This API is written in Python Flask. It is composed by various views and functions which will be explained for use and change in case is needed. All the work presented here is subject to change, either by adding elements or refining the program logic. MongoDB is used in this iteration for the Databases and storage of intermediate bids, the goal for the final product is create a distributed system.
The process to run the current API is very simple, once the above mentioned libraries are installed the only thing missing is run the which will start the API in the localhost at port 5000, URL:´.
The API can be tested with POSTMAN as the examples shown below will illustrate, if you have doubts regarding how data should look, take a look at the following sections.
The purpose of this API is to serve as the negotiation engine for the demand-supply matching of components and materials with an auctioning protocol. The system shall support the creation, bidding and winner selection for such auctions. In the following sections the data structure for the system along with the fuctionalities description and input requirements are presented.
Reiterating what was stated above the data user for this particular iteration of the present implementation is mocked and it does not represent, by any means the final data structure.
The user database used in this iteration presents the Email, username, password, signature, and location. Password and signature are hashed and location represents latitude and longitude.
The templates are used for the creation of the Ricardian contract which contains fields to be fields that will be filled once the winner has been selected and the auction is finished.
This database contains information regarding the information regarding the creation of the auction and the information of both the auctioneer and the winner. This database feeds the template fields.
This database is used to query the auctions, contains information about the details and are mostly inputed by the user. These does not feed the template.
The information of the members of each auction is contained within this database, it states wether the user is admin of such room or not.
This database contains information of each bid on every room, contains information of the room, the user, the distance between the auction owner and the bidder.
In this step of the implementation the need for a user login is not used it rather inherits the user that issues the request in the headers. This for the eventual incorporation to the GUI and the Identity and Access Managment tool.
- Room name (String)
- Starting bid (int)
- Auction type (String)
- Closing time (Datetime) in the following format YYYY-MM-DDTHH:MM:SS
- Reference sector (String)
- Reference type (String)
- Quantity (int)
- Article number (String)
- Members (String)
- Template type (String)
With this request a new auction is created the specified data is used to fill the information that is going to be used to query the auctions as we will see in another section and carries the winner information as well.
This GET request querys on existing auctions according any specified parameters such as:
- room_name (string): In case a specific name for an auction want to be queried (later it will be added to contain the specified field not be exact as now)
- reference_type (string): What element is being exchanged [Composites, mechatronics, electronics, textiles, batteries]
- reference_sector (string): The type of the element being exhanged [Material, products, services].
- articleno (string): The id of the element being exchanged
- ongoing (bool): Ended auctions can be queried in case is desired (later the predetermined value will be set to true)
- distance (int): Show auctions that are AT MOST the specified distance (later an interval will be used for better selection)
In this example of a query the queried values where to find auction with distance of AT MOST 3000km from me and reference_sector of textiles.
This request does not receive parameters but as seen above, the url contains the information of the auction room you want to join into. In case the user is already in the room the following message will be displayed.
When issuing a GET request all the bids in that auction will be displayed, only if the user is already a member of the auction.
POST: Receives:
- Bid (int)
The request parameter issues a bid to the database than can be found later by the users.
POST: Receives:
- Winner (String) In the present auction system the winner is not decided by an algorith, is up to the auctionner to decide who is the winner based on different parameters, The POST request parameters contain the winner username which will update the database and will fill the contract. If no winner has been selected the following message will be displayed.
In case a winner has already been selected then the following message is shown.
GET: When accessing this view multiple things will happen, if the auction hasn't ended and/or the user is not the winner or the owner, the best bid for each user according to price will be shown.
In the case the user is the owner of the auction or the winner then the ricardian contract with the winner and seller information will be shown as follows.
If no winner has been selected by the time the GET request is processed an error message is displayed.
The system is very sensitive regarding the data inputs and outputs specifically in dates and location.
Location is a tuple that consist in both longitude and latitude, if the user is created by any other means that by hand the location data can lead to distance computing errors
Dates shall be inputed in the specified format, the format used is the HTML datetime format which may be similar to the frontend to this project you may desire to use, bear that in mind.