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ChemRxiv | Paper

Data introduction

This folder contains graphs-, utils folder and a script.
The graphs folder contains a small set of graph which can be used to verify that DeepStruc is running correctly. To generate a broader distribution of mono-metallic nanoparticles (MMNPs) for training, validation and testing the script is needed.

  1. Generate data
    1. Generate data arguments
  2. Generel data structure
    1. Mono-metallic nanoparticles (MMNPs)
    2. Graph representation
    3. Pair Distribution Function (PDF)

Generate data

DiffPy-CMI in required to simulate PDFs, which only runs on Linux or macOS. To run it on a Windows computer please use the Ubuntu subsystem. To generate more data run the script. The scripts takes a range of arguments which are all descriped below or use the help command to produce the parameter list. The help argument will also show default values.

python --help
>>> usage: [-h] [-d DIRECTORY] [-a ATOMS [ATOMS ...]]
>>>                    [-t {SC,FCC,BCC,HCP,Ico,Dec,Oct} [{SC,FCC,BCC,HCP,Ico,Dec,Oct} ...]] 
>>>                    [-n NUM_ATOMS] [-i INTERPOLATION] [-q QMIN] [-Q QMAX]  
>>>                    [-r RMIN] [-R RMAX] [-rs RSTEP] [-b BISO]    
>>> Generating structures, graphs and conditional PDFs for DeepStruc.    
>>> ...

Generate data arguments

List of possible arguments or run the '--help' argument for additional information.

Arg Description Example
-h or --help Prints help message.
-d or --directory Prints help message. str -d new_data
-a or --atoms An atom or list of atoms. str -a Nb W Mo
-t or --structure_type A single or list of structure types. Possible structure types are: SC, FCC, BCC, HCP, Ico, Dec and Oct. str -t SC Ico
-n or --num_atoms Maximum number of possible atoms in structures generated. int -n 200
-i or --interpolation Prints help message. int -i 3
-q or --qmin Smallest scattering amplitude for simulated PDFs. float -q 0.2
-Q or --qmax Largest scattering amplitude for simulated PDFs. float -Q 22.3
-p or --qdamp PDF Gaussian dampening factor due to limited Q-resolution. Not applied when equal to zero. float -p 0.02
-r or --rmin Smallest r-value for simulated PDFs. float -r 1.5
-R or --rmax Largest r-value for simulated PDFs. float -R 20.0
-s or --rstep r-grid spacing for simulated PDFs. float -s 0.1
-e or --delta2 Coefficient for (1/r**2) contribution to the peak sharpening. float -e 3.5
-b or --biso Isotropic Atomic Displacement Parameter for simulated PDFs. float -b 0.2

Generel data structure

A simplified description is shown below. For detailed description of the data format please revisit the paper.

Mono-metallic nanoparticles (MMNPs)

To simulate MMNPs we use the ASE library. All of the MMNPs are in a XYZ format where the elements and their euclidian distances are described as seen below:

Atom1     x1     y1     z1
Atom2     x2     y2     z2
AtomN     xN     yN     zN

Graph representation

Each structure in graph representation can be described as, G = (X,A), where X ∈ RN×F is the node feature matrix which contains F features that can describe each of the N atoms in the structure. We use F = 3 comprising only the Euclidean coordinates of the atom in a 3-dimensional space. The interatomic relationships are captured using the adjacency matrix A ∈ RN×N. In our case, the entries of the adjacency matrix are the Euclidean distance between pairs of atoms resulting in a soft adjacency matrix. However, when the distance between any pair of nodes is larger than the lattice constant the corresponding edge weight is set to zero.

The following figure shows a decahedron consisting of seven atoms alongside the components describing it in our chosen graph representation! alt text

Pair Distribution Function (PDF)

The PDF is the Fourier transform of total scattering data, which can be obtained through x-ray, neutron or electron scattering. G(r) can be interpreted as a histogram of real-space interatomic distances and the information is equivalent to that of an unassigned distance matrix.
A simulated PDF and how we normalise them are shown below: alt text