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#English (Angla) => Hrvatski (Kroata)

English (Angla) Hrvatski (Kroata)
Enrique Ellemberg Stanko Rukelj ([email protected])
kio_ang.htm kio_hr.htm
kiel_ang.htm kiel_hr.htm
en hr
a boy (neki) Dječak
flowers (neko) Cvijeće
bread (neki) Kruh
fathers (nekoji) Očevi
Your sons are our friends. Vaši sinovi su naši prijatelji.
Warm milk is good. Toplo mlijeko je dobro.
The boys are big. Dječaci su veliki.
The bread is dry. (taj) Kruh je suh.
A flower is beautiful. Cvijet je lijep.
The father is good. Otac je dobar.
4. The new teachers will be good. 4. Novi učitelji će biti dobri.
Words Riječi
'Auditive understanding, exercise 1' Vježbanje po sluhu I
The Esperanto Alphabet Esperantska abeceda
'Click on the letters to hear the name and the sound of each one, repeating the pronunciation aloud.' Kliknite na pojedino slovo da čujete njegov naziv i glas. Glasno ponavljajte izgovor .
'You will hear a word. Listen carefully, then click the button for the word you think you heard. If your answer is correct, the button will disappear from the panel; otherwise, you will hear the word again during the exercise. You must get at least 70% correct.' 'U ovoj vježbi ćete čuti riječ koju morate provjeriti pritiskom na pripadajući gumb. Ako točno odgovorite, gumb će nestati sa ekrana, u protivnom, riječ će se ponavljati tako dugo dok ju ne pogodite. Očekuje se da odgovorite točno barem u 70% slučajeva. '
Syllables Slogovi
'Syllables are formed by ONE vowel ( A E I O U ) and one or more consonants, or by a single vowel. If a vowel appears next to another, they belong to different syllables.' 'Svaki slog sadrži po JEDAN samoglasnik ( A E I O U ) i jedan ili više suglasnika. Slog se može sastojati i od samo jednog samoglasnika. Ako se više samoglasnika nađe jedan pored drugoga, onda svaki samoglasnik pripada drugom slogu.'
'In Esperanto words are written exactly the way they are pronounced, and they are pronounced exactly as they are written. The stressed syllable is always the one before the last. Click the buttons to hear the pronunciation, and repeat it aloud.' 'U Esperantu se riječi pišu točno onako kako se izgovaraju, a izgovaraju se upravo prema glasu svakog napisanog slova. Naglasak je uvijek na predzadnjem slogu. Pritisnite na pojedini gumb pa ćete čuti izgovor riječi. Svaku riječ glasno ponovite.'
Personal Pronouns Lične zamjenice
I Ja
you (singular) Ti
he On
she Ona
it ' (neodređena zamjenica, kojom se označuje stvar ili pojava gdje spol ili rod nije posebno naznačen)'
we Mi
you (plural) Vi
they 'Oni, one, ona'
'One, they, people (Indefinite personal pronoun, meaning 'people, some people, somebody unknown', used when you don't want to or cannot say who was involved.' Bezlična zamjenica (prevodi se sa 'ljudi' ili 'se') a koristi se kada se ne želi ili ne može odrediti vršitelj radnje ili onaj koji trpi radnju.
(self) Third person reflexive pronoun (both singular and plural). Refers back to the SUBJECT of the sentence. 'Si' cannot be the subject or a part of the subject. ''Se', 'sebe' (Povratna zamjenica trećeg lica jednine i množine kada radnja prelazi na sam subjekt)'
Plural Množina
Singular Jednina
Special Posebne zamjenice
Verbs Glagoli
'Every infinitive ends in -i: esti (to be). Every past tense verb ends in -is: mi estis = I was. Every present tense verb ends in -as: mi estas = I am. Every future tense verb ends in -os: mi estos = I will be. Other verb tenses will be introduced in later lessons.' 'Neodređeni oblik (infinitiv) ima nastavak -i: esti (biti); prošlo vrijeme (preterit) završava sa -is: mi estis (ja sam bio); sadašnje vrijeme (prezent) dobiva -as: mi estas (ja sam); buduće vrijeme (futur) završava sa -os: mi estos (ja ću biti). Ostala glagolska vremena ćemo učiti poslije. '
Nouns Imenice
Adjectives Pridjevi
Every noun ends with the letter 'o': Završavaju sa slovom 'o':
friend Prijatelj
brother Brat
coffee Kava
Every adjective ends with the letter 'a': Završavaju sa 'a':
beautiful 'Lijep, -a, -o'
healthy 'Zdrav, -a, -o'
'warm, hot' 'Topao, topla, toplo'
I am Ja sam
He was On je bio
She is Ona je
It will be Ono će biti
We are Mi smo
You were 'Ti si bio; Vi ste bili'
They are Oni su
'They, someone will be (indefinite)' Bit' će (neodređeno)
Vocabulary Rječnik
friend prijatelj
son sin
brother brat
man muškarac
boy dječak
flower cvijet
father otac
teacher učitelj
coffee kava
cake kolač
milk mlijeko
bread kruh
sugar šećer
tea čaj
'biscuit, cracker' biskvit
beautiful 'lijep, -a, -o'
'big, great' 'velik, -a, -o'
new 'nov, -a, -o'
good 'dobar, dobra, dobro'
dry 'suh, -a, -o'
white 'bijel, -a, -o'
'warm, hot' 'topli, -a, -o'
healthy 'zdrav, -a, -o'
Plural Množina
The plural is formed by adding the letter 'j' to the end of nouns and adjectives: Množina se pravi dodavanjem slova 'j' na kraju imenica i pridjeva:
'The indefinite article doesn't exist in Esperanto. There is only the definite article 'la', equivalent to English 'the'.' 'Neodređeni član u Esperantu ne postoji. Član 'la' stavlja se ispred određenih imenica svih rodova, padeža i brojeva. Ako se želi naznačiti neodređeni smisao riječi, onda se član izostavi.'
Article Član
friend prijatelj
father otac
flower cvijet
beautiful 'lijep, -a, -o'
healthy 'zdrav, -a, -o'
beautiful flower lijepi cvijet
healthy father zdrav otac
good friend dobar prijatelj
friends prijatelji
fathers očevi
flowers cvjetovi
beautiful 'lijepi, -e, -a'
healthy zdravi
beautiful flowers lijepi cvjetovi
healthy fathers zdravi očevi
good friends dobri prijatelji
the boy (ovaj) Dječak
the flowers (ovo) Cvijeće
the bread (ovaj) Kruh
the fathers ' (ovi) Očevi'
Possessive Pronouns Posvojne zamjenice
Possessive adjectives and pronouns are formed by adding the adjective ending 'a' to the personal pronouns: Posvojne zamjenice se tvore dodavanjem pridjevskog završetka ('a') ličnim zamjenicama.
Possessive adjectives also receive the ending 'j' when they modify a plural noun. I posvojne zamjenice dobivaju završetak 'j' u množini:
Note: Napomena:
Sentences Rečenice
'my, mine' 'moj, -a, -e'
'your, yours' 'tvoj, -a, -e'
'her, hers' 'njezin, -a, -o'
'their, theirs' 'njihov, -a, -o'
his 'njegov, -a, -o'
its 'njegov (za stvari, pojave i t. d.)'
'our, ours' 'naš, -a, -e'
my friend Moj prijatelj
my friends Moji prijatelji
our flower Naš cvijet
our flowers Naši cvjetovi
'You are going to hear a word and you should write it in the available space. If your answer is correct, the word will appear on the panel; otherwise, the word would be repeated later. You must get at least 70% correct.' 'U slijedećoj vježbi ćete čuti riječ koju morate upisati u određeni prostor. Ako pogodite, riječ će se pojaviti na panou, ako ne, ona će se ponavljati dok ju ne pogodite. U prvom pokušaju bi trebali pogoditi barem 70% riječi.'
'Auditive understanding, exercise 2' 'Razumijevanje slušanjem, vježba 2.'
Find the correct translation for the word at the top of the frame. You must get at least 70% correct. Pronađite ispravan prijevod riječi koja se pojavi u gornjem dijelu okvira. Također pokušajte pogoditi barem 70%.
Translate to Esperanto Prevedite na Esperanto
' 1. The tea is warm.' ' 1. Čaj je topli.'
' 2. The teacher is a father.' ' 2. Učitelj je otac.'
' 3. Your father is good.' ' 3. Vaš otac je bio dobar.'
' 4. The new teachers will be big.' undefined
' 5. My brother will be a teacher.' ' 5. Moj brat će biti učitelj.'
' 6. Your sons will be friends.' ' 6. Vaši sinovi će biti prijatelji.'
' 7. The cakes were good.' ' 7. Kolači su bili dobri.'
' 8. The bread is dry.' ' 8. Kruh je suh.'
' 9. The new boy was my friend.' ' 9. Novi dječak je bio moj prijatelj.'
10. The boys will be great friends. 10. Dječaci će biti veliki prijatelji.
3. The teacher met the new friends. 3. Učitelj je susreo nove prijatelje.
I wash the new cup. Ja perem novu šalicu.
I wash the new cups. Mi peremo nove šalice.
I won't wash the new cup. Neću prati novu šalicu.
'In the first lesson we saw that in Esperanto adjectives agree in number (singular or plural) with the nouns they describe; when a noun refers to one thing, its adjectives stay singular and when the noun refers to more than one, its adjectives are made plural.' 'Kako smo vidjeli u prošloj lekciji, u Esperantu se pridjevi slažu sa imenicama, kako u jednini, tako i u množini. Množina je sve što je više od jedan. Pridjevi se ne mijenjaju, bez obzira na rod.'
'Most nouns do not indicate gender, but a small number referring to people do. For such words, the '-o' ending refers to males and '-ino' refers to females.' 'Samo imena bića kojima se određuje spol dobivaju nastavak 'o' za muški spol, a 'ino' za ženski spol.'
woman žena
(female) friend prijateljica
daughter kći
mother majka
The big women velike žene
The beautiful (female) friend lijepa prijateljica
Suffix -ino Sufiks -ino
man muškarac
friend prijatelj
son sin
father otac
The good mother dobra majka
'Another very useful ending allows us to identify the direct object of a sentence. It is the accusative ending 'n', placed at the end of nouns, adjectives, and pronouns. (Note: The direct object is what the verb acts upon. It receives the action of the verb. E.g., in 'I see you', 'you' is the direct object).' 'Postoji jedan vrlo koristan nastavak koji pomaže prepoznavanje objekta u složenoj rečenici. To je akuzativ, a dolazi na kraju imenica, pridjeva i zamjenica stvarajući tako upravni objekt. A to se postiže nastavkom '-n'.'
I add sugar to the warm coffee. undefined
I add sugar to the warm coffees. undefined
Note that the accusative 'n' is always at the end of the word (after the plural 'j'). The direct object may go anywhere in the sentence without changing its meaning. The following three sentences have the same meaning: 'Oznaka za množinu dolazi ispred oznake za akuzativ, i to uvijek na kraju riječi. Tako se objekt može pojaviti na početku, u sredini, ili na kraju rečenice, a da se smisao rečenice ne mijenja, jer je objekt označen akuzativom. Evo tri rečenice, čiji smisao ostaje neizmjenjen:'
The different word order may be used for emphasis. We will see this in a later lesson. 'Ustvari, različit redoslijed riječi u rečenici može donekle nijansirati smisao. No, to ćemo učiti poslije.'
The accusative is not used after the verb 'esti'. 'Esti' is a so-called linking verb which implies that the subject and the object are equivalent. 'Iza glagola 'biti' ne slijedi akuzativ, jer glagol 'biti' podrazumijeva istovjetnost subjekta sa predikatom.'
Note: Napomena:
Note: Napomena:
Accusative (-n) Akuzativ (-n)
The Prefix 'mal' allows us to create words with the opposite meaning of the original word. 'Prefiks 'mal' nam omogućuje tvorbu riječi, čiji smisao je suprotan onome kojeg označuje korijen riječi.'
friend prijatelj
beautiful lijep
new novi
'To make a negative sentence it is enough to put the word 'ne' (no, not) before the verb.' Za negaciju je dovoljno staviti 'ne' ispred glagola.
I will not add sugar to the warm coffee. undefined
He is not my brother. On nije moj brat.
She isn't my mother. Ona nije moja majka.
The cakes weren't hot. Kolači nisu bili topli.
Negation Negacija
Prefix 'mal' Prefiks 'mal'
enemy neprijatelj
ugly ružan
old stari
young mlad
old stari (dob)
'miserly, avaricious' škrt
generous darežljiv
water voda
to love voljeti
love ljubav
bird ptica
store dučan
'to do, to make' činiti
to forget zaboraviti
to have imati
insect kukac
'to catch, capture' hvatati
to wash prati
lemonade limonada
paper papir
to request moliti (tražiti)
'feather, pen' pero
'to carry, to wear' nositi
'clean, pure' čist
'to meet, encounter' sresti
to write pisati
to add sugar šećeriti
cup šalica
to drink piti
to find naći
to sell prodati
to see vidjeti
Vocabulary Riječnik
Auditive understanding exercise Razumijevanje slušajući
'You are going to hear a word or a sentence and you should write it in the available space. If your answer is correct, the word will appear on the screen; otherwise, the word would be repeated later. You must get at least 70% correct.' 'U slijedećoj vježbi ćete čuti riječ ili rečenicu koju morate upisati u određeni prostor. Ako pogodite, riječ će se pojaviti na panou. U protivnom, riječ će se ponavljati dok ju pogodite. Potrebno je pogoditi 70% riječi u prvom pokušaju.'
Find the correct translation for the word at the top of the frame. You must get at least 70% correct. U toj vježbi morate pronaći pravilan prijevod riječi koja se pojavi na gornjem dijelu okvira. I ovdje ih nastojte pogoditi najmanje 70%.
Click on the words that should receive the accusative ending (-n). The sentences are written in subject-verb-object sequence. Click the side button when complete. You must get at least 70% corre t. 'U ovoj vježbi kliknite na onu riječ koja mora dobiti nastavak za akuzativ (-n). U rečenicama je slijed: subjekt-predikat-objekt (komplement). Nakon što ćete biti sigurni da je rečenica pravilno kompletirana, pritisnite na doljnji gumb. Pogodite barem 70%.'
Exercise - Using the accusative Vježba - Primjena akuzativa
Exercises Vježbe
1. A healthy boy drinks warm milk. 1. Zdrav dječak pije toplo mlijeko.
2. The old store doesn't sell dry cakes. 2. Stari dučan ne prodaje suhe kolače.
3. The big teacher met the new friends. undefined
4. The new friends will make a good cake. 4. Novi prijatelji će načiniti dobar kolač.
5. The girl didn't find the sisters. 5. Djevojka nije našla sestre.
'6. The small sister is sick, the brother is healthy.' '6. Mala sestra je bolesna, brat je zdrav.'
7. The father will not wash the small cups. 7. Otac ne će prati male šalice.
8. The beautiful bird caught a small insect. 8. Lijepa ptica je uhvatila maloga kukca.
9. The boy is my old friend. 9. Dječak je bio moj stari prijatelj.
10. The boys were great friends. 10. Dječaci su bili veliki prijatelji.
Translate to Esperanto Prevedite na Esperanto
Fill the available spaces with the missing letters to complete the translation. Remember to add the plural 'j' and the accusative 'n' when necessary. Press 'Enter' or click the side button below when complete. You must get at least 70% correct. 'Prema prijevodu ispunite prazne prostore dijelom koji nedostaje. Ne zaboravite staviti nastavke za množinu i akuzativ, gdje je to potrebno. Kada ćete biti sigurni, da je rečenica pravilno ispunjena, pritisnite gumb ili Enter radi kontrole. Isto tako najmanje 70%.'
'Now let's listen to the Esperanto song 'Jen', by the Argentinean group 'La Porkoj', awarded the arts competition of the Universal Esperanto Association. The group was formed by Alejandro Cossavella (Vocals), Pablo Ciancio (Drums), Ignacio Mendizabal (Guitar) and Salvador Agustoni (Bass Guitar). Press the button to play the song.' 'Slušajmo esperantsku šansonu 'Jen', od argentinske grupe 'La Porkoj', koja je nagrađena na natječaju lijepe umjetnosti uea. Grupu sačinjavaju: Alejandro Cossavella (vokal), Pablo Ciancio (bubnjevi) Ignacio Mendizabal (gitare), i Salvador Agustoni (basgitara). Ako želite čuti šansonu pritisnite gumb.'
Music in Esperanto Glazba na Esperantu
12. The old woman lives healthily. 12. Stara žena zdravo živi.
'In the first lesson we saw that in Esperanto the adjectives singular and plural agree with the noun. The adjective, same as the noun, takes the 'j' ending when it is plural.' undefined
'Just the nouns needing a specific gender may show it, ending in 'o' if male, and 'ino' if female.' undefined
woman undefined
(female) friend undefined
daughter undefined
mother undefined
The big women undefined
He has good health. On ima dobro zdravlje.
Suffix -ino undefined
Exercises - Numerals Vježba - Brojevi
Type the numeral corresponding to the given text in the available space. Press 'Enter' or click on the side button when complete. You must get at least 70% correct. 'Upišite u određeni prostor brojku koja odgovara tekstualnom obliku tog broja. Da bi potvrdili ispravan odgovor, pritisnite Enter ili pokrajni gumb. Opet nastojte biti točni u najmanje 70% slučajeva.'
