicitud enviados", - "title_fio_address_settings": "Ajustes de dirección", + "title_fio_address_settings": "Reload and Transfer", "title_fio_domain_settings": "Ajustes de dominio", - "title_fio_add_bundled_txs": "Purchase more bundled transactions", + "title_fio_add_bundled_txs": "Reload Bundled Transactions", "title_fio_renew_domain": "Renovar dominio FIO", "title_fio_renew": "Renovar", "title_fio_make_public_domain": "Hacer público el dominio", "title_fio_make_private_domain": "Hacer Dominio Privado", "title_fio_transfer_domain": "Transferir dominio FIO", - "title_fio_transfer_address": "Transferir dirección FIO", + "title_fio_transfer_address": "Transfer Handle", "title_fio_address": "FIO Crypto Handles", "title_fio_names": "Nombres FIO", "title_fio_domains": "Dominios FIO", @@ -681,11 +682,11 @@ "legacy_address_modal_title": "Legacy Address Detected", "legacy_address_modal_warning": "Has escaneado un formato de dirección antiguo (legacy address) que pudiera no corresponder a la moneda deseada ya que no es distinguible de direcciones de otras monedas.\n\n¡Enviar a esta dirección PUEDE resultar en la PÉRDIDA de fondos!\n\n¿Estás seguro de que quieres continuar?", "legacy_address_modal_continue": "Continuar", - "password_reminder_remember_your_password": "¿Recuerdas tu contraseña?", + "password_reminder_remember_your_password": "Remember Your Password?", "password_reminder_you_will_need_your_password": "Necesitarás tu contraseña si tu dispositivo es robado o se pierde o desinstalas la aplicación.", "password_reminder_enter_password_below": "Introdúcelo debajo para mayor seguridad:", "password_reminder_check_password": "Comprueba la contraseña", - "password_reminder_forgot_password": "Me olvidé, cambiar contraseña", + "password_reminder_forgot_password": "I Forgot. Change Password", "password_reminder_great_job": "Gran trabajo recordando tu contraseña.", "password_reminder_invalid": "Contraseña inválida", "password_recovery_reminder_modal_title": "Configuración de la recuperación de contraseña", @@ -703,6 +704,7 @@ "exchange_crypto_modal_message": "Tu cartera %s está vacía. ¿Quieres cambiar otra cripto a %s?", "private_key_modal_sweep_from_private_address": "Barrer fondos de clave privada", "private_key_modal_sweep_from_private_key_message": "This process needs an on-chain transaction from the original wallet to %1$s. Mining fees are applied and depend on the network status.", + "private_key_modal_sweep_insufficient_funds": "The private key has insufficient funds to cover the onchain fees required by the sweep.", "private_key_modal_import": "Importar", "private_key_modal_cancel": "Cancelar", "restore_wallets_modal_title": "Restaurar carteras", @@ -807,8 +809,8 @@ "fio_address_features": "• Funciona con todos los tokens y monedas\n• Asegurado desde su cartera\n• Completamente descentralizado", "fio_address_first_screen_end": "Similar to website names, your FIO Crypto Handle can be used to send you tokens/coins without ever having to see or send your public key.", "fio_domain_reg_text": "Note that you need to use FIO to register a Crypto Handle on a custom domain.", - "fio_domain_reg_descr": "FIO Crypto Handle consist of a username and a domain. If you purchase your custom domain, only you will able to register FIO Crypto Handle on it. FIO Crypto Handle registrations will have to be paid for with FIO tokens from the same wallet which owns the domain.", - "fio_address_reg_free": "Register Free FIO Crypto Handle", + "fio_domain_reg_descr": "A FIO Crypto Handle consists of a username and a domain. If you purchase a custom domain, only you will able to register a Crypto Handle on it. Crypto Handle registrations will have to be paid for with FIO tokens from the same wallet which owns the domain.", + "fio_address_reg_free": "Register Free Handle", "fio_domain_label": "Dominio FIO", "fio_domain_free": "Gratis", "fio_address_payment_required_text": "This payment is required by the FIO Protocol and not a requirement of %1$s. Each FIO Crypto Handle includes a number of free actions, such as payment requests, where the mining fee is waived. Select a wallet to pay from:", @@ -837,12 +839,14 @@ "fio_address_details_screen_registered": "Registrada", "fio_address_details_screen_expires": "Caducidad", "fio_address_details_screen_bundled_txs": "Remaining bundled transactions", - "fio_address_details_screen_manage_account_settings": "Crypto Handle Settings", - "fio_address_details_bundled_txs_out_soon": "You have spent almost all the bundled transactions of your FIO address. Would you like to purchase more bundled transaction?", - "fio_address_details_no_bundled_txs": "Your FIO address has no bundled transactions. Would you like to purchase more bundled transactions?", + "fio_address_details_screen_manage_account_settings": "Reload and Transfer", + "title_no_bundled_txs": "No Bundled Transactions", + "title_low_on_bundled_txs": "Low on Bundled Transactions", + "fio_address_details_bundled_txs_out_soon": "You have spent almost all the bundled transactions of your FIO Crypto Handle. Tap to purchase more bundled transactions", + "fio_address_details_no_bundled_txs": "Your FIO Crypto Handle has no bundled transactions. Tap to purchase more bundled transactions", "fio_address_details_connect_to_wallets": "Choose wallets to connect to your FIO Crypto Handle", - "fio_address_list_screen_button_register": "Register New FIO Crypto Handle", - "fio_address_list_domain_register": "Registrar dominio FIO personalizado", + "fio_address_list_screen_button_register": "Register New Handle", + "fio_address_list_domain_register": "Register Custom Domain", "fio_address_list_register_domain": "Registrar nuevo dominio", "fio_get_fee_err_msg": "Hubo un problema al obtener la tarifa. Inténtalo más tarde.", "fio_get_reg_info_err_msg": "Hubo un problema al obtener información de registro.", @@ -1140,6 +1144,7 @@ "stake_estimated_return": "Estimated Return: %s", "stake_s_staked": "%s Staked", "stake_s_earned": "%s Earned", + "stake_s_unstaked": "%s Unstaked", "stake_lock_message": "locked until %s", "stake_select_options": "Select staking options:", "stake_stake_more_funds": "Stake More Funds", @@ -1156,6 +1161,7 @@ "stake_change_unstake_success": "Funds successfully unstaked", "stake_change_claim_success": "Claim transactions sent successfully", "stake_disabled_slider": "Enter Amount", + "stake_warning_multiple_transactions": "Staking requires multiple transactions to confirm and may take 20 seconds or more to complete", "stake_warning_stake": "Staking funds will block you from claiming rewards for 16 hours and withdrawing your staked funds for 36 hours.\n\nEvery interaction (stake, unstake, claim rewards) will reset both timers.", "stake_warning_claim": "Claiming rewards will block you from withdrawing your staked funds for 36 hours.\n\nTo claim rewards AND unstake any staked funds, choose “Claim Rewards and Unstake” instead.", "stake_warning_unstake": "Unstaking a partial amount will block you from unstaking more funds for 36 hours.", @@ -1262,6 +1268,7 @@ "backup_dismiss_button": "Continue Without a Backup", "backup_title": "Back Up Your Account", "backup_warning_message": "Without a backup, you risk losing your funds!", + "backup_web3_handle_warning_message": "Without a backup, you risk losing your web3 handle!", "tap_to_learn_more": "Tap to learn more.", "backup_for_transfer_message": "To buy, sell, and receive funds, please back up your account. Edge encrypted backups use a familiar username and password method that will safeguard your assets and help prevent loss of funds.\n\nNever share your username and password, and store your credentials securely!", "notif_tokens_detected_title": "Tokens Detected", diff --git a/src/locales/strings/esMX.json b/src/locales/strings/esMX.json index e9602f44901..fe917932eaa 100644 --- a/src/locales/strings/esMX.json +++ b/src/locales/strings/esMX.json @@ -146,7 +146,7 @@ "fragment_transaction_transfer": "Transferir", "fragment_wallet_unconfirmed": "Pendiente", "fragment_transaction_list_tx_dropped": "Descartado", - "fragment_transaction_list_tx_synchronizing": "Sincronizando", + "fragment_transaction_list_tx_synchronizing": "Syncing...", "fragment_transaction_list_confirmation_progress": "%s de %s confirmaciones", "fragment_transaction_list_unconfirmed_rbf": "Esperando confirmación, puede ser cancelado", "fragment_transaction_list_transaction": "Transacciones", @@ -334,6 +334,7 @@ "settings_developer_mode": "Modo desarrollador", "settings_verbose_logging": "Registro Detallado", "settings_dark_theme": "Tema Oscuro", + "button_disable_animations": "Disable Animations", "settings_button_contacts_access_permission": "Contacts Access", "settings_button_lock_settings": "Pulsar para bloquear la configuración de la cuenta", "settings_button_password_recovery": "Configurar recuperación de contraseña", @@ -531,15 +532,15 @@ "title_edge_login": "Edge Login", "title_exchange": "Intercambio", "title_fio_sent_request_details": "Detalles de la solicitud enviados", - "title_fio_address_settings": "Ajustes de dirección", + "title_fio_address_settings": "Reload and Transfer", "title_fio_domain_settings": "Ajustes de dominio", - "title_fio_add_bundled_txs": "Purchase more bundled transactions", + "title_fio_add_bundled_txs": "Reload Bundled Transactions", "title_fio_renew_domain": "Renovar dominio FIO", "title_fio_renew": "Renovar", "title_fio_make_public_domain": "Hacer público el dominio", "title_fio_make_private_domain": "Hacer Dominio Privado", "title_fio_transfer_domain": "Transfer FIO Domain", - "title_fio_transfer_address": "Transferir dirección FIO", + "title_fio_transfer_address": "Transfer Handle", "title_fio_address": "FIO Crypto Handles", "title_fio_names": "Nombres FIO", "title_fio_domains": "Dominios FIO", @@ -681,11 +682,11 @@ "legacy_address_modal_title": "Legacy Address Detected", "legacy_address_modal_warning": "Has escaneado un formato de dirección antiguo (legacy address) que pudiera no corresponder a la moneda deseada ya que no es distinguible de direcciones de otras monedas.\n\n¡Enviar a esta dirección PUEDE resultar en la PÉRDIDA de fondos!