- Supported version: 0.5.9
No good guide is made by one man, here's credit to those who've helped out:
- vit9696
- One of many developers of OpenCore
- Corrections to the original guide
- Corrections to this guide...(seriously this man deserves a medal)
- CorpNewt
- Heavily inspiring this guide(if not a rip off) and helping overall with questions and advice
- Spoof SSDT source
- Midi
- Corrections and recommendations for the guide
- AlGrey#9303
- AMD Kernel patches
- For the original AMD Vanilla Guide
- Corrections to AMD portion of the guide
- DhinakG
- Random guide related stuff
- Khronokernel
- For both writing and maintaining the guide
- and the rest of the dortania team for helping out
And to the rest who've helped out as well, thank you!
Developers of OpenCore:
Guides linked or those that inspired this guide:
- r/Hackintosh Vanilla Desktop Guide
- All-in-one Vanilla AMD Hackintosh Guide
- USB Map Guide
- Intel Framebuffer Patching
- AppleALC Supported Codecs
- gfxutil
And for those who have recommendations or issues with this guide, you can find the GitHub repo for this site here.
- OpenCore Documentation
- KASLR slide:
- Cleaning RC scripts:
- ACPI Dumping:
- iServices Guide:
- iGPU and DRM configuration:
- rEFInd Guide:
- USB Mapping Guide: