This repository is constructed to collect interesting resource in Artificial Intelligence area. Due to the limitation of authors' time, there might be unseasonal update. We welcome anyone who wants to build this collections together and open it to everyone.
Acknowledgement: This repository is just a collection and we have to express our appreciation to many nice open-resource providers and SFFAI-AIKT. We tried our best to add the details of original links. If there is any missing links, please feel free to email me. Thanks for your kind suggestion!
- MA C.'s Daily Paper of Interest | MA C. 每日感兴趣论文(MA C.'s Daily POI)
- Awesome Transformer OCR
- Recent Advances in Vision and Language PreTrained Models (VL-PTMs)
- Artificial-Intelligence-Terminology-Database
- Awesome Document Understanding
- Generate arXiv citation format
- ZNLP: State-of-the-art-NLP
- An NLP Entrance Page made by Kevin Knight's team.
- Surveys
- The Best and Most Current of Modern Natural Language Processing made by HuggingFace, last updated on 22nd, May, 2019.
- An open-resource book collection of NLP made by duoergun0729.
- 会议论文合辑(Conference Papers)
- 表示学习(Learning Representation)
- 词表示(Word Representation)
- 句表示学习(Sentence Representation)
- 篇章表示学习(Document/Discourse Representation)
- 机器翻译(Machine Translation)
- 对话系统(Dialogue System)
- 知识图谱(Knowledge Graph)
- 信息抽取(Information Extraction)
- 自动摘要(Summarization)
- 情感分析(Sentiment Analysis)
- 句法分析(Parsing)
- 命名实体识别(Name Entity Recognition)