The server for an robot on ROS Melodic
Install ROS Melodic
Create your ros_workspace with a catkin if you didn't it. For example: mkdir -p ros_workspace/src && cd ros_workspace catkin_make
Clone this repository to the src forlder in ros_workspace
Run CLion from Terminal (it's important! because the .bashrc has line with catkin init)
Open cloned repository as project in CLion
CLion will alert you that some of packages in find_package on CMakeLists.txt not found. Don't worry, just sudo apt install ros-melodic-package-name (i.e ros-melodic-async-web-server-cpp)
If CLion will says you that package catkin not found, it probably means that in .bashrc there is no command for init catkin. In my .bashrc it looks like this: source /opt/ros/melodic/setup.bash
Reload your CMake project until it reloads successfully on your computer
Pick configuration robot_server_node | debug near Run button on CLion
Run it and enjoy!