\n\n¿Estás seguro de que quieres continuar?", "legacy_address_modal_continue": "Continuar", - "password_reminder_remember_your_password": "¿Recuerdas tu contraseña?", + "password_reminder_remember_your_password": "Remember Your Password?", "password_reminder_you_will_need_your_password": "Necesitarás tu contraseña si tu dispositivo es robado o se pierde o desinstalas la aplicación.", "password_reminder_enter_password_below": "Introdúcelo debajo para mayor seguridad:", "password_reminder_check_password": "Comprueba la contraseña", - "password_reminder_forgot_password": "Me olvidé, cambiar contraseña", + "password_reminder_forgot_password": "I Forgot. Change Password", "password_reminder_great_job": "Gran trabajo recordando tu contraseña.", "password_reminder_invalid": "Contraseña inválida", "password_recovery_reminder_modal_title": "Configuración de la recuperación de contraseña", @@ -703,6 +704,7 @@ "exchange_crypto_modal_message": "Tu cartera %s está vacía. ¿Quieres cambiar otra cripto a %s?", "private_key_modal_sweep_from_private_address": "Barrer fondos de clave privada", "private_key_modal_sweep_from_private_key_message": "This process needs an on-chain transaction from the original wallet to %1$s. Mining fees are applied and depend on the network status.", + "private_key_modal_sweep_insufficient_funds": "The private key has insufficient funds to cover the onchain fees required by the sweep.", "private_key_modal_import": "Importar", "private_key_modal_cancel": "Cancelar", "restore_wallets_modal_title": "Restaurar carteras", @@ -807,8 +809,8 @@ "fio_address_features": "• Funciona con todos los tokens y monedas\n• Asegurado desde su cartera\n• Completamente descentralizado", "fio_address_first_screen_end": "Similar to website names, your FIO Crypto Handle can be used to send you tokens/coins without ever having to see or send your public key.", "fio_domain_reg_text": "Note that you need to use FIO to register a Crypto Handle on a custom domain.", - "fio_domain_reg_descr": "FIO Crypto Handle consist of a username and a domain. If you purchase your custom domain, only you will able to register FIO Crypto Handle on it. FIO Crypto Handle registrations will have to be paid for with FIO tokens from the same wallet which owns the domain.", - "fio_address_reg_free": "Register Free FIO Crypto Handle", + "fio_domain_reg_descr": "A FIO Crypto Handle consists of a username and a domain. If you purchase a custom domain, only you will able to register a Crypto Handle on it. Crypto Handle registrations will have to be paid for with FIO tokens from the same wallet which owns the domain.", + "fio_address_reg_free": "Register Free Handle", "fio_domain_label": "Dominio FIO", "fio_domain_free": "Gratis", "fio_address_payment_required_text": "This payment is required by the FIO Protocol and not a requirement of %1$s. Each FIO Crypto Handle includes a number of free actions, such as payment requests, where the mining fee is waived. Select a wallet to pay from:", @@ -837,12 +839,14 @@ "fio_address_details_screen_registered": "Registrada", "fio_address_details_screen_expires": "Caducidad", "fio_address_details_screen_bundled_txs": "Remaining bundled transactions", - "fio_address_details_screen_manage_account_settings": "Crypto Handle Settings", - "fio_address_details_bundled_txs_out_soon": "You have spent almost all the bundled transactions of your FIO address. Would you like to purchase more bundled transaction?", - "fio_address_details_no_bundled_txs": "Your FIO address has no bundled transactions. Would you like to purchase more bundled transactions?", + "fio_address_details_screen_manage_account_settings": "Reload and Transfer", + "title_no_bundled_txs": "No Bundled Transactions", + "title_low_on_bundled_txs": "Low on Bundled Transactions", + "fio_address_details_bundled_txs_out_soon": "You have spent almost all the bundled transactions of your FIO Crypto Handle. Tap to purchase more bundled transactions", + "fio_address_details_no_bundled_txs": "Your FIO Crypto Handle has no bundled transactions. Tap to purchase more bundled transactions", "fio_address_details_connect_to_wallets": "Choose wallets to connect to your FIO Crypto Handle", - "fio_address_list_screen_button_register": "Register New FIO Crypto Handle", - "fio_address_list_domain_register": "Registrar dominio FIO personalizado", + "fio_address_list_screen_button_register": "Register New Handle", + "fio_address_list_domain_register": "Register Custom Domain", "fio_address_list_register_domain": "Registrar nuevo dominio", "fio_get_fee_err_msg": "Hubo un problema al obtener la tarifa. Inténtalo más tarde.", "fio_get_reg_info_err_msg": "Hubo un problema al obtener información de registro.", @@ -1140,6 +1144,7 @@ "stake_estimated_return": "Estimated Return: %s", "stake_s_staked": "%s Staked", "stake_s_earned": "%s Earned", + "stake_s_unstaked": "%s Unstaked", "stake_lock_message": "locked until %s", "stake_select_options": "Select staking options:", "stake_stake_more_funds": "Stake More Funds", @@ -1156,6 +1161,7 @@ "stake_change_unstake_success": "Funds successfully unstaked", "stake_change_claim_success": "Claim transactions sent successfully", "stake_disabled_slider": "Enter Amount", + "stake_warning_multiple_transactions": "Staking requires multiple transactions to confirm and may take 20 seconds or more to complete", "stake_warning_stake": "Staking funds will block you from claiming rewards for 16 hours and withdrawing your staked funds for 36 hours.\n\nEvery interaction (stake, unstake, claim rewards) will reset both timers.", "stake_warning_claim": "Claiming rewards will block you from withdrawing your staked funds for 36 hours.\n\nTo claim rewards AND unstake any staked funds, choose “Claim Rewards and Unstake” instead.", "stake_warning_unstake": "Unstaking a partial amount will block you from unstaking more funds for 36 hours.", @@ -1262,6 +1268,7 @@ "backup_dismiss_button": "Continue Without a Backup", "backup_title": "Back Up Your Account", "backup_warning_message": "Without a backup, you risk losing your funds!", + "backup_web3_handle_warning_message": "Without a backup, you risk losing your web3 handle!", "tap_to_learn_more": "Tap to learn more.", "backup_for_transfer_message": "To buy, sell, and receive funds, please back up your account. Edge encrypted backups use a familiar username and password method that will safeguard your assets and help prevent loss of funds.\n\nNever share your username and password, and store your credentials securely!", "notif_tokens_detected_title": "Tokens Detected", diff --git a/src/locales/strings/fr.json b/src/locales/strings/fr.json index b95ce8904b6..95b6e62dec7 100644 --- a/src/locales/strings/fr.json +++ b/src/locales/strings/fr.json @@ -146,7 +146,7 @@ "fragment_transaction_transfer": "Transférer", "fragment_wallet_unconfirmed": "En cours", "fragment_transaction_list_tx_dropped": "Non retenu", - "fragment_transaction_list_tx_synchronizing": "Synchronisation", + "fragment_transaction_list_tx_synchronizing": "Syncing...", "fragment_transaction_list_confirmation_progress": "%s sur %s Confirmations", "fragment_transaction_list_unconfirmed_rbf": "Awaiting confirmation, may be cancelled", "fragment_transaction_list_transaction": "Transactions", @@ -334,6 +334,7 @@ "settings_developer_mode": "Developer Mode", "settings_verbose_logging": "Verbose Logging", "settings_dark_theme": "Dark Theme", + "button_disable_animations": "Disable Animations", "settings_button_contacts_access_permission": "Contacts Access", "settings_button_lock_settings": "Cliquer pour débloquer le compte dans les réglages ", "settings_button_password_recovery": "Configuere la récupération du mot de passe ", @@ -531,15 +532,15 @@ "title_edge_login": "Edge Connexion", "title_exchange": "Echange", "title_fio_sent_request_details": "Sent Request Details", - "title_fio_address_settings": "Address Settings", + "title_fio_address_settings": "Reload and Transfer", "title_fio_domain_settings": "Domain Settings", - "title_fio_add_bundled_txs": "Purchase more bundled transactions", + "title_fio_add_bundled_txs": "Reload Bundled Transactions", "title_fio_renew_domain": "Renew FIO Domain", "title_fio_renew": "Renew", "title_fio_make_public_domain": "Make Domain Public", "title_fio_make_private_domain": "Make Domain Private", "title_fio_transfer_domain": "Transfer FIO Domain", - "title_fio_transfer_address": "Transfer FIO Address", + "title_fio_transfer_address": "Transfer Handle", "title_fio_address": "FIO Crypto Handles", "title_fio_names": "FIO Names", "title_fio_domains": "FIO Domains", @@ -681,11 +682,11 @@ "legacy_address_modal_title": "Legacy Address Detected", "legacy_address_modal_warning": "You have scanned a legacy format address that may not be for the intended currency as it is indistinguishable from other currency addresses.\n\nSending to this address MAY result in a LOSS of funds!\n\nDo you want to continue?", "legacy_address_modal_continue": "Continuer", - "password_reminder_remember_your_password": "Vous vous souvenez votre mot de passe?", + "password_reminder_remember_your_password": "Remember Your Password?", "password_reminder_you_will_need_your_password": "Vous aurait besoin un mot de passe si vous perdez votre appareil ou vous déinstallez l'application", "password_reminder_enter_password_below": "Saisir le ci-dessous pour confirmer:", "password_reminder_check_password": "Vérifier le mot de passe", - "password_reminder_forgot_password": "J'ai oublié mon mot de passe", + "password_reminder_forgot_password": "I Forgot. Change Password", "password_reminder_great_job": "Félicitation! Votre mot de passest est bien accordé. ", "password_reminder_invalid": "Mot de passe invalide", "password_recovery_reminder_modal_title": "Configuration de la récupération du mot de passe", @@ -703,6 +704,7 @@ "exchange_crypto_modal_message": "Votre portefeuille %s est vide. Voulez-vous échanger un autre crypto dans %s?", "private_key_modal_sweep_from_private_address": "Effacer complétement vos fonds de la clé privée ", "private_key_modal_sweep_from_private_key_message": "This process needs an on-chain transaction from the original wallet to %1$s. Mining fees are applied and depend on the network status.", + "private_key_modal_sweep_insufficient_funds": "The private key has insufficient funds to cover the onchain fees required by the sweep.", "private_key_modal_import": "Importer", "private_key_modal_cancel": "Annuler", "restore_wallets_modal_title": "Restaurer les portefeuilles", @@ -807,8 +809,8 @@ "fio_address_features": "• Works across all tokens and coins\n• Secured from your wallet\n• Completely decentralized", "fio_address_first_screen_end": "Similar to website names, your FIO Crypto Handle can be used to send you tokens/coins without ever having to see or send your public key.", "fio_domain_reg_text": "Note that you need to use FIO to register a Crypto Handle on a custom domain.", - "fio_domain_reg_descr": "FIO Crypto Handle consist of a username and a domain. If you purchase your custom domain, only you will able to register FIO Crypto Handle on it. FIO Crypto Handle registrations will have to be paid for with FIO tokens from the same wallet which owns the domain.", - "fio_address_reg_free": "Register Free FIO Crypto Handle", + "fio_domain_reg_descr": "A FIO Crypto Handle consists of a username and a domain. If you purchase a custom domain, only you will able to register a Crypto Handle on it. Crypto Handle registrations will have to be paid for with FIO tokens from the same wallet which owns the domain.", + "fio_address_reg_free": "Register Free Handle", "fio_domain_label": "FIO Domain", "fio_domain_free": "Free", "fio_address_payment_required_text": "This payment is required by the FIO Protocol and not a requirement of %1$s. Each FIO Crypto Handle includes a number of free actions, such as payment requests, where the mining fee is waived. Select a wallet to pay from:", @@ -837,12 +839,14 @@ "fio_address_details_screen_registered": "Registered", "fio_address_details_screen_expires": "Expires", "fio_address_details_screen_bundled_txs": "Remaining bundled transactions", - "fio_address_details_screen_manage_account_settings": "Crypto Handle Settings", - "fio_address_details_bundled_txs_out_soon": "You have spent almost all the bundled transactions of your FIO address. Would you like to purchase more bundled transaction?", - "fio_address_details_no_bundled_txs": "Your FIO address has no bundled transactions. Would you like to purchase more bundled transactions?", + "fio_address_details_screen_manage_account_settings": "Reload and Transfer", + "title_no_bundled_txs": "No Bundled Transactions", + "title_low_on_bundled_txs": "Low on Bundled Transactions", + "fio_address_details_bundled_txs_out_soon": "You have spent almost all the bundled transactions of your FIO Crypto Handle. Tap to purchase more bundled transactions", + "fio_address_details_no_bundled_txs": "Your FIO Crypto Handle has no bundled transactions. Tap to purchase more bundled transactions", "fio_address_details_connect_to_wallets": "Choose wallets to connect to your FIO Crypto Handle", - "fio_address_list_screen_button_register": "Register New FIO Crypto Handle", - "fio_address_list_domain_register": "Register Custom FIO Domain", + "fio_address_list_screen_button_register": "Register New Handle", + "fio_address_list_domain_register": "Register Custom Domain", "fio_address_list_register_domain": "Register New Domain", "fio_get_fee_err_msg": "There was an issue getting the FIO fee. Please try again later.", "fio_get_reg_info_err_msg": "There was an issue getting registration information.", @@ -1140,6 +1144,7 @@ "stake_estimated_return": "Estimated Return: %s", "stake_s_staked": "%s Staked", "stake_s_earned": "%s Earned", + "stake_s_unstaked": "%s Unstaked", "stake_lock_message": "locked until %s", "stake_select_options": "Select staking options:", "stake_stake_more_funds": "Stake More Funds", @@ -1156,6 +1161,7 @@ "stake_change_unstake_success": "Funds successfully unstaked", "stake_change_claim_success": "Claim transactions sent successfully", "stake_disabled_slider": "Enter Amount", + "stake_warning_multiple_transactions": "Staking requires multiple transactions to confirm and may take 20 seconds or more to complete", "stake_warning_stake": "Staking funds will block you from claiming rewards for 16 hours and withdrawing your staked funds for 36 hours.