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Emerge Gradle Plugin


The Emerge Gradle Plugin provides many helper tasks and functionality for integrating Emerge into your Android project.

Getting started

Add the Gradle plugin portal to your plugin repositories

The Emerge Gradle plugin is hosted by the Gradle plugin portal. In new projects it should already be part of the plugin repositories. If not, you'll need to add it in settings.gradle(.kts):

pluginManagement {
  repositories {

Apply the Emerge Gradle plugin to your top-level project

In your application-level build.gradle(.kts):

plugins {
  id("") version "{latest_version}"

emerge {
  // Emerge uses the EMERGE_API_TOKEN env variable by default, so no need to set env explicitly

Only the apiToken property is required. By default, without any property set, apiToken will attempt to use the EMERGE_API_TOKEN EMERGE_API_TOKEN. Other configuration properties are documented below.

Obtain an API key

Follow our guide on obtaining an API key.

We recommend storing this token in a secrets store, an environment variable, or a Gradle property file. The example in this guide uses the EMERGE_API_TOKEN environment variable.


Emerge is best designed to work as part of your CI workflow for diffing and comparing size, performance and snapshots. To ensure these comparisons are accurate, Emerge leverages VCS information to accurately determine the proper comparison builds.


By default, necessary Git values are set automatically for you. If you need to override these values, you can do so using the vcs extension.

emerge {
  // ..

  vcs {


The GitHub sub-extension can be used to set GitHub-specific values. These are set automatically using repoId information from Git's remoteUrl for you if not specified.

These are used for CI integrations, like posting GitHub comments and status checks.

emerge {
  // ..

  vcs {
    // ..

    gitHub {


The GitLab sub-extension can be used to set GitLab-specific values. Unlikely GitHub values, these are not set automatically and will need to be set manually for GitLab CI integration.

emerge {
  // ..

  vcs {
    // ..

    gitLab {
Field Type Default Description
sha String HEAD branch commit sha The Git sha of the HEAD build.
baseSha String base branch commit sha The Git sha of the base build to compare against.
branchName String Current branch name The name of the branch being built.
prNumber String The number of the pull request being built.
gitHub.repoOwner String Repo ID before '/' The owner of the GitHub repository.
gitHub.repoName String Repo ID after '/' The name of the GitHub repository.
gitLab.projectId String The ID of the GitLab repository.

App size


Task Description
emergeUpload{Variant}Apk Upload an APK matching the specified variant to Emerge for size analysis.
emergeUpload{Variant}Aab Upload an AAB matching the specified variant to Emerge for size analysis.


The size extension allows you to configure size-specific fields.

emerge {
  // ..

  size {
    buildType.set("release") // Build type to use for grouping builds in the Emerge dashboard
Field Type Default Description
buildType String release The build type to use for grouping builds in the Emerge dashboard.



Task Description
emergeGeneratePerformanceProject Create a pre-configured Emerge performance module. Only available if performance.projectPath value is set and doesn't yet exist .
emergeUpload{Variant}PerfBundle Upload an AAB matching the specified variant to Emerge packaged with the performance.projectPath's test APK.
emergeLocal{Variant}Test Run performance tests from performance.projectPath locally for debugging & testing.


By default, Emerge will automatically add the necessary build configuration needed for the specified projectPath module.

Additionally, the performance extension allows you to configure perf-specific fields.

emerge {
  // ..

  performance {
    buildType.set("release") // Build type to use for grouping builds in the Emerge dashboard
    ) // REQUIRED - Relative gradle path from root project to the Emerge performance module
Field Type Default Description
projectPath String The relative gradle path from root to the Emerge performance module.
buildType String release The build type to use for grouping builds in the Emerge dashboard.



Task Description
emergeLocalSnapshots{Variant} Run snapshot tests locally.
emergeUploadSnapshotBundle{Variant} Builds & uploads target & test APKs for the specified variant. Snapshots will be generated & saved in Emerge's cloud snapshot offering.


The snapshot extension allows you to configure snapshot-specific fields.

emerge {
  // ..

  snapshots {
    buildType.set("snapshots") // Build type to use for grouping builds in the Emerge dashboard

    ) // Path to local snapshot image storage, defaults to `/build/emerge/snapshots/outputs`
Field Type Default Description
buildType String release The build type to use for grouping builds in the Emerge dashboard.
snapshotsStorageDirectory String /build/emerge/snapshots/outputs The path to local snapshot storage. Only used for local snapshot generation.

Full configuration

emerge {
  // Emerge uses the EMERGE_API_TOKEN env variable by default, so no need to set env explicitly

  vcs {
    sha.set("..") // Optional, will be set automatically using Git information.
    baseSha.set("..") // Optional, will be set automatically using Git information.
    branchName.set("my-feature") // Optional, will be set automatically using Git information.

    gitHub {
      repoOwner.set("..") // Required for CI status checks (only if using GitHub)
      repoName.set("..") // Required for CI status checks (only if using GitHub)

    gitLab {
      projectId.set("..") // Required for CI status checks (only if using GitLab)

  size {
    buildType.set("release") // Optional, defaults to 'release'

  performance {
    projectPath.set(":perf") // Required for performance testing
    buildType.set("release") // Optional, defaults to 'release'

  snapshots {
    // Optional, snapshots use debug builds, we recommend using separate build type.
    snapshotsStorageDirectory.set("/src/main/snapshots") // Storage of locally generated snapshots

Gradle configuration cache

Migration from 1.X

Breaking changes:


  • Root-project configuration is no longer supported. Users should move the Emerge plugin's configuration to the application module(s) they wish to use with Emerge.
  • Top-level buildType field has been removed in favor of per-product buildType setting
    • We recommend setting any existing buildType values as size.buildType.
  • Top-level performanceProjectPath has been moved to performance.projectPath.


  • vcsOptions has become vcs.
  • vcsOptions.gitHubOptions has become vcs.gitHub.
  • vcsOptions.gitLabOptions has become vcs.gitLab.


  • Users must now add the kotlin-android plugin to their performance module:
plugins {
  • Users must now add the Emerge perf test SDK dependency to their performance module:
dependencies {

Launch booster

  • Removal of launchBooster extension.
  • Removal of emergeGenerate{Variant}BaselineProfile task.



Java 11 & Java 17 must be installed and respective environment variables must be set:

  • JAVA_HOME_11_{arch}, ex JAVA_HOME_11_aarch64
  • JAVA_HOME_17_{arch}, ex JAVA_HOME_17_aarch64

Both Java 17 & Java 11 must be installed as we test against both AGP 7 & 8, which requires Java 11 & 17 respectively.

Additionally, ANDROID_SDK_ROOT must be set and point to the Android SDK location to run tests.

./gradlew functionalTest


Releasing a new version

  1. Update the emerge-gradle-plugin version in /gradle/libs.versions.toml
  2. Update the plugin version in documentation.
  3. Update the /gradle-plugin/
  4. gt bc -a -m "Prepare for Gradle Plugin release X.Y.Z" (where X.Y.Z is the version set in step 1)
  5. gt ss
  6. Get PR approved and merge
  7. Create a new release on GitHub
  8. Tag version gradle-plugin-vX.Y.Z
  9. Release title Gradle Plugin vX.Y.Z
  10. Paste the content from /gradle-plugin/ as the description

The gradle-plugin-release workflow will automatically publish the new version to the Gradle Plugin portal upon new release publish.