diff --git a/src/main/resources/assets/thaumicwonders/lang/en_us.lang b/src/main/resources/assets/thaumicwonders/lang/en_us.lang index 3f0d9ee..a2272b0 100644 --- a/src/main/resources/assets/thaumicwonders/lang/en_us.lang +++ b/src/main/resources/assets/thaumicwonders/lang/en_us.lang @@ -131,10 +131,10 @@ thaumicwonders.research.void_portal.text.stage.3=I've cracked it! I can now cons thaumicwonders.research.void_portal.text.addenda.1=In addition to stabilizing the infusion process, it appears that Stabilizers will also keep my Void Portals stable. The process causes the Stabilizer to generate flux, as normal. Hardly ideal, but it beats the alternative. thaumicwonders.research.catalyzation_chamber.title=Advanced Metal Purification -thaumicwonders.research.catalyzation_chamber.text.stage.1=Metal purification strikes me as important to pursue further. My existing methods are functional, but simply throwing essentia at the problem seems... crude, not to mention expensive.
I believe that a vis-infused quicksilver bath will allow me to purify metal ores just as well. Constructing a reaction chamber based on the Infernal Furnace should be relatively straightforward.
I'm going to need to be careful working with this much quicksilver; that stuff is highly toxic. -thaumicwonders.research.catalyzation_chamber.text.stage.2=I've made a serious error in my calculations. The chamber that I've designed will take years, not seconds, to process even a single chunk of ore. I need a catalyst of some kind to speed things up. Oh well, back to the drawing board. -thaumicwonders.research.catalyzation_chamber.text.stage.3=Much better. By slotting this material, which I've dubbed an Alchemist's Stone, into the Catalyzation Chamber, I can now purify metal ores quickly and efficiently. One stone will allow me to process about a stack of ore before needing replacement. Even with that added cost, the process is much cheaper now, just as I hoped.
Like the Infernal Furnace, this chamber is relatively slow unless it can take vis from the aura. It also has a small chance of generating a little flux each time it purifies ore. -thaumicwonders.research.catalyzation_chamber.text.addenda.1=It turns out that the Arcane Bellows work just as well on the Catalyzation Chamber as they do the Infernal Furnace. Keeping the quicksilver bath aerated speeds up reaction times significantly. +thaumicwonders.research.catalyzation_chamber.text.stage.1=Metal purification strikes me as an important avenue to pursue further. My existing methods are functional, but simply throwing essentia at the problem seems... crude, not to mention §oexpensive§r, too.
I believe that a Vis-infused quicksilver bath will allow me to purify metal ores just as well. Constructing a reaction chamber based on the Infernal Furnace should be relatively straightforward.
I'm also going to need to be careful working with this much quicksilver; that stuff is highly toxic. +thaumicwonders.research.catalyzation_chamber.text.stage.2=I've made a serious error in my calculations while designing the chamber. The chamber that I've designed will take years, not seconds, to process even a single chunk of ore.
I need a catalyst of some kind to speed things up and for the matter to attach to. It's back to the drawing board. +thaumicwonders.research.catalyzation_chamber.text.stage.3=I made adjustments to the design, and put a separate compartment to house the Catalyst. By slotting this material, which I've dubbed the Alchemist's Stone (not to be confused with the Philosopher's Stone, a completely different phenomena) into the Catalyzation Chamber, I can now purify metal ores quickly and efficiently. One stone will allow me to process about a stack of ore before needing replacement. Even with that added cost, the process is much cheaper now, just as I hoped.
Like the Infernal Furnace, this chamber is relatively slow unless it can take Vis from the aura. It also has a small chance of generating a little flux each time it purifies ore. Unlike the Infernal Furnace however it should not destroy the items that it cannot process. In theory at least. +thaumicwonders.research.catalyzation_chamber.text.addenda.1=It turns out that the Arcane Bellows work just as well on the Catalyzation Chamber as they do on the Infernal Furnace. They will keep the quicksilver bath aerated and will speed up the reaction times significantly. thaumicwonders.research.hexamite.title=Hexamite thaumicwonders.research.hexamite.text.stage.1=Despite my best intents to work alongside other thaumaturges, some of them prefer to engage in conflict. Non-thaumaturges with mundane technology have problems with this type of situation too.
However, as the thaumonomicon itself and my own experience sees, times like this can go on forever, sufficiently advanced thaumaturges will get locked into a fight and waste time, time that should be used for studying the secrets of reality. Furthermore it leads to unfortunate losses in resources that I also need.
I have decided to correct this affront by using one of the ways that are most familiar to those who use more mundane technology.
Explosive ordinance.
Normal TNT will give no desired outcomes and using normal mundane technology is not in my style, thus this situation requires something... special... @@ -145,8 +145,8 @@ thaumicwonders.research.flux_capacitor.text.stage.1=I've noticed that Primordial thaumicwonders.research.flux_capacitor.text.stage.2=My studies have revealed that, with the right manipulation, these pearls will draw in and bind flux energy to themselves. Utilizing this new discovery, I've designed a device I call a Flux Capacitor, partly based around the same principles that Vis Capacitors use. Once placed, these devices will slowly draw in flux from the aura and contain it. Each capacitor can only hold a small amount of flux in this way, but that's better than nothing.Applying a redstone signal will rapidly discharge the contained flux back into the aura. Because the capacitors are portable, I can effectively move flux around to areas I can better clean up, I could also just throw them away, but that seems so wasteful.
I'll have to research a more permanent solution later, for now, this utility will be quite helpful in the cleanup of areas infested with flux first and foremost. Alternatively, this can ease my flux experiments. thaumicwonders.research.transmuter_stone.title=Mineral Transmutation -thaumicwonders.research.transmuter_stone.text.stage.1=I suspect that I may be able to do more with the Catalyzation Chamber than simply purify metal ores. Perhaps with a different catalyst, I can achieve other effects. Time for some research. -thaumicwonders.research.transmuter_stone.text.stage.2=Well, this is unexpected. It turns out that by enriching an Alchemist's Stone with Permutatio essentia, it becomes something else entirely.
This new stone allows for limited transmutation of certain minerals. It only works on certain pairs of metals, allowing me to turn one into the other and back again, but this is useful in and of itself.
It seems to produce flux slightly more often than the basic Alchemist's Stone, however. +thaumicwonders.research.transmuter_stone.text.stage.1=I suspect that I may be able to do more with the Catalyzation Chamber than simply purify metal ores. Perhaps with a different catalyst and set of additives, I can achieve other effects. +thaumicwonders.research.transmuter_stone.text.stage.2=It turns out that by enriching an Alchemist's Stone with Permutatio essentia, it becomes something else entirely. This new stone allows for limited transmutation of certain minerals, but it only works on certain pairs of metals.
The stone allows me to turn one compatible mineral into another mineral and back again, it seems to produce flux slightly more often than the basic Alchemist's Stone however. I must be wary of how much I output into the aura, I already have enough flux problems as is. thaumicwonders.research.alienist_stone.title=Eldritch Metal Amplification thaumicwonders.research.alienist_stone.text.stage.1=With the secrets of the Eldritch at my disposal, I'm confident that I can eke out more yield from the Catalyzation Chamber. The only question is how?
Perhaps, the Primordial Peral can have some use in here as well...