Note Napomena
Find the correct translation for the word at the top of the frame. You must get at least 70% correct. 'Ovdje pronađite ispravan prijevod riječi koja se pojavi na gornjem rubu. Kao i drugdje, i ovdje nastojte barem 70% ispravno odgovoriti.'
ten deset
'There is another ending very useful, that allow us to identify the direct object on a sentence. It is the accusative, represented by the letter 'n' ending nouns, adjectives, and pronouns. The 'n' ending identifies the direct object.' undefined
I add sugar to the warm coffee. undefined
I add sugar to the warm coffees. undefined
'Note that the plural is added before the accusative. The accusative 'n' is always at the end of the word. The direct object could be at the sentence beginning, middle or end, without changing its meaning. The following three sentences have the same meaning:' undefined
The different word order maybe used for emphasis. We will see this in a later lesson. undefined
'The accusative is not used after the verb 'esti', because the verb 'esti' already implies that the subject and the direct object are equivalent.' undefined
Adjectives created from numerals Brojčani pridjevi
Adverbs created from numerals Brojčani prilozi
Accusative (-n) undefined
The Prefix 'mal' allows us to create words with the opposite meaning of the original word. undefined
friend undefined
beautiful undefined
new undefined
To make a negative sentence it is enough to put the word 'ne' before the verb. undefined
I will not add sugar to the warm coffee. undefined
He isn't my brother. undefined
She isn't my mother. undefined
The cakes weren't warm. undefined
Negation undefined
Prefix 'mal' undefined
He lives healthily. On zdravo živi.
Adverbs Prilozi
Numerals Brojevi
Vocabulary Riječnik
Translate to Esperanto: Prevedite na Esperanto:
one jedan
nineteen devetnaest
water undefined
to love undefined
love undefined
bird undefined
store undefined
'to do, to make' undefined
to forget undefined
to have undefined
insect undefined
'to catch, capture' undefined
to wash undefined
lemonade undefined
paper undefined
to request undefined
'feather, pen' undefined
'to carry, to wear' undefined
'clean, pure' undefined
'to meet, encounter' undefined
to write undefined
to add sugar undefined
cup undefined
to drink undefined
to find undefined
to sell undefined
to see undefined
Vocabu ary undefined
Auditive understanding exercise Vježba razumijevanja
'You are going to hear a word or a sentence and you should write it in the available space. If your answer is correct, the word will appear on the panel; otherwise, the word would be repeated later. You must get at least 70% correct.' 'U ovoj vježbi nakon što čujete riječ ili rečenicu, vi ju upišite u za to određen prostor. Ako uspijete, ona će se pojaviti na panou; ako ne, riječ će se naknadno ponavljati dok ju ispravno napišete. Nastojte pogoditi barem 70%.'
three tri
He is healthy. On je zdrav.
He is healthy. On je zdrav.
Exercises undefined
Fill the available spaces with the missing letters to complete the translation. Remember to add the plural 'j' and the accusative 'n' when necessary. Press 'Enter' or click button when complete. You must get at least 70% correct. undefined
A healthy boy drinks warm milk. undefined
The old store doesn't sell dry cakes. undefined
The big teacher met the new friends. undefined
The new friends will make a good cake. undefined
The girl didn't find the sisters. undefined
'The small sister is sick, the brother is healthy.' undefined
The father will not wash the small cups. undefined
The beautiful bird caught a small insect. undefined
The boy was my old friend. undefined
The boys were great friends. undefined
Translate to Esperanto undefined
'The word order subject - verb - object is not compulsory, but it is the most used, and recommended to the beginner. After getting used to that order, it can be changed, always making sure that the sentence meaning doesn't change.' 'Redoslijed subjekt-predikat-objekt nije obavezan, ali se ipak najviše koristi, pa je preporučljiv za početnike. Nakon što se priviknete, možete izmjeniti slijed riječi, pazeći da se ne promijeni glavni smisao rečenice.'
Common word order Uobičajeni redoslijed riječi
'Adverbs are similar to adjectives, but instead of modifying nouns, they modify verbs (or sometimes adjectives or even other adverbs). They don't change for plural. Generally they indicate manner (how), cause (why), time (when), location (where) or quantity (how much).' 'Prilozi imaju sličnu ulogu kao i pridjevi, ali oni pobliže označuju glagole i pridjeve; ne dobivaju nastavak 'j'. Pomoću njih se izražava način, uzrok, vrijeme ili mjesto radnje.'
'All the adverbs derived from other words end in 'e'. The basic idea expressed by the word root can be used in several ways, simply by changing the ending.' U Esperantu prilozi završavaju sa 'e'. Tvorba različitih vrsti riječi moguć je jednostavnom promjenom nastavka na korijenu riječi.
health zdravlje
healthy 'zdrav, -a, -o'
to be healthy biti zdrav
healthily zdravo
The adverb usually goes before the related word. Prilog se najčešće stavlja ispred riječi koju pobliže označuje.
'The ordinal numbers are formed by adding the adjective ending 'a' to the numerals. Because they have the ending 'a', they can receive the plural '-j' and the accusative '-n'.' 'Redni brojevi se tvore nastavkom 'a' na glavni broj. Pošto završavaju sa 'a', oni mogu dobivati nastavke za množinu (-j) i za akuzativ (-n).'
third 'treći, -a, -e'
tenth 'deseti, -a, -o'
nineteenth 'devetnaesti, -a, -o'
The first boys are coming. Prvi dječaci dolaze.
He caught the third insect. On je uhvatio trećeg kukca.
Adverbs can be formed by adding the ending 'e' to the numerals: Dodajući brojevima 'e' tvore se prilozi:
first(ly) prvo
secondly drugo
He will first drink water. On će najprije (prvo) piti vodu.
two dva
hour sat (vrijeme)
year godina
morning jutro
minute minuta
night noć
week tjedan
day dan
to be thirsty (so - i - fi) žeđati
evening večer
to wait čekati
'to ask (a question), to inquire' pitati
to smoke pušiti
to run trčati
'to ask (for something), to beg' moliti (tražiti)
'to stroll, to go for a walk' šetati se
'to reply, to answer' odgovoriti
to live živjeti
1. He loves her. 1. On ju voli.
2. He loves her sister. 2. On voli njenu sestru.
3. She loves him. 3. Ona voli njega.
4. The first man loves the second woman. 4. Prvi muškarac voli drugu ženu.
5. The second woman hates the first man. 5. Druga žena mrzi prvog muškarca.
6. The boys first asked for three cakes. 6. Dječaci su prvo molili za tri kolača.
7. Secondly they asked for lemonade. 7. Drugo su tražili limonadu.
8. The store badly (in a bad way) makes the small bread. 8. Dučan loše pravi mali kruh.
9. My brother walks during the mornings (walks 'morning-ly'). 9. Moj brat ujutro šeće.
10. Your friend warmly replied. 10. Vaš prijatelj je toplo odgovorio.
11. The teacher writes well. 11. Učitelj dobro piše.
12. The white girl runs badly. undefined
Hello! Zdravo!
Good day! Dobar dan!
Good morning! Dobro jutro!
Good evening! Dobar večer!
Good night! Laku noć!
How are you? How do you do? (literally: How are you faring?) Kako ste?
'Well, thanks. And you?' 'Dobro, hvala. A vi?'
Well enough. Dosta dobro.
Not very well. Ne baš (vrlo) dobro.
Greetings Pozdravi
yesterday jučer
today danas
'Good appetite!, Enjoy your meal!' Dobar tek!
To your health! Nazdravlje!
'The same to you, thank you!' 'Isto i vama, hvala!'
See you soon! Doviđenja!
Good bye! Zbogom!
tomorrow sutra
'Let's see how to make the affirmation, the question, and the answer in Esperanto:' 'Pogledajmo sada, kako se pravi tvrdnja, pitanje i odgovor na Esperantu:'
Affirmation: Tvrdnja:
The bread is dry. Kruh je suh.
Question: Pitanje:
Is the bread dry? Dali je kruh suh?
Answer: Odgovor:
'Yes, the bread is dry.' 'Da, kruh je suh.'
or: ili:
'No, the bread is not dry.' 'Ne, kruh nije suh.'
Questions are formed by adding the word 'cxu' before the corresponding affirmative sentence. The word order doesn't change. This is true for all questions that can be answered by 'yes' or 'no'. Upitna rečenica dobiva na svom početku riječcu 'ću'. Pazite da se redoslijed riječi ne mijenja. Samo 'ću' uvijek dolazi na početak. To se odnosi na upitne rečenice čiji odgovor slijedi sa 'jes' ili 'ne'.
Interrogative sentences Upitne rečenice
to buy kupiti
'to, towards, for' 'k, ka'
advertisement oglas
bicycle bicikl
picture postcard razglednica
picture slika
room soba
chocolate čokolada
dance ples
'of, by, from' od
to wish željeti
house kuća
husband suprug
'of, out of, from' iz
'to live, to dwell' stanovati
geography zemljopis
to taste kušati
joy veselje
already već
jealous ljubomoran
Vocabulary Riječnik
child dijete
and i
'congress, convention' kongres
'to collect, gather' sakupljati
'country, land' zemlja
to come doći
lesson (le - tsi - o - no) lekcija
school škola
book knjiga
mile milja
to eat jesti
'purse, wallet' novčanik
egg jaje
neutral neutralan
postage stamp poštanska marka
sandwich sendvič
sport šport
shoe cipela
to travel putovati
Vocabulary I Riječnik I
'newspaper, journal' novine
Exercises Vježbe
Click and move the elements to the correct position to change the affirmative or negative sentence into a question. Press 'Enter' or click the button when complete. You must get at least 70% correct. 'Pretvorite afirmativne ili niječne rečenice u upitne, premještanjem dijelova rečenica na ispravnu poziciju. Kada ćete biti sigurni, da je rečenica ispravno kompletirana, pritisnite doljnji gumb radi kontrole. Pokušajte pogoditi najmanje 70%.'
'Please read the following text, written by an Esperanto student, and try to understand it using the vocabulary.' 'Čitajte doljnji tekst, kojeg je napisao učenik Esperanta, i pokušajte ga razumjeti pomoću riječnika.'
to learn učiti
very vrlo
to interchange razmjenivati
to begin početi
easy lak
'other, another' drugi (ini)
Reading comprehension Razumijevanje teksta
Vocabulary Riječnik
before ispred
Days of the week Dani u tjednu
Auditive understanding exercise Razumijevanje slušajući
Find the correct translation for the word at the top of the frame. You must get at least 70% correct. U toj vježbi pronađite pravilan prijevod riječi na gornjem dijelu okvira. Opet pogodite barem 70%.
1. Does your father collect postage stamps? 1. Dali vaš otac sakuplja poštanske marke?
2. Did the son forget the milk? 2. Dali je sin zaboravio mlijeko?
4. Does a healthy boy drink milk? 4. Pije li mlijeko zdravi dječak?
5. Will the father wash the small cups? 5. Dali će otac prati male šalice?
6. Did the new (female) teacher forget the book? 6. Dali je nova učiteljica zaboravila knjigu?
7. Do they sell tea and coffee? 7. Prodaju li čaj i kavu?
8. Does the sick daughter write badly? 8. Dali bolesna kći loše piše?
9. Are they good friends? 9. Jesu li oni dobri prijatelji?
Translate to Esperanto (without answering the questions): Prevedite na Esperanto (ne odgovarajte na pitanja):
Exercises Vježbe
'Now answer the questions in Esperanto, using full sentences (not just 'jes' or 'ne')' 'Sada odgovarajte na pitanja na Esperantu, upotrebljavajući cijele rečenice ( ne samo 'jes' ili 'ne'):'
Months of the year Mjeseci u godini
Dates Nadnevci
To say the dates follow the model (the words 'tago' and 'en la jaro' are usually left out). Da bi se izrazio nadnevak slijedite model (riječi 'dan' i 'godine' se podrazumijevaju):
January siječanj
February veljača
March ožujak
April travanj
May svibanj
June lipanj
July srpanj
August kolovoz
September rujan
October listopad
November studeni
December prosinac
Sunday nedjelja
Monday ponedjeljak
Tuesday utorak
Wednesday srijeda
Thursday četvrtak
Friday petak
Saturday subota
3. Are the children eating sandwiches? 3. Dali djeca jedu sendvič?
10. Does your brother sell books and newspapers? 10. Dali vaš brat prodaje knjige i novine?
Correlatives Korelativi
Who came? -- Nobody. Tko je došao? - Nitko.
'Here are some fruits, which one would you like?' 'Evo voća, kojeg volite?'
I would like that one. Ja volim to.
Which fruit would you like? Koje voće volite?
I would like that fruit. Volim ono voće.
I don't want any fruit. Ne volim nikakvo voće.
Where is the store? Gdje je dučan?
The store is there. Dučan je tamo.
When would you buy bread? Kada ćete kupiti kruh?
I will buy bread during the morning. Kupit ću kruh ujutro.
Sentences with correlatives Rečenice sa korelativima
Whose book is that? -- Mine. Čija je to knjiga? - Moja.
How are you? -- I am very well. Kako ste? - Ja sam vrlo dobro.
Why did you buy the cakes? Zašto ste kupili kolače?
I bought the cakes because they are good. Kupio sam kolače jer su dobri.
How many days there are in one week? Koliko je dana u jednom tjednu?
There are seven days in a week. U jednom tjednu ima sedam dana.
'The correlatives ending in 'o' ('kio', 'tio', etc) cannot receive the the plural ending 'j', but can receive the accusative ending 'n'. Those ending in 'a' and 'u' can receive both the plural 'j' and the accusative 'n'. Don't use the word 'Æu' before the interrogative words ('kio', 'kie', etc).' 'Korelativi koji završavaju na 'o' (kio, tio i t. d.) mogu dobiti nastavak za akuzativ (-n), ali ne dobivaju nastavak za množinu (-j). Oni koji završavaju na 'a' i 'u' mogu dobiti '-n' kao i '-j'. Ispred upitnih riječi ('kio', 'kie' i t. d.) ne dolazi riječca 'ću'.'
Note Napomena
What is this? Što je to?
This is an animal. To je životinja.
This word shows nearness. 'Ta riječca izražava bliskost, ona može biti ispred ili iza korelativa, na kojeg se odnosi.'
This is my house. Ovo je moja kuća.
I would like the fruit which you showed. 'Volim to voće, koje ste pokazali.'
The words beginning with 'Ki' can also introduce sentences without interrogative sense. This words are named 'relatives' because they show the relationship between the secondary and main clauses. 'Riječ koja započinje sa 'KI' može uvoditi i u neupitne rečenice. Takve riječi se zovu relativi, jer pokazuju odnos između zavisne i glavne rečenice.'
In the sentence above 'kiun' relates to 'tiu frukto'. U gornjoj rečenici 'kiun' odnosi se na 'ovo voće'.
I don't understand what is that you are saying. 'Ne razumijem to, što govorite.'
I saw the person whose house is white. 'Vidio sam čovjeka, čija kuća je bijela.'
Vocabulary Riječnik
'Yesterday, when I was at the city, I bought flowers.' 'Jučer, kada sam bio u gradu, kupio sam cvijeće.'
'She is as beautiful, as her mother.' 'Ona je tako lijepa, kao majka.'
I bought as many as I needed. 'Kupio sam toliko, koliko mi je bilo potrebno.'
Relatives Relativi
1. What is this? 1. Što je to?
2. Where is my cup? 2. Gdje je moja šalica?
3. Which is my book? 3. Koja je moja knjiga?
4. Who ate my cake? 4. Tko je jeo moj kolač?
5. When would you eat? 5. Kada ćete jesti?
6. Everything is wet. 6. Sve je mokro.
7. I forgot everything. 7. Sve sam zaboravio.
8. My book is somewhere. 8. Moja knjiga je negdje.
9. Then I drank my tea. 9. Tada sam pio moj čaj.
10. Who is that? 10. Tko je taj?
Translate to Esperanto Prevedite na Esperanto
11. How does she run? 11. Kako ona trči
12. What are you writing? 12. Što pišete?
13. I am nobody's wife? 13. Nisam ničija žena.
14. How did you do that? 14. Kako ste učinili to?
15. I am not that kind of girl. 15. Ja nisam takova djevojka.
16. We have all kind of cups. 16. Mi imamo svakakve šalice?
17. What kind of sandwich do you have? 17. Kakav sendvič vi imate?
18. What did you ask? 18. Što ste zamolili?
19. Is everybody dry? 19. Dali su svi suhi?
20. Who is that? 20. Tko je taj?
Translate to Esperanto Prevedite na Esperanto
'Fill the available space with the correct correlative to complete the translation. Note that some correlatives may take the plural and/or the accusative ending. If there is a list in parentheses, select from the list. Press 'Enter' or click on the side button when complete. You must get at least 70% correct.' 'Prema smislu rečenice ispunite prazno mjesto pripadajućim korelativom. Imajte na umu da neki korelativi mogu imati nastavak za množinu i za akuzativ. Kada ćete biti sigurni, da je rečenica pravilno popunjena, kliknite na doljnji gumb ili pritisnite Enter, da vidite, koliko ste uspješni. Morali bi biti barem 70%.'
to buy kupiti
'to, towards' 'k, ka'
advertisement oglas
bicycle bicikl
picture postcard razglednica
picture slika
room soba
chocolate čokolada
dance ples
'of, from' od
to desire željeti
house kuća
husband suprug
'out of, from' iz
'to live, to dwell' stanovati
geography zemljopis
'to taste, test the taste of' kušati
joy veselje
already već
jealous ljubomoran
'that person, that one' taj
'someone, somebody, some, any' netko
'nobody, no one' nitko
'everyone, everybody, all, each' svatko
'Where?, In what place?; where' gdje
'there, in that place' tamo
'somewhere,anywhere, in some place' negdje
'nowhere, in no place' nigdje
'in all places, in every place, everywhere' svugdje
'When?, At what time?; when' kada
'then, at that time' tada
'sometime, anytime, ever' nekada
'never, at no time, not ever' nikada
'always, at all times' uvijek
'What?, What general thing or concept?; that, which' što
'that, that general thing or concept' tio
something nešto
nothing ništa
'all, everything' sve
That book is very good. Ta knjiga je vrlo dobra.
Who came yesterday? -- Nobody came yesterday. Tko je došao jučer? -- Nitko nije došao jučer.
