diff --git a/src/main/resources/assets/thaumicwonders/lang/en_us.lang b/src/main/resources/assets/thaumicwonders/lang/en_us.lang index 10d3dd7..f731f60 100644 --- a/src/main/resources/assets/thaumicwonders/lang/en_us.lang +++ b/src/main/resources/assets/thaumicwonders/lang/en_us.lang @@ -109,20 +109,20 @@ thaumicwonders.research.primal_destroyer.text.stage.2=Sometimes I feel like cert thaumicwonders.research.primal_destroyer.text.addenda.1=Well, now I know...
The Primal Destroyer does indeed §ohunger§r. Whether for blood, souls, life energy, or something more esoteric - I cannot say. What is clear is that if I don't kill with it regularly, it will slake its hunger on me instead, I cannot feed it the meat directly: it demands fresh, live sustenance.
Additionally, I caught a glimpse of something... unnatural contained in this sword. Even if it does not speak directly, there is certainly §osomething§r in it that I do not recognize or comprehend fully. Perhaps it would be best to put this unholy creation away in a separate container and forget I ever made it. thaumicwonders.research.flying_carpet.title=Flying Carpet -thaumicwonders.research.flying_carpet.text.stage.1=Levitation is all well and good, but I yearn for true flight. Surely a thaumaturge of my skill and knowledge can find a way. -thaumicwonders.research.flying_carpet.text.stage.2=While I haven't learned how to make myself fly under my own power, I do believe that I've created the next best thing: a Flying Carpet!
When placed on the ground, it can be mounted by right-clicking. Once seated, the carpet will respond to my commands, moving forward or backward in the direction that I'm looking.
The carpet is not able to draw directly from the aura, and must be charged directly on a recharge pedestal. I must be careful to monitor my remaining charge while flying, as once it runs out the carpet will fall from the sky. It should retain enough of its protective magic to shield me from the impact, however.
In addition, the Flying Carpet can be dyed different colors by combining it with a dye, such as bone meal, on a crafting table. Should I tire of the new color, I can wash it off in a Cauldron (but *not* a Crucible). +thaumicwonders.research.flying_carpet.text.stage.1=Ancient legends tell a tale of alchemists creating a flying silk carpet that was able to hover above the ground, and perfecting their skill in creating such wonder. Many also tell that the trick was in the carpet's dyeing process and not in weaving and spinning. However, the knowledge was lost, and nobody knows how to make such an item again.
While I do not have doubt about the fact that magic can make objects fly, I believe I can replicate the properties of this carpet with the use of thaumaturgy, while also making it small enough to be carryable and not be embroidered with precious metals. After all, I have no need to carry an entire crowd of people. +thaumicwonders.research.flying_carpet.text.stage.2=While I wasn't able to make myself fly without any use of supporting artifice, I think I managed to recreate something that grants me the ability to fly: a Flying Carpet.
Not the most prestiege-sounding name, but it does what it does when placed on the ground, it can be mounted by right-clicking. Once seated, the carpet will respond to my commands, moving forward or backward in the direction that I'm looking.The carpet is not able to draw directly from the aura, as adding such devices will compromise its balance, and so it must be charged directly on a Recharge Pedestal. I must be careful to monitor my remaining charge while flying, as once it runs out, the carpet will fall from the sky. It should retain enough of its protective magic to shield me from the impact, however.
Furthermore, it is not the fastest or most convenient way to fly; it is slow and has a bit of a steering problem. I am sure I can make better means of personal flight, but the carpet could have its uses for now until I create more optimal ways of personal flight.
In addition, the Flying Carpet can be dyed different colors by combining it with a dye, such as bone meal, on a crafting table. Should I tire of the new color, I can wash it off in a cauldron (but §onot§r a crucible). thaumicwonders.research.timewinder.title=Timewinder thaumicwonders.research.timewinder.text.stage.1=Time seems to flow strangely in some of the alien places that I've visited. I wonder if I can harness that strangeness back in my home dimension... thaumicwonders.research.timewinder.text.stage.2=While the possibility of traveling back in time remains frustratingly elusive, I've learned how to skip forwards. To this end, I have drawn up plans for a device that I've dubbed the Timewinder. Not only does it tell time, like any clock should, but it can manipulate it as well!
