In this project, I have a timeline built around the needs for the Free Music Archive. With their annual fundraiser happening, I am awaiting an API token from them, provided after October 15th, 2017.
With this in mind, the project will be built in four parts:
By this date, I will have a thin front end using React which will provide
information about the stream, myself, and the audio provider,
Free Music Archive. This time will be used mainly for design, planning,
and foundational setup for a webserver, repositories, and integration tools
through gitlab.
By this date, I will have an API token from the Free Music Archive,
and will have a working REST API to request tracks be added to the
queue, as well as to get information on the current song, and upcoming
songs in the playlist. If possible, I will also add a section for
an admin call to delete songs if provided the correct credentials via
basic auth.
Songs will be downloaded in such a way that there are always two songs
downloaded in the upcoming queue.
Groundwork will also be in place for songs to be dequeued and played
via FFMpeg.
By this date, I will have a hold on the FFMpeg bindings for Golang, and
will have a thin working version of the streaming server, connected into
the API built in the previous sprint. A user should be able to listen to
the stream via streaming clients such as VLC, which will also be the main
client I will user for testing.
I should also have a small html/js client for the browser to listen in to
the stream.
This time will be dedicated to the Front End, with design and user
experience in mind, I will also be using this time to test the internet
radio stream through users and family members.
The main piece of this sprint is to ensure the user can have a simple,
usable, and well designed interface to access the Radio Stream.