Where do you live? -- I live in Canada Gdje stanujete? -- Stanujem u Kanadi.
I live there where the car is. 'Stanujem tamo, gdje je auto.'
When are you going to buy the book? -- Tomorrow morning. Kada ćete kupiti knjigu? -- Sutra ujutro.
I learned Esperanto when I was at school. 'Učio sam Esperanto tada, kada sam bio u školi.'
What is geography? -- Geography is a science. Što je zemljopis? -- Zemljopis je znanost.
indicates a question or introduces a relative clause. 'Upitni oblik; odnosi se na predhodnu složenu rečenicu.'
Have you ever visited Brazil? Dali ste ikada posjetili Brazil?
'However, I've always desired to visit it.' 'Ipak, uvijek sam ju želio posjetiti.'
'indicates a general object, thing, or concept' 'Stvar (djelo, predmet, tvar).'
What is that? -- That is a musical instrument. Što je to? - To je glazbalo.
Something happened! Nešto se dogodilo!
'Better something, than nothing.' 'Bolje nešto, nego ništa.'
I forgot everything. Zaboravio sam sve.
'These small words -- which are part of a regular, closed system -- are called correlatives. The meaning of each correlative is the combined result of its beginning and ending.' 'To su riječce vrlo korisne, koje čine pravilan i zatvoren sustav. Te riječi se zovu korelativi. Značenje svakog korelativa se dobiva kombinacijom korijena ili prefiksa i završetka ili sufiksa.'
indicates a particular person or thing. (It may take the plural 'j' and/or the accusative 'n' when appropriate.) 'Označuje jedinku. Kada se radi o više od jedan, onda on dobiva nastavak za množinu 'j'.'
indicates a question or introduces a relative clause. 'Upitne zamjenice; pokazuje odnos prema predhodnoj složenoj rečenici.'
'Who?, Which?; who, which, that' tko
Who was your first teacher? -- Mr. Karlo. Tko je bio vaš prvi učitelj? - Gospodin Karlo.
is used to indicate or point. (Often translated as 'that' or 'those') Koristi se za tvorbu pokaznih zamjenica.
indicates something indefinite. (often translated as 'any' or 'some') Neodređeni oblik.
'Some people came, whom I don't know.' 'Došle su neke osobe, koje ne poznajem.'
indicates negativeness or non-existence. Niječni oblik.
indicates all members of a group. Općeniti oblik.
Every person loves herself (or himself). Svaki čovjek voli sebe samog.
indicates location. Pokazuje mjesto
indicates a question or introduces a relative clause. 'Upitna zamjenica; odnosi se na predhodnu složenu rečenicu.'
is used to indicate or point. (Often translated as 'that' or 'those') Pokazna zamjenica.
indicates something indefinite. (often translated as 'any' or 'some') Pokazuje neodređenost.
My pencil is somewhere in the garden. Moja olovka je negdje u vrtu.
indicates negativeness or non-existence. Niječni oblik
Nowhere did I find my book. Nigdje nisam našao moju knjigu.
indicates all members of a group. Općeniti oblik.
A fool writes his (or her) name everywhere. Glupan svuda svoje ime piše.
'No, I've never visited that land.' 'Ne, nikad nisam posjetio tu zemlju.'
Time Vrijeme
Prepositions I Prijedlozi I
Prepositions are words that show the relationship between a following noun (the object of the preposition) and the rest of the sentence. Prijedlozi su riječce koje pokazuju odnos između dviju riječi.
'to, towards' 'k, ka'
'at, with, next to, at the house of' kod
'of, from' od
during za vrijeme
'in, into' u
until do
with 's, sa'
'for (purpose), in order to' za
'because of, on account of' 'radi, zbog'
'under, beneath' 'pod, ispod'
'on, upon' na
Vocabulary Riječnik
member član
'youth, the young people' omladina
'to happen, to occur' dogoditi se
small bus kombibus
to arrive doći
lunch ručak
friends prijatelji
to go ići
'congress, convention' kongres
'to halt, to stop' stati
'to sit, to be sitting' sjediti
chair stolac
to thank zahvaliti
'to visit, to attend' posjetiti
Reading comprehension Razumijevanje teksta
Exercise Vježba
'Answer the following questions in Esperanto, considering the text on the previous page:' 'Prema smislu teksta sa predhodne stranice, odgovorite na ova pitanja (na Esperantu!):'
Prepositions II Prijedlozi II
instead of umjesto
'before, in front of' 'pred, ispred'
'beside, by' pored
of (for quantities) partitivni genitiv (označuje dio neke cjeline)
outside of izvan
'out of, from' iz
'between, among' među
'against, across from' 'protiv, nasuprot'
'by, by means of' s (pomoću)
'after, behind' iza
'about, concerning' o
without bez
'over, above' nad
through kroz
around okolo
'beyond, past' mimo
'across, on the other side of' preko
behind iza
'indefinite preposition, used when no other preposition is appropriate.' 'kod, u, (specijalni prijedlog, kada nije moguće izraziti drugim prijedlozima)'
'to travel, to go by vehicle' voziti
'city, town' grad
'much, many' mnogi
'beast, animal' životinja
Arctic Arktik
continent kontinent
to admire diviti se
'to please, be pleasing to' sviđati se
bear medvjed
'to be similar to, to look like' sličiti
entrance ulaz
cage kavez
'monkey, ape' majmun
Canada Kanada
frequently često
interesting zanimljiv
'complete, full' potpun
because jer
'car, automobile' automobil
'zoological garden, zoo' zoološki vrt
Reading comprehension Razumijevanje teksta
'Answer the following questions in Esperanto, considering the text on the previous page:' 'Prema smislu teksta od predhodne stranice, odgovorite na slijedeća pitanja (na Esperantu!):'
Exercise Vježba
We saw in the second lesson that the '-n' marks the direct object. This is the accusative. Example: 'Vidjeli smo u drugoj lekciji, da '-n' izražava komplement izravnog objekta. To je akuzativ. Na pr.:'
'A sentence cannot have 2 direct objects Remember that the object of a preposition is not in the accusative case. For example,' 'Ako rečenica sadrži dva komlementa ili dopune, jedan od njih mora biti u neupravnom komplementu. Na pr.:'
I thank you for your kindness. Zahvaljujem vam (vas) radi vaše ljubaznosti.
Three more examples follow: 'Takova upotreba prijedloga je neophodna, pa neupravni objekt ne dobiva nastavak za akuzativ. Evo još primjera:'
I am reading Peter's book. Čitam knjigu od Petra.
I will travel to America. Putovat ću u Ameriku.
He drank a cup of coffee. Pio je šalicu kave.
Do not use the accusative after a preposition. There are some cases where the accusative may replace a preposition. We will see that on the following page. Pravilo glasi: poslije prijedloga ne dolazi akuzativ. U nekim slučajevima akuzativ može zamijeniti prijedlog. O tome ćemo na slijedećoj stranici.
A bird catches an insect. Ptica lovi kukca.
Prepositions III Prijedlozi III
'The accusative ending can be used to replace a preposition, when clarity allows it. The following examples are equivalent.' 'Akuzativni nastavak može zamijeniti prijedlog, ako se smisao rečenice ne krnji. Doljni primjeri prikazuju oba slučaja:'
'A preposition may accompany another preposition. For example,' Jedan prijedlog može slijediti drugog. Na pr.:
Go away from before me! (Get away! Leave!) Makni mi se predamnom!
'When one of those prepositions shows movement ('al' for example), we can substitute the accusative ending '-n' for the preposition. The second of the next two sentences is the more common.' 'Ako neki od tih prijedloga označuje smjer kretanja (na pr. 'al'), onda zamjenjujemo taj prijedlog akuzativnim završetkom (-n):'
Compare with the following sentence: Uspoređujte tom rečenicom:
'In the first sentence, I was outside the garden and walked to a position inside the garden. I entered the garden. I walked into the garden. In the second sentence, I was walking around inside the garden.' 'Pazite na razliku: U prvom slučaju sam bio izvan vrta, pa sam šetajući došao u vrt; u drugom slučaju sam bio u vrtu i tamo šetao.'
Find the correct translation for the word at the top of the frame. You must get at least 70% correct. undefined
Exercises Vježbe
1. I came by bicycle. 1. Došao sam biciklom.
2. I bicycled into San Francisco. 2. Vozio sam se biciklom u San-Francisko.
3. I bicycled in San Francisco. 3. Vozio sam bicikl u San-Francisku.
4. She ran on the grass. 4. Ona je trčala po travi.
5. She ran into the grass. 5. Ona je trčala na travu.
6. He ran behind the tree (he came from somewhere else). 6. On je trčao iza drveta.
7. He smoked behind the tree. 7. On je pušio iza drveta.
8. She traveled with a friend. 8. On je putovao sa prijateljem.
9. She wrote with a pencil. 9. Ona je pisala olovkom.
10. He put the pencil under the paper. 10. Stavio je olovku pod papir.
Translate to Esperanto Prevedite na Esperanto
'Fill the available space with the correct preposition to complete the translation. If there is a list in parentheses, select from those in the list. Press 'Enter' or click on the side button when complete. You must get at least 70% correct.' 'Prema smislu rečenice ispunite prazno mjesto pripadajućim prijedlogom. Imajte na umu da neki prijedlozi mogu imati nastavak za množinu i za akuzativ. Kada ćete biti sigurni, da je rečenica pravilno ispunjena, kliknite na doljnji gumb ili pritisnite Enter, da vidite, koliko ste uspješni. Morali bi biti barem 70%.'
Equality: Jednakosti:
Superiority: Stupnjevanja naviše:
Inferiority: Stupnjevanja naniže:
Esperanto is as beautiful as it is useful. Esperanto je tako lijep kao i koristan.
Nothing is so valuable as your health. Ništa nije tako vrijedno kao zdravlje.
She is as beautiful as her mother. Ona je tako lijepa kao i majka.
John is taller than Peter. Ivan je viši od Petra.
Milk is more nutritious than wine. Mlijeko je hranljivije od vina.
The sun is bigger than the moon. Sunce je veće od mjeseca.
My brother is younger than I. Moj brat je mlađi od mene.
He writes less beautifully than the girl. On piše manje lijepo od djevojke.
The husband talks less loudly than the wife. Suprug govori manje glasno od supruge.
Comparison Usporedba
'Of all my children, Ernest is the youngest.' Od sve moje djece Ernest je najmlađi.
'Of all my colleagues, Mark is the strongest.' Od svih mojih kolega Marko je najjači.
The prettiest girl they elected as queen. Najljepšu djevojku su izabrali kao kraljicu.
The stronger of the hands. Jača od ruku.
The older students taught the younger ones. Stariji učenici podučavali su mlađe.
The superlative is used when one member of a group shows a quality in a degree higher (or lower) than all of the others. Superlativ je najviši ili najniži stupanj usporedbe između više stupnjeva.
'When comparing only two people, things or groups use 'PLI' or 'MALPLI'.' 'Kada se radi o dva pojedinca (ljudi, stvari i t. d.), primjenjuje se PLI ili MALPLI. Isto je i kod dvije skupine.'
Superlative Superlativ
Exercises Vježbe
By adding affixes (prefixes and suffixes) it is very easy to enlarge your Esperanto vocabulary. Let's start with the prefixes: Sastavlanjem afiksa (prefiksi i sufiksi) moguće je lako povećavati broj riječi u Esperantu. Započnimo prefiksima:
' relationship by marriage' ' srodstvo nastalo ženidbom'
father in-law tast
mother in-law punica
' distribution, dispersion' '(raz-) razdjeliti, razići'
to fly off in several directions razletjeti se
to distribute razdavati
' beginning, sudden change, or momentary action' '(za-) početno, iznenadno ili kratkotrajno djelovanje'
to start to walk poći
'to start to sleep, doze off' zaspati
' shows an action or state that no longer exists' (bivši) označuje djelovanje ili stanje koje je prestalo postojati.
ex-fiance bivši zaručnik
ex-president bivši predsjednik
Prefixes Prefiksi
son-in-law zet
sister-in-law šogorica
'to crumble, to fall to pieces' raspasti se
'to disseminate, to spread' rasijati
'flash, spark' zasjaj
to start to rain početi padati (kiša)
to resign dati ostavku
to become divorced (of a man) rastaviti se
' bad (morally)' (odvratan) zao u moralnom smislu
house of bad repute kuća na lošem glasu
'slut, worthless woman' nečasna žena
' both sexes (two or more individuals)' ' zajedništvo oba spola (u paru ili skupini)'
son(s) and daughter(s) djeca (sinovi i kćeri)
father(s) and mother(s) roditelji
' the opposite' ' suprotnost'
right (hand side) desno
left (hand side) lijevo
' from long ago' (pra-) daleko u prošlosti
grandson unuk
great-grandson praunuk
businessman trgovac
dishonest businessman švercer
brother(s) and sister(s) braća
friends (both sexes) prijatelji
to close zatvoriti
to open otvoriti
history povijest
prehistory prahistorija
'ancestral human, pre-human' pračovjek
great-grandfather pradjed
' repetition, again, back' '(ponovno) ponavljanje, ponovno događanje'
to reappear pojaviti se ponovno
'to do, to make again' ponovno činiti
' mistake, error, not fitting' ' krivo, nepravilno, loše, krivo, netočno, nedolično, neprikladno'
to understand razumjeti
to misunderstand krivo razumjeti
' half' (polu-) polovično
hour sat (vrijeme)
See you later(literally:Until re-seeing) Do (ponovnog) viđenja!
step korak
half an hour pola sata
'to hold back, retain' zadržati
'to return, to come back' vratiti se
use 'upotreba, uporaba'
misuse zloraba
daughter kćerka
misstep krivi korak
step-daughter pokćerka
demi-god polubog
'twilight, half-light' polumrak (polusvjetlo)
Suffixes Sufiksi
' bad; low quality' (ružan) loš u materijalnom ili estetskom smislu
house kuća
shack koliba
' prolonged or repeated action.' trajanje
to talk govoriti
'speech, continuous talking' govor (govorancija)
' concrete thing or object' '(stvar, stanje) Konkretno označavanje ideje korijena riječi.'
sweet sladak
'candy, something sweet' 'slatkiš, poslastica'
' member, citizen' 'član neke skupine, stranke, vjere; stanovnik zemlje, pokrajine ili mjesta'
European europljanin
Canadian kanađanin
Brazilian brazilijanac
to write pisati
'to scribble, write badly' piskarati
'to regard, to look at' gledati
to contemplate gledati (trajno)
to paint slikati
'a painting, a picture' slika
Christ Krist
Christian kršćanin
citizen of the USA amerikanac
' collection, group, cluster, herd' 'zbir, skupina'
word riječ
'dictionary, vocabulary' riječnik
' nickname for males. (root may be shortened or altered)' Dometak značenja od milja za muški rod (zajedno sa dijelom korijena ukoliko to doprinese milozvučnosti)
father otac
'daddy, dad, pa, papa' tata
' possibility' mogućnost
to see vidjeti
visible vidljiv
abstract quality (English -ness) svojstvo
soft mekan
softness mekoća
sheep ovca
flock of sheep stado ovaca
Joseph Josip
Joe Jožek
to believe vjerovati
credible vjerojatan
friend prijatelj
'friendship, amity' prijateljstvo
to read čitati
legible čitljiv
' big, more intense' tim sufiksom se izražava najviši stupanj veličine ili intenziteta
wind vjetar
'wind storm, gale' oluja
' place' prebivalište ili mjesto neke radnje.
to pray moliti (Boga)
' inclination, tendency' sklonost
'to save, spare' štedjeti
thrifty štedljiv
' that should or must be done' što mora biti učinjeno
to read čitati
that should be read što se mora pročitati
church 'crkva, bogomolja'
to laugh smijati se
'to laugh loudly, raucously' grohotom se smijati
horse konj
'to chatter, to talk' brbljati
talkative brbljiv
'to make, to do' činiti
that has to be done što se mora učiniti
stable konjušnica
'office, function, post, job' služba
'office (room), workplace' ured
Exercises Vježbe
Find the correct translation for the word at the top of the frame. You must get at least 70% correct. U toj vježbi morat ćete pronaći pravilan prijevod riječi na gornjem rubu. Isto tako potrebno je pogoditi 70%.
Translate to Esperanto: Prevedite na Esperanto:
1. My mother-in-law started to learn Esperanto. 1. Moja punica je započela učiti Esperanto.
2. My ex-colleagues will distribute newspapers. 2. Moji bivši kolege razdijelit će novine.
3. That wicked man made a wrong step. 3. Taj odvratan čovjek je učinio krivi korak.
4. My parents visited their great-grandsons. 4. Moji roditelji su posjetili svoje praunuke.
5. My father is older than my mother. 5. Moj otac je stariji od moje majke.
6. Which one is the most beautiful of the girls? 6. Koja je najljepša od djevojaka?
7. My sister-in-law is more elegant than the neighbor. 7. Moja šogorica je elegantnija od susjede.
8. My grandmother read more than my son-in-law. 8. Moja baka čita više od mog zeta.
Fill the available space with the correct word to complete the translation. Press 'Enter' or click the side button when complete. You must get at least 70% correct. 'Prema smislu, ispunite prazni prostor potrebnom riječju, pa kad ste sigurnii da je rečenica pravilno ispunjena, kliknite na doljnji gumb ili pritisnite Enter radi provjere. Pokušajte pravilno kompletirati barem 70 posto rečenica.'
Fill the available space with the correct prefix or suffix to complete the translation. Add grammatical endings when necessary. Press 'Enter' or click the side button when complete. You must get at least 70% correct. 'Prema smislu, ispunite prazni prostor pripadajućim afiksom. Umetnite i gramatički završetak, ako je potrebno. Kada ćete biti sigurni, da ste riječ pravilno kompletirali, kliknite na gumb ili pritisnite Enter, da provjerite točnost. Pokušajte pravilno ispuniti barem 70%.'