A set of buttons on the back of the device allow me to skip forward to certain celestial events. Sunrise and moonrise, specifically. Clicking the day button will transport me instantly to the next morning, just as if I'd gotten a good night's sleep in my bed. The other buttons will skip me to the rise of the specified phase of the moon.
This process produces some strain on the local fabric of spacetime, however. The Timewinder will generate a significant quantity of flux in the aura each time it's used. In addition, it requires vis to operate, drawn from an internal store. Finally, after using the Timewinder, I must wait a short amount of time before using it again. thaumicwonders.research.inspiration_engine.title=Inspiration Engine -thaumicwonders.research.inspiration_engine.text.stage.1=Crafting thaumaturgical theories is a laborious process. I know that certain items can aid me with my research, but they feel so... limited in scope. Perhaps I can create a superior research aid with my magic. -thaumicwonders.research.inspiration_engine.text.stage.2=I've drawn up plans for a device I've dubbed the Inspiration Engine.
Like other research aids, it must be placed within four blocks of a Research Table, at the same height or just above or below it. Placed correctly, I will be able to select it from the Research Table's interface to use it. Then, when fueled with Cognitio essentia, it will generate ideas to help me with my theorycrafting and transmit them into my mind.
It's a strange sensation, these foreign thoughts, almost ticklish, but from all my testing a benign one. +thaumicwonders.research.inspiration_engine.text.stage.1=Crafting thaumaturgical theories is a long and often laborious process that consumes resources. I know that certain items can aid me with my research, but they feel so... limited in scope. Perhaps I can create a superior research aid with my magic. +thaumicwonders.research.inspiration_engine.text.stage.2=I've drawn up plans for a device I've dubbed the Inspiration Engine. Like other research aids, it must be placed within four blocks of a research table, at the same height or just above or below it.
If placed correctly I will be able to select it from the research table's interface to use it, then when fueled with Cognitio essentia, it will generate ideas to help me with my theorycrafting and transmit them into my mind.It's a strange sensation, these foreign thoughts, almost ticklish, but from all my testing, a benign one.
In addition, the design, in retrospect, makes quite a good decoration for my housing. thaumicwonders.research.madness_engine.title=Madness Engine -thaumicwonders.research.madness_engine.text.stage.1=My Inspiration Engine has proven very valuable in my theorycrafting work, but it's not enough. If I'm going to crack the secrets of the Eldritch, I need more. Something to open my mind to new vistas of thought, ones that part of me is... reluctant to explore. -thaumicwonders.research.madness_engine.text.stage.2=Yes, yes... After some extensive modifications, this new version of the engine will give me what I need. The problem, it turns out, was the Cognitio essentia itself. It was too ordered, too... familiar.
By reworking the engine to run on Alienis essentia instead, and in higher quantities, it will now grant me glimpses of the underlying secrets of reality. I won't lie, the experience is an uncomfortable one, but such is a small price to pay for progress. +thaumicwonders.research.madness_engine.text.stage.1=My Inspiration Engine has proven very valuable in my theorycrafting work, but it's not enough to reach further. If I'm going to crack the secrets of the Eldritch, I need more. Something to open my mind to new vistas of thought, ones that part of me is... reluctant to explore.
I believe that with sufficient tinkering, I can turn my Inspiration Engine into something else, something that will do just what I need it to do. +thaumicwonders.research.madness_engine.text.stage.2=Yes, yes... After some extensive modifications and additions to the design of the Inspiration Engine, this new version of the engine will give me just what I need. The problem as it turns out was the Cognitio essentia itself. It was too ordered, too... familiar and mundane by my metrics.
By reworking the engine to run on Alienis essentia instead, and in higher quantities than it was meant to use with Cognito, it will now grant me glimpses of the underlying secrets of reality. I won't lie, the experience is an uncomfortable one, but such is a small price to pay for progress.