\n\nEvery interaction (stake, unstake, claim rewards) will reset both timers.", "stake_warning_claim": "Claiming rewards will block you from withdrawing your staked funds for 36 hours.\n\nTo claim rewards AND unstake any staked funds, choose “Claim Rewards and Unstake” instead.", "stake_warning_unstake": "Unstaking a partial amount will block you from unstaking more funds for 36 hours.", @@ -1262,6 +1268,7 @@ "backup_dismiss_button": "Continue Without a Backup", "backup_title": "Back Up Your Account", "backup_warning_message": "Without a backup, you risk losing your funds!", + "backup_web3_handle_warning_message": "Without a backup, you risk losing your web3 handle!", "tap_to_learn_more": "Tap to learn more.", "backup_for_transfer_message": "To buy, sell, and receive funds, please back up your account. Edge encrypted backups use a familiar username and password method that will safeguard your assets and help prevent loss of funds.\n\nNever share your username and password, and store your credentials securely!", "notif_tokens_detected_title": "Tokens Detected", diff --git a/src/locales/strings/it.json b/src/locales/strings/it.json index c66cffa8ed6..4154bf971fb 100644 --- a/src/locales/strings/it.json +++ b/src/locales/strings/it.json @@ -334,6 +334,7 @@ "settings_developer_mode": "Modalità sviluppatore", "settings_verbose_logging": "Log Dettagliati", "settings_dark_theme": "Tema scuro", + "button_disable_animations": "Disabilita animazioni", "settings_button_contacts_access_permission": "Accesso ai contatti", "settings_button_lock_settings": "Fai tap per bloccare le impostazioni dell'account", "settings_button_password_recovery": "Imposta il Recupero Password", @@ -531,15 +532,15 @@ "title_edge_login": "Login di Edge", "title_exchange": "Scambia", "title_fio_sent_request_details": "Dettagli richiesta inviata", - "title_fio_address_settings": "Impostazioni indirizzo", + "title_fio_address_settings": "Ricarica e trasferisci", "title_fio_domain_settings": "Impostazioni domini", - "title_fio_add_bundled_txs": "Acquista più transazioni in bundle", + "title_fio_add_bundled_txs": "Ricarica transazioni in bundle", "title_fio_renew_domain": "Rinnova dominio FIO", "title_fio_renew": "Rinnova", "title_fio_make_public_domain": "Rendi pubblico il dominio", "title_fio_make_private_domain": "Rendi privato il dominio", "title_fio_transfer_domain": "Trasferisci dominio FIO", - "title_fio_transfer_address": "Trasferisci un indirizzo FIO", + "title_fio_transfer_address": "Trasferisci handle", "title_fio_address": "FIO Crypto Handle", "title_fio_names": "Nomi FIO", "title_fio_domains": "Domini FIO", @@ -703,6 +704,7 @@ "exchange_crypto_modal_message": "Il tuo portafoglio %s è vuoto. Vuoi scambiare delle criptovalute per %s?", "private_key_modal_sweep_from_private_address": "Importa fondi da chiave privata", "private_key_modal_sweep_from_private_key_message": "Questo processo richiede una transazione on-chain dal portafoglio originale a %1$s. Vengono applicate delle commissioni di mining e queste dipendono dallo stato della rete.", + "private_key_modal_sweep_insufficient_funds": "La chiave privata non dispone di fondi sufficienti per coprire le commissioni onchain richieste in fase di importazione.", "private_key_modal_import": "Importa", "private_key_modal_cancel": "Annulla", "restore_wallets_modal_title": "Ripristino portafogli", @@ -807,8 +809,8 @@ "fio_address_features": "• Funziona con tutti i token e coin\n• Protetto dal tuo portafoglio\n• Completamente decentralizzato", "fio_address_first_screen_end": "Simile ai nomi a dominio dei siti web, il tuo FIO Crypto Handle può essere utilizzato per farti inviare coin/token senza mai dover vedere o inviare la tua chiave pubblica.", "fio_domain_reg_text": "Nota che è necessario utilizzare FIO per registrare un Crypto Handle su un dominio personalizzato.", - "fio_domain_reg_descr": "I FIO Crypto Handle consistono in un nome utente e un dominio. Se acquisti il tuo dominio personalizzato, solo tu potrai registrare dei FIO Crypto Handle su di esso. Le registrazioni di indirizzi FIO dovranno essere pagate con i token FIO dallo stesso portafoglio che possiede il dominio.", - "fio_address_reg_free": "Registra un FIO Crypto Handle gratuito", + "fio_domain_reg_descr": "I FIO Crypto Handle consistono in un nome utente e un dominio. Se acquisti il tuo dominio personalizzato, solo tu potrai registrare dei Crypto Handle su di esso. Le registrazioni dei Crypto Handle dovranno essere pagate con i token FIO dallo stesso portafoglio che possiede il dominio.", + "fio_address_reg_free": "Registra un handle gratuitamente", "fio_domain_label": "Dominio FIO", "fio_domain_free": "Gratis", "fio_address_payment_required_text": "Questo pagamento è richiesto dal protocollo FIO e non è un requisito di %1$s. Ogni FIO Crypto Handle include una serie di azioni gratuite, come le richieste di pagamento, dove la commissione di mining è esonerata. Seleziona un portafoglio da cui pagare:", @@ -837,12 +839,14 @@ "fio_address_details_screen_registered": "Registrato", "fio_address_details_screen_expires": "Scadenza", "fio_address_details_screen_bundled_txs": "Transazioni in bundle rimanenti", - "fio_address_details_screen_manage_account_settings": "Impostazioni Crypto Handle", - "fio_address_details_bundled_txs_out_soon": "Hai speso quasi tutte le transazioni in bundle del tuo indirizzo FIO. Vuoi acquistare più transazioni in bundle?", - "fio_address_details_no_bundled_txs": "Il tuo indirizzo FIO non ha transazioni in bundle. Vuoi acquistare più transazioni in bundle?", + "fio_address_details_screen_manage_account_settings": "Ricarica e trasferisci", + "title_no_bundled_txs": "Nessuna transazione bundle rimanente", + "title_low_on_bundled_txs": "Poche transazioni in bundle rimanenti", + "fio_address_details_bundled_txs_out_soon": "Hai speso quasi tutte le transazioni in bundle del tuo FIO Crypto Handle. Clicca per acquistare più transazioni in bundle", + "fio_address_details_no_bundled_txs": "Il tuo FIO Crypto Handle non ha transazioni in bundle. Clicca per acquistare più transazioni in bundle", "fio_address_details_connect_to_wallets": "Scegli i portafogli da connettere al tuo FIO Crypto Handle", - "fio_address_list_screen_button_register": "Registra un nuovo FIO Crypto Handle", - "fio_address_list_domain_register": "Registra un dominio FIO personalizzato", + "fio_address_list_screen_button_register": "Registra un nuovo handle", + "fio_address_list_domain_register": "Registra un dominio personalizzato", "fio_address_list_register_domain": "Registra un nuovo dominio", "fio_get_fee_err_msg": "C'è stato un problema nell'ottenere la commissione FIO. Riprova più tardi.", "fio_get_reg_info_err_msg": "Si è verificato un problema nell'ottenere le informazioni di registrazione.", @@ -1140,6 +1144,7 @@ "stake_estimated_return": "Ritorno stimato: %s", "stake_s_staked": "%s in Stake", "stake_s_earned": "%s Guadagnato", + "stake_s_unstaked": "%s tolti dallo stake", "stake_lock_message": "bloccato fino al %s", "stake_select_options": "Seleziona opzioni di staking:", "stake_stake_more_funds": "Metti in stake altri fondi", @@ -1156,6 +1161,7 @@ "stake_change_unstake_success": "Fondi tolti dallo stake con successo", "stake_change_claim_success": "Transazioni di ricompense inviate con successo", "stake_disabled_slider": "Inserisci l'importo", + "stake_warning_multiple_transactions": "Lo staking richiede molteplici transazioni per essere confermato e può richiedere 20 secondi o più per il suo completamento", "stake_warning_stake": "Mettere in stake i fondi ti impedirà di richiedere le ricompense per 16 ore e di togliere i fondi dallo stake per 36 ore. \n\nOgni interazione (stake, unstake o richiesta di ricompense) resetterà entrambi i timer.", "stake_warning_claim": "Richiedere le ricompense ti impedirà di ritirare i tuoi fondi per 36 ore.\n\nPer richiedere le ricompense e togliere dallo stake tutti i fondi, scegli invece “Richiedi ricompense e togli dallo stake”.", "stake_warning_unstake": "Togliere parzialmente dallo stake dei fondi ti impedirà di toglierne altri per 36 ore.", @@ -1262,6 +1268,7 @@ "backup_dismiss_button": "Continua senza il backup", "backup_title": "Effettua il backup del tuo account", "backup_warning_message": "Senza un backup, rischi di perdere i tuoi fondi!", + "backup_web3_handle_warning_message": "Senza un backup, rischi di perdere il tuo handle web3!", "tap_to_learn_more": "Tocca per saperne di più.", "backup_for_transfer_message": "Per acquistare, vendere e ricevere fondi, esegui il backup del tuo account. I backup crittografati Edge utilizzano il familiare sistema composto da username e password che proteggerà i tuoi asset e aiuterà a prevenire la perdita dei fondi.\n\nNon condividere mai il tuo nome utente e la tua password, e conserva le tue credenziali in modo sicuro!", "notif_tokens_detected_title": "Token rilevati", diff --git a/src/locales/strings/ja.json b/src/locales/strings/ja.json index e0947ad1808..163f315702a 100644 --- a/src/locales/strings/ja.json +++ b/src/locales/strings/ja.json @@ -146,7 +146,7 @@ "fragment_transaction_transfer": "送る", "fragment_wallet_unconfirmed": "保留中", "fragment_transaction_list_tx_dropped": "ドロップ", - "fragment_transaction_list_tx_synchronizing": "同期中", + "fragment_transaction_list_tx_synchronizing": "Syncing...", "fragment_transaction_list_confirmation_progress": "%s/%s確認", "fragment_transaction_list_unconfirmed_rbf": "確認待ちです。キャンセルされることがあります。", "fragment_transaction_list_transaction": "トランザクション", @@ -334,6 +334,7 @@ "settings_developer_mode": "開発者モード", "settings_verbose_logging": "詳細なログ", "settings_dark_theme": "ダークテーマ", + "button_disable_animations": "Disable Animations", "settings_button_contacts_access_permission": "連絡先アクセス", "settings_button_lock_settings": "アカウント設定をロックするためにタップしてください", "settings_button_password_recovery": "パスワード復元をセットアップ", @@ -531,15 +532,15 @@ "title_edge_login": "Edgeログイン", "title_exchange": "交換", "title_fio_sent_request_details": "送信済みリクエストの詳細", - "title_fio_address_settings": "アドレス設定", + "title_fio_address_settings": "Reload and Transfer", "title_fio_domain_settings": "ドメイン設定", - "title_fio_add_bundled_txs": "バンドルトランザクションを更に購入", + "title_fio_add_bundled_txs": "Reload Bundled Transactions", "title_fio_renew_domain": "FIOドメインの更新", "title_fio_renew": "更新", "title_fio_make_public_domain": "ドメインを公開する", "title_fio_make_private_domain": "ドメインを非公開にする", "title_fio_transfer_domain": "F IOドメインを転送する", - "title_fio_transfer_address": "FIOアドレスを転送する", + "title_fio_transfer_address": "Transfer Handle", "title_fio_address": "FIOクリプトハンドル", "title_fio_names": "FIO 名", "title_fio_domains": "FIOドメイン", @@ -681,11 +682,11 @@ "legacy_address_modal_title": "旧式のアドレスが検出されました", "legacy_address_modal_warning": "Legacy形式のアドレスをスキャンしました。