From 839cf5c6bbd0412cbaf4da5eeee0418cca1fb4c5 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Me <>
Date: Fri, 23 Aug 2024 20:55:43 -0500
Subject: [PATCH] Update more research text
Courtesy of @Carvercarver1
-Eldritch Metal Amplification
-Goggles of Night Vision
-Ore Divination
-Structure Divination
.../assets/thaumicwonders/lang/en_us.lang | 20 +++++++++----------
1 file changed, 10 insertions(+), 10 deletions(-)
diff --git a/src/main/resources/assets/thaumicwonders/lang/en_us.lang b/src/main/resources/assets/thaumicwonders/lang/en_us.lang
index 05f2f09..3f0d9ee 100644
--- a/src/main/resources/assets/thaumicwonders/lang/en_us.lang
+++ b/src/main/resources/assets/thaumicwonders/lang/en_us.lang
@@ -58,7 +58,7 @@ Fortress Helm Fortress Cuirass Fortress Thigh Guards Diviner Goggles of Night Vision Charm
item.thaumicwonders.cleansing_charm.tooltip.progress=Progress: %1$d%% Grain
@@ -149,24 +149,24 @@ thaumicwonders.research.transmuter_stone.text.stage.1=I suspect that I may be ab
thaumicwonders.research.transmuter_stone.text.stage.2=Well, this is unexpected. It turns out that by enriching an Alchemist's Stone with Permutatio essentia, it becomes something else entirely.
This new stone allows for limited transmutation of certain minerals. It only works on certain pairs of metals, allowing me to turn one into the other and back again, but this is useful in and of itself.
It seems to produce flux slightly more often than the basic Alchemist's Stone, however.
thaumicwonders.research.alienist_stone.title=Eldritch Metal Amplification
-thaumicwonders.research.alienist_stone.text.stage.1=With the secrets of the eldritch at my disposal, I'm confident that I can eke out more yield from the Catalyzation Chamber. The only question is how.
-thaumicwonders.research.alienist_stone.text.stage.2=Is there anything these miraculous Primordial Pearls can't do? By infusing an Alchemist's Stone with the essence of a pearl and some native mineral clusters, I can increase its power.
The resulting catalyst stone produces what I call eldritch clusters, which, when smelted, yield three ingots instead of two. I hesitate to call the resulting process "purification", particularly given the significant chance of flux each operation, but the results cannot be denied.
Perhaps there are other things that I can amplify with this stone. I should experiment and find out.
+thaumicwonders.research.alienist_stone.text.stage.1=With the secrets of the Eldritch at my disposal, I'm confident that I can eke out more yield from the Catalyzation Chamber. The only question is how?
Perhaps, the Primordial Peral can have some use in here as well...
+thaumicwonders.research.alienist_stone.text.stage.2=Is there anything these miraculous Primordial Pearls can't do? By infusing an Alchemist's Stone with the essence of a pearl and some native mineral clusters, I can increase its power.
The resulting catalyst stone produces what I call Eldritch Clusters, which, when smelted, yield three ingots instead of two.I hesitate to call the resulting process "purification", particularly given the significant chance of flux each operation, but the results cannot be denied.
Perhaps there are other things that I can amplify with this stone, but for now, this process is sufficient for the metal processing.
thaumicwonders.research.ore_diviner.title=Ore Divination
-thaumicwonders.research.ore_diviner.text.stage.1=Digging blindly through the firmament looking for ore is tedious and inefficient. It would be much better if I knew exactly where to find what I was looking for before I picked up a pickaxe. The Sounding enchantment helps, but there's so much information to sift through, and so little time to do it. I'm convinced there's a better way.
-thaumicwonders.research.ore_diviner.text.stage.2=I've devised a tool to help me divine the location of specific types of ore. When I use a block of ore on this Ore Diviner, it will find a nearby block of ore of that type and reveal its location to me. The visual representation of this knowledge will persist until I right-click the diviner with an empty hand or until something happens to the diviner itself.
+thaumicwonders.research.ore_diviner.text.stage.1=Digging blindly through the firmament looking for ore is tedious and inefficient. It would be much better if I knew exactly where to find what I was looking for before I picked up a pickaxe. The Sounding infusion enchantment helps greatly, but there's so much information to sift through, and so little time to do it. I'm convinced there's a better way.
+thaumicwonders.research.ore_diviner.text.stage.2=I managed to recreate a Resonating Crystal mentioned in a section of the Thaumomicon, all it took was some fine tuning, isolating the properties of the Sounding infusion enchantment into only one "frequency", using the crystal as a main resonator, and the remains of a pickaxe as the "primer".
This crystal that I call the Ore Diviner will help me scout the location of specific types of ore.When I use a block of ore on the Ore Diviner, it will find a nearby block of ore of that type and reveal its location to me. The visual representation of this knowledge will persist until I right-click the diviner with an empty hand or until something happens to the diviner itself.
