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Decentralized utility management made simple. Manage customers, revenues and assets with this all-in one open source platform.

Project Status GitHub Workflow Status License


This project

  • Is written in PHP 8.0
  • It uses Laravel 9.0
  • It uses Vue.js 2.6
  • It uses Node 16.10
  • It uses MariaDB 10.3 which is compatible with MySQL 5.7


Docker installation

Windows and Mac:


Docker Compose

Docker Compose is often included with the Docker Desktop installations for Windows and Mac. For Linux, you might need to install it separately.

Windows and Mac:

  • Included with Docker Desktop.


  • Docker Compose on GitHub
  • On the GitHub page, you can find instructions for downloading and installing Docker Compose on Linux. Be sure to check for the latest release.

Repository setup

  1. Clone or download the repository
  2. Build the docker containers with docker-compose up


The development environment is served under http://mpmanager.local To reach the site over the given url; enter the following lines to your hosts file.

For Linux/Mac Users

/etc/hosts       mpmanager.local       db.mpmanager.local

For Windows Users

c:\windows\system32\drivers\etc\hosts       mpmanager.local       db.mpmanager.local


The frontend is served under http://mpmanager.local. You can find frontend files under Website/ui. The frontend is built with Vue.js. After first run with docker-compose up dependencies will be installed automatically. If you want to install dependencies manually, you can run npm install under Website/ui folder.

Folder Structure

When adding new files to the project, please adhere to the following folder structure:

  • Creating New Modules: Modules are the components used in pages. For example, the Client module holds components related to clients. Every component associated with clients should be placed under the Client module.
├── src
│   ├── modules
│   │   ├── newModule
  • Creating New Pages: Pages are the components used in routes. We follow the nuxt.js folder structure for pages. The index.vue file under a page folder represents the listing page of the page, while the _id.vue file represents the detail page. Since we are not using nuxt.js, routes need to be defined manually. You can find the routes in the Website/ui/src/ExportedRoutes.js file.
├── src
│   ├── pages
│   │   ├── newPage
|   |   |   ├── index.vue
|   |   |   ├── _id.vue


Plugins are additional components developed as separate packages to enhance our product. This separation helps keep the main codebase clean. Each plugin should reside in its own folder under the Website/ui/src/plugins directory. Additionally, each plugin should have its own backend code, which will be explained in the backend section.

├── src
│   ├── plugins
│   │   ├── newPlugin

In the backend section, you'll find instructions on how to create a plugin.


The backend is built with Laravel. The backend is served under http://api.mpmanager.local/api. You can find backend files under Website/htdocs/mpmanager. After the first run with docker-compose up, dependencies will be installed automatically. If you prefer to install dependencies manually or need to add additional packages, follow these steps:

  1. Enter the Docker container named "laravel" by navigating to the "mpmanager" directory:

    docker exec -it laravel bash
    cd mpmanager
  2. Run the following command to install dependencies, replacing {package-name} with the actual name of the package:

     ./composer.phar install {package-name}

These steps ensure that you can manage dependencies either automatically during the initial docker-compose up or manually when needed. Make sure to replace {package-name} with the actual name of the package you want to install.

We followed the laravel folder structure for the backend. If you want to learn more about the folder structure, you can check the Laravel documentation.

Sharding in Micropower Manager

Sharding is a technique employed to partition a large database into smaller, more agile, and easily manageable segments known as data shards. In the context of Micropower Manager, sharding is integral to the implementation of Software as a Service (SaaS) functionality.

Shard Representation

Each shard in Micropower Manager represents an individual company leveraging the platform for their Customer Relationship Management (CRM) needs.

Central Database - "micro_power_manager"

To facilitate this, a central database named "micro_power_manager" is established. This central database houses company-specific information and common data such as installable plugins.

New Company Registration Process

When a new company registers an account, a dedicated database is dynamically created for that specific company. This new database incorporates Micropower Manager's core migration files located at Website/htdocs/mpmanager/database/migrations/micropowermanager

User Session Interaction

Upon successful registration, when a user associated with a particular company logs into Micropower Manager, the database connection for their session is dynamically altered. This ensures that the user gains access to and interacts with data exclusive to their company, providing a personalized and secure experience within the application.

Migration on First run

When you run the application for the first time, you need to run the following command to migrate the database:

docker exec -it laravel bash
cd mpmanager
php artisan sharding:initialize
php artisan dummy:create-company-with-dummy-data

These commands will create the central database and the first company database. The first company database will have dummy data. You can use the following credentials to login to the application:

password: 123123

The dummy protected page password of this company is 123123.

Sharding Specific Migration Commands

  • Creating Migration File: When creating a migration file, you need to use the following command:
docker exec -it laravel bash
cd mpmanager
php artisan migrator:create {migration-name}

This command creates a migration file in Micropower Manager's core migration files location: Website/htdocs/mpmanager/database/migrations/micropowermanager

After creating the migration file, you can shift it to other company databases using the following command:

docker exec -it laravel bash
cd mpmanager
php artisan migrator:copy

This command syncs the migration files in the core migration folder for other company migrations.

To migrate the database, use the following command:

docker exec -it laravel bash
cd mpmanager
php artisan migrator:migrate

Alternatively, you can migrate the database for a specific company using the following command:

docker exec -it laravel bash
cd mpmanager
php shard:migrate {company_id} {--force}

Install Plugins

We have a custom plugin creator command that generates a template. Use the following command to create a new plugin:

docker exec -it laravel bash
cd mpmanager
php artisan micropowermanager:new-package {package-name}

This command creates a plugin template in the Website/htdocs/mpmanager/packages/inensus folder. Upon creation, you can proceed with plugin development. You can check other plugins for reference. Additionally, this command will create UI folders for the newly created plugin. Move the created UI folder to the Website/ui/src/plugins folder.


To project also includes phpMyAdmin which enables quick database operations without installing third-party software or writing any single line into the terminal.

The default credentials for the database are:

username: root
password: wF9zLp2qRxaS2e