- Clone sylius demo repo:
git clone git@github.com:Elastic-Suite/oro-sylius.git connectors/sylius cd connectors/sylius
- Edit .env file and update the value of :
Var | Description | Example value |
The oro domain you want to use | sylius.connector.localhost |
The server name you defined for gally | gally.connector.local |
Your user id and group id | 1000:1000 |
Install sylius
docker compose up -d docker compose exec php composer install docker compose exec php bin/console sylius:install --no-interaction docker compose exec php bin/console sylius:fixtures:load --no-interaction docker compose up -d # force recompile static after install
Add gally plugin
git clone git@github.com:Elastic-Suite/gally-sylius-connector.git packages/GallyPlugin docker compose exec php composer config repositories.gally-connector '{ "type": "path", "url": "./packages/GallyPlugin", "options": { "versions": { "gally/sylius-plugin": "2.0.0"}} }' docker compose exec php composer require gally/sylius-plugin:2.0.0
Start your traefik if it is not already running
After this step you should have a running oro instance
- Backend: https://sylius.connector.localhost/admin (sylius/sylius)
- Frontend: https://sylius.connector.localhost/
Open Sylius Admin, head to Configuration > Gally and configure the Gally endpoint (URL, credentials). Then you must enable Gally on each channel you need it.
Run this commands from your Sylius instance. This commands must be runned only once to synchronize the structure.
bin/console gally:structure:sync # Sync catalog et source field data with gally
Run a full index from Sylius to Gally. This command can be run only once. Afterwards, the modified products are automatically synchronized.
bin/console gally:index # Index category and product entity to gally
git clone https://github.com/oroinc/docker-demo.git oro-demo
git checkout v1.13.2
rm -rf .git
git init
git remote add origin git@github.com:Elastic-Suite/oro-demo.git
And gally connector has been installed according to the doc: https://github.com/Elastic-Suite/gally-sylius-connector