It does however have a much more limited range compared to the pickaxe, it also does not update the vision, showing only one bit of ore at a time, so I should keep this in mind. Lastly, I need to have the ore in the first place; placing normal items will not work well with the resonator, so I specifically need §oore§r in order to find it. A use of the Silk Touch enchantment is recommended here.
thaumicwonders.research.void_fortress_armor.title=Warped Fortress Armor
thaumicwonders.research.void_fortress_armor.text.stage.1=Void armor is both strong and self-repairing and does its job, but I'm confident that I can improve upon it. Perhaps the lessons I learned while improving thaumium armor can be applied here as well. With the contradictory nature of void metal however, this is bound to be more difficult; I will have to adapt the design to account for the properties of the metal.
thaumicwonders.research.void_fortress_armor.text.stage.2=My efforts to improve void armor have borne fruit. The armor I have created is a masterpiece of strength and durability, providing additional protection against magic and fire damage, but sacrificing none of the properties that make void armor so unique. In keeping with my earlier efforts, I am calling my newest creation Warped Fortress Armor.
Like the thaumium version, this armor is meant to be worn together. The more pieces I wear, the better each piece protects me, and as a bonus, the better it looks.
As a nod to utility, I've made sure to integrate a set of Goggles of Revealing into the helmet's mask. The mask also replicates the effect of the Sipping Fiend mask, allowing the armor to sometimes heal the wearer when striking, I won't be able to apply other masks because of this however, unlike Thaumium Fortress Armor.
Some of the properties of the other masks also do not mix well with the armor, so it's best not to try to combine them either.
Finally, this armor seems to have a symbiotic relationship with warp. The more permanent warp I have, the more toughness each piece of armor has. In this set of armor I will be a bastion of invincibility, at least when it comes to most forms of damage.
thaumicwonders.research.structure_diviner.title=Structure Divination
-thaumicwonders.research.structure_diviner.text.stage.1=My creations are not the only ones in this world, but seeking out others is a very hit-or-miss prospect. Simply picking a direction and walking will work eventually, but it's hardly efficient. A thaumaturge of my caliber should be able to divine these things ahead of time.
-thaumicwonders.research.structure_diviner.text.stage.2=Such a simple-looking device, for one with such potential. This Structure Diviner can find the nearest naturally generating vanilla structure in my current dimension with the press of a button. Upon use, it will point the way to my destination as well as give me a very rough indication of how far away it is.
+thaumicwonders.research.structure_diviner.text.stage.1=My architectural creations are not the only ones in this world, but seeking out others that are native to this world is a very hit-or-miss prospect. Simply picking a direction and walking will work eventually, but it's hardly efficient and it is not certain how much time and resources it will take to reach there. A thaumaturge of my caliber should be able to divine these things ahead of time.
+thaumicwonders.research.structure_diviner.text.stage.2=Surprisingly, it wasn't that hard, but more so costly.
This Structure Diviner that I calibrated to track certain specific fluctuations in the aura, can find the nearest naturally generating vanilla structure in my current dimension with the press of a button. Upon use, it will point the way to my destination as well as give me a very rough indication of how far away it is. This device has a potential, despite its simple looks.It does have its limits: it cannot detect or recognize every structure, and it can only track one structure at a time, so the old method of picking directions or other available tracking means have to be used to track them instead.
-thaumicwonders.research.night_vision_goggles.title=Night-Vision Goggles
-thaumicwonders.research.night_vision_goggles.text.stage.1=The night is a perilous time, but some things can only be done then. The monsters are manageable; what I really want is to not bumble into a chasm and fall to my death.
I suppose I could carry night-vision potions with me, but who wants to chug that vile-tasting swill every few minutes? I can do better.
-thaumicwonders.research.night_vision_goggles.text.stage.2=If my eyes cannot see in the dark, then clearly the solution is to craft lenses that can do it for me.
By infusing a pair of Goggles of Revealing with the right essence, I've created a pair of Night-Vision Goggles. They have to be charged on a Recharge Pedestal, but they last longer than any potion.
What they don't do, however, is reveal. The functions of a basic pair of Goggles of Revealing are lost in the process, so I'll need to carry those with me as well.
+thaumicwonders.research.night_vision_goggles.title=Goggles of Night Vision
+thaumicwonders.research.night_vision_goggles.text.stage.1=The night is a perilous time, but some things can only be done then. The monsters are manageable; what I really want is to not bumble into a chasm and fall to my death, as well as actually being able to see what I am doing and what I am looking at.
I suppose I could carry Potions of Night Vision with me or use more mundane technology, but who wants to chug that vile-tasting swill every few minutes or lug around a rather hefty battery pack? I can do better.
+thaumicwonders.research.night_vision_goggles.text.stage.2=If my eyes cannot see in the dark, then clearly the solution is to craft lenses that can do it for me.
While simply amplifying light could do the trick like it does in mundane pieces of technology, it runs the risk of blinding me should I get exposed to light in the ill-fitting moment. So I chose a different approach by infusing the Goggles of Revealing with the right essence, and thus I've created the Goggles of Night Vision. They have to be charged on a Recharge Pedestal, but they last longer than any potion could. All without the risks of making me blind.
What they don't do however is reveal. The functions of a basic pair of Goggles of Revealing are lost in the process, so I'll need to carry those with me as well if I wish to perform a field study or do anything else I may need them for. I also cannot combine both as it will just make a worse version of the two, which is hardly ideal.
thaumicwonders.research.void_beacon.title=Void Conjuration
thaumicwonders.research.void_beacon.text.stage.1=I've already learned that whatever is on the other side of these rifts, be it matter, energy, or something stranger still, is malleable like little else. Its morphic properties shift with time and unknown whims. I now believe that it may be possible to guide those transitions and then lock the resulting item into something fixed, something real. This may be my greatest discovery yet.