これは他の通貨アドレスと区別できないため、意図した通貨のアドレスではない可能性があります。\n\nこのアドレスに送信すると、資金が失われる可能性があります。\n\n続行しますか?", "legacy_address_modal_continue": "続ける", - "password_reminder_remember_your_password": "パスワードを覚えていますか?", + "password_reminder_remember_your_password": "Remember Your Password?", "password_reminder_you_will_need_your_password": "デバイスの紛失・盗難・アプリがアンインストールされた場合、あなたのパスワードが必要になります。", "password_reminder_enter_password_below": "確認のため下に入力してください", "password_reminder_check_password": "パスワードを確認", - "password_reminder_forgot_password": "忘れました、パスワードを変更", + "password_reminder_forgot_password": "I Forgot. Change Password", "password_reminder_great_job": "素晴らしい!パスワードを覚えていましたね。", "password_reminder_invalid": "パスワードが正しくありません", "password_recovery_reminder_modal_title": "パスワード復元セットアップ", @@ -703,6 +704,7 @@ "exchange_crypto_modal_message": "あなたの%sウォレットは空です。 別の暗号資産を%sに交換しますか?", "private_key_modal_sweep_from_private_address": "プライベートキーから資産をスウィープする", "private_key_modal_sweep_from_private_key_message": "このプロセスには、元のウォレットから %1$sへのオンチェーンのトランザクションが必要です。マイニング手数料が適用され、ネットワークの状態に依存します。", + "private_key_modal_sweep_insufficient_funds": "The private key has insufficient funds to cover the onchain fees required by the sweep.", "private_key_modal_import": "インポート", "private_key_modal_cancel": "キャンセル", "restore_wallets_modal_title": "ウォレットを復元する", @@ -807,8 +809,8 @@ "fio_address_features": "• すべてのトークンとコインで動作\n• ウォレットから保護\n• 完全に分散型", "fio_address_first_screen_end": "ウェブサイト名のように、FIO Crypto Handleは公開鍵を見たり送信したりすることなく、トークン/コインを送信するために使用できます。", "fio_domain_reg_text": "カスタムドメインにクリプトハンドルを登録するにはFIOを使用する必要があります。", - "fio_domain_reg_descr": "FIOクリプトハンドルは、ユーザー名とドメインで構成されています。 カスタムドメインを購入した場合、あなたのみそのドメインにFIOクリプトハンドルを登録することができます。 FIO Crypto登録は、ドメインを所有しているのと同じウォレットからFIOトークンで支払われる必要があります。", - "fio_address_reg_free": "FIOクリプトハンドルを無料で登録", + "fio_domain_reg_descr": "A FIO Crypto Handle consists of a username and a domain. If you purchase a custom domain, only you will able to register a Crypto Handle on it. Crypto Handle registrations will have to be paid for with FIO tokens from the same wallet which owns the domain.", + "fio_address_reg_free": "Register Free Handle", "fio_domain_label": "FIOドメイン", "fio_domain_free": "無料", "fio_address_payment_required_text": "この支払いはFIOプロトコルによって必要とされ、 %1$sの要件ではありません。 各FIOのクリプトハンドルには、マイニング料金が免除される支払いリクエストなど、いくつかの無料のアクションが含まれています。 以下から支払うウォレットを選択:", @@ -837,12 +839,14 @@ "fio_address_details_screen_registered": "登録済み", "fio_address_details_screen_expires": "期限", "fio_address_details_screen_bundled_txs": "バンドルトランザクションの残り", - "fio_address_details_screen_manage_account_settings": "クリプトハンドル設定", - "fio_address_details_bundled_txs_out_soon": "あなたのFIOアドレスのほぼすべてのバンドルトランザクションを使用しました。バンドルトランザクションを追加購入しますか?", - "fio_address_details_no_bundled_txs": "あなたのFIOアドレスにバンドルトランザクションが残っていません。バンドルトランザクションを追加購入しますか?", + "fio_address_details_screen_manage_account_settings": "Reload and Transfer", + "title_no_bundled_txs": "No Bundled Transactions", + "title_low_on_bundled_txs": "Low on Bundled Transactions", + "fio_address_details_bundled_txs_out_soon": "You have spent almost all the bundled transactions of your FIO Crypto Handle. Tap to purchase more bundled transactions", + "fio_address_details_no_bundled_txs": "Your FIO Crypto Handle has no bundled transactions. Tap to purchase more bundled transactions", "fio_address_details_connect_to_wallets": "FIOクリプトハンドルに接続するウォレットを選択してください", - "fio_address_list_screen_button_register": "新しいFIOクリプトハンドルを登録する", - "fio_address_list_domain_register": "カスタムFIOドメインを登録", + "fio_address_list_screen_button_register": "Register New Handle", + "fio_address_list_domain_register": "Register Custom Domain", "fio_address_list_register_domain": "新しいドメインを登録", "fio_get_fee_err_msg": "FIO手数料を受け取る際に問題が発生しました。後でもう一度お試しください。", "fio_get_reg_info_err_msg": "登録情報の取得に問題がありました。", @@ -1140,6 +1144,7 @@ "stake_estimated_return": "推定リターン: %s", "stake_s_staked": "%s ステーク済み", "stake_s_earned": "%s 獲得", + "stake_s_unstaked": "%s Unstaked", "stake_lock_message": "%s までロック", "stake_select_options": "ステーキングオプションを選択:", "stake_stake_more_funds": "資金を更にステークする", @@ -1156,6 +1161,7 @@ "stake_change_unstake_success": "ステーク解除に成功しました", "stake_change_claim_success": "トランザクションが正常に送信されました。", "stake_disabled_slider": "金額を入力", + "stake_warning_multiple_transactions": "Staking requires multiple transactions to confirm and may take 20 seconds or more to complete", "stake_warning_stake": "ステーキングした資金に関しては、報酬の受け取りが16時間、ステーキングした資金の引き出しが36時間ブロックされます。\n\n各操作(ステーキング、ステーク解除、報酬の受け取り)ごとに、両方のタイマーがリセットされます。", "stake_warning_claim": "報酬の受け取りは、ステーキングした資金の引き出しを36時間ブロックします。\n\n報酬の受け取りとステーキングした資金のアンステーキングを両方行うには、「ステーク解除して報酬を獲得する」を選択してください", "stake_warning_unstake": "部分的なステーク解除を行うと、36時間ステーク解除できなくなります。", @@ -1261,7 +1267,8 @@ "backup_info_message": "アカウントを安全に暗号化し、バックアップするためのユーザー名とパスワードを作成してください。", "backup_dismiss_button": "バックアップなしで続ける", "backup_title": "アカウントをバックアップ", - "backup_warning_message": "バックアップがなければ、資金を失う危険があります!", + "backup_warning_message": "Without a backup, you risk losing your funds!", + "backup_web3_handle_warning_message": "Without a backup, you risk losing your web3 handle!", "tap_to_learn_more": "タップして詳細を表示", "backup_for_transfer_message": "To buy, sell, and receive funds, please back up your account. Edge encrypted backups use a familiar username and password method that will safeguard your assets and help prevent loss of funds.\n\nNever share your username and password, and store your credentials securely!", "notif_tokens_detected_title": "Tokens Detected", diff --git a/src/locales/strings/kaa.json b/src/locales/strings/kaa.json index 608e4584caf..f4a2eee916b 100644 --- a/src/locales/strings/kaa.json +++ b/src/locales/strings/kaa.json @@ -146,7 +146,7 @@ "fragment_transaction_transfer": "Transfer", "fragment_wallet_unconfirmed": "Pending", "fragment_transaction_list_tx_dropped": "Dropped", - "fragment_transaction_list_tx_synchronizing": "Synchronizing", + "fragment_transaction_list_tx_synchronizing": "Syncing...", "fragment_transaction_list_confirmation_progress": "%s of %s Confirmations", "fragment_transaction_list_unconfirmed_rbf": "Awaiting confirmation, may be cancelled", "fragment_transaction_list_transaction": "Transactions", @@ -334,6 +334,7 @@ "settings_developer_mode": "Developer Mode", "settings_verbose_logging": "Verbose Logging", "settings_dark_theme": "Dark Theme", + "button_disable_animations": "Disable Animations", "settings_button_contacts_access_permission": "Contacts Access", "settings_button_lock_settings": "Tap to Lock Account Settings", "settings_button_password_recovery": "Set Up Password Recovery", @@ -531,15 +532,15 @@ "title_edge_login": "Edge Login", "title_exchange": "Exchange", "title_fio_sent_request_details": "Sent Request Details", - "title_fio_address_settings": "Address Settings", + "title_fio_address_settings": "Reload and Transfer", "title_fio_domain_settings": "Domain Settings", - "title_fio_add_bundled_txs": "Purchase more bundled transactions", + "title_fio_add_bundled_txs": "Reload Bundled Transactions", "title_fio_renew_domain": "Renew FIO Domain", "title_fio_renew": "Renew", "title_fio_make_public_domain": "Make Domain Public", "title_fio_make_private_domain": "Make Domain Private", "title_fio_transfer_domain": "Transfer FIO Domain", - "title_fio_transfer_address": "Transfer FIO Address", + "title_fio_transfer_address": "Transfer Handle", "title_fio_address": "FIO Crypto Handles", "title_fio_names": "FIO Names", "title_fio_domains": "FIO Domains", @@ -681,11 +682,11 @@ "legacy_address_modal_title": "Legacy Address Detected", "legacy_address_modal_warning": "You have scanned a legacy format address that may not be for the intended currency as it is indistinguishable from other currency addresses.\n\nSending to this address MAY result in a LOSS of funds!\n\nDo you want to continue?", "legacy_address_modal_continue": "Dawam etiw", - "password_reminder_remember_your_password": "Remember your password?", + "password_reminder_remember_your_password": "Remember Your Password?", "password_reminder_you_will_need_your_password": "You will need your password if your device gets lost or stolen, or if you uninstall the app.", "password_reminder_enter_password_below": "Enter it below to make sure:", "password_reminder_check_password": "Check Password", - "password_reminder_forgot_password": "I forgot, change password", + "password_reminder_forgot_password": "I Forgot. Change Password", "password_reminder_great_job": "Great job remembering your password.", "password_reminder_invalid": "Invalid Password", "password_recovery_reminder_modal_title": "Password Recovery Setup", @@ -703,6 +704,7 @@ "exchange_crypto_modal_message": "Your %s wallet is empty. Would you like to exchange another crypto into %s?", "private_key_modal_sweep_from_private_address": "Sweep Funds From Private Key", "private_key_modal_sweep_from_private_key_message": "This process needs an on-chain transaction from the original wallet to %1$s. Mining fees are applied and depend on the network status.", + "private_key_modal_sweep_insufficient_funds": "The private key has insufficient funds to cover the onchain fees required by the sweep.", "private_key_modal_import": "Importlaw", "private_key_modal_cancel": "Biykarlaw", "restore_wallets_modal_title": "Restore Wallets", @@ -807,8 +809,8 @@ "fio_address_features": "• Works across all tokens and coins\n• Secured from your wallet\n• Completely decentralized", "fio_address_first_screen_end": "Similar to website names, your FIO Crypto Handle can be used to send you tokens/coins without ever having to see or send your public key.", "fio_domain_reg_text": "Note that you need to use FIO to register a Crypto Handle on a custom domain.", - "fio_domain_reg_descr": "FIO Crypto Handle consist of a username and a domain. If you purchase your custom domain, only you will able to register FIO Crypto Handle on it. FIO Crypto Handle registrations will have to be paid for with FIO tokens from the same wallet which owns the domain.", - "fio_address_reg_free": "Register Free FIO Crypto Handle", + "fio_domain_reg_descr": "A FIO Crypto Handle consists of a username and a domain. If you purchase a custom domain, only you will able to register a Crypto Handle on it. Crypto Handle registrations will have to be paid for with FIO tokens from the same wallet which owns the domain.", + "fio_address_reg_free": "Register Free Handle", "fio_domain_label": "FIO Domain", "fio_domain_free": "Bıypul", "fio_address_payment_required_text": "This payment is required by the FIO Protocol and not a requirement of %1$s. Each FIO Crypto Handle includes a number of free actions, such as payment requests, where the mining fee is waived. Select a wallet to pay from:", @@ -837,12 +839,14 @@ "fio_address_details_screen_registered": "Registered", "fio_address_details_screen_expires": "Expires", "fio_address_details_screen_bundled_txs": "Remaining bundled transactions", - "fio_address_details_screen_manage_account_settings": "Crypto Handle Settings", - "fio_address_details_bundled_txs_out_soon": "You have spent almost all the bundled transactions of your FIO address. Would you like to purchase more bundled transaction?", - "fio_address_details_no_bundled_txs": "Your FIO address has no bundled transactions. Would you like to purchase more bundled transactions?", + "fio_address_details_screen_manage_account_settings": "Reload and Transfer", + "title_no_bundled_txs": "No Bundled Transactions", + "title_low_on_bundled_txs": "Low on Bundled Transactions", + "fio_address_details_bundled_txs_out_soon": "You have spent almost all the bundled transactions of your FIO Crypto Handle. Tap to purchase more bundled transactions", + "fio_address_details_no_bundled_txs": "Your FIO Crypto Handle has no bundled transactions. Tap to purchase more bundled transactions", "fio_address_details_connect_to_wallets": "Choose wallets to connect to your FIO Crypto Handle", - "fio_address_list_screen_button_register": "Register New FIO Crypto Handle", - "fio_address_list_domain_register": "Register Custom FIO Domain", + "fio_address_list_screen_button_register": "Register New Handle", + "fio_address_list_domain_register": "Register Custom Domain", "fio_address_list_register_domain": "Register New Domain", "fio_get_fee_err_msg": "There was an issue getting the FIO fee. Please try again later.", "fio_get_reg_info_err_msg": "There was an issue getting registration information.", @@ -1140,6 +1144,7 @@ "stake_estimated_return": "Estimated Return: %s", "stake_s_staked": "%s Staked", "stake_s_earned": "%s Earned", + "stake_s_unstaked": "%s Unstaked", "stake_lock_message": "locked until %s", "stake_select_options": "Select staking options:", "stake_stake_more_funds": "Stake More Funds", @@ -1156,6 +1161,7 @@ "stake_change_unstake_success": "Funds successfully unstaked", "stake_change_claim_success": "Claim transactions sent successfully", "stake_disabled_slider": "Enter Amount", + "stake_warning_multiple_transactions": "Staking requires multiple transactions to confirm and may take 20 seconds or more to complete", "stake_warning_stake": "Staking funds will block you from claiming rewards for 16 hours and withdrawing your staked funds for 36 hours.\n\nEvery interaction (stake, unstake, claim rewards) will reset both timers.", "stake_warning_claim": "Claiming rewards will block you from withdrawing your staked funds for 36 hours.\n\nTo claim rewards AND unstake any staked funds, choose “Claim Rewards and Unstake” instead.", "stake_warning_unstake": "Unstaking a partial amount will block you from unstaking more funds for 36 hours.", @@ -1262,6 +1268,7 @@ "backup_dismiss_button": "Continue Without a Backup", "backup_title": "Back Up Your Account", "backup_warning_message": "Without a backup, you risk losing your funds!", + "backup_web3_handle_warning_message": "Without a backup, you risk losing your web3 handle!", "tap_to_learn_more": "Tap to learn more.", "backup_for_transfer_message": "To buy, sell, and receive funds, please back up your account. Edge encrypted backups use a familiar username and password method that will safeguard your assets and help prevent loss of funds.\n\nNever share your username and password, and store your credentials securely!", "notif_tokens_detected_title": "Tokens Detected", diff --git a/src/locales/strings/ko.json b/src/locales/strings/ko.json index 6e7c2861a98..eaaae0faab0 100644 --- a/src/locales/strings/ko.json +++ b/src/locales/strings/ko.json @@ -146,7 +146,7 @@ "fragment_transaction_transfer": "송금", "fragment_wallet_unconfirmed": "보류 중", "fragment_transaction_list_tx_dropped": "삭제됨", - "fragment_transaction_list_tx_synchronizing": "동기화중", + "fragment_transaction_list_tx_synchronizing": "Syncing...", "fragment_transaction_list_confirmation_progress": "%s / %s 확인", "fragment_transaction_list_unconfirmed_rbf": "Awaiting confirmation, may be cancelled", "fragment_transaction_list_transaction": "Transactions", @@ -334,6 +334,7 @@ "settings_developer_mode": "Developer Mode", "settings_verbose_logging": "Verbose Logging", "settings_dark_theme": "Dark Theme", + "button_disable_animations": "Disable Animations", "settings_button_contacts_access_permission": "Contacts Access", "settings_button_lock_settings": "탭하여 계정 설정 잠금", "settings_button_password_recovery": "암호 복구 셋업", @@ -531,15 +532,15 @@ "title_edge_login": "Edge 로그인", "title_exchange": "거래소", "title_fio_sent_request_details": "Sent Request Details", - "title_fio_address_settings": "Address Settings", + "title_fio_address_settings": "Reload and Transfer", "title_fio_domain_settings": "Domain Settings", - "title_fio_add_bundled_txs": "Purchase more bundled transactions", + "title_fio_add_bundled_txs": "Reload Bundled Transactions", "title_fio_renew_domain": "Renew FIO Domain", "title_fio_renew": "Renew", "title_fio_make_public_domain": "Make Domain Public", "title_fio_make_private_domain": "Make Domain Private", "title_fio_transfer_domain": "Transfer FIO Domain", - "title_fio_transfer_address": "Transfer FIO Address", + "title_fio_transfer_address": "Transfer Handle", "title_fio_address": "FIO Crypto Handles", "title_fio_names": "FIO Names", "title_fio_domains": "FIO Domains", @@ -681,11 +682,11 @@ "legacy_address_modal_title": "Legacy Address Detected", "legacy_address_modal_warning": "You have scanned a legacy format address that may not be for the intended currency as it is indistinguishable from other currency addresses.\n\nSending to this address MAY result in a LOSS of funds!\n\nDo you want to continue?", "legacy_address_modal_continue": "계속", - "password_reminder_remember_your_password": "암호를 기억하십니까?", + "password_reminder_remember_your_password": "Remember Your Password?", "password_reminder_you_will_need_your_password": "고객님의 장치가 분실, 도난, 또는 어플리케이션이 삭제될 경우 로그인시 암호가 필요합니다.", "password_reminder_enter_password_below": "확인을 위해 하단에 입력하십시오:", "password_reminder_check_password": "암호를 확인", - "password_reminder_forgot_password": "암호를 잊어버렸습니다. 암호를 변경.", + "password_reminder_forgot_password": "I Forgot. Change Password", "password_reminder_great_job": "암호를 기억하고 계시다니 대단하십니다.", "password_reminder_invalid": "잘못된 암호", "password_recovery_reminder_modal_title": "암호 복구 셋업", @@ -703,6 +704,7 @@ "exchange_crypto_modal_message": "고객님의 %s 월릿은 현재 비어있는 상태입니다. 다른 가상화폐를 %s 로 교환하시겠습니까?", "private_key_modal_sweep_from_private_address": "개인 키에서 자산을 스윕 (Sweep)", "private_key_modal_sweep_from_private_key_message": "This process needs an on-chain transaction from the original wallet to %1$s. Mining fees are applied and depend on the network status.", + "private_key_modal_sweep_insufficient_funds": "The private key has insufficient funds to cover the onchain fees required by the sweep.", "private_key_modal_import": "임포트", "private_key_modal_cancel": "취소", "restore_wallets_modal_title": "월렛 복원", @@ -807,8 +809,8 @@ "fio_address_features": "• Works across all tokens and coins\n• Secured from your wallet\n• Completely decentralized", "fio_address_first_screen_end": "Similar to website names, your FIO Crypto Handle can be used to send you tokens/coins without ever having to see or send your public key.", "fio_domain_reg_text": "Note that you need to use FIO to register a Crypto Handle on a custom domain.", - "fio_domain_reg_descr": "FIO Crypto Handle consist of a username and a domain. If you purchase your custom domain, only you will able to register FIO Crypto Handle on it. FIO Crypto Handle registrations will have to be paid for with FIO tokens from the same wallet which owns the domain.", - "fio_address_reg_free": "Register Free FIO Crypto Handle", + "fio_domain_reg_descr": "A FIO Crypto Handle consists of a username and a domain. If you purchase a custom domain, only you will able to register a Crypto Handle on it. Crypto Handle registrations will have to be paid for with FIO tokens from the same wallet which owns the domain.", + "fio_address_reg_free": "Register Free Handle", "fio_domain_label": "FIO Domain", "fio_domain_free": "Free", "fio_address_payment_required_text": "This payment is required by the FIO Protocol and not a requirement of %1$s. Each FIO Crypto Handle includes a number of free actions, such as payment requests, where the mining fee is waived. Select a wallet to pay from:", @@ -837,12 +839,14 @@ "fio_address_details_screen_registered": "Registered", "fio_address_details_screen_expires": "Expires", "fio_address_details_screen_bundled_txs": "Remaining bundled transactions", - "fio_address_details_screen_manage_account_settings": "Crypto Handle Settings", - "fio_address_details_bundled_txs_out_soon": "You have spent almost all the bundled transactions of your FIO address. Would you like to purchase more bundled transaction?", - "fio_address_details_no_bundled_txs": "Your FIO address has no bundled transactions. Would you like to purchase more bundled transactions?", + "fio_address_details_screen_manage_account_settings": "Reload and Transfer", + "title_no_bundled_txs": "No Bundled Transactions", + "title_low_on_bundled_txs": "Low on Bundled Transactions", + "fio_address_details_bundled_txs_out_soon": "You have spent almost all the bundled transactions of your FIO Crypto Handle. Tap to purchase more bundled transactions", + "fio_address_details_no_bundled_txs": "Your FIO Crypto Handle has no bundled transactions. Tap to purchase more bundled transactions", "fio_address_details_connect_to_wallets": "Choose wallets to connect to your FIO Crypto Handle", - "fio_address_list_screen_button_register": "Register New FIO Crypto Handle", - "fio_address_list_domain_register": "Register Custom FIO Domain", + "fio_address_list_screen_button_register": "Register New Handle", + "fio_address_list_domain_register": "Register Custom Domain", "fio_address_list_register_domain": "Register New Domain", "fio_get_fee_err_msg": "There was an issue getting the FIO fee. Please try again later.", "fio_get_reg_info_err_msg": "There was an issue getting registration information.", @@ -1140,6 +1144,7 @@ "stake_estimated_return": "Estimated Return: %s", "stake_s_staked": "%s Staked", "stake_s_earned": "%s Earned", + "stake_s_unstaked": "%s Unstaked", "stake_lock_message": "locked until %s", "stake_select_options": "Select staking options:", "stake_stake_more_funds": "Stake More Funds", @@ -1156,6 +1161,7 @@ "stake_change_unstake_success": "Funds successfully unstaked", "stake_change_claim_success": "Claim transactions sent successfully", "stake_disabled_slider": "Enter Amount", + "stake_warning_multiple_transactions": "Staking requires multiple transactions to confirm and may take 20 seconds or more to complete", "stake_warning_stake": "Staking funds will block you from claiming rewards for 16 hours and withdrawing your staked funds for 36 hours.\n\nEvery interaction (stake, unstake, claim rewards) will reset both timers.", "stake_warning_claim": "Claiming rewards will block you from withdrawing your staked funds for 36 hours.\n\nTo claim rewards AND unstake any staked funds, choose “Claim Rewards and Unstake” instead.", "stake_warning_unstake": "Unstaking a partial amount will block you from unstaking more funds for 36 hours.", @@ -1262,6 +1268,7 @@ "backup_dismiss_button": "Continue Without a Backup", "backup_title": "Back Up Your Account", "backup_warning_message": "Without a backup, you risk losing your funds!", + "backup_web3_handle_warning_message": "Without a backup, you risk losing your web3 handle!", "tap_to_learn_more": "Tap to learn more.", "backup_for_transfer_message": "To buy, sell, and receive funds, please back up your account. Edge encrypted backups use a familiar username and password method that will safeguard your assets and help prevent loss of funds.