'-- I saw you, oh treasure, and I immediately fell in love with you! -- I believe you, however gold should be ready in a purse -- I love you, but, dearest, I didn't believe you're like that! -- If you loved me, greedy, you would make me a queen' '-Vidio sam te, zlato, i odmah sam se zaljubio u te! -Vjerujem ti, ipak neka zlato bude spremno u me! -Ja te volim, ali, najdraža, ne mogu te zamisliti takvom! -Ako bi me volio, škrće, učinio bi me kraljicom!'
king kralj
prince kraljević
' element or component of a whole.' element neke cjeline
salt sol
grain of salt zrnce soli
' manager, leader, director' Netko tko je po hijerarhijskoj ljestvici viši i/ili nadređeni.
'city, town' grad
mayor gradonačelnik
' little, small, tiny, less intense' 'malen, slab'
'doll, hand puppet' lutka
small doll lutkica
' offspring, descendant' 'potomak, mladunče'
cat mačka
kitten mačić
money novac
coin novčić
ship brod
ship's captain kapetan broda
laugh smijati se
smile smiješiti se
descendant of Italians undefined
Suffixes Sufiksi
' to make, to cause to be' učiniti nešto takovim što korijen označuje
'clean, pure' čist
'to clean, to make pure' očistiti
' to become' postati nešto takvo što korijen označuje (izvan stranog utjecaja)
red crven
'to blush, to become red' zacrvenjeti se
' instrument, tool' alat kojim se može ostvariti radnja
to lock zaključati
key ključ
' female' pokazuje ženki spol
uncle 'stric, tetak, ujak'
aunt 'strina, tetka, ujna'
'to make, to do' činiti
to die umrijeti
'to kill, to put to death' ubiti
morning jutro
'dawn, daybreak' svitanje
music glazba
musical instrument muzički instrument
chicken (of either sex) pijetao
hen kokoš
to become postati
' worthy' 'vrijedan, zaslužan'
to admire diviti se
admirable divljenja vrijedan
' holder, socket' dio predmeta kojim se nešto natakne
finger prst
thimble naprstnjak
' person who does something as a profession; adherent of a cause' 'zvanje, zanimanje'
to type tipkati
typist tipkač
' forms female nicknames (root may be shortened or altered)' 'ime od milja za ženski spol (sa većim ili manjm dijelom korijena rijeći, da se postigne milozvučnost)'
mother majka
'mom, mommy, ma, mama' mama
Esperanto Esperanto
Esperantist esperantist
'to praise,laud' hvaliti
laudable hvalevrijedan
cigarette cigareta
cigarette holder cigaretšpic
piano klavir
pianist pianist
Mary Marija
nickname for Mary 'Marica, Maja'
to report izvjestiti
reporter izvjestitelj
' multiple' 'dvostruk, višestruk'
two dva
double dvostruk
' forms fractions' razlomak
four četiri
'quarter, fourth, 1/4' četvrtina
' forms groups' Po skupinama
two dva
a pair 'dvoje, dvojica'
' person, individual' biće ili osoba opisana korijenom
'saintly, holy' svet
'a saint (holy, saintly person)' svetac
against protiv
'opponent, rival' protivnik
three tri
'triplet, threesome' trostruka količina
ten deset
one-tenth desetina
six šest
'sextet, a group of six' 'šestorka, šestorica'
'stupid, foolish' glup
fool glupan
rich bogat
a rich person bogataš
' suffix with no specific meaning' 'sufiks bez određenog značenja, raznog značenja'
neck vrat
collar ovratnik
' container, tree by its fruit, country by its people' 'predmet koji sadrži druge predmete; voćka; zemlja (država)'
money novac
'purse, wallet' novčanik
apple jabuka
'To avoid confusion due to the multiple meanings of this suffix meanings, we can use other words:' 'Ako se pojavi nejasnoća između prvog i drugog pojma tog sufiksa, može se upotrijebiti sinonim (istoznačnica):'
For countries '-ujo' is usually replaced by '-io' in modern Esperanto. In a few cases we use '-lando' (Pollando) Za imena zemalja može se upotrijebiti '-io' i '-lando':
'full, complete' pun
'to fulfill, to accomplish' ispuniti (obećanje)
Frenchman francuz
France Francuska
'apple basket, apple tree' jabuka (voćka)
Notes Napomene
Germany Njemačka
Russia Rusija
basket for apples sanduk za jabuke
apple tree jabuka (voćka)
Find the correct translation for the word at the top of the frame. You must get at least 70% correct. 'U ovoj vježbi pronađite pravilan prijevod riječi sa vrha okvira. Kao i drugdje, i ovdje točno pogodite barem 70 posto.'
Exercise Vježbe
Translate to English Prevedite na hrvatski
husband suprug
man muškarac
'warm, hot' topao
'Esperanto is fascinating... Let's test your knowledge: try to translate to English the following words, built from roots and affixes that you already know. Sometimes you will understand the meaning, but won't find the exact equivalent in English. Then give your own explanation using several words.' 'Esperanto je fascinantan, zar ne? Provjerimo vaše znanje: pokušajte prevesti na hrvatski ove riječi, sačinjene iz već poznatih afiksa. Često ćete razumjeti smisao, ali nećete možda naći hrvatsku riječ za isto značenje. U tom slučaju opišite izraz sa više riječi.'
'bull, bovine' bik
'All languages have a dominant word order relative to subject, verb, and object. Esperanto, like English, is an SVO language (most, though not all, sentences show the order subject-verb-object). Many languages, e.g., Japanese, are SOV; while others, e.g., Arabic, are VSO. Sometimes we change normal word order for some special effect or to emphasize some element.' 'U trećoj lekciji smo pokazali redoslijed riječi subjekt-predikat-objekt, koji se najčešće primjenjuje u Esperantu. No, mogući su i drugačiji, ako se ne mijenja smisao i jasnoća. S namjerom da se naglasi određeni element rečenice, redoslijed se mijenja. To ćete vidjeti u slijedećim primjerima:'
'They are sitting on the sofa, not others.' 'Na počivaljci sjede oni, ne drugi.'
'They sit only on the sofa, not in another place.' 'Oni sjede upravo na počivaljci, ne drugdje.'
'It is the dog, not some other (animal or person), which chases the cat.' 'Pas je taj, ne netko drugi, koji lovi mačku.'
'The dog chases the cat, it is not doing something else to the cat.' 'Pas upravo lovi mačku, ne promatra ju, na pr.'
'The dog chases the cat, it is not chasing some other animal.' 'Pas lovi upravo mačku, ne miša, na primjer.'
'I called him, nobody else.' 'Zvao sam upravo njega, ne drugog čovjeka.'
'Maria's love is Peter, not Paul.' 'Marijina simpatija je Petar, ne Pavao.'
I prefer the color green (not another color). Volim zelenu boju (ne neku drugu).
'I didn't do that, somebody else did it.' Nisam učinio ono ja (netko drugi je učinio)
Word-order Redoslijed riječi
The word 'ja' can also be used to emphasize a word. 'Da bi se naglasio dio rečenice može se koristiti i riječca 'ja', koja upotpunuje smisao:'
I did indeed call them. Ta zvao sam ih.
In the world God really does exist. Ta Bog postoji na svijetu.
You certainly must die sometime. Ta umrijeti morate nekad.
Are they really coming? Dali će oni ipak doći?
The words beginning in 'Ki' should come at the beginning of the sentence or clause. Dijelovi rečenica koje započinju sa 'KI' moraju doći na početak zavisne rečenice:
What do you want? Što hočete?
Who is Anna? Koja je Ana?
I want what you want. 'Hoću to, što i vi.'
When will your son return? Kada će se vratiti vaš sin?
I still don't know when he will return. 'Još neznam, kad će se vratiti.'
I don't know which fruits to choose. 'Neznam, koje voće odabrati.'
Was it really she who was singing? 'Dali je bila to ona, koja je pjevala?'
'Different word order is widely used in poetry. Observe the following humorous quartets, where the subject, verb and object appear in the six possible positions:' 'Razne kombinacije rečeničnih dijelova često se koriste u pjesništvu. Zabavite se ovim stihovima, u kojima subjekt , predikat i objekt se pojavljuju u šest mogućim varijacijama.'
'That freedom gives poetry a big flexibility, however, in prose or in everyday usage, this freedom is not absolute, because custom already adopted some forms, for example:' 'Ta sloboda daje pjesništvu neograničenu fleksibilnost, ipak, u prozi ili u svakodnevnoj upotrebi takva sloboda je dijelom ograničena, je su već formirane uobičajene fraze tijekom razvoja jezika, na primjer:'
Instead of Umjesto:
the following form is preferable: Radije upotrijebi:
Note: Napomena:
'Observe the apostrophe on the words at the end of the verses. Those apostrophes replace the word-ending 'o', and are more often used in poetry. Also the word 'La' can have an apostrophe instead of the 'a', for euphony or to justify the meter.' 'Zapazite apostrof u riječima na kraju stiha. Taj apostrof zamjenjuje završetak 'o', a češće se koristi u pjesništvu. Isto tako riječ 'La' može imati 'a' apostrofiran s namjerom, da se uskladi metrika ili istakne melodioznost.'
Free translation: Slobodan prijevod:
Put the verses in the order subject-verb-object (don't care for the poetic form): Upravo naučene stihove poredajte: subjekt-predikat-objekt (ne morate brinuti o pjesničkoj formi):
Exercise Vježba
Fill the available space with the correct suffix to complete the translat on. Put the grammatical endings when necessary. Press 'Enter' or click button when complete. You must get at least 70% correct. 'Prema smislu rečenice, ispunite prazni prostor pripadajućim sufiksom, ne zaboravivši pritom gramatičke nastavke. Kada ste sigurni, da je rečenica pravilno ispunjena, škljocnite po gumbu ili pritisnite Enter radi provjere. Opet 70%.'
'We already have seen that verbs end in 'as' in the present, 'is' in the past, 'os' in the future, and 'i' in the infinitive. There are other verb forms:' 'Nešto više o glagolima: već smo vidjeli da glagoli završavaju na 'as' u sadašnjem vremenu, na 'is' u prošlom, na 'os' u budućem vremenu i na 'i' u infinitivu. Postoje i druga vremena:'
'If I were rich, I would travel a lot. (but I am not rich)' 'Ako bi bio bogat, mnogo bi putovao.'
Close the door and sit down. Zatvori vrata i sjedni.
I want you to come. 'Hoću, da dođeš.'
'We would eat the bread, if it were good. (but it isn't)' 'Mi bi jeli kruh, ako bi bio dobar.'
Long live Esperanto! Živio Esperanto!
God protect me! Bog me čuvaj!
She asked me to stay. (She asked that I stay.) 'Zamolila me, da ostanem.'
Conditional mode (-US): (used when the condition in the 'if' clause is contrary to fact) Kondicional (pogodbeni način) (-us)
Imperative mode (-U): Zapovjedni način (-u)
Other verb forms Ostala glagolska vremena
'In indirect speech, use the same tense and mode as in the corresponding sentence in direct speech. Examples:' U neupravnom govoru upotrijebite isto vrijeme i glagolski oblik kao u upravmom govoru. Na pr.:
'He said, 'I am coming from New York.'' 'Rekao je, 'Dolazim iz New Yorka'.'
He said that he was coming from New York. 'Rekao je, da dolazi iz New Yorka.'
'She said, 'I will travel to Paris.'' 'Rekla je, 'Putovat ću u Pariz'.'
She said that she would travel to Paris. 'Rekla je, da će putovati u Pariz.'
Let's sleep. / Let them sleep. Mi spavajmo / Oni neka spavaju
I hope that he will come. 'Nadam se, da će on doći.'
I suggest that he come. 'Sugeriram mu, da dođe.'
Maybe he will come. It is possible that he will come. 'Moguće je, da će doći.'
'The imperative mode (-u) generally relates to the second person, and in that case it is not necessary to use the pronoun 'you'. However, when referring to the first or third person, we need to use the pronoun.' 'Zapovjedni način (-u) obično se odnosi na drugo lice, pa nije potrebno stavljati ličnu zamjenicu. Ali, ako se radi o prvom ili trećem licu, onda se stavi pripadajuća lična zamjenica:'
'When a subordinate clause introduced by 'ke' follows a verb which expresses causation in some way (command, request, admonition, desire, need, duty, permission, prohibition, etc.) the verb in the subordinate clause is in -U mode. After verbs expressing hope (esperi), fear (timi), disbelief (ne kredi), supposition (supozi), don't use -U mode.' 'Značajka u-završetka je cilj (naredba, molba, nagovaranje, želja, potreba, prinuda, dozvola, zabrana i tako dalje). U slučajevima kada se radi o 'nadam se', 'bojim se', 'ne vjerujem', 'pretpostavljam' itd. upotrijebite nastavak za buduće vrijeme (-os).'
Some very important verbs Nekoliko vrlo važnih glagola
to want to htjeti
'to be able, can' moći
'to have to, must' morati
I want to come Hoću doći
I can come. I am able to come. Mogu doći
I must come. I have to come. Moram doći
I want to understand. Hoću razumjeti
I can understand. I am able to understand. Mogu razumjeti
I must understand. I have to understand. Moram razumjeti
Something or somebody pleases me. I like something or somebody. Nešto ili netko mi se sviđa.
I like something. Something pleases me. Nešto volim.
I love somebody. Nekoga volim.
Books please me. I like books. Knjige mi se sviđaju.
'I know... (somebody, a place...)' Ja poznam...
'I know... (math, science, how to write...)' Ja znam...
Do you know John? Poznajete li Ivana?
Do you know Esperanto? Dali znate Esperanto?
Exercises Vježbe
Participles Participi
A participle is a special form of a verb used with some form of 'esti' to form compound tenses. 'Participi su riječi koje se koriste kao pridjevi, prilozi ili imenice:'
Active voice Aktivno stanje
Present: -anta Prezent: -ant
Past: -inta Preterit: -int
Future: -onta Futur: -ont
I am reading. Ja sam onaj koji čita.
I have read. Ja sam onaj koji je čitao.
I am going to read. Ja sam onaj koji će čitati.
Passive voice Pasivno stanje
Present: -ata Prezent: -at
Past: -ita Preterit: -it
Future: -ota Futur: -ot
The book is being read. Kniga je čitana.
The book has been read. Knjiga je pročitana.
The book is going to be read. 'Knjiga je, koja će biti čitana.'
'All of the above participles have the adjectival ending '-a'. We can regard the combination 'esti' + participle as a compound verb, or we can consider the participle to be a predicate adjective which modifies the subject. A participle ending in '-a' can also precede a noun and function as an ordinary adjective. Participles ending in '-e' function as adverbs. Participles ending in '-o' function as nouns. Examples follow.' 'Participi mogu imati oblik pridjeva (završetak 'a'), priloga (završetak 'e') i imenice (zvršetak 'o'). Njihova primjena doprinosi većoj preciznosti i jasnoći. Kroz slijedeće stranice ćemo vam predstaviti više primjera.'
'I am reading the book. = The book is being read by me.' 'Čitam knjigu = Knjiga je čitana od mene.'
'The reader has a good voice, but the previous one (the previous reader) had a better one.' 'Čitatelj ima dobar glas, ali predhodni čitatelj je imao bolji.'
'However, I think that the next reader (the one to read) will have the best voice of all.' 'Mislim ipak, da će budući čitatelj imati najbolji glas od sviju.'
While reading we learn. Čitajući mi učimo.
'About to eat the apple, he suddenly saw the worm' 'Namjeravajući jesti jabuku, spazio je crva.'
the house being built Građena kuća.
the letter to be written Pismo koje će biti napisano
the closed door Zatvorena vrata
rising sun Dizajuće sunce
the survivors Koji su preživjeli
current month Tekući mjesec
paying members (those who are paying now) Plaćajući članovi
'The participles can be combined with other tenses of 'esti'. Let's imagine that we are looking at people in a doctor's office. There is one person waiting, another ready to leave, and another is with the doctor. For each person and the doctor we may say that now:' 'Participi se mogu kombinirati sa ostalim glagolskim oblicima. Predstavimo si čekaonu i ordinaciju kod liječnika; jedan čovjek čeka da bi bio pozvan kod liječnika, drugi je već bio pregledan, a treći je pregledavan. Za svakog možemo reći, da upravo sada:'
'If today we tell what we saw YESTERDAY at the doctor's office, we say:' 'Ako danas pričamo, što smo vidjeli JUČER kod liječnika, onda mi kažemo:'
Because of recent office performance we can foresee that tomorrow: 'Prema učestalosti pacijenata kod doktora, mogli bi predvidjeti, da će SUTRA:'
Translate to English Prevedite na hrvatski
judge sudac
'to assert, to declare' tvrditi
'to run away, to leave in a rush' otrčati
'then, therefore' dakle
accused (the defendant) optuženik
'streetcar, tram' tramvaj
'to stand, to be standing' stajati
'to please, to be pleasing' sviđati se
eye oko
tired umoran
Pronoun 'Si' Zamjenica 'Si'
''si' is the third person reflexive pronoun, used when it refers back to the subject of the clause in which it occurs. It may have any of the forms 'si', 'sin', 'sia', 'siaj', 'sian', 'siajn'.' ''Si' je povratna zamjenica za treće lice, a odnosi se na sam subjekt u ulozi objekta.'
John washed himself. Ivan je prao sebe (samog sebe).
'John washed him (washed somebody else, male).' Ivan je prao njega (nekog drugog)
Sophia said to herself. Sofija si je rekla (sama sebi)
'Sophia said to her (to somebody else, female).' Sofija joj je rekla (nekoj drugoj)
She kissed her (own) husband. Poljubila je svojeg (vlastitog) muža.
She kissed her husband (the husband of another woman). Poljubila je njezinog muža (muža druge žene).
He lives happily with his son. On živi sretno sa svojim sinom.
He and his son live happily. On i njegov sin žive sretno.
