Get and print the connection strings for specified resource group.
Your Azure SubscriptionId that holds the resource group.
The name of the resource group.
The password to your database. The password that you specified when you created the database.
If you have used your own ARM template. You may have used another database name then Epinovas example template. Then specify the name of the database.
$SubscriptionId = "95a9fd36-7851-4918-b8c9-f146a219982c"
$ResourceGroupName = "mycoolwebsite"
$DatabasePassword = "KXIN_rhxh3holt_s8it"
Get-EpiserverCmsConnectionStrings -SubscriptionId $SubscriptionId -ResourceGroupName $ResourceGroupName -DatabasePassword $DatabasePassword
Get-EpiserverCmsConnectionStrings -SubscriptionId "95a9fd36-7851-4918-b8c9-f146a219982c" -ResourceGroupName "mycoolwebsite" -DatabasePassword "KXIN_rhxh3holt_s8it"
You can use powershell to get the subscription you are connected to.