That and it makes quite a fitting centerpiece of my research room. thaumicwonders.research.void_portal.title=Void Portals thaumicwonders.research.void_portal.text.stage.1=How do those Crimson Cult fanatics do it? My studies so far have yielded nothing useful on the matter of teleporting living beings. But it must be possible! Nether portals, ender pearls, and those blasted crimson portals those fanatics use all tell me that it's possible. There must be a way... @@ -141,8 +141,8 @@ thaumicwonders.research.hexamite.text.stage.1=I am irritated. Cross. Vexed, even thaumicwonders.research.hexamite.text.stage.2=This will do, indeed. I've taken the basic formula of TNT, kept a small amount of gunpowder for a primer, and packed the rest with unstable alumentum. For good measure, I've laced in some Vitium shards for shrapnel.
The resulting device should not only be 50% more powerful than TNT and incendiary, but the blast will also shred the local aura. Living beings caught in the blast, assuming they survive, will find their magical abilities hampered temporarily.
This has been an excellent, and not at all crazy, use of my time and skill. thaumicwonders.research.flux_capacitor.title=Flux Capacitor -thaumicwonders.research.flux_capacitor.text.stage.1=I've noticed that Primordial Pearls have a curious relationship with flux. The two clearly interact, but in a manner that I do not yet fully understand. Perhaps I can learn to leverage this relationship somehow. -thaumicwonders.research.flux_capacitor.text.stage.2=My studies have revealed that, with the right magical manipulation, these pearls will draw in and bind flux energy to themselves. Utilizing this new discovery, I've designed a device I call a Flux Capacitor.
Once placed, these devices will slowly draw in flux from the aura and contain it. Each capacitor can only hold a small amount of flux in this way, but that's better than nothing.
The question then becomes what I do with the full capacitors. Applying a redstone signal will rapidly discharge the contained flux back into the aura. Because the capacitors are portable, I can effectively move flux around to areas I can better clean up.
I could just throw them away, I guess, but that seems so wasteful. I'll have to research a more permanent solution. +thaumicwonders.research.flux_capacitor.text.stage.1=I've noticed that Primordial Pearls have a curious relationship with flux. The two clearly interact, but in a manner that I do not yet fully understand. Perhaps I can learn to leverage this relationship to my benefit somehow. +thaumicwonders.research.flux_capacitor.text.stage.2=My studies have revealed that, with the right manipulation, these pearls will draw in and bind flux energy to themselves. Utilizing this new discovery, I've designed a device I call a Flux Capacitor, partly based around the same principles that Vis Capacitors use. Once placed, these devices will slowly draw in flux from the aura and contain it. Each capacitor can only hold a small amount of flux in this way, but that's better than nothing.Applying a redstone signal will rapidly discharge the contained flux back into the aura. Because the capacitors are portable, I can effectively move flux around to areas I can better clean up, I could also just throw them away, but that seems so wasteful.
I'll have to research a more permanent solution later, for now, this utility will be quite helpful in the cleanup of areas infested with flux first and foremost. Alternatively, this can ease my flux experiments. thaumicwonders.research.transmuter_stone.title=Mineral Transmutation thaumicwonders.research.transmuter_stone.text.stage.1=I suspect that I may be able to do more with the Catalyzation Chamber than simply purify metal ores. Perhaps with a different catalyst, I can achieve other effects. Time for some research. @@ -173,12 +173,12 @@ thaumicwonders.research.void_beacon.text.stage.1=I've already learned that whate thaumicwonders.research.void_beacon.text.stage.2=Truly, this must be my magnum opus, for I have conjured something from nothing. Well... almost nothing.
I have devised a way to pull rift-stuff from beyond our reality and coax it into real forms using essentia. The process appears capable of producing almost any naturally-occurring material, though I cannot fully control what is produced, only influence it. This device, which I call a Void Beacon, requires several things in order to function. I shall document them here.
First, and most simply, the Void Beacon must be enabled. Applying a redstone signal to it will turn it off, along with the skyward beam that it emits.