'Note that 'sia' cannot be part of a compound subject, nor can it be the subject of any verb. In the following examples 'filo' relates to 'li'.' ''Sia' ne može biti dio samog subjekta. U tim slučajevima upotrijebite 'lia', 'ŝia', 'ĝia' ili 'ilia'. U doljnjim primjerima 'filo' se odnosi na 'li':'
Exercises Vježbe
Translate to English Prevedite na hrvatski
'to incite, provoke, excite' podjariti
continuously trajno
future budući
coffee shop kavana
'to regard, to look at' gledati
to observe promatrati
overcoat ogrtač
to go away otići
already već
conflict sukob
at home 'doma, kod kuće'
travel by car vožnja automobilom
both oba
'obstinately, stubbornly' tvrdoglavo
to pass proći
to pass by proći mimo
'ass, donkey' magarac
mockingly podrugljivo
to be silent šutjeti
a relative rođak
'car, automobile' auto
'to travel, to go by vehicle' voziti
Fill the available space with the correct verb ending to complete the translation. Press 'Enter' or click the side button when complete. You must get at least 70% correct. 'Prema smislu, popunite prazno mjesto odgovarajućim glagolskim završetkom. Kada ćete biti sigurni, da je rečenica pravilno popunjena, kliknite na gumb ili pritisnite Enter radi kontrole. Pogodite najmanje 70%.'
'Fill the available space with the correct pronoun to complete the translation. Remember that depending on its function in the sentence, the pronoun can get the endings 'a', 'aj', an, and 'ajn'. You must get at least 70% correct.' 'Prema smislu, ispunite prazni prostor odgovarajućom ličnom zamjenicom. Ne zaboravite da zamjenice, zavisno od uloge u rečenici, mogu dobivati nastavke 'a', 'aj' i 'n'. Kada ste sigurni u točnost, šljocnite gumb ili Enter na tipkovnici radi kontrole. Barem 70 posto točnih odgovora se traži od vas.'
In the third lesson we showed that derived adverbs end in '-e'. There are also primitive adverbs which aren't derived: 'U trećoj lekciji smo objasnili da prilozi, koji potjeću od drugih vrsta riječi, završavaju na 'e'. Postoje i prilozi, koji nisu derivati drugih riječi, pa ih zovemo jednostavni prilozi. Evo nekoliko od njih:'
at least barem
'also, too (placed before the word to which it relates)' također
Give me at least two minutes. Daj mi barem dvije minute.
Also John is washing himself. (Not just Mary washing herself) I Ivan se pere.
John is also washing himself. (Not just combing his hair) Ivan se također pere.
John washes also himself. (He is not just washing others) Ivan pere i sebe.
'yet, still' još
Is he still there? Jeli on još tamo?
'just barely, hardly' jedva
'He just came, and had to go. (just arrived when he had to go)' Jedva je došao i morao je otići.
Primitive Adverbs Jednostavni prilozi
soon uskoro
yesterday jučer
'Come soon, please.' 'Dođi uskoro, molim'
I encountered him yesterday. Našao sam ga jučer.
tomorrow sutra
Tomorrow I will visit them. Sutra ću ga posjetiti.
'almost, nearly' skoro
He almost fell. Skoro je pao.
They both are in the garden. Oni oba su u vrtu.
'Away from the eyes, away from the heart.' 'Daleko od očiju, daleko od srca.'
both oba
away 'daleko, od'
even čak
indeed (used for emphasis) ta (naglašeni oblik rečenice)
Even on the sun there are spots (blemishes). Čak na suncu se nalaze mrlje.
Is he really coming? 'Ta, dali će doći?'
'just, just now' upravo sada
He just left. Upravo je izašao.
'further, more' 'dalje, više'
I don't want to ride my bike any more. Ne želim više voziti bicikl.
This pleases me very much. Ovo mi se vrlo sviđa.
She speaks too loudly. Ona govori preglasno
'very, very much' vrlo
'too, too much' previše
'behold, here is...' 'gle, evo'
'as if, as though, like' 'poput, kao'
Here is the document you asked for. 'Evo dokumenta, kojeg ste molili (tražili).'
The lake was like a mirror. Jezero je bilo poput zrcala.
'immediately, instantly' odmah
I didn't immediately understand what she said. 'Nisam odmah razumio, što je rekla.'
denotes nearness riječca koja označuje bliskost
this / here / this time ovo / ovdje / ovaj put (sada)
anything whatever/ anybody whatever/ any place whatever bilo što / bilo tko / bilo gdje
'He lives thriftily, however happily.' 'On živi siromašno, ali ipak sretno.'
'whatever, at all' god (riječ koja naglašava neodređenost ili nezainteresiranost)
'nevertheless, however' ipak (označuje suprotnost na već izraženu temu)
Find the correct translation for the word at the top of the frame. You must get at least 70% correct. U toj vježbi ćete morati naći ispravan prijevod riječi koja se nalazi na vrhu okvira. Kao i u ostalim vježbama morate biti točni barem u 70% slučajeva.
Time Satovi
What time is it? Koliko je sati?
At what time will you telephone me? U koliko sati ćete telefonirati?
Exercises - time Vježba - satovi
Type the appropriate time in 24 hour format (24h00m). Press 'Enter' or click the yellow lightbulb when complete. You must get at least 70% correct. 'Utipkajte u određeni prostor sat koji odgovara prikazanoj rečenici, u obliku od 24h00m. Da bi potvrdili ispravnost odgovora pritisnite Enter ili škljocnite po pokrajnom gumbu. Pogodite barem 70%.'
Expressions by pairs Dvojni izrazi
Some expressions use a pair of words: 'Postoje u Esperantu izrazi koji se pojavljuju u paru, pa bi bilo dobro upoznati se sa njihovim značenjem:'
'The boy at times cried, at times laughed.' 'Dječak je sad plakao, sad se smijao.'
'His face at times blushed, at times turned pale.' 'Njegovo se lice sad zacrvenjelo, sad problijedilo.'
She neither bought the garment nor rented it. 'Ona niti je kupila vestu, niti ju je posudila.'
'She bought neither a book, nor a garment.' 'Nije kupila niti knjigu, niti vestu.'
Contrast Izmjenični izrazi
'The more you have, the more right you are.' 'Što je više imetka, tim je veća pravica.'
'The more noise, the less enjoyment.' 'Što je veća galama, tim je manji užitak.'
neither . . . nor Označuje afirmaciju ili negaciju
the more . . . the more 'Pokazuje, zajednički, da jedan izraz ovisi o drugom'
Both Peter and Charles work. I Petar i Karlo rade.
It's both rainy and windy. I kiša pada i vjetar puše.
both . . . and Pokazuje naglašavanje ili inzistiranje
Other interrogative forms Ostali upitni oblici
'Besides the way shown in lesson 2, there are other ways to make questions:' Postoje i drugačiji oblici upitnih rečenica uz one koje smo naučili u drugoj lekciji.
Is the box blue? Jeli kutija plava?
'The box is blue, isn't it?' 'Kutija je plava, zar ne?'
'The box isn't blue, is it?' 'Kutija nije plava, jeli?'
'Rain or shine, I will certainly go. (Whether it rains or whether it shines, . . .)' 'Bilo da će kišiti, bilo da će sunce sjati, ja ću svakako ići.'
'Whether for fear or for pride, he didn't answer.' 'Dali zbog straha, dali zbog ponosa, ništa nije odgovorio.'
'whether . . . whether, whether . . . or' 'Postoje mogućnosti, među kojima je izbor određen, jednak, slobodan ili neodređen.'
Are you going to the movies? Dali ćete ići u kino?
'You are going to the movies, aren't you?' Ići ćete u kino. jeli?
'You aren't going to the movies, are you?' 'Nećete ići u kino, jeli?'
encore! one more time! još!
shame! fuj!
ah! ah!
hurrah! hura!
'well, now...' no!
'either this, or this...' 'daj, daj!'
woe! jao!
oh dear! alas! (lament) joj!
poor me! jao meni!
and now? a?
Interjections Usklici
abbreviations Kratice
'etc., and further in that way' 'itd., i tako dalje'
'this is, i.e.' 't. j., to jest'
'Mister, Mr., Sir, gentleman' gospodin
'Miss, unmarried woman' gospođica
Esperanto Esperanto
esperantist esperantist
esperantist (same idea) istomišljenik
please izvoli
street ulica
'Mrs., Madam, lady' gospođa
Exercise Vježba
Give two other ways to make the questions: Postavite pitanja na dva načina:
Give two ways to say the time: Izrazi vrijeme u satima na dva načina:
Transitive and intransitive verbs Prelazni glagoli
'Some verbs, called transitive verbs, take a direct object. In lesson 2 we saw that a direct object is always in the accusative case. Other verbs, called intransitive verbs, do not take a direct object. For example,' 'Vidjeli smo u drugoj lekciji upotrebu akuzativa u pokazivanju upravnog objekta glagola. Ipak postoje glagoli, kojima nije potreban komplement. Na primjer:'
Something important happened. Dogodilo se nešto važno.
I am very happy today. Danas se jako veselim.
They are already sleeping in their beds. Oni već spavaju u svojim posteljama.
The young people danced very much. Omladina je mnogo plesala.
Note Napomena
These verbs may have a complement using a preposition: Neki od tih glagola mogu imati komplement pomoću zavisne rečenice:
His father died because of cancer. Njegov otac je umro od raka.
I am very glad about your happiness! Vrlo se veselim vašoj sreći!
Some verbs which are ordinarily intransitive can sometimes take a direct object: 'Drugi mogu dobiti, u nekim slučajevima, upravni objekt:'
She is sleeping a deep sleep. Ona spava dubokim snom.
She danced a waltz with him. Ona je plesala valcer s njim.
All verbs with the suffix '-iĝi' are intransitive (no direct object). They are often formed by adding '-iĝi' to a noun or to an adjective. The meaning can generally be expressed by the English verb 'to become'. 'Glagoli sa sufiksom IĜ su uvijek neprelazni, to jest, ne trebaju komplement, i mogu značiti:'
In winter the waters freeze. (become ice) Zimi se voda smrzava (pretvara u led).
She married (became a wife) her cousin. (Note that 'kuzo' is always male.) Ona se udala sa svojim nećakom.
Today the weather became warmer again. Danas se vrijeme ponovno zagrijalo.
''-iĝi' is often added to transitive verbs. The result is an intransitive verb whose meaning can often by expressed by 'become' + a past participle. So 'kuiri' = to cook, and 'kuirigxi' = to become cooked.' '2. U glagolima sa IĜ koji su stvoreni iz prelaznih glagola ne mijenja se stanje, nego mijenja se radnja, koja se događa sama po sebi.'
'The crowd ran more slowly than the vehicle, which was rolling very fast.' 'Ljudi su trčali manje brzo od vozila, koje se kotrljalo vrlo brzo.'
'Suddenly he found himself on the street, all alone.' 'On se nenadano našao na ulici, posve sam.'
At what time will the lesson start? U koliko sati će započeti lekcija?
Masses of pedestrians moved on the sidewalks. Mase prolaznika su se kretale pločnicima.
Verbs ending in '-iĝi' typically indicate a transition to a new state whose characteristics are indicated by the root. The doer or perpetrator of the action is not specified. '1. Prijelaz u novo stanje. Korijeni pokazuju rezultat, novo stanje. U glagolima koji završavaju sa IĜ vršitelj radnje nije bitan:'
Some verbs have no subject: (The grammatical subject 'it' in English has no real meaning.) Postoje još glagoli bez subjekta:
Yesterday it rained very much. Jučer je mnogo kišilo.
'It is dawning, and I have to go home.' 'Dani se (sviće), pa moram poći kući.'
It was snowing very hard and he couldn't leave the cabin. 'Snježilo je vrlo jako, pa nije mogao izići iz kolibe.'
Verbs with the suffix -IG- are always transitive. The meaning is often expressable by 'to make'. Glagoli sa sufiksom IG uvijek su prelazni:
The trip certainly made you tired. Putovanje vas je sigurno zamorilo.
The Southern sun burns his uncovered head. (makes it burn) Južno sunce peče njegovu golu glavu.
The father wants to marry off his older daughter immediately. (make her a wife) Otac hoće odmah udati stariju kćerku.
Note Napomena
Always remember that the verb 'esti' doesn't require the accusative. Don't use the accusative after a preposition. 'Zapamtite da iza riječi 'esti' nikad ne dolazi akuzativ, i da se iza zavisne rečenice ne upotrebljava akuzativ.'
'Certainly you already noted the extraordinary possibility of expression of Esperanto. In fact, by adding various prefixes, suffixes and grammatical endings to a given root, you can create many words, some of them without a direct translation to English. Some examples of word creation follow:' 'Sigurno ste već zapazili izvanredne mogućnosti izražavanja Esperantom. Zapravo, korištenjem prefiksa, sufiksa i nastavaka, mogu se stvarati mnoge riječi, neke čak nemaju ekvivalentni prijevod u nacionalnim jezicima. Bogatsvo Esperanta time ne završava. Sustavom spajanja korijena može se obogatiti riječnik, naći istoznačnice, naglasiti ili nijansirati značenja. Evo nekih primjera o mogućnostima stvaranja rijeći u međunarodnom jeziku:'
Word making in Esperanto Stvaranje riječi u Esperantu
Using prefixes and suffixes: 'Pomoću nastavaka, prefiksa i sufiksa:'
Note Napomena
'Even if it is possible to build words with more than two prefixes and/or suffixes, in favor of clarity and elegance it is preferable to avoid such creations. Thus, instead of 'belulineto' we prefer 'eta belulino'. The order in which affixes occur influences meaning:' 'Iako je moguće stvarati riječi sastavljanjem više prefiksa ili sufiksa, ipak se preporučuje, radi jasnoće i elegancije, izbjegavati takove konstrukcije. Tako, umjesto 'belulineto' preporučuje se 'eta belulino' Redoslijed afiksa ima neposredan utjecaj na smisao:'
'Joining roots. The grammatical ending of the first element, often '-o', is usually omitted, but it may be retained to facilitate pronounceability.' 'Kod sastavljanja korijena. Završetak prvog korijena se može ispustiti ili ostaviti, zavisno o potrebi za jasnoćom i melodioznošću sastavljenih riječi:'
steamship parobrod
whaler kitolovac (brod)
spaceship svemirski brod
going around obilaženje
going on foot pješačenje
light red svjetlocrvena boja
blood red krvavo-crvena boja
redness of the sky at dawn jutarnje crvenilo
forearm podlaktica
to read aloud glasno čitati
to eat until satiated jesti do sita
'millennium, thousand years' 'milenij, tisućljeće'
'century, hundred years' stoljeće
Creating words from groups of words: Stvaranje riječi iz skupine riječi:
From 'scivola' you can make: Od 'scivola' može se dobiti:
'curious, having a tendency to want to know' 'radoznao, znatiželjan'
Note: Napomena:
a curious person znatiželjko
Esperanto music Esperantska glazba
'Now you can listen to a song in Esperanto, 'Bluaj Fragoj' (Blue Strawberries), sung by Merlin, a Brazilian pop group, which has already recorded 2 albums in Esperanto and has played all around the world. The group: Markone Froes (voice and guitar), Guilherme Lima (drums), Aldrin Gandra (electric guitar), Sergio Ribeiro (bass guitar) and Sergio Vieira (keyboard).' 'Čujte šansonu na Esperantu, 'Bluaj Fragoj', koju pjeva Merlin, brazilski sastav pop-glazbe, koji je već izdao dva albuma na međunarodnom jeziku i nastupa po cijelom svijetu. Sastav sačinjavaju Markone Froes (vokal i gitara), Guilherme Lima (bubnjevi), Aldrin Gandra (električna gitara), Sergio Ribeiro (basgitara) i Sergio Vieira (klavijatura).'
Where to buy the CD: Gdje kupiti CD:
The musical group Merlin en internet: Sastav Merlin na internetu:
To listen to more songs in Esperanto: Za slušanje drugih šansona na Esperantu:
CD's by this group: Diskografija sastava:
Vocabulary Riječnik
New words from the song 'Bluaj Fragoj' (Blue Strawberries). Note the compound words used in the song. 'Dolje je popis novih riječi, koje se pojavljuju u šansoni 'Bluaj Fragoj'. Pripazite na sastavljene riječi, koje se čuju uz šansonu.'
strawberry Jagoda
to prove Dokazati
to approach Prići
'sky, heaven' Nebo
'arc, bow' Luk
rainbow Duga
soul Duša
value Vrijednost
truth Istina
light Svjetlo
infinity Bezkraj
to arrive at Prići ka
Translate to English Prevedite na hrvatski
park park
to receive 'dobiti, primiti'
'to support, to endorse' podržati
law zakon
to propose predložiti
'to put, to place' staviti
equal jednak
to honor slaviti
'to remain, to stay' ostati
Article from an Esperanto magazine: Članak iz esperantskih novina:
'to aim, to intend' 'nišaniti, ciljati'
library knjižnica
local mjesni
Final Test Završni ispit
'You have arrived at the final test, which will allow you to evaluate your Esperanto knowledge. Do the exercises calmly, without rushing. Good luck!' Došli ste do završnog ispita koji će vam omogućiti da ocijenite vaše znanje Esperanta. Vježbe radite smireno i bez žurbe. Sretno!
Give the plural form of the following words: 1. Stavite u množinu slijedeće riječi:
Give the feminine form of the following words: 2. Označite ženski spol slijedećim imenicama:
Show the opposite of the following words: 3. Prikažite suprotnost slijedećim pojmovima:
Make two questions for each of the following sentences: 4. Za svaku od ovih rečenica postavite dva pitanja na Esperantu:
'Translate the following sentences, with the correct accusative ending (-n):' 5. Prevedite ove rečenice pazeći na akuzativ (-n)
a) The bird catches the insect. a) Ptica lovi insekte.
b) The girl forgot the cake. b) Djevojke su zaboravile kolač.
c) The park received a new name. c) Park je dobio novo ime.
d) Close the door and have a seat here. d) Zatvori vrata i sjedni ovdje.
e) We admired many animals. e) Divili smo se mnogim životinjama.
f) I read Peter's book. I was reading Peter's book. f) Čitao sam knjigu od Petra.
g) He got sick last week. g) On se razbolio prošli tjedan.
h) My brothers live in Saint Paul. h) Moja braća stanuju u San-Paulu.