\n\nNever share your username and password, and store your credentials securely!", "notif_tokens_detected_title": "Tokens Detected", diff --git a/src/locales/strings/pt.json b/src/locales/strings/pt.json index 33dcb7db02d..74e55936eff 100644 --- a/src/locales/strings/pt.json +++ b/src/locales/strings/pt.json @@ -146,7 +146,7 @@ "fragment_transaction_transfer": "Transferir", "fragment_wallet_unconfirmed": "Pendente", "fragment_transaction_list_tx_dropped": "Descartado", - "fragment_transaction_list_tx_synchronizing": "Sincronizando", + "fragment_transaction_list_tx_synchronizing": "Syncing...", "fragment_transaction_list_confirmation_progress": "%s de %s confirmações", "fragment_transaction_list_unconfirmed_rbf": "Aguardando confirmação, pode ser cancelado", "fragment_transaction_list_transaction": "Transações", @@ -334,6 +334,7 @@ "settings_developer_mode": "Modo Desenvolvedor", "settings_verbose_logging": "Registo detalhado", "settings_dark_theme": "Tema escuro", + "button_disable_animations": "Disable Animations", "settings_button_contacts_access_permission": "Acesso aos contatos", "settings_button_lock_settings": "Clique para Definir as Configurações da Conta", "settings_button_password_recovery": "Ajuste a Recuperação de Senha", @@ -531,15 +532,15 @@ "title_edge_login": "Login Edge", "title_exchange": "Exchange", "title_fio_sent_request_details": "Detalhes do Pedido Enviado", - "title_fio_address_settings": "Configurações de endereço", + "title_fio_address_settings": "Reload and Transfer", "title_fio_domain_settings": "Configurações de domínio", - "title_fio_add_bundled_txs": "Comprar mais transações agrupadas", + "title_fio_add_bundled_txs": "Reload Bundled Transactions", "title_fio_renew_domain": "Renovar Domínio FIO", "title_fio_renew": "Renovar", "title_fio_make_public_domain": "Tornar domínio público", "title_fio_make_private_domain": "Tornar domínio privado", "title_fio_transfer_domain": "Transferir Domínio FIO", - "title_fio_transfer_address": "Transferir Endereço FIO", + "title_fio_transfer_address": "Transfer Handle", "title_fio_address": "FIO Crypto Handles", "title_fio_names": "Nomes FIO", "title_fio_domains": "Domínios FIO", @@ -681,11 +682,11 @@ "legacy_address_modal_title": "Endereço Legacy Detectado", "legacy_address_modal_warning": "Você escaneou um endereço em formato legacia que pode não ser para a moeda pretendida, pois é indistinguível de outros endereços de moedas diferentes.\n\nEnviar para este endereço PODE resultar na PERDA de fundos!\n\nDeseja continuar?", "legacy_address_modal_continue": "Continuar", - "password_reminder_remember_your_password": "Você se lembra da sua senha?", + "password_reminder_remember_your_password": "Remember Your Password?", "password_reminder_you_will_need_your_password": "Você precisará da sua senha caso seu dispositivo seja perdido ou roubado, ou se você desinstalar o aplicativo.", "password_reminder_enter_password_below": "Digite-a abaixo para certificar-se:", "password_reminder_check_password": "Verificar Senha", - "password_reminder_forgot_password": "Esqueci, mudar senha", + "password_reminder_forgot_password": "I Forgot. Change Password", "password_reminder_great_job": "Parabéns por lembrar sua senha.", "password_reminder_invalid": "Senha inválida", "password_recovery_reminder_modal_title": "Configuração de Recuperação de Senha", @@ -703,6 +704,7 @@ "exchange_crypto_modal_message": "A sua carteira %s está vazia. Gostaria de trocar outra criptomoeda por %s?", "private_key_modal_sweep_from_private_address": "Resgatar Fundos da Chave Privada", "private_key_modal_sweep_from_private_key_message": "Este processo precisa de uma transação on-chain da carteira original para %1$s. As taxas de mineração são aplicadas e dependem do status da rede.", + "private_key_modal_sweep_insufficient_funds": "The private key has insufficient funds to cover the onchain fees required by the sweep.", "private_key_modal_import": "Importar", "private_key_modal_cancel": "Cancelar", "restore_wallets_modal_title": "Restaurar carteiras", @@ -807,8 +809,8 @@ "fio_address_features": "• Funciona com todos os tokens e moedas\n• Protegido da sua carteira\n• Completamente descentralizado", "fio_address_first_screen_end": "Similar aos nomes de sites, o seu FIO Crypto Handle pode ser usado para enviar tokens/moedas sem precisar ver ou enviar a sua public key.", "fio_domain_reg_text": "Observe que você precisa usar o FIO para registrar um Crypto Handle em um domínio personalizado.", - "fio_domain_reg_descr": "O FIO Crypto Handle consiste em um nome de usuário e um domínio. Se você adquirir o seu domínio personalizado, apenas você poderá registrar um FIO Crypto Handle nele. As inscrições de FIO Crypto Handle deverão ser pagas com tokens FIO da mesma carteira que possui o domínio.", - "fio_address_reg_free": "Registrar um FIO Crypto Handle gratuitamente", + "fio_domain_reg_descr": "A FIO Crypto Handle consists of a username and a domain. If you purchase a custom domain, only you will able to register a Crypto Handle on it. Crypto Handle registrations will have to be paid for with FIO tokens from the same wallet which owns the domain.", + "fio_address_reg_free": "Register Free Handle", "fio_domain_label": "Domínio FIO", "fio_domain_free": "Gratuito", "fio_address_payment_required_text": "Este pagamento é exigido pelo Protocolo FIO e não é um requisito do %1$s. Cada FIO Crypto Handle inclui um número de ações gratuitas, como solicitações de pagamento, onde a taxa de mineração é dispensada. Selecione uma carteira para pagar:", @@ -837,12 +839,14 @@ "fio_address_details_screen_registered": "Registrado", "fio_address_details_screen_expires": "Expira", "fio_address_details_screen_bundled_txs": "Transações agrupadas restantes", - "fio_address_details_screen_manage_account_settings": "Configurações do Crypto Handle", - "fio_address_details_bundled_txs_out_soon": "Você gastou quase todas as transações agrupadas do seu endereço FIO. Gostaria de comprar mais transações agrupadas?", - "fio_address_details_no_bundled_txs": "O seu endereço FIO não possui transações agrupadas. Gostaria de comprar mais transações agrupadas?", + "fio_address_details_screen_manage_account_settings": "Reload and Transfer", + "title_no_bundled_txs": "No Bundled Transactions", + "title_low_on_bundled_txs": "Low on Bundled Transactions", + "fio_address_details_bundled_txs_out_soon": "You have spent almost all the bundled transactions of your FIO Crypto Handle. Tap to purchase more bundled transactions", + "fio_address_details_no_bundled_txs": "Your FIO Crypto Handle has no bundled transactions. Tap to purchase more bundled transactions", "fio_address_details_connect_to_wallets": "Escolha as carteiras para conectar ao seu FIO Crypto Handle", - "fio_address_list_screen_button_register": "Registrar Novo FIO Crypto Handle", - "fio_address_list_domain_register": "Registrar Domínio FIO Personalizado", + "fio_address_list_screen_button_register": "Register New Handle", + "fio_address_list_domain_register": "Register Custom Domain", "fio_address_list_register_domain": "Registrar Novo Domínio", "fio_get_fee_err_msg": "Houve um problema ao obter a taxa FIO. Por favor, tente novamente mais tarde.", "fio_get_reg_info_err_msg": "Houve um problema ao obter as informações de registro.", @@ -1140,6 +1144,7 @@ "stake_estimated_return": "Retorno Estimado: %s", "stake_s_staked": "%s Staked", "stake_s_earned": "%s Ganhos", + "stake_s_unstaked": "%s Unstaked", "stake_lock_message": "bloqueado até %s", "stake_select_options": "Selecione opções de staking:", "stake_stake_more_funds": "Coloque mais fundos em staking", @@ -1156,6 +1161,7 @@ "stake_change_unstake_success": "Fundos unstaked com sucesso", "stake_change_claim_success": "Transações de reivindicação enviadas com sucesso", "stake_disabled_slider": "Insira o Valor", + "stake_warning_multiple_transactions": "Staking requires multiple transactions to confirm and may take 20 seconds or more to complete", "stake_warning_stake": "Colocar fundos em staking bloqueará você de reivindicar recompensas por 16 horas e de retirar os seus fundos em staking por 36 horas.\n\nCada interação (stake, unstake, reivindicar recompensas) irá reiniciar ambos os cronômetros.", "stake_warning_claim": "Reivindicar recompensas bloqueará você de retirar os seus fundos em staking por 36 horas.\n\nPara reivindicar recompensas E retirar quaisquer fundos em staking, escolha a opção 'Reivindicar Recompensas e Retirar'.", "stake_warning_unstake": "Retirar parcialmente fundos do staking impedirá que você remova mais fundos por 36 horas.", @@ -1261,7 +1267,8 @@ "backup_info_message": "Crie um nome de usuário e uma senha para criptografar e fazer backup da sua conta com segurança", "backup_dismiss_button": "Continuar sem um Backup", "backup_title": "Faça o Backup da Sua Conta", - "backup_warning_message": "Sem um backup, você corre o risco de perder os seus fundos!", + "backup_warning_message": "Without a backup, you risk losing your funds!", + "backup_web3_handle_warning_message": "Without a backup, you risk losing your web3 handle!", "tap_to_learn_more": "Toque para saber mais.", "backup_for_transfer_message": "To buy, sell, and receive funds, please back up your account. Edge encrypted backups use a familiar username and password method that will safeguard your assets and help prevent loss of funds.\n\nNever share your username and password, and store your credentials securely!", "notif_tokens_detected_title": "Tokens Detected", diff --git a/src/locales/strings/ru.json b/src/locales/strings/ru.json index 62dd2cf02a8..c88c5936f56 100644 --- a/src/locales/strings/ru.json +++ b/src/locales/strings/ru.json @@ -146,7 +146,7 @@ "fragment_transaction_transfer": "Перевести", "fragment_wallet_unconfirmed": "Ожидающие", "fragment_transaction_list_tx_dropped": "Выброшено", - "fragment_transaction_list_tx_synchronizing": "Синхронизация", + "fragment_transaction_list_tx_synchronizing": "Syncing...", "fragment_transaction_list_confirmation_progress": "%s из %s подтверждений", "fragment_transaction_list_unconfirmed_rbf": "Awaiting confirmation, may be cancelled", "fragment_transaction_list_transaction": "Transactions", @@ -334,6 +334,7 @@ "settings_developer_mode": "Режим разработчика", "settings_verbose_logging": "Verbose Logging", "settings_dark_theme": "Тёмная тема", + "button_disable_animations": "Disable Animations", "settings_button_contacts_access_permission": "Contacts Access", "settings_button_lock_settings": "Нажмите, чтобы заблокировать настройки учетной записи", "settings_button_password_recovery": "Настройка восстановления пароля", @@ -531,15 +532,15 @@ "title_edge_login": "Учетная запись Edge", "title_exchange": "Обмен", "title_fio_sent_request_details": "Детали отправленного запроса", - "title_fio_address_settings": "Настройки адреса", + "title_fio_address_settings": "Reload and Transfer", "title_fio_domain_settings": "Настройки доменов", - "title_fio_add_bundled_txs": "Purchase more bundled transactions", + "title_fio_add_bundled_txs": "Reload Bundled Transactions", "title_fio_renew_domain": "Обновление домена FIO", "title_fio_renew": "Renew", "title_fio_make_public_domain": "Make Domain Public", "title_fio_make_private_domain": "Make Domain Private", "title_fio_transfer_domain": "Transfer FIO Domain", - "title_fio_transfer_address": "Transfer FIO Address", + "title_fio_transfer_address": "Transfer Handle", "title_fio_address": "FIO Crypto Handles", "title_fio_names": "FIO Имена", "title_fio_domains": "FIO Домены", @@ -681,11 +682,11 @@ "legacy_address_modal_title": "Legacy Address Detected", "legacy_address_modal_warning": "Вы отсканировали адрес старого формата, не предназначенный для предполагаемой валюты, так как он не отличается от других адресов.\n\nОтправка по этому адресу может привести к потере средств!