To run the unit tests: make test
All integration tests are generated automatically. You only need to set the environment to your coin in the config file.
The tests use a different build constraint, named integration
To run the integration tests: make integration
or you can run manually: TEST_CONFIG=$(TEST_CONFIG) TEST_COINS=$(TEST_COINS) go test -tags=integration -v ./pkg/integration
- If you need to change the parameters used in our tests, update the file
- To exclude an API from integration tests, you need to add the route inside the file
Use our error package for error handling and follow Go best practices. All errors thrown in BlockAtlas should use our Error struct:
type Error struct {
Err error
Type Type
meta map[string]interface{}
stack []string
E is a convenience function for creating errors quickly:
func E(args ...interface{}) *Error
- Wrap a generic error:
- Wrap error with message:
errors.E(err, "new message to append")
- Annotate error with type:
errors.E(err, errors.TypePlatformRequest)
- Error with type and metadata:
errors.E(err, errors.TypePlatformRequest, errors.Params{
"coin": "Ethereum",
"method": "CurrentBlockNumber",
- Any other combinations above
You can send the errors to sentry using .PushToSentry()
errors.E(err, errors.TypePlatformRequest).PushToSentry()
All fatal errors emitted by logger package already send the error to Sentry
Use the package pkg/logger
for logging.
The order of function parameters is arbitrary when using the logger functions.
- Log message:
logger.Info("Loading Observer API")
- Log message with params:
logger.Info("Running application", logger.Params{"bind": bind})
- Fatal with error:
logger.Fatal("Application failed", err)
- Create a simple error log:
- Create an error log with a message:
logger.Error("Failed to initialize API", err)
- Create an error log, with error, message, and params:
p := logger.Params{
"platform": handle,
"coin": platform.Coin(),
err := platform.Init()
if err != nil {
logger.Error("Failed to initialize API", err, p)
- Debug log:
logger.Debug("Loading Observer API")
orlogger.Debug("Loading Observer API", logger.Params{"bind": bind})
- Warning log:
logger.Warn("Warning", err)
orlogger.Warn(err, "Warning")
orlogger.Warn("Warning", err, logger.Params{"bind": bind})