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Polina Yordanova edited this page Mar 12, 2018 · 36 revisions

EpiDoc Front-End Services (EFES) is a free, easy to use, highly customisable platform for the online publication of ancient texts in EpiDoc XML, allowing the creation of multiple indices, search and browse interface, geographical visualisation, and integration with linked open data.

This platform is based on existing tools (e.g. Kiln; EpiDoc XSLT; IOSPE; and input from scholars involved in some of the leading digital epigraphy projects from Europe and USA. One of the project's key aims is that the specialized features can be selected from and deployed by a non-specialist user, to which end we are writing detailed documentation and offering training in the use of the tool. The flexibility that comes with this customisation also helps reduce the artificial barriers between the study of ancient cultures of the Mediterranean and the rest of the world, and this expansion into new areas is expected in turn to lead to further developments in the EpiDoc standard itself.


Project Team

  • Gabriel Bodard, Reader in Digital Classics, Institute of Classical Studies, University of London, Principal Investigator
  • Jamie Norrish, Wellington, New Zealand, one of the lead developers of the Kiln platform
  • Polina Yordanova, Sofia, Bulgaria, who will coordinate the design, specification, and user documentation

Training events

  • London, UK, September 25-29, 2017
  • Sofia, Bulgaria, Oct 30-Nov 3, 2017
  • London, UK, April 9–13, 2018