\n\nВы хотите продолжить?", "legacy_address_modal_continue": "Продолжить", - "password_reminder_remember_your_password": "Помните свой пароль?", + "password_reminder_remember_your_password": "Remember Your Password?", "password_reminder_you_will_need_your_password": "Вам понадобится пароль, если ваше устройство будет утеряно или украдено, или если вы удалите приложение.", "password_reminder_enter_password_below": "Введите его ниже, чтобы убедиться:", "password_reminder_check_password": "Проверить пароль", - "password_reminder_forgot_password": "Я забыл, сменить пароль", + "password_reminder_forgot_password": "I Forgot. Change Password", "password_reminder_great_job": "Вы помните свой пароль!", "password_reminder_invalid": "Неправильный пароль", "password_recovery_reminder_modal_title": "Настройка восстановления пароля", @@ -703,6 +704,7 @@ "exchange_crypto_modal_message": "Ваш кошелек %s пуст. Вы хотели бы обменять другую валюту на %s?", "private_key_modal_sweep_from_private_address": "Перевести средства с приватного ключа", "private_key_modal_sweep_from_private_key_message": "This process needs an on-chain transaction from the original wallet to %1$s. Mining fees are applied and depend on the network status.", + "private_key_modal_sweep_insufficient_funds": "The private key has insufficient funds to cover the onchain fees required by the sweep.", "private_key_modal_import": "Импорт", "private_key_modal_cancel": "Отмена", "restore_wallets_modal_title": "Восстановить кошельки", @@ -807,8 +809,8 @@ "fio_address_features": "• Работает во всех токенах и монетах\n• Защита от вашего кошелька\n• Полностью децентрализованные", "fio_address_first_screen_end": "Similar to website names, your FIO Crypto Handle can be used to send you tokens/coins without ever having to see or send your public key.", "fio_domain_reg_text": "Note that you need to use FIO to register a Crypto Handle on a custom domain.", - "fio_domain_reg_descr": "FIO Crypto Handle consist of a username and a domain. If you purchase your custom domain, only you will able to register FIO Crypto Handle on it. FIO Crypto Handle registrations will have to be paid for with FIO tokens from the same wallet which owns the domain.", - "fio_address_reg_free": "Register Free FIO Crypto Handle", + "fio_domain_reg_descr": "A FIO Crypto Handle consists of a username and a domain. If you purchase a custom domain, only you will able to register a Crypto Handle on it. Crypto Handle registrations will have to be paid for with FIO tokens from the same wallet which owns the domain.", + "fio_address_reg_free": "Register Free Handle", "fio_domain_label": "FIO Домен", "fio_domain_free": "Бесплатно", "fio_address_payment_required_text": "This payment is required by the FIO Protocol and not a requirement of %1$s. Each FIO Crypto Handle includes a number of free actions, such as payment requests, where the mining fee is waived. Select a wallet to pay from:", @@ -837,12 +839,14 @@ "fio_address_details_screen_registered": "Зарегистрирован", "fio_address_details_screen_expires": "Истекает", "fio_address_details_screen_bundled_txs": "Remaining bundled transactions", - "fio_address_details_screen_manage_account_settings": "Crypto Handle Settings", - "fio_address_details_bundled_txs_out_soon": "You have spent almost all the bundled transactions of your FIO address. Would you like to purchase more bundled transaction?", - "fio_address_details_no_bundled_txs": "Your FIO address has no bundled transactions. Would you like to purchase more bundled transactions?", + "fio_address_details_screen_manage_account_settings": "Reload and Transfer", + "title_no_bundled_txs": "No Bundled Transactions", + "title_low_on_bundled_txs": "Low on Bundled Transactions", + "fio_address_details_bundled_txs_out_soon": "You have spent almost all the bundled transactions of your FIO Crypto Handle. Tap to purchase more bundled transactions", + "fio_address_details_no_bundled_txs": "Your FIO Crypto Handle has no bundled transactions. Tap to purchase more bundled transactions", "fio_address_details_connect_to_wallets": "Choose wallets to connect to your FIO Crypto Handle", - "fio_address_list_screen_button_register": "Register New FIO Crypto Handle", - "fio_address_list_domain_register": "Зарегистрировать свой домен FIO", + "fio_address_list_screen_button_register": "Register New Handle", + "fio_address_list_domain_register": "Register Custom Domain", "fio_address_list_register_domain": "Регистрация нового домена", "fio_get_fee_err_msg": "При получении комиссии FIO возникла проблема. Пожалуйста, повторите попытку позже.", "fio_get_reg_info_err_msg": "При получении регистрационной информации возникла проблема.", @@ -1140,6 +1144,7 @@ "stake_estimated_return": "Estimated Return: %s", "stake_s_staked": "%s Staked", "stake_s_earned": "%s Earned", + "stake_s_unstaked": "%s Unstaked", "stake_lock_message": "locked until %s", "stake_select_options": "Select staking options:", "stake_stake_more_funds": "Stake More Funds", @@ -1156,6 +1161,7 @@ "stake_change_unstake_success": "Funds successfully unstaked", "stake_change_claim_success": "Claim transactions sent successfully", "stake_disabled_slider": "Enter Amount", + "stake_warning_multiple_transactions": "Staking requires multiple transactions to confirm and may take 20 seconds or more to complete", "stake_warning_stake": "Staking funds will block you from claiming rewards for 16 hours and withdrawing your staked funds for 36 hours.\n\nEvery interaction (stake, unstake, claim rewards) will reset both timers.", "stake_warning_claim": "Claiming rewards will block you from withdrawing your staked funds for 36 hours.\n\nTo claim rewards AND unstake any staked funds, choose “Claim Rewards and Unstake” instead.", "stake_warning_unstake": "Unstaking a partial amount will block you from unstaking more funds for 36 hours.", @@ -1262,6 +1268,7 @@ "backup_dismiss_button": "Continue Without a Backup", "backup_title": "Back Up Your Account", "backup_warning_message": "Without a backup, you risk losing your funds!", + "backup_web3_handle_warning_message": "Without a backup, you risk losing your web3 handle!", "tap_to_learn_more": "Tap to learn more.", "backup_for_transfer_message": "To buy, sell, and receive funds, please back up your account. Edge encrypted backups use a familiar username and password method that will safeguard your assets and help prevent loss of funds.\n\nNever share your username and password, and store your credentials securely!", "notif_tokens_detected_title": "Tokens Detected", diff --git a/src/locales/strings/vi.json b/src/locales/strings/vi.json index e4b744e1198..dbe74b7d562 100644 --- a/src/locales/strings/vi.json +++ b/src/locales/strings/vi.json @@ -146,7 +146,7 @@ "fragment_transaction_transfer": "Chuyển giao", "fragment_wallet_unconfirmed": "Đang chờ xử lý", "fragment_transaction_list_tx_dropped": "Bị bỏ", - "fragment_transaction_list_tx_synchronizing": "Đang đồng bộ", + "fragment_transaction_list_tx_synchronizing": "Syncing...", "fragment_transaction_list_confirmation_progress": "%s của %s sự xác nhận", "fragment_transaction_list_unconfirmed_rbf": "Awaiting confirmation, may be cancelled", "fragment_transaction_list_transaction": "Transactions", @@ -334,6 +334,7 @@ "settings_developer_mode": "Developer Mode", "settings_verbose_logging": "Verbose Logging", "settings_dark_theme": "Dark Theme", + "button_disable_animations": "Disable Animations", "settings_button_contacts_access_permission": "Contacts Access", "settings_button_lock_settings": "Bấm để khóa cài đặt tài khoản", "settings_button_password_recovery": "Thiết lập mật khẩu phục hồi", @@ -531,15 +532,15 @@ "title_edge_login": "Đăng nhập Edge", "title_exchange": "Trao đổi", "title_fio_sent_request_details": "Sent Request Details", - "title_fio_address_settings": "Address Settings", + "title_fio_address_settings": "Reload and Transfer", "title_fio_domain_settings": "Domain Settings", - "title_fio_add_bundled_txs": "Purchase more bundled transactions", + "title_fio_add_bundled_txs": "Reload Bundled Transactions", "title_fio_renew_domain": "Renew FIO Domain", "title_fio_renew": "Renew", "title_fio_make_public_domain": "Make Domain Public", "title_fio_make_private_domain": "Make Domain Private", "title_fio_transfer_domain": "Transfer FIO Domain", - "title_fio_transfer_address": "Transfer FIO Address", + "title_fio_transfer_address": "Transfer Handle", "title_fio_address": "FIO Crypto Handles", "title_fio_names": "FIO Names", "title_fio_domains": "FIO Domains", @@ -681,11 +682,11 @@ "legacy_address_modal_title": "Legacy Address Detected", "legacy_address_modal_warning": "You have scanned a legacy format address that may not be for the intended currency as it is indistinguishable from other currency addresses.\n\nSending to this address MAY result in a LOSS of funds!\n\nDo you want to continue?", "legacy_address_modal_continue": "Tiếp tục", - "password_reminder_remember_your_password": "Nhớ mật khẩu?", + "password_reminder_remember_your_password": "Remember Your Password?", "password_reminder_you_will_need_your_password": "Bạn sẽ cần mật khẩu nếu thiết bị của bạn bị mất hoặc bị đánh cắp hoặc nếu bạn gỡ cài đặt ứng dụng.", "password_reminder_enter_password_below": "Nhập vào dưới đây để đảm bảo:", "password_reminder_check_password": "Kiểm tra mật khẩu", - "password_reminder_forgot_password": "Tôi đã quên mật khẩu, thay đổi mật khẩu", + "password_reminder_forgot_password": "I Forgot. Change Password", "password_reminder_great_job": "Ghi nhớ mật khẩu của bạn một cách tốt.", "password_reminder_invalid": "Mật khẩu không hợp lệ", "password_recovery_reminder_modal_title": "Khôi phục cài đặt mật khẩu", @@ -703,6 +704,7 @@ "exchange_crypto_modal_message": "Ví %s của bạn trống. Bạn có muốn mua %s hay chuyển đổi crypto khác vào ví?", "private_key_modal_sweep_from_private_address": "Quét số tiền từ khóa riêng", "private_key_modal_sweep_from_private_key_message": "This process needs an on-chain transaction from the original wallet to %1$s. Mining fees are applied and depend on the network status.", + "private_key_modal_sweep_insufficient_funds": "The private key has insufficient funds to cover the onchain fees required by the sweep.", "private_key_modal_import": "Nhập vào", "private_key_modal_cancel": "Huỷ", "restore_wallets_modal_title": "Khôi phục ví", @@ -807,8 +809,8 @@ "fio_address_features": "• Works across all tokens and coins\n• Secured from your wallet\n• Completely decentralized", "fio_address_first_screen_end": "Similar to website names, your FIO Crypto Handle can be used to send you tokens/coins without ever having to see or send your public key.", "fio_domain_reg_text": "Note that you need to use FIO to register a Crypto Handle on a custom domain.", - "fio_domain_reg_descr": "FIO Crypto Handle consist of a username and a domain. If you purchase your custom domain, only you will able to register FIO Crypto Handle on it. FIO Crypto Handle registrations will have to be paid for with FIO tokens from the same wallet which owns the domain.", - "fio_address_reg_free": "Register Free FIO Crypto Handle", + "fio_domain_reg_descr": "A FIO Crypto Handle consists of a username and a domain. If you purchase a custom domain, only you will able to register a Crypto Handle on it. Crypto Handle registrations will have to be paid for with FIO tokens from the same wallet which owns the domain.", + "fio_address_reg_free": "Register Free Handle", "fio_domain_label": "FIO Domain", "fio_domain_free": "Free", "fio_address_payment_required_text": "This payment is required by the FIO Protocol and not a requirement of %1$s. Each FIO Crypto Handle includes a number of free actions, such as payment requests, where the mining fee is waived. Select a wallet to pay from:", @@ -837,12 +839,14 @@ "fio_address_details_screen_registered": "Registered", "fio_address_details_screen_expires": "Expires", "fio_address_details_screen_bundled_txs": "Remaining bundled transactions", - "fio_address_details_screen_manage_account_settings": "Crypto Handle