From c35db5de08bd66530475316b4f3dffb2b27ff0f4 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: SigDoesCode <>
Date: Tue, 27 Aug 2024 19:10:58 -0700
Subject: [PATCH] Sanity exploit fixing (#59)
## About The Pull Request
Prevents players from injecting water and nutriment into food items with
syringes. This behaviour was involved in an infinite sanity/insight
exploit that allowed massive powerleveling. Players who attempt to
inject water or nutriment into food items will be met with a line of
text reading "Adding [reagent] to [the food] seems like it would ruin
it." and no reagents from the syringe will be added. Other reagents,
including poisons, toxins, tar, and medicines, can be added. This will
make the exploit a LOT harder or remove it entirely.
Additionally, fixed Individual Objectives providing a level up one
minute after completing objectives, allowing for massive powerleveling.
Objectives will now reward around 25 insight only.
## Changelog
.../individual_objective/ | 2 +-
.../reagents/reagent_containers/ | 14 ++++++++++++++
2 files changed, 15 insertions(+), 1 deletion(-)
diff --git a/code/datums/objective/individual_objective/ b/code/datums/objective/individual_objective/
index 8681c13ee9c..6eeb7970abe 100644
--- a/code/datums/objective/individual_objective/
+++ b/code/datums/objective/individual_objective/
@@ -65,7 +65,7 @@
to_chat(owner, SPAN_NOTICE("You have completed the personal objective: [name]"))
- H.sanity.finish_rest()
+ //H.sanity.finish_rest() //Uncommenting this line causes anyone to gain a level one minute after they finish the personal objective. Please. Please do not release this.
var/n_desc = desc
diff --git a/code/modules/reagents/reagent_containers/ b/code/modules/reagents/reagent_containers/
index 851a692542b..464cce52266 100755
--- a/code/modules/reagents/reagent_containers/
+++ b/code/modules/reagents/reagent_containers/
@@ -225,6 +225,20 @@
to_chat(user, "Your amateur actions caused you [pain > 50 ? "a lot of " : ""]pain.")
to_chat(target, SPAN_NOTICE("You feel a tiny prick!"))
+ if(istype(target, /obj/item/reagent_containers/food/snacks))
+ var/cheesecheck = FALSE
+ var/blamereagent
+ var/list/blacklistedreagents = list("water", "nutriment")
+ for(var/datum/reagent/R in src.reagents.reagent_list)
+ if( in blacklistedreagents)
+ cheesecheck = TRUE
+ blamereagent =
+ continue
+ if(cheesecheck)
+ to_chat(user, "Adding [blamereagent] to [target] seems like it would ruin it.")
+ return
+ else
+ trans = reagents.trans_to(target, amount_per_transfer_from_this)
trans = reagents.trans_to(target, amount_per_transfer_from_this)
to_chat(user, SPAN_NOTICE("You inject [trans] units of the solution. [src] now contains [src.reagents.total_volume] units."))