Releases: ElucidataInc/ElMaven
Releases · ElucidataInc/ElMaven
Merge #1241 from ElucidataInc/alpha_fixes Alpha fixes
Merge #1208 from ElucidataInc/ftr_autoupdate [Ftr] Auto-update release builds
- Enable feature annotation using a compound database (#1113)
- Load and manage compound databases with a new "Library Manager" widget (#1130)
- Enable reading spectral libraries in mascot generic format (#1147)
- Move isotope detection options and switches to a dedicated "Isotope Detection" dialog (#185)
- Add a support dialog with helpful links and optional user-session tagging.
- Allow disregarding the global tolerance for EIC using a switch (#237)
- Enable sorting (along with drag-and-drop) in sample list (#937)
- Keep RT window constant for compound matches (#1128)
- Enable comparing raw MS2 spectra with the reference (#1126)
- Prevent window resize over subsequent sessions (#820)
- Use database name for naming peak tables
- Notify about ability to load zlib compressed data
- Reformat CLI output and remove responses from processes/threads
Bug FIxes
- Use correct slice for isotope-parent correlation (#861)
- Reactivate EPI elements after failure (#1109)
- Fix isotope child not being removed when deleted from table (#261)
- Export peak rows for each sample used to detect a peak group (#1141)
- Add sample number only once in CSV (#696)
- Show error and exit CLI if NodeJS is missing
- Show error message for invalid credentials file
- Fix emDB crash for large peak tables
- Add logging for CLI and
utility (#1143) - Last selected database will only be considered for reloading in the next session
- Export peak minMz and maxMz in peak detailed CSV
- Save individual curated groups in autosaved emDB
- Remove "Method Summary" tab from "Peak Detection" dialog
- Remove "Match" dialog
- Update El-MAVEN website link in Help
- Update citation policy in README
Merge #1174 from ElucidataInc/fix_crash_reports Fix crash reports
Update icons for buttons
Merge #1165 from saifulbkhan/ftr_notify_zlib [Ftr] Notify users about ability to load zlib compressed data
Bug fix:
- Fix "blank dialogs" issue by downgrading Qt library to a more stable version.
- Add an entry to Windows registry storing values for the location of parent El-MAVEN directory and path containing executable binaries.
- Process zlib compressed samples (#42 )
- Option to filter untargeted groups with no fragmentation events (#1094 )
- Optimized AsLSS baseline algorithm to prevent slowdown with bigger sample sets (#924 #583)
- OBI-warp alignment is 3-4x faster for bigger sample sets (#1017 )
- Correctly read aligned data from MAVEN project files (.mzrollDB)
- Improve read/write speed for alignment data in project files (.emDB and .mzrollDB)
- Improvements in reading filterline for mzML files (filterstring from spectrumList and scan field) (#116 )
- Match Compound widget has more relevant information to facilitate correct identification (#1100 )
- Tabified the Align dialog
- OBI-warp is the default algorithm for Alignment
- Interaction between Spectra widget and Compound match widget is through clicks instead of hover (#888 )
- Disable action buttons while alignment is in progress (#993 )
Bug Fixes
- All fragmentation events for a precursor are displayed in the EIC
- Crashes in the 3rd party OBI-warp library have been fixed
- Crash on changing mass resolution type during Automated Feature Selection has been fixed
- Switching to PollyPhi through the Polly notification should not give a license error
- Polly will no longer trigger recurring error messages in case of weak or no internet connectivity
- Removed an unecessary breakpoint in untargeted peak detection
- Sort Peak table by maxAreaTop correctly (#1011 )
- Compounds with same ID but different name in the database should not result in a suffix attached to the compound name (#1082 )
- Fixed a crash in case of empty scans in MSMS data
- Removed Loess Fit from Align dialog
- Removed the option to save .mzroll project files
- Removed debug statements while loading mzML files (#724 )
- CLI will write the Polly redirection URL in a separate temporary file
- Reduced compilation time by managing dependencies among the source files
- Updated installation instructions in README
- El-MAVEN can be compiled on MacOS using QtCreator
- Continuous integration on Windows, Mac, Linux with test coverage report
- Continuous deployment on Windows and Mac
Merge branch 'alpha_hotfixes' into develop