diff --git a/README.md b/README.md index fa7db15..f195e9b 100644 --- a/README.md +++ b/README.md @@ -13,52 +13,54 @@ Modlist: Not all mods are supported by creators or publisher! -ImAxel's mods: +Mods list: -- AmmoUi - [by ImAxel](https://sotf-mods.com/mods/imaxel/ammou) -- ArmorTweeker - [by tempbito](https://sotf-mods.com/mods/tempbito/armortweeker) -- AutoEquipRebreather - [by tempbito](https://www.nexusmods.com/sonsoftheforest/mods/173) -- AutoHideSonsHotbar - [by tempbito](https://sotf-mods.com/mods/tempbito/autohidesonshotbar) -- AutoPickup - [by tempbito](https://sotf-mods.com/mods/tempbito/auto-pickup) -- AxelModMenu - [by ]() -- BlueFix - [by ]() -- BowTrajectory - [by ]() -- BuildShare - [by ]() -- CompatibleModsSynchronizer - [by ]() -- CookingBuffs - [by ]() -- CustomRecipes - [by ]() -- DeepSleeper - [by ]() -- EnemyTracker - [by ]() -- ExtendedRopeBridge - [by ]() -- Flashlight - [by ]() -- FrankyModMenu - [by ]() -- Gyrocopter - [by ]() -- Illuminate - [by ]() -- KelvinGPT - [by ]() -- KnightVCarry - [by ]() -- KnightVCarryHotkeyAddon - [by ]() -- MaxInventoryFixesAndTweaks - [by ]() -- NightVisionGogglesCustomizer - [by ]() -- NoMorePeskyTheodolites - [by ]() -- NoMorePeskyTotems - [by ]() -- OpenSesame - [by ]() -- PerishableShuffler - [by ]() -- PlaneMod - [by ]() -- PlanterTweaks - [by ]() -- quicksave - [by ]() -- RedNodeLoader - [by ]() -- RegenMod - [by ]() -- Relocator - [by ]() -- RemoveMaxCap - [by ]() -- SkeletalChainsawEngine - [by ]() -- SmartLights - [by ]() -- SonsHotbar - [by ]() -- Sorter - [by ]() -- SpoilManager - [by ]() -- StackMod - [by ]() -- StructureDurability - [by ]() -- UnstuckBuddy - [by ]() -- Zippy - [by ]() +- Allow Build In Caves - [by GLaD0S](https://sotf-mods.com/mods/glad0s/enable-building-in-caves) +- AmmoUi - [by ImAxel](https://sotf-mods.com/mods/imaxel/ammou) +- Armor Tweeker - [by tempbito](https://sotf-mods.com/mods/tempbito/armortweeker) +- Auto Equip Rebreather - [by tempbito](https://www.nexusmods.com/sonsoftheforest/mods/173) +- Auto Hide Sons Hotbar - [by tempbito](https://sotf-mods.com/mods/tempbito/autohidesonshotbar) +- Auto Pickup - [by tempbito](https://sotf-mods.com/mods/tempbito/auto-pickup) +- Axel's Mod Menu - [by ImAxel](https://sotf-mods.com/mods/imaxel/axel's-mod-menu) +- Better Bow - [by Simmelsau](https://sotf-mods.com/mods/simmelsau/betterbow) +- Blue Fix - [by TerroDucky](https://www.nexusmods.com/sonsoftheforest/mods/132) +- Bow Trajectory - [by ToniMacaroni](https://sotf-mods.com/mods/tonimacaroni/bowtrajectory) +- Build Share - [by ToniMacaroni](https://sotf-mods.com/mods/tonimacaroni/buildshare) +- Compatible Mods Synchronizer - [by tempbito](https://sotf-mods.com/mods/tempbito/compatiblemodssync) +- Cooking Buffs - [by Franky](https://sotf-mods.com/mods/franky/cookingbuffs) +- Custom Recipes - [by ]() +- Deep Sleeper - [by ]() +- Enemy Tracker - [by ]() +- Extended Rope Bridge - [by ]() +- Flashlight - [by ]() +- Franky's Mod Menu - [by ]() +- Gyrocopter - [by ]() +- Illuminate - [by ]() +- Kelvin GPT - [by ]() +- Knight VCarry - [by ]() +- Knight-V Carry Hotkey Addon - [by ]() +- MaxInventory Fixes And Tweaks - [by ]() +- Night Vision Goggles Customizer - [by ]() +- No More Pesky Theodolites - [by ]() +- No More Pesky Totems - [by ]() +- Open Sesame - [by ]() +- Perishable Shuffler - [by ]() +- Plane Mod - [by ]() +- Planter Tweaks - [by ]() +- Quicksave - [by ]() +- Red Node Loader - [by ]() +- Regen Mod - [by ]() +- Relocator - [by ]() +- Remove Max Cap - [by tempbito](https://sotf-mods.com/mods/tempbito/removemaxobjectcap) +- Skeletal Chainsaw Engine - [by RegiToXic](https://sotf-mods.com/mods/regitoxic/skeletal-chainsaw(alpha)) +- Smart Lights - [by ]() +- Sons Hotbar - [by ]() +- Sorter - [by ]() +- Spoil Manager - [by ]() +- Stack Mod - [by ]() +- Structure Durability - [by ]() +- Unstuck Buddy - [by ]() +- Zippy - [by ]() Extras - This is a part to create and edit mods