6. Write the sentence with the correct correlative: 6. Napišite rečenicu sa pravilnim korelativom:
7. Write the sentence with the correct preposition: 7. Napišite rečenicu sa pravilnim prijedlogom.
8. Show the prefix or suffix corresponding to the definition and give an example: 8. Pokažite prefiks ili sufiks koji odgovara objašnjenju. Dajte jedan primjer:
a) Both sexes together: a) Zajedništvo oba spola:
b) The individual characterized by the root: b) Biće okarakterizirano korijenom riječi:
'c) Wrong, mistaken, or incorrect action:' 'c) Djelo nepravilno, krivo, neprecizno:'
'd) Bigger, more intense.' 'd) Što odgovara uveličavanju, pojačavanju:'
e) Indicates worthiness: e) Čime se naznačuje vrijednost:
9. Translate to Esperanto: 9. Prevedite na Esperanto:
Translate to English: 10. Prevedite na hrvatski:
'Good morning! My name is Jacob. I am a gardener and I like flowers very much. I work at the zoological garden in Saint Paul, because I also like animals. When I work, generally I do it while singing. All my friends say that the flowers are beautiful because I sing joyfully. Do you believe that this is so?' 'Dobar dan! Moje ime je Jakov. Ja sam vrtlar pa jako volim cvijeće. Radim u zoološkom vrtu u San-Paulu, jer volim i životinje. Kada radim, obično to činim pjevajući. Svi moji prijatelji vele, da je cvijeće lijepo jer veselo pjevam. Dali vjerujete, da je tako?'
I have a tutor for the course. Imam voditelja tečaja
Use the system of the course. Upotrijebite sustav ovog programa
Language: Jezik:
Font: Tipkovnica:
Name: Ime:
e-mail address: elektronska pošta:
Course tutor Voditelj tečaja
Translation Prijevod
'The course tutor is an Esperanto teacher who will correct the translation exercises and will clarify your doubts and will also check the final examination. To find a course tutor, click on the following link:' 'Voditelj tečaja je učitelj Esperanta, koji će ispravljati vježbe prevođenja, pojašnjavati kod nejasnoća i nadzirati završni ispit. Voditelja tečaja možete kontaktirati preko doljnje poveznice:'
'To send messages to the tutor, I prefer to use the following system for the super-signed letters:' Kod slanja poruka voditelju tečaja želim koristiti tekst sa dijakritičnim slovima:
Super-sign system Dijakritični sustav
Example: Ogledni primjer:
Translation exercises Vježbe prevođenjaPitaj dali želim spremiti Ne spremaj
Automatic save Automatsko spremanje
Unicode Unicode
''x' system (ŝ = sx)' 'Sustav 'x' (ŝ = sx)'
''h' system (ŝ = sh)' 'Sustav 'h' (ŝ = sh)'
Ask me if I want to save 'Pitaj, želim li pohraniti'
Don't save ' Ne spremaj'
What is Esperanto? Što je Esperanto?
How to use the course Kako se služiti ovim tečajem
To contact the author Kontaktirajte s autorom
Settings Podešavanja
Credits Krediti
Exit Izlaz
Where did I stop? Nastavak prekinute lekcije
'The author would like to receive comments, suggestions, and bug reports for this program. Although he doesn't intent to respond the messages, he will consider the comments and suggestions to improve new versions. To send messages click on the link:' 'Autor cijeni vaše sugestije, komentare ili upozorenja o eventualnim greškama. Iako možda nije u stanju svakome odgovoriti, ali upozorenja će svakako dobro doći kod narednih verzija. Za slanje poruke kliknite doljnji gumb:'
Program translation: Prevođenje programa:
'This course can easily be translated to other languages, by means of a program that the author will send to the interested parties. Send a message in Esperanto asking for the program.' 'Ovaj tečaj se može lako prevesti na druge jezike, pomoću programa kojeg autor daje besplatno na raspoaganje svakome tko je zainteresiran. Pošaljite poruku, na Esperantu, pa zatražite program.'
Male voices Muški glasovi
Female voices Ženski glasovi
'This program can be used freely, copied and distributed (freeware). However the author asks that no modifications be made without prior authorization.' 'Ovaj se program može slobodno koristiti, kopirati i razaslati (freeware). Ipak vas autor moli, da nikakvu preinaku u programu ne činite bez predhodnog odobrenja autora.'
User's license. Dozvola za korištenje
Author Autor
Contributors Suradnici
Special thanks to: Posebne zahvale:
Translator Prevoditelj
Methology Način rada
'This course was based, with permission, on the 10-lesson online course of Esperanto-Societo Kebekia ( Other works consulted:' Ovaj tečaj je uz dozvolu zasnovan na internetskom tečaju od deset lekcija pri 'Esperanto-Societo Kebekia' (www3. Ostali radovi koji su korišteni u sastavljanju ovog tečaja:
Music Glazba
The song 'Bluaj Fragoj' is included and distributed with the program with the permission of the Group Merlin Skladba 'Bluaj Fragoj' (Plave jagode) šalje se uz program sa ljubaznim dopuštenjem grupe Merlin.
The MP3-coding library XAudio is copyrighted by MpegTV. Autorsko pravo MP3 biblioteke XAudio pripada MpegTV-u.
'The author would like to receive comments, suggestions, and bug reports for this program. Although he doesn't intent to respond the messages, he will consider the comments and suggestions to improve new versions. To send messages click on the link:' 'Autor cijeni vaše sugestije, komentare ili upozorenja o eventualnim greškama. Iako možda nije u stanju svakome odgovoriti, ali upozorenja će svakako dobro doći kod narednih verzija. Za slanje poruke kliknite doljnji gumb:'
Program translation: Prevođenje programa:
'This course can easily be translated to other languages, by means of a program that the author will send to the interested parties. Send a message in Esperanto asking for the program.' 'Ovaj tečaj se može lako prevesti na druge jezike, pomoću programa kojeg autor daje besplatno na raspolaganje svakome tko je zainteresiran. Pošaljite poruku, na Esperantu, pa zatražite program.'
XAudio (MP3) Ostali suradnici
Version Verzija
This software was developed in C++ / Nokia Qt: Ovaj softver je razvijen u C++ / Qt Nokia:
Source code of this program: Izvorni kod ovog programa:
'To implement the translation, exit the program and restart it.' 'Da bi se prijevod ostvario, potrebno je izaći iz programa i ponovo ga otvoriti.'
Congratulations! Your work was very good! Čestitamo! Vaš uspjeh je vrlo dobar!
Your work wasn't good. Try again! Vaš rezultat nije dobar. Pokušajte ponovno!
You have changed the configuration. Do you want to save it? Izmjenili ste postavku. Dali ju želite spremiti?
Later the exercise will be sent to your tutor. On the message body click Ctrl+V to paste the text. Vježba će odmah biti poslana voditelju tečaja. Prekopirajte tekst pomoću Ctrl+V na prostor za poruke.
You haven't yet indicated a tutor to correct the exercises. Go to the 'Main Menu' and click 'Settings'. 'Niste još upisali voditelja tečaja koji će ispravljati vježbe. Pritisnite na gumb 'Podešavanja' u glavnom meniju, pa upišite.'
You have modified the exercise. Do you want to save the modifications? Načinili ste preinake u vježbama. Dali ih želite spremiti?
Sends the exercise to your tutor Šalje vježbu voditelju tečaja
Saves the exercises Posprema vježbe
Back to the Main Menu Vraća se na glavni meni
The course in the web Tečaj na internetu
'To enter this lesson, type in the password supplied by your course guide.' Za pristup toj lekciji upišite lozinku koju vam je dao voditelj tečaja/ispravitelj:
Wrong password! Neispravna lozinka!
OK Dobro
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'With the goal of simplifying download, this lesson does not include pronunciation. Visit the course website to find out if separate sound files are available.' 'Da bi bilo olakšano spremanje datoteke sa lekcijom, ta lekcija ne sadrži izgovor riječi. Posjetite web-stranicu tog tečaja, pa pogledajte dali postoji koja tonska datoteka.'
The file listed below wasn't found. The pronunciation exercise won't function. Dolje prikazane datoteke ne postoje. Vježba izgovora ne funkcionira.
The son loves his mother. Sin voli majku.
My friends are good. Moji prijatelji su dobri.
The old cups were dirty. Stare šalice su prljave.
The female teacher has good friends. Učiteljica ima dobre prijatelje.
I will not wash the small cups. Neću prati male šalice.
Big birds caught sick insects. Velike ptice su hvatale bolesne kukce.
The teacher encountered our fathers. Učitelj je susreo naše očeve.
The new pen writes well. Novo pero piše dobro.
You forgot the white flowers. Vi ste zaboravili bijelo cvijeće.
My friends have paper. Moji prijatelji imaju papir.
I will find the clean cups. Ja ću naći čiste šalice.
John is making lemonade. Ivan pravi limonadu.
'Helen, my female friend, sells flowers.' 'Helena, moja prijateljica, prodaje cvijeće.'
Peter loves Mary. Petar voli Mariju.
The woman has dry cakes. Žena ima suhe kolače.
The teacher drinks water. Učitelj pije vodu
Your beautiful female friend has flowers. Tvoja lijepa prijateljica ima cvijeće.
Her father is our friend. Njezin otac je naš prijatelj.
The old man is adding sugar to the tea. Stari muškarac šećeri čaj.
A young father doesn't drink bad milk. Mladi otac ne pije loše mlijeko
The good friends will not forget you. Dobri prijatelji vas neće zaboraviti.
My daughter will sell cakes. Moja kći će prodavati kolače.
Lidya doesn't have a mother. Lidja nema majku.
Paul has cookies. Pavao ima biskvite.
Peter has a beautiful daughter. Petar ima lijepu kćerku.
He is ugly. On je ružan.
I will wash the pen. Ja ću prati pero.
Love is beautiful. Ljubav je lijepa.
I walk in the flower garden during the morning. Ja ujutro šećem u cvijetnom vrtu.
Anthony sold a good book to Mary. Antun je prodao dobru knjigu Mariji.
The beautiful flowers are on the new table. Lijepo cvijeće je na novom stolu.
The red airplanes flew over the high clouds. Crveni zrakoplovi su letjeli iznad visokih oblaka.
She greeted us with a friendly gesture. Ona nas je pozdravila prijateljskom gestom.
My friends will travel to Russia. Moji prijatelji će putovati u Rusiju.
'The teacher sits at the yellow door. (antaŭ,dum,ĉe,post,inter,sub,sur)' Učitelj sjedi kod žutih vratiju.
'The girls stand at the house entrance.(en,post,kun,ĉe,el,al,trans,super)' Djevojke stoje kod kućnog ulaza.
'Did you read the Esperanto book?(en,al,el,de,pro,por,kun,sen,per,ekster)' Jeste li čitali knjigu od Esperanta?
My young friend is John's son. Moj mladi prijatelj je Ivanov sin (sin od Ivana)
We stayed there for three weeks. Tamo smo ostali kroz (za vrijema) tri mjeseca.
The good excursion happened during the congress. Dobar izlet je bio (dogodio se) za vrijeme kongresa.
They stayed in Brazil two months. Ostali su u Brazilu dva mjeseca.
My mother stayed in the house. Moja majka ostala je u kući.
The small children walked until they reached the school. Mala djeca šetala su do škole.
Peter and Mary went as far as the old door. Petar i Marija išli su do starih vratiju.
With whom did you travel to Africa? S kim ste putovali u Afriku?
I traveled to France with my brother. Putovao sam u Francusku s mojim bratom.
The children are studying for the test. Djeca se uče za ispit.
We traveled to England for the Esperanto congress. Putovali smo u Englesku na (za) esperantski kongres.
Why is the girl crying? Radi čega plače djevojka?
The girl cries because the bicycle was lost. Djevojka plače radi izgubljenog bicikla.
The black cat is lying under the table. Crni mačak leži pod stolom.
The letter was under the geography book. Pismo je bilo ispod zemljopisne knjige.
'Peter, Mary and the children are walking on the street.' 'Petar, Marija i djeca šeću na ulici.'
John visited the United States instead of Canada. Ivan je posjetio SAD umjesto Kanadu.
'Instead of walking in the city, they went to the ranch.' 'Umjesto šetati u gradu, oni su išli na imanje.'
The girls chatted in front of the school. Djevojke su pričale (brbljale) pred školom.
In front of my new house there is a big tree. Ispred moje nove kuće je veliko drvo.
'The old man lives beside the school.(en,apud,al,pri,el,ekster,post,sub)' Stari gospodin stanuje pokraj škole.
'The avaricious woman sits beside the blue table.(en,el,apud,al,kun,post)' Škrta žena sjedi pokraj plavog stola.
The generous man gave one hundred kilograms of flour. Darežljiv muškarac je darovao sto kilograma brašna.
How many people live in your new house? Koliko ljudi stanuje u vašoj novoj kući?
Our car always stays outside the garage. Naš auto uvijek ostaje izvan garaže.
The children joyfully played outside the gray house. Djeca su se veselo igrala izvan sive kuće.
'From which country do you come?(al,tra,trans,el,por,ekster,inter,post)' Iz koje zemlje dolazite?
'Our mother will come from the city.(al,tra,ekster,post,el,trans,por,pro)' Naša majka će doći iz grada.
The boys ran fast among the trees. Dječaci su brzo trčali između drveća.
There is a big courtyard between the street and the school. Veliko je dvorište između ulice i škole.
England battled against France for a long time. Engleska se dugo borila protiv Francuske.
Mark and Helen sit opposite the window. Marko i Jelena sjede nasuprot prozoru.
They go to the factory by bicycle. Oni idu u tvornicu biciklom.
The old teacher wrote much with the old pen. Stari učitelj mnogo je pisao starim perom.
After the trip to Brazil they are very happy. Poslije putovanja u Brazil oni su vrlo sretni.
'Anthony's house stands behind the tall trees.(al,post,en,sur,antaŭ,sub)' Kuća od Antuna stoji iza visokog drveća.
Today the teacher talked about history for a long time. Danas je učitelj dugo pričao o Povjesti.
Have you already read something about Esperanto? Jeste li već nešto čitali o Esperantu?
John drinks coffee without white sugar. Ivan pije kavu bez bijelog šećera.
Small children don't live well without their mother. Mala djeca ne žive dobro bez majke.
The white birds flew over the blue house. Bijele ptice su letjele iznad plave kuće.
Through where do you want to exit? Gdje (tra kie) želite izaći.
The gray female cat jumped through the window. Siva mačka skočila je kroz prozor.
The children playfully ran around the tree. Djeca su igrajući se trčala okolo drveta.
Around the new school there is a beautiful garden. Okolo nove škole je lijepi vrt.
'The big river flows past our city.(el,en,ekster,preter,inter,post,sub)' Velika rijeka teće mimo našeg grada.
The boy jumped beyond the wall. Dječak je skočio preko zida.
'Young boys bicycled behind the old store.(en,malantaŭ,antaŭ,apud,tra)' Mladi dječaci su vozili bicikl iza starog dučana.
'Do you believe in what she says?(por,pro,al,el,en,sur,je,tra,per,apud)' 'Vjerujete li u to, što ona govori?'
'Napoleon was eager for conquests.(tra,sen,al,je,post,el,pro,kun,super)' Napoleon je bio lakom za osvajanjima.
The old lady has a heart condition. Stara gospođa je bolesna na srce.
At what time will you go to the city? U koliko sati ćete ići u grad?
She is as beautiful as intelligent. 'Ona je tako lijepa, kao i inteligentna.'
John is taller than Mary. Ivan je viši od Marije.
The Brazilian climate is warmer than the European. Brazilska klima je toplija od europske.
The tortoise is slower than the rabbit. Kornjača je manje brza nego kunić.
Mary writes better than Peter. Marija piše bolje od Petra.
Who is younger? Mary or Peter? Tko je mlađi? Marija ili Petar?
Which of you is the most diligent student? Tko od vas je najmarljiviji učenik?
The white car cost more than the blue one. Bijeli auto je koštao više nego plavi.
This book is more interesting than that magazine. Ova knjiga je zanimljivija od tih novina.
He went by bicycle as far as the other boys. 'Išao je toliko daleko, koliko i drugi dječaci.'
The new shoes are as good as the old ones. 'Nove cipele su isto tako dobre, kao i stare.'
My oldest brother is the principal of that school. Moj najstariji brat je ravnatelj one škole.
She loves him as much as she loves her work. 'Ona ga toliko voli, koliko i rad.'
'Among a tortoise, a rabbit and a fox, which one is the slowest?' 'Između kornjače, kunića i lisice, tko je najmanje brz?'
My cousins came to visit my parents. Miaj bratići došli su posjetiti moje roditelje.
The herd of cattle started to go along the road. Krdo goveda pošla je po putu.
The huge man distributed many books. Ljudina je razdavao mnogo knjiga.
That woman is Peter's ex-fiancee. Ona žena je bivša Petrova zaručnica.
The mother-in-law misunderstood the announcement. Svekrva je krivo razumjela oglas.
After half an hour it started to rain heavily. Nakon pola sata počelo je jako kišiti.
Tomorrow I will try to rebuild the shack. Sutra ću pokušati ponovno izgraditi kolibu.
The students like to look at the paintings (pictures) for a long time. Učenici vole gledati ( umjetničke) slike.
The European (person) gave us a dictionary. Europljanin nam je dao riječnik.
Dad works in a big building. Tata radi u velikoj zgradi.
