In order to implement the OpenPAYGO Link in a specific MCU it needs to support 9-bit multiprocessor UART with address mode wake up. Some compatible MCUs are listed below:
- STM8 Supports 8-9 bit address mode with 4 bit addresses Reference manual, check 22.3.7 Multi-processor communication
- STM32 Supports 8-9 bit address mode with 4 bit addresses Reference manual, check 27.3.6 Multiprocessor communication
- PIC18 Supports only 9 bit address mode Datasheet, check 31.3 Asynchronous Address Mode
- MSP430 Supports 9 bit address mode User guide, check Address-Bit Multiprocessor Format & 15.3.2 Character Format
- ATmega382 Supports 8-9 bit address mode Datasheet, check 19.9 Multi-processor Communication Mode
- NXP Supports 9 bit address mode Datasheet, check 9.12 USART0/1
- Nordic (nRF24E1 example) Supports 9 bit transmission Datasheet, check 10.9 Serial Interface & 10.9.5 Multiprocessor Communications
- Ranesas (RX130 example) Hardware manual, check 27.4 Multi-Processor Communications Function
- Maxim Integrated Supports 9 bit address mode User guide, check 7.5.8 Multidrop Mode Support
- Espressif (ESP8266 & ESP32) No hardware 9 bit transmission support but there are software serial libraries 9 bit Software Serial library
- Raspberry Hardware supports 9 bit but official Kernel does not (?) 9 bit patch, apparently the patch is implemented already: tty driver