Releases: Epix-Incorporated/Adonis
Version 201
Changelog version 201
Going to start using releases properly each time the model updates. If you need to stick with a specific version, you can find the "offline" copy of Adonis in the releases pages here on the repo. These will have DebugMode set to true and will load their MainModule from the same folder that the Loader is in instead of using the "bleeding edge" version uploaded to ROBLOX.
"[12.03.2020 11:29 EST]";
"*Added IsMuted(plr) to _G.Adonis";
"*Muted player messages will now be logged and will have [MUTED] added before their name";
"*Git merge:";
"(Git/TheLegendarySpark) Prevented the repeat command from repeating cmd";
"(Git/TheLegendarySpark) Fixed a small bug with Effect UI > ScreenVideo";
"(Git/TheLegendarySpark) Added command "cleareffects"";
"(Git/TheLegendarySpark) Added two asserts in two script commands";
"(Git/TheLegendarySpark) Improved Core Security";
"(Git/NeoInversion) ToolList now works with special prefixes";
Changelog Version 184
The loader and MainModule as of changelog version 184.