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Releases: EtienneDx/RealEstate

Spigot 1.16.3 support

02 Oct 17:11
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I finally had the time to update the modified GP as well as RealEstate so that both are now updated to their latest versions, and to the latest 1.16 version.

There might still be a few bugs, please report the logs in the Issues section so that they might be fixed ASAP

Messages localization

15 May 16:33
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New features

  • messages.yml file has been added, containing the different messages seen in game.

Bug fixes

  • /re renewrent no longer produces an error for admin claims
  • reduced the default page size to 8, as it is the maximum amount that can be seen at once on the chat

Fix in config

15 May 13:38
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The config wasn't being properly written, it is now fixed

Bug fixes and admin cancel command

15 May 09:23
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This release brings GP back to it's latest version with a new modified Grief Prevention jar file.
Hopefully, by next release RealEstate will be able to work directly with the original Grief Prevention plugin, without need for a modified jar.


New features

  • /re cancel -- This command has been added for admins to be able to remove an existing transaction from the game

Bug fixes

  • Added api version to plugin.yml
  • Fixed a file creation error log
  • Admins are now able to take parts into exit offers
  • Subclaims for rent now don't inherit permissions from their parents, and the renter is now named manager from the claim until his rent expires. Owners need to be trusted explicitely by the renter to modify the subclaim
  • Cleaned up old code

Multiple bug fixes - Spigot 1.15 support

27 Feb 17:25
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It feels like a lifetime since I last released a new update, but here are finally the few bugfixes that have been requested over the last few months...

As you've probably guessed since I haven't updated it for months now, I'm usually rather busy but do plan to keep developping plugins whenever I have some free time!

The plugin has now moved to 1.15, as did GriefPrevention. If you want to use it for 1.14 servers, you should remain on the old version of the GriefPrevention modified jar provided in an earlier release, as this modified one will not be compatible with spigot 1.14...

Permission trust

27 Aug 11:19
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claims being rented or leased now come with a permissiontrust, so that players may rent claims "together".

This release still needs the modified GriefPrevention jar, please scroll :)

If you find any bug, please report them so they may get fixed :D

Release and Server claims

06 Aug 18:55
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This version is finally considered production ready, as no bug have been reported since the last snapshot. Features will now stay as they are, with only improvemments and no feature removal (except if some errors appear).

/!\ This release still requires the compatibility GriefPrevention provided in a previous release (check release history) /!\

New features

Admin claims selling, renting and leasing is now a thing. Any admin claim sold, rented or leased will automatically be considered as a server offer. This means the money will go to the server, and not to one specific player. Admins can purchase admin claims, just like any other player. This solves issue #10

There is also a new command, /re list, which allow users to see all offers available on the server.

Bug Fixes

21 May 18:26
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Bug Fixes Pre-release

Fix for the #8 issue, as well as the fact config files weren't being properly created in previous versions.

Again, need for the provided GriefPrevention.jar file (see older releases for more infos)

Config Comments

18 May 19:49
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Config Comments Pre-release

Small release, switched the config use to as a way to add comments to said config, to clarify the use of each field.

/!\ Still requires the provided GriefPrevention.jar file (it's the same as in 0.3.0) /!\

Fix resizes and abandonclaim

17 May 13:15
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Previously, it was possible to resize and abandon claims while they were being rented/leased. This updates comes with a solution, but requires a modified version of GriefPrevention, until eventually it gets merged into the actual GriefPrevention alltogether.


This is still an experimental solution for issue #2

Future versions will include options to allow or disallow the owner access / containers / build permissions. Currently, a rented claim cannot have it's trustlist changed, and the owner loses all his permissions while the transaction isn't finished.