Before assembly, be sure you have all of these parts.
- Setup the Raspberry Pi with 64-Bit Raspberry Pi OS. Be sure to enable VNC and SSH.
- Mount the OAK-D depth camera to the front of the robot, in such a way that it is centered and is facing forward. The USB-C connector on the bottom should be routed through a hole, and connected to the one of the Raspberry Pi's USB 3.0 ports.
- Stack Raspberry Pi and battery pack, elevating the Raspberry Pi above the rest of the chassis. The Raspberry Pi stack should be directly behind the OAK-D camera.
- Attach the breadboard directly behind the Raspberry Pi.
- Solder the connectors for the motor controllers.
- Attach the motor controllers to the breadboard so that the screw terminals hang off opposite sides of the breadboard (one motor controller will be left, one will be right)
- For the left motor controller (when viewing from behind the robot), connect IN1 to GP23, and IN2 to GP22.
- Screw in the red motor wire to the side of the motor screw terminal that has the number 2, and the black wire on the other terminal. Attach a battery clip in the same way, so that the order, down to up, when viewed from the back of the robot is red-black-red-black.