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Building User Space

EtchedPixels edited this page Nov 15, 2014 · 8 revisions

Current temporary instructions

This is all a bit messy so it will be best if this is in the Wiki for the moment

cd Library/tools

make binman fcc fsize syscall

mkdir /opt/fcc # currently hardcoded

mkdir /opt/fcc/bin /opt/fcc/lib /opt/fcc/include

cp binman fcc /opt/fcc/bin

cd ../libs


cd fuzix


cd ..


cp crt0.rel /opt/fcc/lib

cp syslib.lib /opt/fcc/lib/c.lib

cd ../include

cp -r * ../opt/fcc/include/

Build application code

fcc foo.c -c

fcc foo.rel -o foo

Right now that has to be two steps - fcc needs a lot of work to make it hide all the sdcc weirdness


ucp filesystem

cd wherever

get foo

chmod foo 755



stdio is currently not entirely well

time is broken

signals/alarm seems to be busted (probably kernel side)