Settings", - "fio_address_details_bundled_txs_out_soon": "You have spent almost all the bundled transactions of your FIO address. Would you like to purchase more bundled transaction?", - "fio_address_details_no_bundled_txs": "Your FIO address has no bundled transactions. Would you like to purchase more bundled transactions?", + "fio_address_details_screen_manage_account_settings": "Reload and Transfer", + "title_no_bundled_txs": "No Bundled Transactions", + "title_low_on_bundled_txs": "Low on Bundled Transactions", + "fio_address_details_bundled_txs_out_soon": "You have spent almost all the bundled transactions of your FIO Crypto Handle. Tap to purchase more bundled transactions", + "fio_address_details_no_bundled_txs": "Your FIO Crypto Handle has no bundled transactions. Tap to purchase more bundled transactions", "fio_address_details_connect_to_wallets": "Choose wallets to connect to your FIO Crypto Handle", - "fio_address_list_screen_button_register": "Register New FIO Crypto Handle", - "fio_address_list_domain_register": "Register Custom FIO Domain", + "fio_address_list_screen_button_register": "Register New Handle", + "fio_address_list_domain_register": "Register Custom Domain", "fio_address_list_register_domain": "Register New Domain", "fio_get_fee_err_msg": "There was an issue getting the FIO fee. Please try again later.", "fio_get_reg_info_err_msg": "There was an issue getting registration information.", @@ -1140,6 +1144,7 @@ "stake_estimated_return": "Estimated Return: %s", "stake_s_staked": "%s Staked", "stake_s_earned": "%s Earned", + "stake_s_unstaked": "%s Unstaked", "stake_lock_message": "locked until %s", "stake_select_options": "Select staking options:", "stake_stake_more_funds": "Stake More Funds", @@ -1156,6 +1161,7 @@ "stake_change_unstake_success": "Funds successfully unstaked", "stake_change_claim_success": "Claim transactions sent successfully", "stake_disabled_slider": "Enter Amount", + "stake_warning_multiple_transactions": "Staking requires multiple transactions to confirm and may take 20 seconds or more to complete", "stake_warning_stake": "Staking funds will block you from claiming rewards for 16 hours and withdrawing your staked funds for 36 hours.\n\nEvery interaction (stake, unstake, claim rewards) will reset both timers.", "stake_warning_claim": "Claiming rewards will block you from withdrawing your staked funds for 36 hours.\n\nTo claim rewards AND unstake any staked funds, choose “Claim Rewards and Unstake” instead.", "stake_warning_unstake": "Unstaking a partial amount will block you from unstaking more funds for 36 hours.", @@ -1262,6 +1268,7 @@ "backup_dismiss_button": "Continue Without a Backup", "backup_title": "Back Up Your Account", "backup_warning_message": "Without a backup, you risk losing your funds!", + "backup_web3_handle_warning_message": "Without a backup, you risk losing your web3 handle!", "tap_to_learn_more": "Tap to learn more.", "backup_for_transfer_message": "To buy, sell, and receive funds, please back up your account. Edge encrypted backups use a familiar username and password method that will safeguard your assets and help prevent loss of funds.\n\nNever share your username and password, and store your credentials securely!", "notif_tokens_detected_title": "Tokens Detected", diff --git a/src/locales/strings/zh.json b/src/locales/strings/zh.json index eb5e6aef808..68ca5f486ec 100644 --- a/src/locales/strings/zh.json +++ b/src/locales/strings/zh.json @@ -146,7 +146,7 @@ "fragment_transaction_transfer": "转账", "fragment_wallet_unconfirmed": "待处理", "fragment_transaction_list_tx_dropped": "已下降", - "fragment_transaction_list_tx_synchronizing": "同步中", + "fragment_transaction_list_tx_synchronizing": "Syncing...", "fragment_transaction_list_confirmation_progress": "%s / %s 确认", "fragment_transaction_list_unconfirmed_rbf": "Awaiting confirmation, may be cancelled", "fragment_transaction_list_transaction": "Transactions", @@ -334,6 +334,7 @@ "settings_developer_mode": "Developer Mode", "settings_verbose_logging": "Verbose Logging", "settings_dark_theme": "Dark Theme", + "button_disable_animations": "Disable Animations", "settings_button_contacts_access_permission": "Contacts Access", "settings_button_lock_settings": "点击 \"锁定帐户设置\"", "settings_button_password_recovery": "设置密码恢复", @@ -531,15 +532,15 @@ "title_edge_login": "Edge登录", "title_exchange": "外汇", "title_fio_sent_request_details": "Sent Request Details", - "title_fio_address_settings": "Address Settings", + "title_fio_address_settings": "Reload and Transfer", "title_fio_domain_settings": "Domain Settings", - "title_fio_add_bundled_txs": "Purchase more bundled transactions", + "title_fio_add_bundled_txs": "Reload Bundled Transactions", "title_fio_renew_domain": "Renew FIO Domain", "title_fio_renew": "Renew", "title_fio_make_public_domain": "Make Domain Public", "title_fio_make_private_domain": "Make Domain Private", "title_fio_transfer_domain": "Transfer FIO Domain", - "title_fio_transfer_address": "Transfer FIO Address", + "title_fio_transfer_address": "Transfer Handle", "title_fio_address": "FIO Crypto Handles", "title_fio_names": "FIO Names", "title_fio_domains": "FIO Domains", @@ -681,11 +682,11 @@ "legacy_address_modal_title": "Legacy Address Detected", "legacy_address_modal_warning": "You have scanned a legacy format address that may not be for the intended currency as it is indistinguishable from other currency addresses.\n\nSending to this address MAY result in a LOSS of funds!\n\nDo you want to continue?", "legacy_address_modal_continue": "继续", - "password_reminder_remember_your_password": "还记得您的密码吗?", + "password_reminder_remember_your_password": "Remember Your Password?", "password_reminder_you_will_need_your_password": "如果您的设备丢失或被盗, 或者您卸载了该应用程式, 则需要您的密码。", "password_reminder_enter_password_below": "请在下面输入密码:", "password_reminder_check_password": "检查密码", - "password_reminder_forgot_password": "我忘记了我的密码, 改变密码", + "password_reminder_forgot_password": "I Forgot. Change Password", "password_reminder_great_job": "您记得您的密码,真棒!", "password_reminder_invalid": "密码错误", "password_recovery_reminder_modal_title": "密码复原设置程序", @@ -703,6 +704,7 @@ "exchange_crypto_modal_message": "您的 %s 钱包现在是空的。您想将另一个加密产品兑转换成 %s?", "private_key_modal_sweep_from_private_address": "从私钥移除资金", "private_key_modal_sweep_from_private_key_message": "This process needs an on-chain transaction from the original wallet to %1$s. Mining fees are applied and depend on the network status.", + "private_key_modal_sweep_insufficient_funds": "The private key has insufficient funds to cover the onchain fees required by the sweep.", "private_key_modal_import": "导入", "private_key_modal_cancel": "取消", "restore_wallets_modal_title": "恢复钱包", @@ -807,8 +809,8 @@ "fio_address_features": "• Works across all tokens and coins\n• Secured from your wallet\n• Completely decentralized", "fio_address_first_screen_end": "Similar to website names, your FIO Crypto Handle can be used to send you tokens/coins without ever having to see or send your public key.", "fio_domain_reg_text": "Note that you need to use FIO to register a Crypto Handle on a custom domain.", - "fio_domain_reg_descr": "FIO Crypto Handle consist of a username and a domain. If you purchase your custom domain, only you will able to register FIO Crypto Handle on it. FIO Crypto Handle registrations will have to be paid for with FIO tokens from the same wallet which owns the domain.", - "fio_address_reg_free": "Register Free FIO Crypto Handle", + "fio_domain_reg_descr": "A FIO Crypto Handle consists of a username and a domain. If you purchase a custom domain, only you will able to register a Crypto Handle on it. Crypto Handle registrations will have to be paid for with FIO tokens from the same wallet which owns the domain.", + "fio_address_reg_free": "Register Free Handle", "fio_domain_label": "FIO Domain", "fio_domain_free": "Free", "fio_address_payment_required_text": "This payment is required by the FIO Protocol and not a requirement of %1$s. Each FIO Crypto Handle includes a number of free actions, such as payment requests, where the mining fee is waived. Select a wallet to pay from:", @@ -837,12 +839,14 @@ "fio_address_details_screen_registered": "Registered", "fio_address_details_screen_expires": "Expires", "fio_address_details_screen_bundled_txs": "Remaining bundled transactions", - "fio_address_details_screen_manage_account_settings": "Crypto Handle Settings", - "fio_address_details_bundled_txs_out_soon": "You have spent almost all the bundled transactions of your FIO address. Would you like to purchase more bundled transaction?", - "fio_address_details_no_bundled_txs": "Your FIO address has no bundled transactions. Would you like to purchase more bundled transactions?", + "fio_address_details_screen_manage_account_settings": "Reload and Transfer", + "title_no_bundled_txs": "No Bundled Transactions", + "title_low_on_bundled_txs": "Low on Bundled Transactions", + "fio_address_details_bundled_txs_out_soon": "You have spent almost all the bundled transactions of your FIO Crypto Handle. Tap to purchase more bundled transactions", + "fio_address_details_no_bundled_txs": "Your FIO Crypto Handle has no bundled transactions. Tap to purchase more bundled transactions", "fio_address_details_connect_to_wallets": "Choose wallets to connect to your FIO Crypto Handle", - "fio_address_list_screen_button_register": "Register New FIO Crypto Handle", - "fio_address_list_domain_register": "Register Custom FIO Domain", + "fio_address_list_screen_button_register": "Register New Handle", + "fio_address_list_domain_register": "Register Custom Domain", "fio_address_list_register_domain": "Register New Domain", "fio_get_fee_err_msg": "There was an issue getting the FIO fee. Please try again later.", "fio_get_reg_info_err_msg": "There was an issue getting registration information.", @@ -1140,6 +1144,7 @@ "stake_estimated_return": "Estimated Return: %s", "stake_s_staked": "%s Staked", "stake_s_earned": "%s Earned", + "stake_s_unstaked": "%s Unstaked", "stake_lock_message": "locked until %s", "stake_select_options": "Select staking options:", "stake_stake_more_funds": "Stake More Funds", @@ -1156,6 +1161,7 @@ "stake_change_unstake_success": "Funds successfully unstaked", "stake_change_claim_success": "Claim transactions sent successfully", "stake_disabled_slider": "Enter Amount", + "stake_warning_multiple_transactions": "Staking requires multiple transactions to confirm and may take 20 seconds or more to complete", "stake_warning_stake": "Staking funds will block you from claiming rewards for 16 hours and withdrawing your staked funds for 36 hours.\n\nEvery interaction (stake, unstake, claim rewards) will reset both timers.", "stake_warning_claim": "Claiming rewards will block you from withdrawing your staked funds for 36 hours.\n\nTo claim rewards AND unstake any staked funds, choose “Claim Rewards and Unstake” instead.", "stake_warning_unstake": "Unstaking a partial amount will block you from unstaking more funds for 36 hours.", @@ -1262,6 +1268,7 @@ "backup_dismiss_button": "Continue Without a Backup", "backup_title": "Back Up Your Account", "backup_warning_message": "Without a backup, you risk losing your funds!", + "backup_web3_handle_warning_message": "Without a backup, you risk losing your web3 handle!", "tap_to_learn_more": "Tap to learn more.", "backup_for_transfer_message": "To buy, sell, and receive funds, please back up your account. Edge encrypted backups use a familiar username and password method that will safeguard your assets and help prevent loss of funds.\n\nNever share your username and password, and store your credentials securely!", "notif_tokens_detected_title": "Tokens Detected",