His writing is readily legible. Njegovo pismo je dobro čitljivo.
Friendship is worth more than gold. Prijateljstvo vrijedi više od zlata.
'Because of the anecdote, everybody laughed loudly and raucously at the office.' Zbog anegdote svi su se grohotom smijali u uredu.
'La Fundamento de Esperanto' is a book that you should read. ''La Fundamento de Esperanto' je djelo, koje se mora čitati.'
People with a tendency to read learn faster. 'Ljudi skloni čitanju, brže uče.'
The pigeons ( or doves) flew away because of the gale. Golubovi su se razletjeli zbog oluje.
Yesterday I went to sleep at nine o'clock. Jučer sam zaspao u devet sati.
That boy keeps saying dirty words. Onaj dječak govori ružne riječi.
After three days his daughter-in-law returned. Nakon tri dana se njegova snaha vratila.
My step-son has to repeat the lesson. Moj posinak mora ponoviti lekciju.
Yesterday the movie-theater showed a lousy movie. Jučer je kino prikazivalo loš film.
Esperanto is a language for all of humanity. Esperanto je jezik za cijelo čovječanstvo.
'If Pete doesn't sow, Peter will not harvest.' 'Ako Perica ne sije, Petar neće žeti.'
He who talks too much harms himself. 'Tko mnogo brblja, sebi samom škodi.'
Which are the tasks that must be done? 'Koje su zadaće, koje se moraju izvršiti?'
That man is a very thrifty person. Onaj gospodin je vrlo štedljiv čovjek.
Esperanto is a very flexible language. Esperanto je vrlo podatljiv jezik.
He is the new school principal. On je novi školski upravitelj.
The youngest brother is a salesman. Njegov najmlađi brat je prodavač.
The fisherman is a reliable person. Ribič je pouzdan čovjek.
The generous man gave ten coins to the beggar. Darežljiv gospodin je dao deset novčića prosjaku.
Will Paul become office manager? Dali će Pavao postati predstojnik ureda?
Will you travel with the small suitcase? Dali ćete putovati s malom putničkom torbom?
Portuguese is a Romance language. Portugalski je romanski jezik.
The servants cleaned the whole store well. Sluge su dobro očistile cijeli dučan.
To cut bread they use a knife. Za rezati kruh upotrebljava se nož.
'Zamenhof, Esperanto's author, was born in Poland.' 'Zamenhof, autor Esperanta, rodio se u Poljskoj.'
''La Vivo de Zamenhof', by Privat, is a work worthy of reading.' ''Život Zamenhofa', od Privata, je vrijedno čitanja djelo.'
Hundreds of Esperantists went to the first Esperanto Congress. Na prvi kongres Esperanta išlo je stotine esperantista.
'My name is Anna, but you can call me Annie.' 'Moje ime je Ana, ali me možete zvati Anica.'
Many office workers work in that tall building. U toj visokoj zgradi rade mnogi službenici.
'Mom, do you know where is the ashtray?' 'Mama, dali znaš, gdje je pepeljara?'
Esperanto is many times easier to learn than national languages. Esperanto je višestruko lakši nego nacionalni jezici.
That new house cost me one third of all my money. Ta nova kuća me koštala trećinu mojeg sveg novca.
The girls always go by two's to the school. Djevojke uvijek idu udvoje u školu.
Is that tall man Mr. Anthony? Jeli taj visok čovjek gospodin Antun?
Two youngsters sat down on the green sofa. Dva mladića su se sjela na zeleni kauč.
The child had a cold because of the cold weather. Dijete se nahladilo zbog hladnog vremena.
Will she travel to France next week? Dali će ona putovati u Francusku slijedeći tjedan?
My purse was lost during the trip to Australia. Moj novčanik se izgubio za vrijeme putovanja u Australiju.
Repetition accelerates learning. Ponavljanje ubrzava učenje.
'The daughter's arrival made him very, very happy.' Dolazak kčerke ga jako puno usrečio.
Her face blushed because of her modesty. Njeno lice se zacrvenjelo zbog stidljivosti.
I became an Esperantist last year. Postao sam esperantist prošle godine.
Today the weather warmed up again. Danas se vrijeme ponovno zatopnilo.
She aged much because of her incurable disease. Ona je mnogo ostarjela zbog neizlječive bolesti.
The ship sank with her passengers. Potonuo je brod sa svojim putnicima.
The ship and her passengers sank. Potonuo je brod i njegovi putnici.
She doesn't love him. Ona ga ne voli.
She doesn't love herself. Ona se ne voli.
He came driving his new car. On je došao vozeći svoj novi auto.
He came driving their new car. On je došao vozeći njihov novi auto.
Mark and John returned to their homes. Marko i Ivan su se vratili svojim kućama.
My wife and I love our children very much. Ja i moja supruga jako volimo našu djecu.
You and Peter have to carry your suitcases. Vi i Petar morate ponijeti vaše putne torbe.
You and Anthony have to carry his suitcases. Vi i Antun morate ponijeti njegove putne torbe.
You must always think about your actions. Uvijek se mora promisliti o svojim postupcima.
Cats care for their territory very much. Mački se jako brinu o svom teritoriju.
She went away in spite of her husband's warnings. Ona je otišla unatoč upozorenjima svojega supruga.
Martha and she asked their husbands to wait in the restaurant. 'Marta i ona su molile, da njeni supruzi čekaju u restoranu.'
Walking on the street he found his lost wallet. 'Idući ulicom, našao je svoj izgubljeni novčanik.'
A giraffe is a tall animal. Its neck is very long. Žirafa je visoka životinja. Njen vrat je vrlo dug.
I will wash my clothes myself. Sam ću oprati svoju odjeću.
'The brother came; he wants to talk to his grandmother.' 'Došao je brat; želi govoriti sa bakom.'
'Here is my sister; she goes for a walk.' 'Gle moju sestru; ide šetati.'
'The swallow flies in the air; it is a beautiful bird.' Lastavica leti po zraku: ona je lijepa ptica.
'Here is your new book; it is very interesting.' 'Evo vaše nove knjige; vrlo je zanimljiva.'
He talked about himself. Govorio je o sebi.
People should live among themselves in harmony. Ljudi bi trebali živjeti međusobno u slozi.
'Esperanto is a very useful language; its grammar is regular.' 'Esperanto je vrlo koristan jezik; njegova gramatika je pravilna.'
'Andre is our neighbor; his house is very beautiful.' 'Andrija je naš susjed; njegova kuća je vrlo lijepa.'
'Mary is our neighbor; her house is very big.' 'Marija je naša susjeda; njezina kuća je vrlo velika.'
The inhabitants ran away because their house burned down. 'Stanari su pobjegli, jer je njihova kuća gorjela.'
'Here are some beautiful flowers; their smell is pleasant.' 'Evo lijepog cvijeća; njihov miris je ugodan.'
The (female) cat plays with its offspring. Mačka se igra sa svojim mladima.
'He came with his son; his daughter stayed home.' 'On je došao sa svojim sinom; njegova kčer je ostala kod kuće.'
The (female) cat and its offspring play. Mačka i njeni mladi se igraju.
She sings well. Ona pjeva dobro.
What is she singing? Što ona pjeva?
Yesterday it was raining when I walked. 'Jučer je kišilo, kada sam šetao.'
My father was a tailor. Moj otac je krojač.
'I will go tomorrow, God willing.' 'Ići ću sutra, ako Bog da.'
Now I would like to rest. Sada bi rado odmarao.
I would like to have such shoes. Želio bi imati takove cipele.
'If I were healthy, I would be happy.' 'Ako bi bio zdrav, bio bi sretan.'
Tell me the truth. Reci mi istinu.
Order him not to chat. 'Zapovjedi mu, da ne brblja.'
He said he was a soldier in the Second World War. 'Rekao je, da je bio vojnik u Drugom svjetskom ratu.'
He said that he is a lawyer. 'Rekao je, da je odvjetnik.'
Peter declared that he intends to travel to Asia. 'Petar je objavio, da namjerava putovati u Aziju.'
Please give me a cup of coffee. Izvolite mi dati šalicu kave.
He graciously and willingly offered me a coffee. Izvolio je ponuditi mi kavu.
They courteously offered me lodging. Ljubazno su mi ponudili gostoprimstvo.
The student must first read the lesson. Učenik mora prvo čitati lekciju.
'When she came back, she brought three books.' 'Kada se vratila, donjela je sa sobom tri knjige.'
'Mary and Eve were sisters, but their destinies weren't equal.' 'Marija i Eva su bile sestre, ali njihove sudbine nisu bile jednake.'
I will go if I can. 'Ako ću moći, ići ću.'
'When we arrive, we will talk better about the subject.' 'Kada ćemo doći, mi ćemo bolje popričati o temi.'
'However they decide, I will do it that way.' 'Kako će oni odlučiti, tako ću raditi.'
'If I am wrong, correct me! (A general statement about my desires)' 'Ako sam krivo, ispravite me!'
'When I am wrong (at some moment in the future), correct me!' 'Kada ću biti ukrivu, ispravite me.'
'If I am wrong, I will confess my error. (A general statement about the speaker's character)' 'Ako griješim, priznat ću svoju grešku.'
'If Pete doesn't sow, Peter will not harvest. (A general statement about life)' 'Ako Perica ne sije, Petar neće žeti.'
I will go to Paris after a month. Ići ću u Pariz za mjesec dana.
'Although he is still a baby, he is very intelligent!' 'Iako je on još beba, vrlo je inteligentan!'
'Although he lives far away, he visits his parents every week.' 'Iako stanuje daleko, on posjećuje roditelje svaki tjedan.'
I have nothing left that could cheer me up. (if I wanted to be cheered up) 'Ne ostaje mi ništa, što bi me moglo razveseliti.'
'If I knew, I would say.' 'Ako bi ja znao, bi rekao.'
She would be able to ask for anything she wanted (if she were so inclined): he would give it to her. 'Ona bi mogla moliti za sve, što je htjela: on bi joj to dao.'
She could ask for anything she wanted: he gave it to her. (she habitually asked) 'Ona je mogla moliti za sve, što je htjela: on joj je to davao.'
'However much I might try, I would obtain nothing. (Hence, it's no use trying)' 'Koliko god bi nastojao, ništa nebi postizao.'
'However much I tried, I obtained nothing.' 'Koliko god sam nastojao, ništa nisam postigao.'
'He asked, that I put the children to sleep.' 'Zamolio me, da uspavam djecu.'
They beseeched me to visit their new store. 'Oni su me jako molili (zaklinjali), da posjetim njihov novi dučan.'
'I already have my hat; now look for yours.' 'Ja već imam svoj šešir; sada ti traži svojeg.'
So be it! Neka bude tako!
Strike me dead if I am lying! 'Neka umrem, ako lažem!'
The devil take hold of you! Neka te vragovi uzmu!
Maybe we will have good weather. Možda ćemo imati dobro vrijeme.
'I doubt whether he will win, although he does everything for that.' 'Sumnjam, da će pobjediti, iako sve čini za to.'
It is unusual that he came. 'Čudno je, da je došao.'
That caused me to lose a very precious hour. 'To je prouzročilo, što sam izgubio vrlo drag sat vremena.'
'Because it was already late, I went to sleep.' 'Jer je bilo već kasno, išao sam spavati.'
'Which road you should take, I don't know.' 'Kojim putem da ti ideš, ja ne znam.'
Why should we now waste words on that? Zašto da sada trošimo riječi o tome?!
Why are you running today like a poisoned mouse? Zašto danas trčkaraš kao otrovani miš?
The king turned around and around in front of the mirror. Kralj se okretao i okretao pred zrcalom.
I am reading a good book. Čitam dobru knjigu.
I am writing a letter to my daughter. Pišem pismo svojoj kčerki.
'While he is speaking, the people are going away.' 'Dok on govori, ljudi odlaze.'
I am eating lunch. Ručam.
King Louis XIV used to say: 'I am the state!' 'Kralj Luj XIV je govorio: 'Država, to sam ja!'.'
Did you already read something about Esperanto? Dali ste već nešto čitali o Esperantu?
John is taking coffee without white sugar. Ivan pije kavu bez bijelog šećera.
Small children do not live well without their mother. Mala djeca ne žive dobro bez majke.
The white birds flew over the blue house. Bijele ptice su letjele nad plavom kućom.
Through where do you want to exit? Kuda želite izići?
The gray female cat jumped through the window. Siva mačka je skočila kroz prozor.
The children playfully ran around the tree. Djeca su igrajući se trčala okolo drveta.
Around the new school there is a beautiful garden. Oko nove škole je lijepi vrt.
The big river flows beside our city. Velika rijeka teće pokraj našeg grada.
I am eating lunch. Ručam.
Some young boys bicycled around behind the old store. Mladi dječaci su vozili bicikle iza starog dučana.
Do you believe in what she is saying? 'Dali vjerujete u to, što ona govori?'
Napoleon was eager for conquests. Napoleon je bio pohlepan za osvajanjima.
The old lady has a sick heart. Stara gospođa je bolesna na srce.
At what time are you going to the city? U koliko sati ćete ići u grad?
She sings well. Ona pjeva dobro.
What is she singing? Što ona pjeva?
Yesterday it was raining when I was walking. 'Jučer je kišilo, dok sam šetao.'
Mi father was a tailor. Moj otac je bio krojač
'I am going tomorrow, God willing.' 'Ići ćemo sutra, ako Bog da.'
Now I would like to rest. Sada bi htio odmarati.
I would like to have such shoes. Želio bi imati takove cipele.
'If I were healthy, I would be happy.' 'Ako bi bio zdrav, ja bio bi sretan.'
Tell me the truth. Kaži mi istinu.
Order him not to chat. 'Naredi mu, da ne brblja.'
He said that he was a soldier in the Second World War. 'Rekao je, da je bio vojnik u Drugom svjetskom ratu.'
He said that he is a lawyer. 'Rekao je, da je odvjetnik.'
Peter declared that he has the intention to travel to Asia. 'Petar je objavio, da namjerava putovati u Aziju.'
Please give me a cup of coffee. Izvoli mi dati šalicu kave.
He willingly offered coffee to me. On mi je izvolio ponuditi kavu.
They amiably offered lodging to me. Uljudno su mi ponudili gostoprimstvo.
The student must first read the lesson. Učenik treba najprije pročitati lekciju.
'When she came back, she brought three books.' 'Kad se vratila, donijela sa sobom tri knjige.'
I will go if I can. 'Ako ću moći, ići ću.'
'When we arrive, we will talk better about the subject.' 'Kad ćemo doći, mi ćemo bolje obraditi temu.'
'However they decide, I will do it that way.' 'Kako će oni odlučiti, tako ću postupiti.'
'If I am wrong, correct me!' 'Ako sam pogrešan, ispravi me.'
'When I am wrong, correct me!' 'Kada ću biti pogrešan, ispravi me.'
'If I am wrong, I will confess my error.' 'Ako griješim, ja ću priznati svoju pogrešku.'
'If Pete doesn't sow, Peter will not harvest.' 'Ako Perica ne sije, Petar neće žeti.'
I will go to Paris after a month. Ići ću u Pariz nakon mjesec dana.
'Although he is still a baby, he is very intelligent!' 'Iako je još beba, on je vrlo inteligentan.'
'Although he lives far away, he visits his parents every day.' 'Iako on stanuje daleko, posjećuje roditelje svakodnevno,'
I have nothing left that could cheer me up. 'Ništa mi nije ostalo, što bi me moglo razveseliti.'
'If I knew, I would say.' 'Ako bi znao, bi rekao.'
She could ask for anything she wanted: he would give it to her 'Ona bi mogla moliti za sve, što bi htjela: on bi to dao.'
She could ask for everything she wanted: he gave it to her. 'Ona je mogla moliti za sve, što je htjela: on je to davao.'
'Whatever I would try, I would obtain nothing.' 'Koliko god bi ja nastojao, nebi ništa postigao.'
'However much I tried, I obtained nothing.' 'Koliko god sam nastojao, nisam ništa postigao.'
He asked that I put the children to sleep. 'Molio me, da uspavam djecu.'
They beseeched me to visit their new store. 'Oni su me jako molili (zaklinjali), da posjetim njihov novi dučan.'
'I already have my hat; now look for yours.' 'Ja već imam svoj šešir; sada ti traži svoj.'
Strike me dead if I am lying! 'Neka umrem, ako lažem.'
The devil take hold of you! Neka te vragovi uzmu.
Maybe we will have good weather. Možda ćemo imati dobro vrijeme.
It is unusual that he came. 'Čudno je, da je došao.'
That caused me to lose a very precious hour. 'To je prouzročilo, da sam izgubio vrlo drag sat vremena.'
'Because it was already late, I went to sleep.' 'Jer je bilo već kasno, zato sam išao spavati.'
'Which road you should take, I don't know.' 'Kojim putem neka ideš, neznam.'
Why should we now be wasting words on that! Čemu trošiti riječi na to?
Why are you running today like a poisoned mouse? Zašto danas trčkaraš kao otrovani miš?
The king turned around and around in front of the mirror. Kralj se okretao i okretao pred zrcalom.
I am reading a good book. Čitam dobru knjigu.
I am writing a letter to my daughter. Pišem pismo svojoj kčerki.
'While he is speaking, the people are going away.' 'Dok on govori, ljudi odlaze.'
Find the correct translation for the word at the top of the frame. You must get at least 70% correct. Pronađite ispravan prijevod riječi koja se pojavi u gornjem dijelu okvira. Također pokušajte pogoditi barem 70% riječi.
Pronunciation Exercise Vježba izgovora
'Practice your pronunciation in Esperanto. First listen carefully to the word or phrase, then repeat it, trying to accurately imitate the pronunciation. Finally, listen and compare. Repeat the exercise as many times as necessary, until your pronunciation is similar to the model. Important: Don't forget to set up your microphone for recording (consult the help of your operating system for the procedures).' 'Vježbajte izgovor na Esperantu. Najprije slušajte riječ ili rečenicu, zatim ju ponovite što je moguće vjernije originalu. Na kraju slušajte i uspoređujte vaš izgovor sa uzorom. Ponavljajte vježbu dokle god je potrebno da vaš izgovor sliči originalu. Podesite si mikrofon za snimanje (poslužite se naputcima iz Windowsa).'