Second, the Void Beacon must have a clear view of the sky. Transparent blocks like glass will not interfere with its function, but opaque ones like stone or chests will prevent it from working. To date I have encountered no way around this limitation, but it's relatively minor in the grand scheme of things.
Third, the Void Beacon requires an adjacent inventory with at least one slot empty. It cannot store its own products within itself, lest they destabilize its delicate inner working, and so the results of the conjuration are immediately ejected into this inventory. If no space is available for conjured items, the Void Beacon will stall until room is freed.
Fourth, the Void Beacon requires line of sight to a nearby flux rift. The larger the rift, the more the beacon can draw from it and the faster the conjuration will be performed. Like a Void Siphon, however, this process is detrimental to the rift itself. The rift will gradually destabilize and shrink as its essence is pulled away.
Finally, it requires essentia to be piped into one of its sides. Any kind of essentia will work, but the type that I feed it will influence the results I get. The items conjured will all contain that type of essentia in their aspect lists. The more of it present, the more likely that item will be produced.
I should be mindful of what I feed it, however; some kinds of essentia, like Machina, simply don't appear in naturally-occurring materials, and feeding it to the Void Beacon will cause it to produce nothing but air. Should I need to, I can empty it of essentia by shift-right-clicking it with an empty hand.
The beacon requires twenty essentia per conjured item by itself, but this amount can be reduced by building it an appropriate base. This base is constructed just like one for a mundane Beacon, with one exception: the only material the Void Beacon will accept is Void Metal blocks. Each level of the base will halve the amount of essentia required, to a minimum of one essentia at four levels. thaumicwonders.research.cleansing_charm.title=Cleansing Charm -thaumicwonders.research.cleansing_charm.text.stage.1=These headaches are becoming too much for me to bear. I can only make Sanity Soap so quickly, and it only does so much. There has to be a better way of managing this problem. -thaumicwonders.research.cleansing_charm.text.stage.2=Relief, at last. This new Cleansing Charm will draw the Warp from my body and disperse it into the aura as flux. Not a perfect solution, but all I have to do is wear it.
The charm must be charged with vis on a pedestal, and charges are used while warp is being taken. I can expect it to take a bit of time for the charm to do its work.
The charm only works on normal, "sticky" Warp. Temporary Warp vanishes more quickly than the charm can affect, and permanent Warp is beyond even its power to help me. +thaumicwonders.research.cleansing_charm.text.stage.1=These headaches are becoming too much for me to bear. I can only make Sanity Soap so quickly, and it only does so much. Sometimes making a bath to remove the warp is not possible if I am quite away from home during my travels. There has to be a better way of managing this problem on a go. +thaumicwonders.research.cleansing_charm.text.stage.2=Relief, at last. This new Cleansing Charm will draw the warp from my body and mind and disperse it into the aura as flux. Not a perfect solution, but all I have to do is wear it.
The charm must be charged with Vis on a pedestal, and charges are used while warp is being taken. I can expect it to take a bit of time for the charm to do its work.
The charm only works on normal, "sticky" warp. Temporary warp vanishes more quickly than the charm can affect and I can just remove it just as easily with Sanity Soap, and permanent warp is beyond even its power to help me. thaumicwonders.research.flux_distiller.title=Flux Distiller -thaumicwonders.research.flux_distiller.text.stage.1=Soaking up flux into a capacitor is all well and good, but then what? I don't want to release it back into the aura if I can help it. There must be some way to safely dispose of this bound flux energy. -thaumicwonders.research.flux_distiller.text.stage.2=I've managed to augment a Flux Condenser into a form that can safely process the bound energy in a Flux Capacitor.
When placed on top of a Flux Capacitor, this new device, which I call a Flux Distiller, will siphon away the bound flux energy and distill it into essentia. The process doesn't result in much output, but it doesn't require any other inputs either, so this is fine. The whole point was to get rid of flux anyway.