Auditive understanding exercise Vježbanje po sluhu
'You will hear a word. Listen carefully, then type it in the box at the bottom. If your answer is correct, the word will appear on the panel; otherwise, the word will be repeated later. You must get at least 70% correct.' 'U slijedećoj vježbi čuti ćete riječ koju morate upisati u određeni prostor. Ako pogodite, riječ će se pojaviti na panou, ako ne, ona će se ponavljati tako dugo dok ju ne pogodite. U prvom pokušaju trebali bi pogoditi barem 70% riječi.'
Exercises Vježbe
Exercise - using the accusative Vježba - primjena akuzativa
Click the words that should receive the accusative ending (-n) to complete the translation. The sentences could appear in a different word order than the common one (subject - verb - object). Note that not every sentence requires the accusative. You must get at least 70% correct. 'U ovoj vježbi ćete prema smislu rečenice, škljocati po riječima koje bi trebale dobiti akuzativni nastavak (-n). Redoslijed riječi u rečenicama može biti različit a ne samo po uobičajenom redoslijedu (subjekt-predikat-komplement). Imajte na umu, da nije potreban akuzativ u svakoj rečenici. Kada ćete biti sigurni, da je rečenica pravilno dopunjena, škljocnite po gumbu da ispitate ispravnost. Morate biti točni najmanje u 70 posto slučajeva.'
Fill the available space with the correct correlative to complete the translation. Note that some correlatives may take the plural and/or the accusative ending. Press 'Enter' or click the side button when complete. You must get at least 70% correct. 'Prema smislu rečenice ispunite prazno mjesto pripadajućim korelativom. Imajte na umu da neki korelativi mogu imati nastavak za množinu i za akuzativ. Kada ćete biti sigurni, da je rečenica pravilno kompletirana, kliknite na doljnji gumb ili pritisnite Enter, da vidite, koliko ste uspješni. Morali bi biti barem 70%.'
Relatives Relativi
The 'Ki-' correlatives can also introduce sentences that are not questions. In this role they are called 'relatives' because they show the relationship between a main sentence and a secondary sentence called a subordinate clause or relative clause. 'Riječ koja započinje sa 'KI' može uvoditi i u neupitne rečenice. Takve riječi se zovu relativi, jer pokazuju odnos između zavisne i glavne rečenice.'
'I want that fruit, which you showed.' 'Volim to voće, koje ste pokazali.'
In the sentence above 'kiun' refers to 'tiu frukto'. U gornjoj rečenici 'kiun' odnosi se na 'ovo voće'.
I don't understand what you are saying (that which you say). 'Ne razumijem to, što govorite.'
I saw the person whose house is white. 'Vidio sam čovjeka, čija kuća je bijela.'
I found her (there) where they sell cakes. 'Susreo sam je tamo, gdje se prodaju kolači.'
'Yesterday, when I was in the city, I bought flowers.' 'Jučer, kada sam bio u gradu, kupio sam cvijeće.'
She is as beautiful as her mother. 'Ona je tako lijepa, kao majka.'
I bought as many (or as much) as I needed. 'Kupio sam toliko, koliko mi je bilo potrebno.'
Translate to Esperanto Prevedite na Esperanto
Correlatives Korelativi
1. How does she run? 1. Kako ona trči
2. What are you writing? 2. Što pišete?
3. I am nobody's wife? 3. Nisam ničija žena.
4. How did you do that? 4. Kako ste učinili to?
5. I am not that kind of girl. 5. Ja nisam takova djevojka.
6. We have all kind of cups. 6. Mi imamo svakakve šalice?
7. What kind of sandwich do you have? 7. Kakav sendvič vi imate?
8. What did you ask? 8. Što ste zamolili?
9. Are they all dry? 9. Dali su svi suhi?
10. Who is that? 10. Tko je taj?
'How?, In what manner?; as, like' kako
'like that, in that way (the combination tiel . . . kiel means as . . . as)' tako
'somehow, anyhow, in some way' nekako
in no way nikako
in every way na svaki način
'How much?, How many?, What quantity?' koliko
'that quantity, as many, as much (tiom . . . kiom means as . . . as relative to quantity)' toliko
'some quantity, some' nešto
'none, no quantity' ništa
'all of it, the whole quantity' svekoliko
'Why?, For what reason?' zašto
'for that reason, so' zato
for some reason zbog nečega
for no reason ni zbog čega
for every reason svakako
'Whose?, Which one's?; whose' čiji
that one's od onog
'someone's, anyone's' nečiji
'nobody's, no one's' ničiji
'everybody's, everyone's' svačiji
'What kind of?, What sort of?' kakav
'that kind of, that sort of, such a' takav
'some kind of, any kind of' nekakav
no kind of nikakav
'all kinds, every kind' svakakav
'How do you do? (literally: How are you faring?) -- I am very well, thank you!' 'Kako se osjećate? -- Osjećam se vrlo dobro, hvala!'
She writes as well as the teacher. 'Ona piše tako dobro, kao i učiteljica.'
How much is two and two? -- Four! Koliko je dva i dva? -- Četiri!
He ate as much as he wanted. 'Jeo je toliko, koliko je htio.'
Why does the child run? -- Because it is very happy. Zašto dijete trči? -- Jer je vrlo veselo.
Whose book is that? -- That is John's book. Čija je ono knjiga? -- Ono je knjiga od Ivana.
'How was your day? -- My day was very good, thank you!' 'Kakav je vaš dan? -- Moj dan je vrlo dobar, hvala!'
I will not eat that kind of bread. Neću jesti takav kruh.
'Let us now introduce the remaining correlatives. Remember that the correlative system is closed, meaning it's not possible to use their beginnings or endings with any other words.' 'Sada naučimo i ostale korelative. Imajte na umu da je korelativni sustav ograničen na određeni broj, to znači, da ih nije moguće tvoriti još, izvan sada prikazanih.'
manner Način
is used to indicate or point. (Often translated as 'that' or 'those') 'Koristi se indikativno, pokazno.'
indicates a question or introduces a relative clause. 'Upitna zamjenica; odnosi se na predhodnu složenu rečenicu.'
indicates something indefinite. (often translated as 'any' or 'some') Pokazuje neodređenost.
She somehow reminds me of another person. Ona me nekako podsjeća na drugu osobu.
indicates negativeness or non-existence. Predstavlja niječni smisao.
'In no way can I understand, what you say (literally speak).' 'Nikako ne mogu razumjeti, što govorite.'
indicates all members of a group. 'Prikazuje zbir, grupu.'
They helped me in every way. Oni su mi pomogli na bilo koji način.
indicates quantity. Prikazuje količinu.
I must buy some coffee. Moram kupiti nešto kave.
How many children are playing in the house? -- None. Koliko djece se igra u kući? - Ništa.
How much gasoline do you want? - I want all that you have. 'Koliko benzina želite? - Želim sve, koliko imate.'
'cause, reason' 'Uzrok, razlog'
She is very beautiful. For that reason I love her. Ona je vrlo lijepa. Zato ju volim.
'For some reason, I still don't know you.' Ja vas radi nečeg još ne poznajem.
You could incite him however much (you might want to). He would have no reason to be angry. Možete ga srditi koliko god. On se nebi ljutio ni zbog kojeg razloga.
You ask why I love you. I respond: for every reason! 'Vi pitate, zašto vas volim. Odgovaram: radi svega!'
shows possession Pokazuje svojinu.
I found someone's book. Našao sam nečiju knjigu.
Esperanto is nobody's property Esperanto (ni-) je ničije vlasništvo.
Esperanto is everybody's language Esperanto je svačiji jezik.
indicates sort or type (it can take the 'j' and 'n' endings) 'Pokazuje kakvoću, vrstu (može dobivati nastavke 'j' i 'n')'
Do you have any kind of doubt concerning the grammar of Esperanto? Imate li kakvu sumnju o gramatici Esperanta?
'No, I have no kind of doubt about it.' 'Ne, nemam nikakvu sumnju o njoj.'
Every sort of help is welcome. Svakakva pomoć je dobrodošla.
The cat ran on the house and ruined its (that one's -- i.e. the house's) roof. Mačak je trčao po kući i oštetio (od kuće) krov.
'They are the three brothers, who bought the store.' 'Oni su troje braće, koji su kupili dučan.'
What is your name? -- My name is Paul. Kako ti je ime? -- Moje ime je Pavao.
Where do you live? -- I live in Canada. Gdje stanuješ? -- Stanujem u Kanadi.
'Did you read the book, which I gave to you?' 'Dali si čitao knjigu, koju sam ti dao?'
When will you buy the book? -- Tomorrow morning. Kada ćeš kupiti knjigu? -- Sutra ujutro.
Where did you see the birds? -- I saw them in the school. Gdje ste vidjeli ptice? -- Vidio sam ih u školi.
What is geography? -- Geography is a science. Što je zemljopis? -- Zemljopis je znanost.
Who came yesterday? -- Nobody came yesterday. Tko je došao jučer? -- Nitko nije došao jučer.
That book is very good. Ona knjiga je vrlo dobra.
This girl is very intelligent. Ova djevojka je vrlo inteligentna.
'Are you the child, who asked for a cake?' 'Dali si ti to dijete, koje je zamolilo za kolač?'
'They are the men, who collect postage stamps.' 'Oni su ti muškarci, koji sakupljaju poštanske marke.'
I learned Esperanto when I was in school. 'Učio sam Esperanto tada, kada sam bio u školi.'
'I saw the house, which they advertised in the newspaper.' 'Vidio sam kuću, koju su oglasili u novinama.'
I live there where the car is. 'Stanujem tamo, gdje je auto.'
Are you going to eat this sandwich? Dali ćete jesti taj sendvič?
I didn't see the person who lives in this house. 'Nisam vidio tog, koji stanuje u ovoj kući.'
'Which men smoke in school? -- Nobody. (Nenio,Neniu,Iu,Io)' Koji muškarci puše u školi? -- Nikoji.
Who was your first teacher? -- Mr. Charles. Tko je bio vaš prvi učitelj? -- Gospodin Karlo.
Which children asked first for a cake? -- Those children. Koja djeca su najprije zamolila za kolač? -- Ova djeca.
Whose book is that? -- That is John's book. Čija je ono knjiga? -- Ono je knjiga od Ivana.
How much did the bicycle cost? -- It cost twenty dollars. Koliko je koštao bicikl? -- On je koštao dvadeset dolara.
Why is the child running? -- Because it is very happy. Zašto dijete trči? -- Jer je vrlo veselo.
How did you travel to Canada? -- I traveled by bicycle. Kako ste putovali u Kanadu? -- Putovao sam biciklom.
How is you sandwich? -- It's hot! Kakav je vaš sendvič? -- On je topao!
How is your house? -- It's big and green. Kakva je vaša kuća? -- Ona je velika i zelena.
'How do you do? -- I'm very well, thanks!' 'Kako se osjećate? -- Osjećam se vrlo dobro, hvala!'
How many children do they have? -- They have two children. Koliko djece imaju? -- Imaju dvoje djece.
He ate as much as he wanted. 'Jeo je toliko, koliko je htio.'
She writes as well as the female teacher. 'Ona piše tako dobro, kao i učiteljica.'
How is the bread? -- The bread is dry. Kakav je kruh? -- Kruh je suh.
How many children learn in this school? -- Two hundred! Koliko djece uči u ovoj školi? -- Dvijesto!
She is so beautiful! Ona je tako lijepa!
I won't eat that kind of bread. Neću jesti takav kruh.
'How was your day? -- My day was very good, thanks!' 'Kakav je vaš dan? -- Moj dan je vrlo dobar, hvala!'
How much are two and two? -- Four! Koliko je dva i dva? -- Četiri!
How many women smoke in your house? -- None. Koliko žena puši u kući? -- Ništa.
'I asked, how do you go to the school.' 'Pitao sam, kako idete u školu.'
'I want to travel to such a land, as Canada.' 'Želim putovati u takovu zemlju, kao što je Kanada.'
Whose book is that? -- That is John's book. Čija je ono knjiga? -- Ono je knjiga od Ivana.
What is your name? -- My name is Paul. Koje je tvoje ime? -- Moje ime je Pavao.
Where do you live? -- I live in Canada Gdje stanujete? -- Stanujem u Kanadi.
Did you read the book I gave you? 'Dali ste čitali knjigu, koju sam vam dao?'
When are you going to buy the book? -- Tomorrow morning. Kada ćete kupiti knjigu? -- Sutra ujutro.
How much did the bicycle cost? -- It cost twenty dollars. Koliko je koštao bicikl? -- On je koštao dvadeset dolara.
Where did you see the birds? -- I saw them at the school. Gdje ste vidjeli ptice? -- Vidio sam ih u školi.
Why does the child run? -- Because it is very happy. Zašto dijete trči? -- Jer je veselo.
How did you travel to Canada? -- I traveled by bicycle. Kako ste putovali u Kanadu? -- Putovao sam biciklom.
How is your sandwich? -- It is hot! Kakav je vaš sendvič? -- On je topao!
What is geography? -- Geography is a science. Što je zemljopis? -- Zemljopis je znanost.
Who came yesterday? -- Nobody came yesterday. Tko je došao jučer? -- Nitko nije došao jučer.
That book is very good. Ona knjiga je vrlo dobra.
This girl is very intelligent. Ova djevojka je vrlo inteligentna.
Are you the child who asked for a cake? 'Dali si ti to dijete, koje je molilo za kolač?'
They are the men who collect postage stamps. 'Oni su muškarci, koji sakupljaju poštanske marke.'
I learned Esperanto when I was at school. 'Učio sam Esperanto tada, kada sam bio u školi.'
I saw the house that they advertised in the newspaper. 'Vidio sam kuću, koju su oglasili u novinama.'
I live there where the car is. 'Stanujem tamo, gdje je auto.'
How is your house? -- It is big and green. Kakva je vaša kuća? -- Ona je velika i zelena.
'How do you do? -- I am very well, thank you!' 'Kako se osjećate? -- Osjećam se dobro, hvala!'
How many children do they have? -- They have two children. Koliko djece imaju? -- Imaju dvoje djece.
He ate as much as he wanted. 'Jeo je toliko, koliko je htio.'
She writes as well as the female teacher. 'Ona piše tako dobro, kao i učiteljica.'
Are you going to eat this sandwich? Dali ćete jesti taj sendvič?
How is the bread? -- The bread is dry. Kakav je kruh? -- Kruh je suh.
I didn't see who lives in this house. 'Nisam vidio tog, koji stanuje u ovoj kući.'
How many children learn in this school? -- Two hundred! Koliko djece uči u ovoj školi? -- Dvijesto!
She is so beautiful! Ona je tako lijepa!
I will not eat that kind of bread. Neću jesti takav kruh.
'How was your day? -- My day was very good, thank you!' 'Kakav je vaš dan? -- Moj dan je vrlo dobar, hvala!'
How much is two and two? -- Four! Koliko je dva i dva? -- Četiri!
How many women smoke inside the house? -- None. Koliko žena puši u kući? -- Ništa.
Which men smoke inside the school? -- None. Koji muškarci puše u školi? -- Nikoji.
Who was your first teacher? -- Mr. Charles. Tko je bio vaš prvi učitelj? -- Gospodin Karlo.
Which children first asked for a cake? -- Those children. Koja djeca su najprije zamolila za kolač? -- Ona djeca.
They are the three brothers who bought the store. 'Oni su trojica braće, koji su kupili dučan.'
I asked how do you go to the school. 'Pitao sam, kako idete u školu.'
I desire to travel to a country like Canada. 'Želim putovati u takovu zemlju, kao što je Kanada.'
'This is the subject, and a subject can't end with 'n'.' 'Ovo je subjekt, a subjekt nikako ne može imati akuzativni n-nastavak.'
'This word is a part of the subject, and a subject can't end with 'n'.' 'Ova riječ je dio subjekta, a subjekt nikada ne dobiva n-nastavak.'
This is the definite article. Its form does not vary. 'Ovo je određeni član, a on se ne mijenja.'
'This word is the verb, so it can't end with 'n'.' 'Ova riječ je glagol, pa ne može dobiti n-nastavak.'
Congratulations! This is the direct object and must end with 'n'. 'Čestitamo! Ovo je upravni objekt, pa dobiva n-nastavak.'
'Very good! This word is part of the direct object, so it ends with 'n'.' 'Vrlo dobro! Ova riječ je dio upravnog objekta, pa zbog toga ona dobiva n-nastavak.'
'After a preposition, don't use the 'n' ending.' Iza prijedloga ne dolazi akuzativni n-nastavak.
This word is a preposition. It can't end with 'n'. Ova riječ je prijedlog. Ona ne dobiva n-nastavak.
This word is an adverb. It doesn't end with 'n'. 'Ova riječ je prilog, pa radi toga ne dobiva n-nastavak.'
The 'n' ending should only be used when the verb 'acts' upon another person or object. This is not such a case. 'Koristite n-nastavak samo onda, kada glagol 'djeluje' na drugu osobu ili objekt.'
This word is a numeral and can't end with 'n'. 'Ova riječ je brojka, pa ne dobiva n-nastavak.'
'This word is a conjunction, so it can't end with 'n'.' 'Ova riječ je veznik, pa ne dobiva n-nastavak.'
'Words like 'saluton', 'dankon', etc. end with 'n' because they are direct objects in longer complete sentences. (e.g., 'Mi diras saluton al vi' or 'Mi esprimas mian dankon al vi.')' 'Ove riječi kao (saluton, dankon, itd.) dobivaju n-nastavak jer one su upravni objekti a glagol (predikat) je skriven.'