The distiller can't hold much essentia within itself, so it will need to be piped away from the top of the device. Should I happen to break the device while it's working, it will maintain its current charge, but any stored essentia will be lost. +thaumicwonders.research.flux_distiller.text.stage.1=Soaking up flux into a capacitor is all well and good, but then what? I don't want to release it back into the aura if I can help it. There must be some way to safely dispose of this bound flux energy without simply pushing the flux from one area to the other where it can be a problem elsewhere. +thaumicwonders.research.flux_distiller.text.stage.2=I've managed to augment a Flux Condenser into a form that can safely process the bound energy in a Flux Capacitor.
When placed on top of a Flux Capacitor, this new device, which I call a Flux Distiller, will siphon away the bound flux energy and distill it into essentia. The process doesn't result in much output, but it doesn't require any other inputs either, so this is fine. The whole point was to get rid of flux anyway.The distiller can't hold much essentia within itself, so it will need to be piped away from the top of the device. Should I happen to break the device while it's working, it will maintain its current charge, but any stored essentia will be lost.
Still, compared to the basic scrubbers, it is a step in the right direction in combating the flux pollution. thaumicwonders.research.primordial_accelerator.title=Primordial Accelerator thaumicwonders.research.primordial_accelerator.text.stage.1=These Primordial Pearls have remained a mystery despite my every attempt at studying them. I've found a number of uses for them, yes, but the truth of their nature remains hidden. Well, I think I've found a way to fix that: by smashing them into their smallest component parts. For science! @@ -202,8 +202,8 @@ thaumicwonders.research.alkahest.text.stage.1=I have way too much stuff lying ar thaumicwonders.research.alkahest.text.stage.2=Behold, alkahest, or as a layman might call it, universal solvent.
This stuff is so caustic it will eat up anything not specially treated to withstand it. As a bonus, however, anything it dissolves is broken down into minute amounts of vis, which is released into the aura. That and I don't have to worry about my house randomly burning down. I just have to make sure not to spill it... thaumicwonders.research.lethe_water.title=Lethe Water -thaumicwonders.research.lethe_water.text.stage.1=Enchanting things uses up an awful lot of magical energy, and hunting monsters for that precious resource is both tedious and dangerous. I'd much rather stay at home, where it's warm and well-lit. Perhaps there's a way I can generate this energy alchemically? -thaumicwonders.research.lethe_water.text.stage.2=I'm writing this down before I repeat my experiment what will apparently be for the fourth time.
My concoction is a qualified success. It certainly grants me magical energy that I can use for enchanting, but it has a curious side effect: it makes me forget things.
After some controlled experiments, I've determined that each dose of this brew, which I'm calling Lethe Water, makes me forget one of my precious magical theories. Research that I've completed and committed to paper is safe, as are basic observations, but the theories floating in my head are not.
Curiously, if I don't have any unspent theories, then the potion seems to have no effect. +thaumicwonders.research.lethe_water.text.stage.1=Enchanting, regardless of what is the target object of it, uses up an awful lot of magical energy, and hunting monsters for that precious resource is both tedious and dangerous. I'd much rather stay at home, where it's warm and well-lit. Besides, I find the contraptions for the monster processing to be tedious and non-fitting for a thaumaturge bar very few exceptions. Perhaps there's a way I can generate this energy alchemically? +thaumicwonders.research.lethe_water.text.stage.2=I'm writing this down before I repeat my experiment for apparently the §ofourth§r time.
My concoction is a qualified success. It certainly grants me a magical energy that I can use for enchanting, but it has a curious side effect: it makes me forget certain things. After some controlled expriments of taking small doses of it, I've determined that each normal full dose of this brew, which I'm calling Lethe Water, makes me forget one of my precious magical theories. Research that I've completed and committed to paper is safe as I do remember both clearly, as are basic observations, but the theories floating in my head are no longer there.
Curiously, if I don't have any unspent theories, then the potion seems to have no effect. Thankfully, I still remember my faculties, bodily functions, general memory, and what I am and who I am. No matter how much I took, I could not erase this one. thaumicwonders.research.coalescence_matrix.title=Coalescence Matrix thaumicwonders.research.coalescence_matrix.text.stage.1=Every time I look into the void, I can't help but feel that something is looking back at me. It's time to force an introduction.